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Top 5 Scariest Moments as a kid · 12:31am Nov 1st, 2013

We all watched something on TV or in a movie that scared us crap-less as a child. And since it's Halloween, I'm going to list the moments that scared ME as a child. So, enjoy! (I apologize if I don't have the cleanest footage of some videos)

5.) The Wickersham Brothers from Horton Hears A Who! (1970)
I wasn't exactly scared of these guys as a kid, but I still found them pretty creepy. The way they hop around, do weird movements with their hands and faces, and they also sung a pretty underrated villain song. Overall, these guys didn't scare me too much, if only the other ones were just as soft.

4.) The Coachman from Pinocchio (1940)
I will admit Pinocchio isn't one of my absolute favorite films. And even though I do like it, I realized just how freaking messed up and weird this movie can sometimes be. I mean at least Alice in Wonderland mostly took place in a dream. Well, anyway, let's talk about the Pedophile-I mean the Coachman. This guy is plain sick. He takes little boys to a place where they can do what ever they want, has them turn into donkeys, actually sells them to SALT MINES, and I just keep getting dirty, pedo thoughts of what this guys does to the talking donkeys. I don't know exactly what eventually happens to the poor kids, but I think for sure that they never come back...as...BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.) SpongeBob Squarepants: Graveyard Shift (2001)
This episode is one of the finest, it's creative, well-written and of course, funny as heck. However, it's actually the scariest episode also. While being funny, it's also filled with absolute suspense when Squidward tells the story of the Hash Slinging Slasher. It also has great horror music and Squidward's voice actor Roger Bumpass really does a great job of sending chills down your spine when he tells the gruesome tale. I won't reveal what happens in the end of the episode, but let me just say it's one of the best. It does the perfect mixture of both horror and humor at the same time.

2.) The Cave of Wonders from Aladdin (1992)
Out of all the darkest moments in Disney, I'm actually surprised this one is glanced over. I mean someone is eaten by a giant Tiger head at the very beginning of the movie! It has everything to put you in fear, the great spine-tingling music by Alan Menken, the great animation, and of course, The Cave of Wonders with it's deep, intimidating voice is just awesome, it used to scare the crap out of me as a kid.

1.) The Witch from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Dear God, this witch...this witch...I had nightmares for YEARS because of her! It's mainly because of those eyes...those eyes! Even now that I'm older this witch kind of creeps me out! Everytime when I don't expect to see her in a Disney tribute I always jump when I see her!

Well, those are my moments! What scared you as a kid? Happy Halloween. MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Report yodajax10 · 563 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Very impressive list my friend. Here are some of the moments that scared me when I was a kid.

1. Ernest Scared Stupid (The calling of Trantor the Troll by Ernest) - When I was just a young'un , the troll scared me to death that I watched the whole movie almost, peeking from underneath my pillow.

2. Pinocchio and The Emperor of the Night (The Puppeteer scene where Pinocchio turns full-fledged puppet through the creepy music played by the puppeteer)- This was one of the most disturbing scenes in my opinion in animation history when I was a kid. I loved the movie, but this part just scared me and gave me goosebumps.

So that's the only two I can think of when I was a child that scared me.

1471103 And what did you think of the moments that I mentioned above? What did you think of them individually? :-)

1472185 to be honest the only two I can comment on is the Aladdin one which I thought really set the tone for the movie. When the lion skull ate that peasant that was haunting yet powerful. Also the SpongeBob Squarepants one, just makes me laugh, because SpongeBob keeps on screaming .:rainbowlaugh:

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