• Member Since 26th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2023

Dusk Quill

I once was lost, but now I'm found. Just a quiet blue unicorn with a passion for the written word.

More Blog Posts65

  • 203 weeks
    My Journey

    So I've finally set aside the time to sit down and properly write out a blog post for you all who are still around (the one I promised in my last post seven months ago :twilightsheepish: ). I want to tell you all about where I've been, what I've been up to, and share my journey with you guys. You were all around for some of the best times, and I felt it's only right to open back up again and

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  • 234 weeks
    Well Well Well...

    Holy hell, that's a lot of notifications to look through! I suppose that's what happens when you disappear for... *checks watch* three years. Huh... I suppose it's been a while, huh? It would be shockingly rude and unprofessional if I was to just suddenly turn up again out of the blue, wouldn't it? Yeah, I guess it would...

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  • 402 weeks
    A Soldier's Memoirs Spoilers

    For anyone who read my last blog and doesn't want to wait around for me to maybe finish the Soldier's Memoirs series, I do have the entire plot mapped and outlined. If you would like some closure, some answers, or just a glimpse into what awaits, send me a private message with the title: Will the Sky Fall? and any questions or comments you might have. I'll be happy to provide

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  • 403 weeks
    I'm Sorry

    Over the past week or two, I've gotten messages from several of you guys asking if I was okay, if everything was all right, and just wanting to check in on me in general. I wanted you all to know that I was really touched by your concerns, and that I am just fine, but it also made me feel guilty. I'm sure you can guess why... I haven't written any new material for well over a year. I haven't been

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  • 442 weeks
    Dusk is a terrible, awful, no good, very bad pony...

    I have apologies to make to all of you. It's been close to six months since I had any activity here on the site, and even less for my friends outside of FiMFiction. I feel I owe you all an explanation and my deepest, heartfelt sorries. I am still alive, if just barely by now. These last few months, I sort of bit off more than I could chew with life. I took eighteen college credit hours in an

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Q&A Round 2 · 1:23am Mar 3rd, 2013

Round 2... FIGHT!!

Q: Where do you get all your resources you use in your stories?

A: A very good question. In terms of military intelligence, in order to keep things as realistic as possible, I draw from only the finest sources. And what source is more reliable than actual soldiers, both currently enlisted and veterans? My university is teeming with veteran soldiers, and I have several close friends and even a few followers enlisted to this day. I take the time to talk to them, to listen to their stories and their experiences, and take everything to heart when I write. I am also a military history buff, so using well-established historians' work helps. By using the most real and pure information I can get my hands on, I can make my stories as real as possible. Granted, they star ponies, but still...

In regards to other resources, like artwork, that I either commissioned or called in a favor for. I'm not much of an artist, so I leave that to the specialists. With regards to the world, maps, locations, etc., a lot of that is my own pure creation. I drew inspiration from two major maps of Equestria, and from there I built my own. I actually created my own world map for the Skyfall series, which I keep constantly updating. If anyone would like to see it, I'd be glad to share it (WARNING: may contain some spoiler locations!). I also created the symbol for Skyfall Team on my own (future release; spoilers). The weapons and gun knowledge is from my own research and experience. I'm a big gun enthusiast, as is my brother, who is another good source of mine.

Q: Why do you write with secondary/original characters? Why not use the Mane 6, CMCs, etc.?

A: The reason I use these lesser developed characters is simply for that reason: they aren't completely developed. There's a certain mystery surrounding these characters that don't have a fully created background story, or an entirely 3-dimensional personality. It gives me a lot to create in my own mind, as opposed to using a character like Twilight Sparkle, who is almost entirely fleshed out from the beginning. You can only work so much with a completed character before you begin to break their mold. I much prefer to create my own.

Not that I have any objections to using fully developed canon characters! A lot of my future plans involve going back to that basic starting stage. I just have more fun this way!

Q: Can I do a spinoff/adaptation/collab of your Skyfall series?

A: By all means! I never, ever expected anyone but myself to enjoy what I write, but if there's anyone out there who wants to work within my dark little world, I'm certainly not going to deny your creativity! I enjoy nothing more than seeing other writers' perspectives, creations, and adaptations of a similar sect.

My only request is that you run your ideas past me first, so I can make sure it doesn't directly interfere with the main storyline, and so I can give you any references or resources to work with. I am very open to serious collaborations. I want people to experience my Equestria as deeply and as thoroughly as possible!

Q: Any stories planned in mind for the future?

