• Member Since 9th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2018


Okay, now I know the empty bottle of whiskey on my desk 'looks' bad, but there's a perfectly sober explanation.

More Blog Posts31

  • 418 weeks
    Flintlock Saga Finale

    The first chapter of the final story in the series is now live. This story, this ending, has been in the making for about a year now, impeded by writer's block and my general laziness. I've had this one written out in planning phases since I started working on Warriors, and never did I thought the day would arrive when I would actually work on this.

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    0 comments · 375 views
  • 445 weeks
    Starlight Glimmer

    I promised myself that I would hate the world if the Season 5 Finale ended the way it did.

    And after a season finale like that, it is a promise I have not been able to keep.

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  • 450 weeks
    Flintlock 3

    So obviously the third story in the Flintlock saga is out. I keep forgetting I have this blog thingy in which I can just rattle on-and-on and really enjoy the sound of my own voice... or typing... whatever.

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  • 453 weeks
    Headhunters Sequel

    The sequel to "HEADHUNTERS" is out now. You can find "WARRIORS" here.
    The next story in the Flintlock Saga is all planned out and I've started work on it already. Hopefully it will be out in less than a year.

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  • 454 weeks
    Semi-Major Edit

    I made a change to "Nature's Wrath" in Canis Fidelis: Reclamation. I didnt much like the way Bungee interacted with Winona and figure many readers didn't either. I changed it, not too majorly, but while Bungee is a little impatient he's at least cool about it. After all, he thinks he's doing a job and Winona and then Tasha are kind of bugging him.

    2 comments · 400 views

Versus Equestria Deleted Interval · 11:24pm Nov 21st, 2013

Versus Equestria Deleted Interval

Originally Interval 5 of VsE was going to be as you see below. But it turned out quite dark and un-funny. Yeah, there were humourous bits, and it was pretty wacky. But I just wasn’t feeling it. So you can read what I wrote of it below. Be warned though, it’s entirely unfinished.

And don’t comment something retarded like “I’ll read it when it’s finished,” because it’s not going to be finished. The story you see below has been abandoned. It will not be finished… ever. What you see is what you get.

The actual Interval 5 of VsE titled ‘L.T.L. Enterprises’ will be entirely different from what you see below. So if you’re curious to see what my original ideas for Interval 5 were, and want to see what my stories look like while they’re in the process of being written, have a looksee.

The mountain air was far from silent thanks to the rustling noise of a candy bar's wrapper pulled out of a unicorn's saddle-bag. He licked his lips, anticipating the chocolaty goodness contained within the multi-coloured foil wrapper. Though his anticipation for deliciousness was crudely interrupted as the candy bar suddenly snapped out of his gaze.

"Mine now!” Rabbit whooped as he whipped around the unicorn, snatching away the candy bar out of the telekinetic grip as he went.

“Get back here!” Captain Shining Armour yelled as he galloped after the teenager escaping on his skateboard.

Rocketing down the road carrying them down the northern side of Foal Mountain, Rabbit leaned from side to side to ‘carve’ or weave around the uneven sections and pot-holes. His arms were held out for balance, the filched candy bar clutched in his right fist.

“That’s my candy bar!” Shining yelled his voice reminding Rabbit of a typical stoner. Or at the very least a surfer-dude. “Cadence gave it to me!”

“I contest that assessment!” Rabbit chortled. “We all know it’s the handsome human sidekick she has the hots for!”

Over a dozen metres uphill, two figures followed in a much more calm fashion. Trixie and Princess Cadence shared a chuckle, watching Rabbit slow down to take a sharp corner, only to let Shining Armour catch up and brutally tackle the teenager. As the two disappeared into a cloud of dust wrestling over the questionable ownership of the candy bar, the two mares in their company caught up and cantered past.

“You boys play nice.” Cadence warned jokingly, though she didn’t pause to watch the fight.

Without paying their rough antics too much mind, the duo picked up their conversation again.

“So he didn’t take his arrival in Equestria well, I presume?” Cadence asked Trixie.

“Oh, heck no. Though, Trixie should give him some credit.” The showmare giggled. “He was pulled through a trans-dimensional wormhole the size of a hat.”

