• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2012


Yay! I have a Bio nw! I am a ** year old living in ********** ** ******** I am a communist and when I'm not playing Skyrim or Fapping I'm writing fics on this site. Praise Satan!

More Blog Posts42

  • 635 weeks
    Happy Time!

    The gloryouse Poultron has banned the users nachoYEAH, faithfulchristian, and jas362. We no longer have to worry about being flamed by them. So now I can devote all of my time to my stories. So to celebrate here is George BUsh doing the happy dance. Oh and also I have joined the holy church of the grand and

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    31 comments · 1,046 views
  • 635 weeks

    > You are now the proud owner of a brand new Fluffy pony!
    > She's so cute with her deep blue coat and dark blue mane with a wite strek and her blue eyes.
    > You name her Fluffy Colgate, after the toothpaste.
    > You poor her a bowl of spaggetie and let her chow down.
    > You then play stack the blocks with her.
    > She curls up with you and falls assleep.

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    9 comments · 694 views
  • 635 weeks

    >you just adopted a fluffy blue unicorn pony
    >the shelter said she had a previous owner, but you didn’t get any details
    >all you care about is that you have a new fluffy pony
    >and that you didn’t have to pay as big an adoption fee
    >bring her home and let her out of her carrier
    >she toddles around, getting familiar with her new home.

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    22 comments · 1,477 views
  • 635 weeks
    Okay then.

    O.k. then. The users Faithfulchristian and nachoyeah will not stop spamming me for no reason! Faithfulchristian even after she swore upon her filthy bible she would stop. So then, I am devoting all my time on fimfiction to the non-stop trolliing of these two heretics. I don't care how many people stop following me over this, I will not rest untill those two peices of human trash are delt

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    8 comments · 453 views
  • 635 weeks
    Okay then.

    O.k. then. The users Faithfulchristian and nachoyeah will not stop spamming me for no reason! Faithfulchristian even after she swore upon her filthy bible she would stop. So then, I am devoting all my time on fimfiction to the non-stop trolliing of these two heretics. I don't care how many people stop following me over this, I will not rest untill those two peices of human trash are delt

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    0 comments · 480 views

Fuck this shit. · 4:08am Mar 26th, 2012

I'm sorry that it has come to this, my friends, but due to the copius amounts of whiny, cry-baby christians that keep starting all these "Flame wars" with me, Well, I'm afraid that I will have to keep off FimFiction for a while. In the mean time, I shall start a petition to make all forms of christianity illegal, Get my christian school teachers fired for every, little, pro-Jesus thing that they say in class, and burn numerouse copies of the bible. All I have to say is that I didn't post the first comment on any of these so called "wars" and that Christians are the most hipocritical people on this planet. They go on about tolerance and yet, they feel the need to bitch at everyone who dosn't blindly support their giant, imaginary friend in the sky. So, in conclusion, It pains me say it, but, goodbye for now. It's just not worth the trouble anymore. I mean, every day it says I have over 100 new messages, most of which are from christians going on about how Satanists are scum who should be rounded up and executed by the cart loads. (Quoted from a message infact.) I can't get into my inbox without my computer lagging so much I can't even scroll down. There is so much spam on my page that I can't even get on to my user page. So thats it, good bye, I'm sorry, but this just isn't worthi it anymore, I can handle hate mail, anti-satanist mail, and the like but this amount of shit that is promoting another holocaust? I may have joked about that stuff before, but I never ment any of it (The holocaust, I truly am a Satanist.) and now i'm surronded by people who make the fucking Nazi party look like lovable, accepting, nice, careing people. I'm sorry, but I would rather not be surounded by that everythime I try to write a new story. So i'm sorry, but goodbye, My little pony has been ruind for me. Sincerly, and for the last time for a while, -Mr.HappyFace.

Report mrhappyface · 508 views ·
Comments ( 59 )

i have not sent even one and i dissagree with their methods, but i don't exactly feel sorry for you, you brought this upon yourself, not by simply being a satanist, but by exploding at little things and telling people to attack certain people, that makes people feel like you are attempting to control them and causes those same people to turn against you

They go on about tolerance and yet, they feel the need to bitch at everyone who dosn't blindly support their giant, imaginary friend in the sky.
That is hypocritical.
Your going on about how Christians don't support "Satan" and why we should feel bad for it.
I really don't care what you want to believe in. As long as you don't force it upon others is fine. Good for you that your a Satanist or whatever I really don't give a crap.

