• Member Since 14th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2022

Your Antagonist

Shut up. Just write.

More Blog Posts59

  • 338 weeks
    Formal Retirement From Fimfic

    What's there to say? I've had a good ole' run on this site, but I think it's time I finally close the book on my MLP fanfic career. I've made lots of progress as a writer, made some good friends and had a blast doing it, but as of late, I just don't feel compelled to type away at stories about pastel-colored horses like I used to. I've tried, but the spark just won't ignite like it used to. But

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  • 366 weeks
    Haven't done that in a while.

    Still feels all jittery and fluttery when you press the submit button. Oh, and I'm not dead yet so... yeah.

    Your Antagonist

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  • 414 weeks
    Soo... Anyone else here at Bronyccon?

    Been here for a few hours and I've pretty much been confined to the game room, but I'd love to meet and hang out my fellow fimfic users... If any of y'all are present of course. That said, anyone here?

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  • 427 weeks
    Cancelled yet INcomplete Stories #1 Having Your Cake And Eating Her Out Too (secret scenario)

    Warning/ Disclaimer: The following chapter contains depictions of sexual acts between two female, cartoon horses, one of whom is below the age of consent in certain states and countries, but not all. If this offends you, never forget: this isn’t real and no one is making you read this, so just suck it up and make better decisions.

    Having Your Cake and Eating Her Out Too

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  • 430 weeks
    Cancelled but complete stories#2: Everything's Wrong But At Least I've Got You Chapter 2

    The second chapter of that last blog story if anyone wanted a little more of that story (and I doubt anyone did).

    Everything’s Wrong, But At Least I’ve Got You

    Written By: Your Antagonist

    And That Night, She Dreamt Of That Day

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Midnight Rant: Fucking College... Is It Even Worth It? SubRant: I Really Hate Children in Arcades · 11:48am Sep 6th, 2013

Your Antagonist here,

Double rant tonight. As for my writing, I'm about 12K words in between 4 projects, so expect multiple releases or one big release in coming weeks. Yes that means Payback is a Switch Chapter 2, along with a fight fic, a... unique(?) clop story, and something completely my (non-sexual) fetish. Anyhow, let's get to it.

Fucking College... Is It Even Worth It?

You know, it's not that I don't appreciate college, because with all the emphasis that society puts on getting an higher education and monetary gain it's kind of hard not to. It's just that I don't derive any sense of fulfillment from it. By it I mean the grind. The whole earn five variants of a single degree which in reality doesn't guarantee you shit but debt and a slightly-better-but-not-really-that-much-better-shot at getting a job over someone with an intricate and extensive work history.

I mean what's the real point in pursuing a higher education for anything other than sating the pleasure of acquiring further knowledge? We're all without exception going to end up deep-sixed-- that's dead for those of you who don't get the slang-- at some point, so why do we willingly throw away precious hours upon days, upon years of our lives trying to attain some magical piece of paper that's allegedly the ticket to ultimate fulfillment in life except for the fact that, you know, you'll most likely end up in debt for it.

By no means is a degree not worth attaining, after all if one has the patience for school and it makes them happy, then by all means they should continue their schooling. It’s just we attach so much pressure to the concept of a degree. But with the way we build them up, we make it seem like the paper is a brilliant rainbow casting its radiance over a colorless gray sea of subparity and failure. A sea filled to the brim with directionless, unsuccessful, homeless dropouts who will never amount to anything because they didn’t pay to sit and be miserable for an upwards of four to eight years like every other ‘successful’ graduate in this country who followed their ‘dreams’.

I can’t speak for every person with a degree obviously, but honestly, there are some cases like dentists that make me wonder “Who the fuck, when they were a child, wanted to go to school for four years so they could clean and scrape teeth for a living?” That sure as hell wasn’t my fantasy growing up, I wanted to be a T-Rex pilot, because apparently I was awesome as a child. Then at some point, I matured a little more and realized I wanted to be an army man, and I guess I halfway made that dream come true. My point is we don’t do it because it makes us happy, we do it because it makes us stable.

Happiness is a dream we have to throw under the rug in favor of success and content at some point, which is the unfortunately very shitty message I gathered from watching the very hilarious Simon Pegg/ Edgar Wright movie“The World’s End”. Sad but true.

