Last Chance · 12:39am Aug 2nd, 2013
Okay, so they figured out my screen died a second time because there was a loose connection and they fixed it free of charge, that was fine, but this is re-goddammed-diculous.
Now, when I used to get 4 bars of wifi signal in my basement, my laptop gets 2 bars three feet from the damned router!
This is their last chance before I demand a new laptop from them...
And unfortunately, this means I'll be delayed YET AGAIN because assholes can't fix a computer correctly. Sorry about that.
I think it is about time to just... kill everyone.
Sounds like my xbox quandary two years ago
Damn, wish I was in the area. I'd have had that fixed and running like a brand new lappy the first try. It's sad how quality assurance has fallen these days.