Cadence returned the giggle. “Not much of an excuse to be stupid though.”

In their wake, Shining Armour overpowered the teenager, shoving his face into the dirt before relieving him of the candy bar. Leaving Rabbit to squirm, the captain of the guard proudly levitated the candy in front of him as he galloped after Trixie and his wife.

Spluttering, the human dusted off his jacket and jeans, snatched up his board and gave chase. “Hey, you only won that ‘cuz I was taking it easy on you.”

“Yeah, right.” The pale unicorn snorted, keeping the candy bar out of Rabbit’s kleptomaniacal reach.

“Of course.” The boy defended as they caught up to the mares. “Wouldn’t want to fuck you up before your big honeymoon night. Which works how exactly?”

Trixie snickered. “Well, when two ponies love each other very much-...”

Rabbit choked. “Gah! Not like that! Holy shit, not like that! I meant how exactly are you having a honeymoon?” the teenager took in the surroundings as they left the barren foothills and entered a wooded area. Trees rose high on both sides of the road, blocking the Equestria horizon. A cold draught whipped up under his jacket, causing him to shiver as he noted the cool drizzle prickle his skin. “When Celestia said sun baked beaches I was expecting more beaches... or sun! Honeymoons are meant to have sun for crying out loud!”

Cadence chuckled. “Was Aunty Celestia tipsy?”

Rabbit chewed the corner of his mouth thoughtfully for a moment. “Maybe.”

“If there is enough doubt on her sobriety for you to say maybe, then yes; Auntie Celestia was definitely tipsy.” The cerise alicorn assured.

The teenager scratched his head. That still didn’t make much sense. “Then why would she be talking about sun baked beaches?”

“Next time you’re in Canterlot throw her a beach party.” Shining took over. “You’ll see.” he added suggestively.

Slowing their pace, Trixie and Rabbit frowned casting each other a concerned glance. Needless to say, next time they were in Canterlot they would not be doing that.

Jogging to catch up with the newlywed honeymooners, Rabbit asked: “So where are we going?”

“Hollow Slades.” Shining Armour explained. At the uttering of the place’s name, Trixie perked up and gasped with gleeful surprise. “It’s a famous little village in the woodlands just ahead of us.”

“Really?” Trixie beamed. “Trixie has always wanted to go to Hollow Slades!”

“Hollow... Slades...?” Rabbit sighed with a disappointed shake of his head. “Yeah, this should be good.”

It certainly was good as the small town came into view as the forest opened up. Spread out before them was a one-street town. The dull grey stone buildings were topped by dirty brown thatch with thick black smoke pluming from the chimney-pots. In the fading evening sunlight, the small windows glowed golden with the candle-light flickering on the cosy insides.

This is Hollow Slades!?” Rabbit exclaimed with no regard for his volume. “What a dump!”

“Oh, it’s so quaint.” Trixie cooed as she took in the one street village, ignoring her coltfriend’s crude analysis of the famous town.

Sure, it was quaint, but it was also rustic looking. There were a few farms at the looks of it. Some pigs oinked in a pen in somepony’s garden that was slung with muck. There were rusty public troughs standing outside some of the dwellings, though they looked quite abandoned in the muddy road.

Taking a step beyond the town border, Rabbit heard a splash and a squish before something cold seeped through his sock. Looking down he lifted his foot to see muddy water drip from his trainers.

“Quaint... right.” Rabbit groaned as he realised there was quite obviously no sun, no beaches and no girls in biki-... okay, maybe he’d have none of that in Equestria. But the lack of the former two was disturbing enough, coupled with the fact there probably wasn’t even any running water either. Equestria was already pretty backward, but out there in Hollow Slades it felt like the teenager had stepped back into the fucking dark-ages! “So what’s this dung-heap-I mean quaint little village famous for?”

Shining Armour explained with an excitable grin that stretched from ear to ear. “Hollow Slades is the inspiration for a load of settings in various horror-stories. Authors used to flock here in the dozens to take in the sights and get into the right frame of mind before writing.”

“Some of Trixie’s favourite books were written while the author was renting a room at the Hollow-Inn. The Headless Pony was the first. Then came The Ponies of the Apocalypse, The Whinny, and Versus Equestria.” Trixie rattled off.

