• Member Since 22nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2022


More Blog Posts97

  • 378 weeks
    Story Idea Time

    This is a story idea I've had rattling around my head for a while. If anyone's interested, feel free to make use of it, just make sure to drop me a post when you do, I'd love to see your take on the idea.

    Story: Hero In Equestria
    Genre: Human, Slice of Life
    Rating: Any, depending on writer's preference.

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  • 381 weeks

    It's raining outside
    Maybe inside too
    I can't tell though
    Inside, I can't feel the rain on my skin

    Perhaps it's just the temperature
    That would explain the cold
    But not why I hear the rain falling
    a steady drip-drip down my nose

    I'm standing in the rain, you see
    It splashes from skin to shirt
    And if it's not raining
    Then why are my eyes so wet?

    It's hailing outside

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  • 381 weeks
    For the first time ever...

    I'm not going to be single for Valentine's Day.

    I don't know how to feel about that, so you guys tell me how to feel.

    Anyways, happy Single's Awareness Day! Those of you enjoying the day, kudos to you. Those of you suffering from this day... my condolences.

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 382 weeks
    It's Been Awhile | Stories for the Future

    Hey everyone; today I realized that I've been doing a ton of reading on this site... but not so much of the interacting and stuff. SO!
    A blog post about what's going on, what I'm doing, etc.

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    2 comments · 407 views
  • 419 weeks
    Another year

    Another year I walk the sands
    They shift and change beneath my feet
    Yet through it all I walk.

    Another year I see the others walk the sands
    Some falter and slip beneath the sand
    Others lay roads for still later others to tread

    The roads vanish beneath the sands
    And yet they are the sands themselves
    So perhaps they never were, or still are

    Some do not walk the sands like I

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Explosions, Pairs of Boobies, and Other Important Things. · 7:13am Mar 14th, 2013

Admit it, you just wanted to see where the title was going. Go ahead and stick around, please, this is important.
So, wondering where the Wishing Star stuff you where expecting is, and why it hasn't shown up?
Or maybe about the lack of artwork all of a sudden for On Nightmare Station?
Perhaps you're wondering what was decided by the voting round we just passed.

Well, this is where I'm going ramble on for a while about all those things, in some semblance of an order.

So, first of all, stuff about On Nightmare Station.
Well, a few days ago, I found out that the artwork I'd been using had been wandered off with without the permission of its owner, as it was a commissioned piece, not just something Atryl had done in his spare time. In case you're wondering who that is, go check him out, he's fucking amazing, that's what you need to know. does great pony work, anthro'd pony work, and a whole ton of other things.
Anyhow, back on topic. I was asked to take down the picture, because it was meant for the owner's fic, and some turd went and uploaded it to Derpiboo.ru without mentioning that someone actually owned it and didn't want it being passed around like a bottle of Jack in a hobo camp.
I've been homeless, I'm allowed that joke.
I support the owner's decision, and will not be mentioning his name because I don't want a half-assed mob forming over this. I doubt it'd happen, but weirder stuff has happened. Instead, I will be scraping together money until Atryl's commishes open again, and then ask if he'll do a piece for ONS. If I have enough by then, I'll also ask for something simple for Wishing Star, but that's another discussion.
If anyone's willing to provide any donations, I would be utterly thrilled, and we can discuss details of PMs. But don't feel you need to, I think I can scrape it together with a bit of effort. Also, as things are going, one of the player characters are scheduled to be killed in this Saturday's gaming session, so place your popularity votes now, before it's too late!


Second off, let's chat about the Wishing Star Project.
It has gotten massive. I might begin updating every other week to have enough time to write all of this. Because, you see, two more Stars have fallen, and wishes have been made. Too bad they all seem to do the same thing no matter what. :pinkiecrazy:
But, yeah, there's going to be two more stories going up over the next couple of months, and the whole series is being held back from updates until the first Tuesday of April, because I'm not getting online on the first. However, you should expect regular updates thereafter.
As well, I'd like to ask you, the readers, to start suggesting pony races. If you see any you think are cool, go ask their creators about them, and ask if it's okay for others to use them. I would love to get more variety for my stories.
Also, I'd like to note that Z-Type is taking a turn away from being so cloppy, and is actually becoming more action/adventure oriented, concentrating more on story an actually doing things, rather than doing each other. Yeay for progress! For a fic series that started as a prank on a friend, I think it's come awfully far.
But hey, maybe I'm biased.
Also, thanks to everyone who's faved and thumbs-upped me on these, each one means a lot to me.


About the Polls:
Okie-Dokey-Loki, we should talk about this guys/gals, because this is a big one. I really need everyone to vote as soon as you can when a poll pops up. I only ever ask for votes on important things, and I take every single vote into account. If I send out multiple votes, they're elimination matches, usually, taking the top few to the next rank to figure out the best in total.
I swear, I will never intentionally waste your guys' time on this kind of thing. Seriously, I understand you guys have lives too, when those lives are not temporarily dedicated to reading any drivel I pour out with the help of my friends.
And, on top of all that, the votes were tallied, and they're heading to the Habitat. Let's see just how screwed they all are :pinkiehappy:

Anyhow, go check out my friends' and muses' pages, if you haven't done that already for them all.
Itsmyfuneral,Hunterz263,[/urlThe Pieman, Derped Rainbow, SoulWatch,
Twilightclopple, Loyal2Luna, Aegis Shield, Journeyman, Obselescence, and many others. Just doin' a shout-out.

Report Quantum_Shift · 273 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

A poll you need everyone's opinion on? Interesting. I'll leave that to the readers.

Well, besides the 'Who's your favorite/least favorite character this chapter?' thing going on each chapter in On Nightmare Station, I don't have any polls up right now. But, I rarely get any feedback when I do ask a question.

918657 Well maybe at one point you will get responses.

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