• Member Since 14th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2015


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  • 611 weeks

    My story passed moderation at about the same time the site updated, I'm pretty sure. Don't know what that means for my initial views.

    But that doesn't matter to me, what does is I have 3 dislikes already?!?

    To quote Derpy: "I just don't know what went wrong."

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    6 comments · 606 views
  • 620 weeks

    I know my little fic isn't that popular (55 upvotes, 533 views per chapter), but when I get so many readers checking my work out, I feel like I want to give back.
    I've been so preoccupied with proofreading these days, I haven't had the chance to check out any of the less-popular fics around, only the few things that catch my eye from recommendation threads.

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    0 comments · 347 views
  • 626 weeks

    Might I ask, what is the fanfiction community's obsession with calling Twilight Sparkle Spike's adoptive or surrogate mother?

    It's small thing, but it irritates me in every story that insists upon using this description of their relationship. Not once in the show does Twilight hint at even the slightest familiar relationship between them. She only calls him Spike or 'my number one assistant.'

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    4 comments · 530 views

Aw · 9:50pm Mar 15th, 2013

My story passed moderation at about the same time the site updated, I'm pretty sure. Don't know what that means for my initial views.

But that doesn't matter to me, what does is I have 3 dislikes already?!?

To quote Derpy: "I just don't know what went wrong."

Seriously, people on this site have always disappointed me with their liberal use of the dislike button for anything with the multitude of ships they either don't like or have some vendetta against because it goes against their "My ship is the only one that's canon!"
But what did I do to deserve three dislikes within the first few hours of it being uploaded to the site? It's not poorly written. I know, because 1. I have a very, very good grasp on the English language and writing styles and 2. I have a proofreader.

Maybe because I haven't found cover art yet? Do I need to shove any old picture there to stop people from hitting that downvote button because they're petty and mean?

Oh wait, no. I've just figured it out as I've written this cathartic rant. It's got the human tag. There are absolutely no humans in chapter 1, but people are that cruel. Okay, time to get over it now, people are jerks. And it'll probably take me writing an absolutely brilliant story in order to balance that upvote/downvote scale (which at the moment is 2:3).

I guess this'll be my first chance to see how well I can push through and continue posting even though it's hated.

Report Lhmac · 606 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Whatever idiots think that your work is anything less than perfect, they don't deserve to be reading it.

*blush* Thankyou.
I think the point is, though, they haven't read it. Or else they probably wouldn't be downvoting it from one chapter *sigh*


Hey, I got two dislikes on DoL..not really the same but still sad.

Most people get a lot more than two. Lol. I'm lucky the Studying Obsession only has that many.

I have a theory there are 17 people who dislike everything they see.
Conclusion: If you have 17 dislikes, just about everybody who is looking at stuff has seen your stuff.
If you have less than 17 dislikes, there are still FimFiction readers who have not seen your stuff.
If you have *more* than 17 dislikes... um... There's either something really wrong with it, or you wrote on a topic that attracts dislike-trolls (Like NyxFics, or HiE) My 'Monster' just hit 18 dislikes, which in my warped way of thinking means there is at least one human being who doesn't like it for legit reasons (or they just didn't like Twist's dialogue, which seemed to draw a lot of fire).

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