Rabbit scoffed at the last title she mentioned. “Versus Equestria? That doesn’t sound very scary... sounds kind of stupid actually.”

“Meh,” Trixie rocked a hoof from side to side in a ‘so-so’ sort of fashion. “It was alright.”

“So you guys planned your honeymoon around visiting a beaten up little horror-story setting?” Rabbit reasoned tiredly.

Shining Armour nodded. “We’ve always had something of a soft spot for Hollow Slades inspired horror-stories.”

Cadence giggled into her hoof. “I don’t remember anything about last night’s reading session being soft.”

Rabbit’s eyes rolled automatically. “You two have the hormonal eroticism of an elderly couple pre-booking tickets to a Pat Boone concert.”

“What do you guys read?” Trixie piped up.

“Anything and everything really.” Cadence replied striking up fresh conversation. “Only last night we reached the halfway point of Slender.”

Trixie gasped. “Oh, Trixie loves that one! Especially that one bit-...” The one human didn’t really catch much more of the conversation as the three ponies chattered excitedly the rest of the way to the village inn.

Following, the teenager visibly slouched. “You are not the mare I met three months ago, Trix!”

My Little Pony:
Versus Equestria

[Eight-comma-four Feet of Terror]
Interval 5.1: The Vile Ville

The tourists are excited, but it seems the locals are shutting in every night, and are disturbed that the party were out after dark. Shining Armour, Cadence, Trixie and Rabbit enter the Hollow Inn causing the whole place to fall silent as the locals watch the newcomers carefuly.

Rabbit looking at a taxidermy deer head trophy “Seriously, is nopony seeing these fifty shades of wrong?” He commented dryly.

The innkeeper tells the party exactly why they shouldn’t be out after dark.

Trixie, excitedly “Slendermane from The Legend of Slendermane!?”

“Slendermane.” Rabbit sighed with a facepalm so heavy it nearly knocked him out. “Oh, come the fuck on!”

“We knew it! We knew he was real! Didn’t we, dear?” Cadence said bouncing a little too excitedly.

Rabbit shook his head as he sat back on the edge of one of the tables. “Wow... I’m... left for words at the sheer stupidity of all this.”

The innkeeper took himself and his patrons perfectly seriously though. “Fear not, little princess and captain. Ye’ll be safe under this roof ‘till morn’.”

“Morn’?” Rabbit complained. “Who says that? Is anypony else catching the crippling case of stupid that’s going around this town?”

It seemed the teenager was being ignored – he couldn’t tell if it was intentional – as Shining Armour went on to say: “Well, I suppose we won’t be camping under the stars like planned, eh? We’ll take a room for two.” His head turned to Trixie with a subtle nod in Rabbit’s direction. “How about you guys?”

Trixie hurriedly levitated a bunch of coins onto the bar. “Double room for us too. Not that Slendermane would stand a chance against the Great and Powerful Trixie,” – she puffed up her chest proudly before her brave stance faltered a bit – “But... well, Trixie has the safety of her coltfriend to consider!”

Rabbit “Really? I have a monster in my world called Slenderman, and it’s pretty much the same fucking thing. Difference is, Slenderman doesn’t exist... oh, wait. There is no difference, because there is no such thing as a limb-extending, tentacle raping monster that permeates fear! This guy is just spinning a story to sell a room.”

Cadence “Wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry?”

Rabbit “C’mon! I’m willing to bet this innkeeper has no solid evidence to back his story.”

Innkeeper “No evidence, eh? Well how ‘bout a guest who arrived jus' a few days before ye'! Monster took ‘im, the poor colt... sweet Celestia, I can still hear the screamin’.” Some ponies listening in nod sadly

Pony at bar “True, I heard the screams myself.”

Cadence “I’m so sorry.”

Shining Armour “If there’s anything we can do...”

Rabbit “Anything we can do!? Okay, this has gone beyond a joke now! There’s a pony out there screaming because he’s probably injured and you’re just leaving him out in the cold because this asshole’s spinning ghost stories?”

Cadence “Rabbit! Behave!”