I agree with 44941 and 44938, you brought this upon yourself. As much fun as it was watching the hate wars and the clearly ignorant things people have said, you didn't help to stop the cause of it. You told people to flame and hate spam specific people, why would you be shocked when they send hate back? I understand you being a satanist and all, and I'm perfectly okay with it, supporting even. I just don't like it when people cause this huge war of hate because of a simple thing like beliefs. As long as you aren't a complete ass about it, believing whatever you want to believe is fine by me.

Was fun watching your hate spam and satanist talks unfold, and was nearly impossible to read some of your fics sometimes. You truly have a talent for writing grimdark rape stuff, and I commend you for bring me to the point of not being able to finish some of your work. It takes a lot to truly startle me, and you've definitely done it. Good job, and have a wonderful day.

44945 Religion is exactly why there are so many wars in the world.
"Oh I hate your god! You should die for it!"
That is how it starts...
Yeah this guy started this hate; and now he can't handle it because apparently its too much for him. SOOOOOOO MUCH HYPOCRISY

44947 Totally agreed. If you're gonna start some bigass flame war full of hate, at least stand through it and don't back down. If you can't handle it, you shouldn't have started it.

I don't want to offend this writer, but I only followed him for two reasons. One was to watch the hate unfold, and the hypocrisy. Two was to read something super dark that literally gave me chills. That's why I read stories like Cupcakes or Cheerilee's garden. I also want to say that 90% of the time his stories were edited properly, and didn't have too many typos. That doesn't mean they weren't painful to read, and I did see a lot more typos then I wanted to sometimes.

44955 Backing down is not only a sign of weakness but a sign of stupidity.
Exactly what you said, starting something that you know is going to be big and backing down is just plain stupidity.

Stop blaming happy, he always just wrote his fic until people started hating on him in the comments, it's not his fault those flamewars came up

Its a sad state of affiars when a man is forced from his user page.
Happy, I know we haven't allways seen eye to eye, but unlike all the spammers here, I never meant any harm, I was trying to fight off the trolls for you.
Good day.:moustache:

Goodnight sweet prince....

OH hey guys, not interupting your circlejerking am I? It's the only way christians are made, circle-jerking and indoctrination from a young age.


45372 *gasp**sarchastic* a TROLL!!! i'm so scared *rolls eyes* yeah RIGHT, i've had worse enemies, try fighting somepony who is INVINCIBLE AND ONLY TALKS IN RHYME!!!!! you are NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

45395 no, i can tell easily, mainly because you ignored that he put up a new blog saying that he was joking and went here

45417 i replied to yours

What are you rambling on about now? go spam and troll elsewhere you heretic!


45434 sorry, i'm not a troll (yes he is, yes he is) shut it (NEVER!!!!)

are you talking to yourself now? join the club.


45441 (no, i'm talking to my OC's) can i please kill him *holding knife with insane look in eye* {bad idea} [eeyup] *sigh* {what are we going to do now?} [shut the fuck up peace] ~KILL HIM KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!~ *whistling* [why the hell are you whistling?] {cuz it's fun}

Sir, that is not an acceptable way to act, it's just flat out weird. do you per chance have aspergers syndrome, it'd explain the fuckwittery present here.


45463 no, i just have instant violent mood swings, i can go from calm and nice to 'volcano mad' in an instant so shut the fuck up moronic troll

Nope, it's just that you feel the need to be special therefore you 'invent' these conditions in order to make yourself different, unique. In reality you are simply a DumbAss.
This tells me you are not ONLY unintelligent and moronic, but you lack social skills and friends. You are a social outcast and need to desperately cater to your fragile ego.

How far off am I?


45475 He's probably a ginger too.

45475 well rather far off, especially 45478, i am blonde, i have genius IQ (exept with languages) , i do not actually have much of an ego. and i mentioned in my BIO i am not christian, i'm an atheist, so you both fail

OH schitt! look at all the insecurity and lies :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:, he's lieing to make friends Mr.happyface :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:!
Yea, I think I pretty much hit the nail on the head, didn't I weeaboo?


45493 sorry, your wrong still

Then why are you being so defensive? Why bother hiding the fact I'm right when everyone can easily see through you.

OH wait, perhaps it's because of your state of mind, you consider yourself smarter then others (when in reality you are a moron) and therefore expect any ridiculously pathetic attempt at deception to work. HA :rainbowlaugh:

Downsize your ego kid, you are not the only consciousness in existence. Others exist outside of your little bubble.


45504 2 things, i'm getting all A's (the exeption being spanish) and i'm on these sites all day. sorry, i've stopped listening to you unless you have some actual logic.

