• Member Since 9th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 8th, 2014

Tamara Bloodhoof

More Blog Posts2

  • 527 weeks
    About the delay.

    I'm sorry for the delay in updating the story, and I'm here to say that it is not dead but merelyrics delayed. Problems with my laptop and joining the military are restrictions my ability to write, so for the next two-to-three months I won't be writing. Sorry and I hope to talk to you all then!

    4 comments · 625 views
  • 615 weeks
    Dancing Flames, Dying Embers

    I know this may seem a long time in the coming, but I'm tired of Embers tale. Not the story, don't get me wrong, I still adore and wish to continue it, but I am losing more and more time on my computer, and I'm starting to feel constricted by the Chessverse. I'm planning on doing what Rust did, and moving Ember/Gemina's tale into the Non-Cannon folder. She will still be making cameos in other

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    5 comments · 681 views

Dancing Flames, Dying Embers · 7:00am Apr 3rd, 2013

I know this may seem a long time in the coming, but I'm tired of Embers tale. Not the story, don't get me wrong, I still adore and wish to continue it, but I am losing more and more time on my computer, and I'm starting to feel constricted by the Chessverse. I'm planning on doing what Rust did, and moving Ember/Gemina's tale into the Non-Cannon folder. She will still be making cameos in other tales most likely, but I want to delve into a back-story for the world she resides in, and with every move I make needing to check out with over ten other stories, I'm sorry to say it, but I feel like it's stifling my creative enthusiasm. Please excuse me for the lack of updates and the horrible timing, but I will strive to make her tale even better in the end.

Report Tamara Bloodhoof · 681 views ·
Comments ( 5 )


Well if that's what you want then. I still hope to see more of your creative writing, Tamara! :pinkiehappy:

Law #2 · Apr 3rd, 2013 · · ·

i believe this is how we should make the verse, cameos with occasional crossovers, it would free up everyone and likely make everyone happier.

I’ll groan at the news, but I can dam well respect the reasoning behind it that would be a bitch.

i just hope explanations and motives are still there.

But how would it effect the GGG encounter?

sorry to hear this, Ember. No one mentioned it to me. I'm assuming you wish to become Deuterocanon, then?


I agree. I'm trying to make a fic in this universe, but it feels like I'll step on everyones toes if I make a wrong move story-wise.

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