Innkeeper gives Rabbit the stink-eye “But there is th’ reward I’m handin’ out ‘fer th’ head o’ the beast. Perhaps ye’ll put ‘yer bravery ta’ th’ test ‘n hunt the creature?”

Rabbit drew his climbing-axe and stepped up confidently. “Fuck yeah, asshole! Keep my supper, warm. I’ll just be a minute.”

Trixie “Rabbit, no!”

Well that didn’t sound like Trixie. She was always up for an adventure, disproving established theories and spitting in the face of those who told her she couldn’t do something. She should have been on board to go disprove a ghost story, and then some.

Turning to face her, Rabbit frowned at her glare. “What? Why?”

Trixie “You are not going out there with a bucking slendermane on the loose! Especially not alone!”

Rabbit “But...”

“No, Rabbit!” her glare suddenly faltered and her true feelings came to light. Her expression softened and Trixie looked more concerned, like a scared little filly who’d just woken up from a terrible nightmare. “Please don’t leave me alone.” She whispered.

Rabbit “Don’t tell me this asshole is freaking you out.”

Trixie, leaning in to whisper “He is. I am scared, but not because of a silly ghost story... what if there is something out there taking ponies? Could be Slendermane, or could be a manticore, I dunno! I can’t bear the thought of losing you. Not again. Promise me you’ll stay with me. Promise me, Rabbit.”

Rabbit sighed with a slow nod. “Okay, fine. I’ll wait ‘till morning to look around.”

Returning the nod, Trixie smiled thankfully. Touching the side of his face with one hoof, she reared back to gain a bit of elevation and pecked him on the lips. “Thank you.”


Rabbit wakes up around midnight. He can’t sleep, so he heads out despite Trixie’s instructions, hoping to get a glimpse at this ‘Slendermane.’ As he searches the woods, Rabbit doesn’t fail to freak himself out.

“Would you settle the fuck down, Rabbit? You’re being such a pussy... and now you’re talking about yourself, to yourself.”

Hearing a noise “Squirrels. Yeah... squirrels foraging for food... in the middle of the night... in a world where animals don’t forage, but are provided for by ponies... not freaking myself out at all.”

Hearing hoofsteps “That’s not a squirrel... oh, no shit, Rabbit.”

Reaching an abandoned shack that looks like it was tossed, Rabbit comes face to face with the eight comma four feet of terror itself, Slendermane.

“Oh, come the fuck on.”

Not really the typical Slendermane, this is a faceless creature but it seems much more organic, the black suit and tie is more like a pattern coloured into the creature’s coat, and it’s back is home to a set of wings that open up to allow a set of extending tendrils to rise up. Rabbit bashes the creature in the face with his climbing-axe and runs for it across the dark woods - re-enacting the Blair Witch Project to his own dismay - escaping into an old mineshaft.

“This is not how I originally pictured spending my first weekend with my girlfriend!”

There a collapse of the tunnel saves him from being brutalised by the slender pony, and the teenager sets off deeper into the mines hoping there’s another escape route.


My Little Pony:
Versus Equestria

[Eight-comma-four Feet of Terror]
Interval 5.2: ???

Rabbit comes to a main chamber where he finds a workshop home to a pony calling himself Clockwork. He is the researcher whom the village ponies think died.

“Clockwork,” The pony introduced.

“Rabbit.” the teenager paused before frowning confusedly. “Hey, the innkeeper in Hollow Slades said you were eaten by Slendermane.”

“Slendermane? You know he’s just a scary pony-tale, right?”

“Tell that to the scary pony-tale that almost ate me,” Rabbit chuckled.

“Nononono, Slendermane wouldn’t eat you. He’d disembowel you and watch you squirm for kicks.”

“Oh… good…”

Clockwork has been down in the mines digging up forgotten old human artefacts, among which is the monster-killer - a gun a-la Hellboy’s ‘samaritan.’ It fires extremely rare ‘kill-anything’ rounds, special bullets infused with a mashup of monster weaknesses. Rabbit warns Clockwork of Slendermane running around out there, and the pony is pessimistic about the existence of the slender pony. He’s looked for their kind for years and found nothing. While their talking a monster has infiltrated the workshop and confronts them. Rabbit thinks Slendermane found them when it turns out to be a were-pony.

