• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2021


An assembly of mediocre fics from a mediocre reviewer on ponychan as well as the place to go to if you want a mediocre review of smut.

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  • 570 weeks
    Sucking at this.

    Sigh. I'll be honest this writing thing is causing me problems atm. Just been writing stuff and they seem like such good ideas that I just can't seem to justice too. I feel like the doctor boss from the first Bioshock in that I'm driving myself mad with perfection. A list of half baked ideas crumbling apart in my hands.

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    1 comments · 444 views
  • 571 weeks
    Do you like Rarishy adorableness?


    0 comments · 382 views
  • 575 weeks
    Cons and stuff

    So yeah I'm going to Bronycon in a few weeks so that's a thing. Yay for vacation.

    So for those wondering where the hell is Symbiosis, I'm unhappy to say I've written myself in a corner and am looking to improve what I do have so it may not be out for a while. Additionally I'm caught up in writing a new fic. It's about ballet. so yeah. Updates. Whooooooo

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  • 583 weeks
    Xbox One


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  • 584 weeks
    So words things

    Okay I'm back home for Spring break so I figured some updates are in order. First slow progress on the second chapter of Symbiosis (though significantly faster than the 6 month period from conception to actually putting it on the site). Things that are keeping me back include shitty bandwidth, looking for a job, duck souls, college classes online, and housing stuff though these are excuses so

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Sucking at this. · 1:48am Aug 23rd, 2013

Sigh. I'll be honest this writing thing is causing me problems atm. Just been writing stuff and they seem like such good ideas that I just can't seem to justice too. I feel like the doctor boss from the first Bioshock in that I'm driving myself mad with perfection. A list of half baked ideas crumbling apart in my hands.

Rarishy thing: Three chapters in and dialogue is forced, descriptions are jilted, and its just coming apart. I love the idea of the ship and I really want a great story told from Fluttercute's perspective (Reverse Green basically) but I can't write romance anywhere close to well.

Rarity is a succubus: Because nopony can be that pretty without something off but of course even writing something as crazy stupid as that has just been a nightmare of poor characterization, bland dialogue and half baked porn.

The rustpocalyspe: Basically Equestria in an mechanical revolution state destroyed itself leaving behind a rusty husk of a civilization that my oc griffon explores looking for answers to fix his own Countries rapidly approaching demise. It's just hard to make up an interesting OC character who's only purpose in the sotry is too explore with no interaction from other characters.

State of the Art; Loosely based on the amazing Gotye song of the same name the fic would follow Octavia as the music industry becomes automated before her and she watches the aftermath of her friends and colleagues lives being destroyed by a tech revolution (if you can't tell I like tech moving forward as a conflict). Writing is just not there. A lot of fun concepts but looking back on it yeah it kinda sucks in my incapable fingers.

Sombra Rising: Fic in progress following Sombra in a corrupt Crystal Empire as he is granted ancient power and struggles to use it properly before going all out evil leaving the empire in worse shape then he lived in. Its been really hard to make Sombra sympathetic without making every other character scum.

I dunno I'll figure something out. In the meantime does anyone know any good artists who take oc requests. I am in need of one.

Report Khakispony · 444 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Yeah it is honestly a struggle some times.I've had plenty of nights where I bleed sweat and tears and look back and go uggh this is utter shit.

Those are cool concepts. What id recommend is do something in your life that forces you into an uncomfortable or different perspective. Go for a run or go out and just sit at a Starbucks for an hour.anything to convince your brain that life is not static, something to wake you up and get you energized creatively. Sitting down to an idea and being legitimately excited about it is the best way to create something you're proud of I think...

Most of all, keep writing. I really liked your rarishy story personally. Maybe we can find some time to work over a chapter or two, enough to get people intrigued in where the plot outs going, drum up a kick ass synopsis and get that stuff to the public eye.

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