Learning new things through ponies · 8:33pm Nov 5th, 2013
So, I have finally decided to have a go at the whole blogging thing. It feels weird - like talking about stuff to no-one in particular, hoping that someone gets interested. Then again, how is it different from posting stories? You don't choose your readers - the readers choose you (if you're good enough).
So first, to anyone waiting for the next chapter of "A Day at the Quest Hub" - the whole story is already planned out scene by scene, I just need an inspiration to write it all down. A fickle thing it is, my inspiration comes and goes. Today it went into this blog.
And now to today's topic. One of the great things about MLP and even more about its fandom is that is takes good things from so many sources. By reading about ponies you can get introduced to all kinds of cool works or see things you have already seen or read from a new perspective. For example, one of the best things this site has done to me was introducing me to Dresden Files.
Last weekend I made another discovery.
A link posted in the comments of "The Mane Six Discover Human Music" introduced me to Les Miserables musical. I was instantly charmed. I must confess I never read the book (I have read some doorstoppers in my life, but Hugo just doesn't appeal to me. It might be because of his plots being common knowledge nowadays, or for his tendency to randomly go off topic and spend several pages describing something like the architecture of Paris), but the musical instantly made it into my top 5 favourites.
I spent a large chunk of the weekend searching youtube for different versions, including one in my own language (I was curious, especially since I used to work as a translator) and the 2012 movie (It has a lot of epic moments, but I must say the Cohen and Carter duo overdid the Thenardiers, pushing them from "villainous, but funny" to "physically repulsive".) Many epic clips were discovered. Also, MB, I finally got that "keeper of the zoo" reference you made a couple months ago ;P
I can only hope more amazing discoveries will follow in the future.
Two conclusions to end the blog post with:
1 The Polish cast of the musical was awesome.
2 Though I learned of one from the other, directly mixing Les Miserables and ponies is sick and evil.