“See?” Clockwork exclaimed with a proud intellectual wave of his hoof. “No such thing as Slendermane! It’s just a were-pony!”

“And how is that so much fucking better!?”

Rabbit tries to shoot the were-pony wiht the fancy gun but overestimates his own shooting prowess. He empties all the extremely rare bullets into the wall and floor.

What was it Clockwork had said about the monster-killer? It was a repeater. Cock the first shot and fire away. So that’s exactly what Rabbit did.

His thumb reached up to pull back the hammer with surprising ease until it clicked and locked back into position. With a metallic ping the trigger flicked out of the housing, touching the teenager’s fingertip. He didn’t waste any time in holding out the gun and repeatedly pulling the trigger.

He was shooting back as they ran. The pistol kicked like a mule with every trigger-pull, especially since he fired one handed, and each shot left a ringing in his ears. He didn’t know if he was hitting anything, too afraid to look back because he might not like what he saw. He didn’t even know if he was holding the gun right. Was it sideways – all gangsta style – or maybe it was upside down? It seemed irrelevant by the time he considered aiming might be a good idea, since he soon realised he was pulling the trigger and nothing was happening.

The were-pony tears the workshop apart, but not before Rabbit and Clockwork make their escape up an elevator he put into an emergency escape tunnel.

“Were you actually shooting that thing?” Clockwork panted.

Rabbit scoffed. “Of course!”

“I haven’t actually tested it yet! It could have just exploded!”

“Oh.” Rabbit looked down wide eyed to make sure his right arm didn’t just end in a bloody stump. Holding up the very much intact gun clutched in his still intact hand, the teenager managed a crooked smile. “Lucky me.”

Clockwork was still frowning heavily though. “Did… did you use all the very rare bullets!?”

“Uh…” check and burns himself on the barrel “Ow!” Rabbit opens the gun and drops the empty shells “Looks like.”

“Well, what did you hit?” Clockwork asked looking like he was about to have a panic attack at the sight of all those empty rounds.

Judging by the noise the still alive were-pony was making, nothing much to brag about. “… the wall?”

Snatching the gun out of Rabbit’s grip with his telekinesis, Clockwork angrily checked the cylinder himself to make sure all the rounds were indeed expended. “Unbelievable.” He growled before snapping the gun shut and stuffing it into his saddle bags.

“Hey… in case it’s following us out here don’t you think I should hold on to the gun?”

“Hmmmm. Let me think, uh- NO!” Clockwork suddenly yelled. “You just unloaded months of work into a freakin wall!”

As the pony stormed off Rabbit huffed a little offended. “Touchy.”


Rabbit and Clockwork head back to town and are confronted by Trixie, Cadence and Shining Armour. Trixie of course has a go at Rabbit.

She started hitting him over the head with every angry word uttered. “You promised me! You...” – punch – “Made...” – punch – “A...” – punch – “Promise...” – punch – “You...” – punch – “Complete...” “And...” – punch – “Total...” – punch – “Jerk!”

When she was done hitting, Rabbit was still cowering under his arms. “Are you done?”

Trixie took a deep breath and suddenly smiled as if nothing had happened. “Yeah. Better now.”

When they make it back to Hollow Slades, the villagers are in uproar, a mob led by the innkeeper claiming the human and Clockwork have doomed them, leading Slendermane to their village.


My Little Pony:
Versus Equestria

[Eight-comma-four Feet of Terror]
Interval 5.3: ???

In the attempts to talk the villagers down, Slendermane attacks Hollow Slades. But it doesn’t seem to be killing anypony. Instead it goes straight for the innkeeper who suddenly morphs into a were-pony – the very same that attacked Clockwork and Rabbit.

“Seriously!?” Rabbit yelled scrambling out of the mud where he’d fallen. “I did not see that coming!”

Shining Armour wasn’t so quick to get up, just laying there playing dead staring confusedly at the sky. “Will somepony please explain to me what the hay is going on?”

“Slendermane exists. Hollow Slades’ innkeeper is a were-pony and he’s been pinning murders he’s committed on the slender pony,” Clockwork rattled off in short-hand.