If you were smart, you'd realize that on the internet anything you say unless proven does not apply and does nothing to counter arguments. for example I could say I've got several degrees and own a small business, but then that'd be unproven.

Lets see now, to back up my theory and destroy your "evidence" I've looked at your profile and your stories are terrible, if you were as smart as you say, or even anywhere near, you wouldn't write such crap (crap that got one like (yourself) and 17 dislikes), therefore I've debunked what you said about grades (your're probably getting B's and C's and failing in Spanish).

What can you say to counter my observations?


45513 *yawn* sorry what, i wasn't listening

I see through your counter trolling, I bid you good day.


45520 sorry, what? (it would be a really bad idea to get me mad now.)

HA, and why would it be a really bad idea to get you mad now? your already seething.


45575 And why would that be? THe little schiztophrenic retard gonna get the voices after me? Oh, i'm so fucking scared.

45586 no i'll probably break into your house, steal all your candles. then set them on your floor and light them in a cross shape. then kick them over, burning your house down, while i leave a clorophoam soaked rag on your mouth
45585 yes, do you want to know why?

yes, yes I do want to know why?
Btw, threats over the internet are notoriously ineffective, and at the best of times performed by complete fuckwits who actually think They'll scare you.


45632 yes it seems so, s i think i'll instead go with logic, alread posted an image of myself in 'three of me vs high school' just to show them what i look like. and i did this several weeks ago, for no reason in particular that i can remember. as for the grades, you got one ight, i am failing in spanish, i just dont get different languages, but i do pick a few things up watching anime. also, i am really a first digree black belt (that was 6 years ago) so? (you don't remember any of it and now your muuuuuch heavier) ...shut up

45619 Oh my, my, such hostility! I'm so terrified! I mean, my one true fear is some 8 year old spoiled douchebag on the internet! I mean, i'm shaking in my fucking boots. We both know you won't do shit, I mean, even if you did find my house, you can't do anything on account of my wide array of fire arms, homade napalm and explosives, and many a molatov cocktail! I would love to see a whiny little bitch like you try to do something like that, just so I could laugh my ass off after I shoot you in the kneecaps and then rape you. Now, go whine to someone who gives a damn about your pathetic life, oh i'm sorry, there are none!

45642 riiiight, so now i know that your an 8 year old brat who got ahold of a computer and wants to write shr for no reason.

45638 and your arguing with the voices in your head again. and I must say that no matter what color belt you have, it's still inefective against flying lead.

45646 unless of course i happen to be wearing bulletproof armor

45645 I would like to point out that I am not 8. and that I to, have an above average IQ.

45650 so we are more similar than i previously beleived

45649 Or I have a .50 cal. rifle. or napalm.

45652 so, your a gun nut, can you throw a knife from 50 yards and even HIT the target?

45656 No, but I can shoot you from 100

AND that just proves my point exactly, you completely disregarded or more likely didn't understand what I said in my previous reply. You are not a black belt, you are simply retarded. Why do you feel the need to fight over the internet, you can't win. To fight on the internet you need intelligence, and maturity, and while I have intelligence you have neither.

Oh and stop posting stories, nobody likes them and they're all mostly disliked according to ratings. If that isn't an indicator of poor intelligence then I don't know what is.
You say you have an over-active imagination, yet all you come up with is bullschitt, If your thoughts were actually coherent, and mattered to someone other then yourself, AND were actually thought out and complex (as well as 'deep') then perhaps you'd get more likes. But no, let me explain this in terms your simple little mind can understand, something that sounds great in your head, may sound like utter trash to others, and unfortunately your imagination is judged according to others and therefore your imagination is crap.:trixieshiftleft:

Stop pollution this website with you crappy cancerous fics, and terrible un-characterized Mary-sue OC's.

And bow down to lord Satan kid.


45657 WELL, neither can i, but i do have a gun license

45658 in this order
i had to move away and there was no school for karate here
you obviously don't have maturity if your such a bad troll
i'll post what i want, and i'm just putting ideas down and asking people to help me with my writing style (ironiclly, people have hated more as i progressed i don't exactly force people to read what i write
and no chance in hell

HA, words cannot describe your stupidity, obviously you are vexed because there is truth in what I say. Umadbroski? gtg


45660 I have a gun licesense to, I also have a few questionably legall firearms.

45664 and i have a sword (what?!) a sword, what you never heard of a sword before? (yes, but how does that make any sense) i'm going with discord logic now (...)

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