Once again, it’s not that I don’t appreciate college, and it’s not that I couldn’t handle the rising workloads. I will handle the workloads as I see fit, and I’ll get my degrees in time. Perhaps not now but eventually. It’s just that I’m very aware of how limited I am, and how limited an experience this whole life business is and how much of our time is wasted on these very pressure driven pursuits that have been pushed on us our whole lives by greedy fuckstains in a position of wealth and power and our fellow cogs in the machine.

It’s funny when you think about it. You push forth with all this business about degrees and finding a perfect career, and then just like that, in a freak instant, a stray bullet finds your spine, an inattentive driver turns a little too hard, or some undercooked chicken, and bam, you see how truly limited your life was, and society never bats an eye. It just takes your money, closes your box, fits a new cog into place, and the machine just keeps on turning.

Depressing isn’t it? Ah well, just keep on turning, that’s what we humans do isn’t it? We turn till the grave. At least until some fucker discovers immortality. Then we can turn forever.

Subrant- I Really Hate Children In Arcades

Do you like children? I fucking don't, or at least not most of them, and I think I'm justified in my saying this because some kids are awesome as hell while others haven't been struck enough by their parents. (Yeah, I said it, now deal with it.) You know what I do like however? Metal Slug. I fucking love Metal Slug with the exception of Metal Slug 1, 7 and the GBA edition. I love metal slug so much I can beat 2 and X in 10 credits losing no lives on the first four stages.

Now I've been playing on an emulator for the past few years so imagine my surprise when I hear from my friend that there's a legit Metal Slug 6 cabinet at what I presume to be the only Chuck E. Cheese on the island of Oahu. So off to the C.E.C I went, I traded in my money for the little tokens, and set out in search of the machine, and when I saw it, golly, she was a sight to behold. Using my knowledge of arcade machines that I've garnered from working in one for the past year, I started my venture on the player two side of the machine, because the player one side is ALWAYS fucked up on the game you really want to play. Remember that forever, it's the law of any arcade anywhere.

So I set out on my adventure of fucking every Nazi, alien, and tank up the ass with a Tomahawk and a machine gun and I'm just having a splendid time. Eating coffee favored werther's originals, listening to Nujabes, fucking shit up 2D and top-down, when all of a sudden this child who I'm going to refer to as Skidmark the Unwashed for the remainder of this story, walks up behind me. I think to myself, fuck it, he'll probably wait till I'm done, this is the last boss anyhow.

No. He does not wait. Skidmark puts a coin into the slot and jumps in, which I must add I had no problem with. He loses all three lives fairly quickly, and I assume that he'll either put in another coin or go away. He does neither of these two things. See, because I'm not one to waste time doing silly things like putting in credits everytime I hit the continue countdown on an arcade game, my little credit queue is at four. Skidmark, being the dried shame stain of a four year old that he was decided that my credits were his credits. That we were fucking friends.

Let me tell you something about Skidmark: I know nothing about Skidmark. I have never made Skidmark feel sexually uncomfortable, I have never been in a nerf war with him, we have never sparred or grappled, and I have never argued the finer points of increasingly harsher double standards between the sexes in America with him. We are not fucking friends. I gave a grunt of frustration.

So what does Skidmark do? I'll you what he didn't do, and he did not prove his competence as a metal slug player. He lost all three lives... again... this time out of my pocket. We can talk about how petty I am later. Because now Skidmark was looking at another fucking continue countdown. I assumed for a moment that he'd just move along and play something else, I was hoping on it, counting on it. He looks at me and quite emotionlessly, slaps the start button again. The look in his eyes could have only broken me further if he was fucking one of my exes on my bed-couch thing, with my own fire-and-ice condoms, because those are awesome and he is scum.

I think I yelled "Fucking tears!" in this family environment, but I'm not 100% sure. Then like a true asshole who has just allowed themselves into your kitchen during family dinner, he starts making himself at home, casually perusing the character selection like a 5' 11'' black dude in a 'Breaking Bad' T-shirt is just going to let him walk away not stuffed into a plastic barrel of hydrofluoric acid, while humming 'Winter Wrap Up'.

Just as contemplated snap-kicking his ass to the floor if he did it a third time, he just walks away without even selecting a character or playing the life. With that move I felt as though he not only fucked my ex like he did one paragraph up, but that he also poked holes in all of the other condoms just to spite me. In my confusion, I lost my Super-Vehicle on screen which not only killed me but put me back to the continue screen with only 1 credit left. Now, I beat the game and still got my 1st place on the pointless arcade rankings, but fuck that joy molesting crusty little shit stain. You just don't do that.