Shining Armour “Oh… good… that clears it all up then.”

Rabbit and Clockwork follow the were-pony into the inn where the pony reveals he has one last round for the monster-killer and hands the gun to Rabbit. The were-pony seperates the two and tackles Rabbit down into the wine cellar where the teenager is hunted in a labrynth of storage cupboards and wine racks.

Damn it, Rabbit cursed in his head.

Rabbit would give anything for his mom to be there with him, and not many teenager would brag about that. And he wasn’t thinking it because he needed a hug. He was thinking it because his mom was better at kicking ass that he was.

Still, he did his best to remember what she had taught him.

Sweep the room quickly and smoothly. Keep your back against a wall, don’t turn away from shadows and double check the dark corners. Christ, Rabbit could swear he could hear her barking the orders to him even then.

Though he had to wonder what his mother would have to say if Rabbit told her he’d stood in the midst of a monster-mash between a were-creature and a terrifying internet viral-character. Probably something along the lines of: “No more video-games for you, mister.”

Mimicking her voice in his head caused, Rabbit to force a small grin at least. Though it didn’t last for very long.

A shadow pounced his flank, wiping that smirk right off his face in an instant. It was replaced instead with a scream. Quite a girlish scream, might I add; but then how would you react when you’re jumped by a four legged mass of coarse fur and great big pointy teeth?

While knocked down, Rabbit is re-united with an old friend.

The snail gave a broad grin. “Hey.”

Rabbit gaped for a moment before hissing, “Jesus... what are you doing here? Aren’t you dead or something?”

The snail snorted at that with a shrug. “Let’s just say the boys upstairs like me.”

“And weren’t you a slug before?”

“I upgraded. Seriously, you should see inside this thing.” His head disappeared into his shell for a moment, his voice echoing out the small opening left. “It’s like the ultimate crib. I could be on MTV!”

“Wanting that is like a whole new level of under-achieving.”

Snail’s head popped out again, but this time he was glaring instead of grinning like an idiot. “Alright, bitchy. What’s got you in a sour mood? I’d thought you would be happy to see me lend some explanatory exposition about your current predicament.”

“First, I don’t need your exposition. I’ve figured it all out already. The innkeeper is a were-pony, and Slendermane has been taking the fall for his bad deeds. And second, my sour mood may have something to do with – oh, I dunno – being hunted down by a were-pony!?”

Rabbit is saved last minute by Slendermane who knocks the were-pony away and hands the teenager back the monster-killer.

Rabbit gingerly took the weapon by the barrel, Slendermane’s tendril slithering away from the stock and letting the rest of the weight fall in the boy’s hand.

“Sorry about the… y’know,” – Rabbit sheepishly indicated the gash his climbing-axe had left across the slender pony’s face from their first encounter.

The faceless creature didn’t make a sound, merely nodding slowly.

“Thanks,” the teenager added hoarsely taking the pistol he’d been handed by the grip again.

Joined by Slendermane, Rabbit ascends back to the ground level and leaves the inn to find the were-pony outside holding Trixie hostage. While Slendermane catches his attention, Rabbit sees a gap and shoots the innkeeper in the face.

Looking down at the monster-killer clutched in his shaking hands, Rabbit very gently thumbed the hammer and pulled the trigger, softly de-cocking the pistol and leaving the firing pin resting in a safety-notch carved between chambers in the cylinder. With the nervous shivers running all the way up his arms, Rabbit was amazed he was able to actually shoot the were-pony and hit him. Even if he’d been calm, normally he would have missed. Rabbit had no delusions of grandeur about his shooting skills. He was a terrible shot. Hell, he was a pretty bad shot with a camera.

His mind quickly flashed to a memory of Clockwork’s underground workshop. He’d said the pistol was engraved with rites of true-shot. That was probably how he’d managed to shoot straight.

Did that make the teenager feel better though? After all, he’d just shot and killed a pony. A were-pony – a monster; sure. But a pony none-the-less.

“Rabbit?” Cadence called as she galloped over. “Rabbit are you alright?”

