• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2020


“I need you, the reader, to imagine us, for we don't really exist if you don't.”

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MSG Syndrome · 2:59pm Oct 26th, 2013

So I had a McD cheeseburger, a McChicken, a small fries, and a Sprite, after ages of not having either of these.

I feel mildly dizzy, my head is heavy, and I am disappoint with my digestive system.

Mild nightmare fuel warning.

You're welcome.

I suspect it to be the high levels of sodium. While MSG syndrome - also known as Chinese restaurant syndrome - is probably what's happening to me, the thing is... I'm Chinese myself. I ate Chinese food at Chinese restaurants on a regular basis before I came to Australia (though I'm not from China). By all accounts I should be immune to the stuff, because Asians, but... Just goes to show, really. McD (they call it Maccas here) = McDon't if you can afford to. Life experience get!

On fic-related news, TLaToCM has been plodding along steadily since that one time I missed an update because blah. If I recall correctly, I updated this arc of chapters in quick succession because there's a lot of setup, but since I have projects looming on the horizon one chappie a week is all I can manage. It's worth it, though! I think.

Also, I've been working very slowly on this oneshot thingy. By slowly, I mean about 500 words/a scene a day, for roughly 4 days per week. Except less, because by that count I should have it done by next week, but that doesn't seem to be true. Have you ever been in those ruts when you just stop writing because life, and try to get back into gear but just can't? Oneshot thingy is my practice at getting back into gear. I'm pretty happy with it, to be honest, and I reckon you guys might be too because it's unambitious inoffensive fluff. But, yes - I do want to keep the werds engine running, even if it's going to be just stuck on second gear for a good couple of months.

Here's a couple of things I read that I thought were pretty cool.

A Simple Reflection takes the idea of HiE and runs with it, except H is for horse. Yeah, kinda low-hanging fruit, but the writing quality's pretty good, and the setup seems nice. I've only read the first chapter but I might come back to see how the rest of it goes when I'm not bemoaning my intolerance.

Prodigy, despite its awful title, summary and picture, is actually quite decent, on the basis that it's interesting. It's a changeling story. With a curmedgeonish Starswirl. Never thought I'd read something like it, but there you go. I'm two chapters in and I have to get around to finishing the rest of it. It's huge, but I think it'll turn out quite epic. Go give him some love!

Report Casca · 180 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
Author Interviewer

I read something not that long ago (damned if I know where, of course) about how "Chinese restaurant syndrome" and the horrors of MSG in general were basically conjured up because of racism. That said, I don't think race will provide any advantage for you in this case. :B

As another Chinese person, I'll say yup, that's bizarre.

The fic recs look neat; thanks for them! D'you think we'll see more recommendations from you in future blog posts? (Well, then again, one doesn't come across remarkable stories that deserve the signal boost all that often.)

Take it easy, Dude, and keep up the good writing.

So did I - my initial guess was to blame the sodium instead of the glutamate, but one night of painful nausea later I'm not sure it's not full-blown food poisoning =\ all better now though!

Maaaaybe. The person below you is the one who started it - given that I read news articles more consistently than ponyfic I might do a blog featuring those instead =x lol jk

Good to see you're still up and about! You kinda went quiet for a bit heh.

Author Interviewer

I never reheat leftover Chinese food because I gave myself food poisoning doing that once. D:


Good to see you're still up and about!

Eh? Really? Thank you! Heh. Casca remembers my name. Rad.
As for disappearing, I just do that. Been quietly editing a few fics for friends, I guess. (But you know what would be a great help with knowing if a user hasn't been up and about? The little record of a user's five most recently posted comments that used to be on our profiles. Those were the days.)

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