Your Antagonist

Report Your Antagonist · 416 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

Considering we die anyway, spending our time in college is just doing one pointless thing instead of doing other pointless things. At least we don't have to pay for them in my country (except for dorm. And scripts. And food. And internet. You know what, I take it back).

As for the children, my opinion is they should be isolated from the rest of the society until they reach certain age and level of maturity. This sentiment probably looks pretty harsh but it sprouts from my living conditions. I have to younger siblings and our house is located between kindergarten and elementary school. Primar genetical research should focus on delaying development of vocal chords until the age of 12.

Its really funny that you discuss this on my first week of college. I havent even gotten any homework yet and I feel like I'm gonna get overwhelmed.:ajsleepy: But direction in life is pointless and all that. Honestly if it wasnt for the fact that I'm another typical Brony...

static1.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/dat+no+neck+beard+_816f11ec19f3d81f8ded6d4cd2d5e200.jpg Just picture this but black

I'd go into the military in a heartbeat. Despite the fact that I dont know the feeling of pushing my body to its limits, getting yelled at in my face, or getting sent off to a foreign far away place to possibly get shot at, the way I see it (and please forgive me if I'm offending anyone in the service in any way) its better than spending years trying to get a piece of paper to compete with some other asshole carrying a better piece of paper. Thats just my extremly idiotic opinion.

And onto children!

You have not seen a fucking kid until you've met my cousin, the Soiled Cumstain, who on his 12th birthday, recieved a trailer full of classic arcade games. An. Entire. TRAILER. FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. And then proceeded to go play Red Dead after half an hour and had his mom lock up the trailer. Skidmark vs. Cumstain, who would win in the battle of absolute fagotry?

Ah, college. Sometimes friends come over to relax and get buzzed and we just happen to mention whether or not the place we're all going to is worth the massive fucking bill. Scary, and depressing, scary and depressing...

as a guy who grew up in an arcade, man, fuck that little twat, :flutterrage: that breaks several levels of arcade etiquette, I think five kinds of basic human respect, and petty theft. little shit D:<

That said, you ever wanna play some old school Virtual On on the 360, hit me up man.

I currently have four very small cousins.

Two were nice once. Now they're miserably spoiled brats.

One is still awesome, and I think she'll continue to be so for some time.

One is still quite small, and there's no doubt in my mind he will become a brat as well.


Well, someone's a bit bitter today.

1331655 Nah, don't worry too much about college. Despite what I said up there, it can be fun. Challenging, but fun. I mean I've definitely enjoyed the time I've spent in my college up to this point (even if I should have gotten my degree already :fluttershyouch:), because in my opinion the purpose of further schooling is to help you figure out what you want in life, and give you the means to attain it. I've figured out what I wanted to do thanks to my time spent there, and it's something I don't believe the classrooms could ever give me.

Interestingly enough I'm (as I've said dozens of times before) enlisted in the reserves (which means that I'm fully qualified as a soldier but I only work that life for a few days),and lots of other servicemen enlist so that they might have the better means to get that damn piece of paper.

But don't go thinking that all those who have enlisted have to get shot at. There's combat arms and there's combat support jobs in the military. Do your research, score high on the ASVAB and make an educated decision when selecting your MOS (there are so many fucking jobs that aren't just shooting and getting shot at, seriously, we have veternarians dentists, electricians, digital media correspondents, journalists, cops, etc.) and you might just be able to get some civilian side career relevant experience from the army, or you know, free school... after you serve your contract.

1331967Thanks for the advice and let it be reminded that I am an idiot. Or just ignorant. I know that there are jobs and roles like that. Trust me, I've done some research. Despite that, I've still wanted to be a soldier.

Wow. That damn jerk-child-creature-thing! :twilightangry2: :flutterrage:

I fucking hate children. With a passion. I also do not see the real use in getting a degree, especially when I can learn the same things from the internet or with the help of my friends that already know how to do it (Coding).

But noooo, most businesses will only consider you if you have a damned paper saying you spent upwards to four years and thousands upon thousands of dollars to learn the exact same thing you could, in theory, learn in a few hours at home.

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