Rabbit shook his head very slowly as he let the pistol slip from his hands. The wooden stock brushed over his fingertips as it fell, causing the weapon to tumble mid-air before hitting the dirt with a distinct thud.

“No.” Rabbit croaked. “I’m not... I’ll never be the same.”

Shining Armour frowned heavily. “What? Why?”

“I just killed a pony!” Rabbit called out angrily at himself.

Cadence mimicked Shining’s frown. “Actually, you didn’t! You missed. Clipped him in the leg.”

“Really?” Rabbit suddenly perked up.

Looking up he saw the innkeeper laying there, changed from were-form back to pony-form and clutching a gash in his foreleg. It wasn’t even a penetrating shot; it had just about nicked the flesh open above the knee.

Despite all those horrible feelings associated with thinking he had shot and killed a pony, Rabbit still yelled out, “Sunovabitch!”

“Dude, are you like cross-eyed or something!?” Clockwork laughed. “Seven bullets, worth roughly a thousand bits each. Each and every one of them wasted.” Staring at the empty gun, Clockwork couldn’t help let out a tired sigh. “Unbelievable.”


Shining Armour and Cadence say their goodbyes, returning to Canterlot where the innkeeper will be cured of his affliction and be tried fairly for his crimes. The duo even see Clockwork before he goes on his way.

Rabbit “So, what are you gonna do now?”

Clockwork “I’m going back to Canterlot, see if the royal guards will take me back.”

Rabbit “Why?”

Clockwork “Well, with what’s going on lately, they’re going to need a good armourer. The Crystal Empire re-surfacing, Discord running around the place. There’s definitely a storm coming. Best batten down the hatches.”

Rabbit “Fair enough. Hey, if anypony gives you trouble lemme know. I’ll sort ‘em out.”

Clockwork “Thanks, Rabbit.”

Rabbit “Don’t thank me. I take no pride in beating up ponies... well, maybe a little.”

They laugh. “No, I mean thanks for helping me out, Rabbit. If you hadn’t come along... I dunno what would have happened,” Clockwork admitted.

Rabbit “You would have been fine.”

Trixie “Well now! Is that some humility from the Great and Powerful Rabbit?”

Rabbit “Hey, it’s the Remarkable Rabbit, thank you very much.” To Clockwork “Stay safe, dude. Top shelf!” hoofbump “Oh, and I don’t suppose there’s a cash prize for the discovery of a new class of pony, is there? I technically co-found it.”

There was the old familiar Rabbit.

Clockwork shrugged. “Sorry.”

“Meh... was worth a try.”

As Trixie and Rabbit go their own way, Rabbit laments over the whole conclusion to their adventure.

Rabbit “I save the day, get the girl, but where are my thanks!?”

Trixie “Your thanks?”

Rabbit “Yeah! Nopony said ‘thank you, Rabbit; for saving the day. Here, marry my daughter.’ Nopony even offered me any treasure as repayment for my emotional trauma!”

Trixie “You need thanks?”

Rabbit “Well, no, but… actually, fuck it! Yes! Yes I do!”

As Trixie is laughing at Rabbit’s complaints, a tall figure crosses their path. Stopping dead, Rabbit and Trixie watch as Slendermane stands in their way. Appearing from the woods are a whole herd of slender ponies, crossing the path and vanishing again peacefully. Galloping up to its parent’s side is a smaller slender pony. Slendermane and its foal nuzzle for a moment before looking at Rabbit and quietly follow after the herd.

“How’s that for thanks?” Trixie asked with a wide smirk plastered on her face.

Rabbit smiled. “Good enough for me.”

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Original Characters, Settings, Designs and Themes © to Hasbro and the Respective Owners. Please support the official release.

Report PseudoFiction · 459 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

That was pretty interesting, even though it wasn't exactly finished it still was a good read. And I thought it was kinda neat that we got a glimpse at your writing process.

It wasn’t even a penetrating shot; it had just about nicked the flesh open above the knee.

I used to be a were-pony like you, then I took a bullet to the knee.

I highly recommend fixing this up and saving it for next Halloween.
Seriously, this would be perfect.

+1 to Adin Terim - it is very good read even unfinished :twilightsmile:

1527643 Alas...itll never run again..need to put it out of its misery..

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