So I Went to Bronycon Yesterday... · 3:39pm Aug 4th, 2013
My first con ever, and the farthest I've ever ventured from home on my own. I'd be lying if I said I'm not the teensiest bit proud of myself.
Anyhow, the con itself was . . . well, surreal is probably the best word. I'm used to keeping my interest in pastel equines mostly to myself, and seeing literally thousands of people in the same place all decked out in full pony panoply and chanting "Fun! Fun! Fun!" was weird and quite delightful. It was so nice to be able to walk around hearing people actually singing Pinkie's smile song, discussing the respective merits of Vinyl and Octavia, how to manage a good Luna cosplay, the merch they'd picked up, etc.
Speaking of merch, I snagged some smexy Lyra and Octascratch shirts, and I got to see some of my favorite pony artists in the vendor hall and buy lots of pretty pony pictures. I've no idea where I'm going to put them all, and frankly, I don't care. YOLO, etc.
I also attended some interesting panels. I really would have liked to have gone to more and stayed later for the night's festivities, but only having a few hours on Saturday kinda limited my options. Still, I quite enjoyed my time, and I'm looking forward to going back next year.