A: Aside from the entirety of the Skyfall series? Yes. I have a couple in the works. One is another military-style fic, featuring canon characters and centering around loyalty, tribulations, and enduring friendship. One is a thriller-esque darker fic, probably more suited for Halloween time. I have a few ideas for a romance story I've been tumbling around in my head for a while, trying to make it work. All of these are still very much in the early stages of development, so not a whole lot has been hammered out yet.

Tl;dr: Yes, I do! Quite a few! :twilightsmile:

Q: Are you a Republican or a Democrat? Cuz you seem republican.

A: For the sake of not starting arguments, I'm gonna keep my political views out of this. Sorry I didn't really answer your question. :twilightsheepish:

Q: Do you attend cons, like Bronycon or anything?

A: I actually had made plans to attend this year's Bronycon with my brother, but I was very graciously invited to be a groomsman at one of my best friends' wedding, so unfortunately, those plans had to be scrapped, as I have my own Canterlot Royal Wedding to attend instead. We'll have to see what happens in the unknown future.

Q: Are your characters based off people you know irl?

A: With the exception of Fleethoof, Cupcake, and Sharp Shot, all of my OCs are just figments of my imagination spawned from thin air. Cupcake is based off of my aforementioned friend, who is getting married, and Sharp Shot's personality matches my brother's. Fleethoof has tendencies based off of myself, with a lot of original character traits mixed in. He's like my little hybrid.

Q: Fleethoof and cadence, sititng in a tree! xD

A: K-I-S-S-I-N-G! :pinkiehappy:

Q: So wait is Fleethoof gonna die?1

A: He might, but Dumbledore definitely dies. :pinkiecrazy:

Q: Are you in the military?

A: I am not, nor have I ever been. I'm just a military and weapons buff to no end with the blood of a die-hard patriot.

Q: If you had to cut off one of your testicles, which one, and if possible, why?

A: ..........

If I HAVE to choose, and I say that under the most extreme duress, I'd say the left, because I'm right-dominant, and in my mind, my right side is the stronger and, well in this case, more potent...? This was awful :pinkiecrazy:

Q: So what stuff do you have for Skyfall and when will we get to see it?

A: Currently, I have a world map, a Skyfall patch/emblem, weapon designs, character designs, a Skyfall wallpaper I'm currently using, and a custom compiled soundtrack of badass military and emotional themed music I listen to when writing. As to when you'll get to see it... well, let's be honest, does anyone even want any of this stuff? I highly doubt it...

And that's round 2 of the Q&A! Keep sending in those fantastic and silly questions, and as I get a bunch, I'll keep updating this! Thanks for sticking around!

-- DQ

Report Dusk Quill · 277 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

"One is another military-style fic, featuring canon characters and centering around loyalty, tribulations, and enduring friendship. One is a thriller-esque darker fic, probably more suited for Halloween time. I have a few ideas for a romance story I've been tumbling around in my head for a while, trying to make it work."

Yep! This is definitely the kind of guy I wanna be rollin' with! :coolphoto::coolphoto:

Silver out!

DQ, as a gun and military nut myself (HM Armed Forces :yay:) I would love to see what you have come up with like the weapons and map .... I'd say it would give Skyfall more depth and a better understanding if we have visual representation to relate to.

And another question, What would your favourite Assault Rifle be (Carbine Variants I'd say are acceptable)?

Not linked greatly to Skyfall but I am now curious :twilightsheepish:

Trying to think of questions... attempt filed. Please reboot brain.
Reboot failed, please stand by.
......please stand by......
.................please stand by.......
...........................please stand by......
......................................please stand by......
............................................................................ :pinkiecrazy:

Much appreciated, my friend! Here's to a long and happy friendship! :pinkiehappy:

I like to think it adds more dimension to the world in my head with each little piece I add to it. That's probably why I keep expanding so rapidly! :rainbowlaugh:

I haven't personally handled or fired very many rifles as of yet. I'm much more versed with handguns. My hands-on experience only covers Colt's AR-15 and H&K 416 (the MR556 civvie variant), both shooting 5.56. The H&K was like a dream, which is probably why I gave it to Fleethoof! I still want to try my hand at a Bushmaster ACR and the new Daniel Defense .300 Blackout rifle. That beauty looks lovely.

And it doesn't have to be linked to the stories to be interesting topics! Have you had a lot of experience with firearms, my friend?

Error 404: Treilacl not found. :pinkiecrazy:

882894 Solar auxiliary power activated... loading questions...
Cancel questions...

...Right.... I'm not going to try that again :pinkiecrazy: at least not for a little while I think :twilightsheepish:


Ah, the H&K 416 and AR-15, classic choices. My experiences, a load of time on exercise and ranges with the L85A2, A few times using the Parker Hale M82 (L81A2 variant) on the range and on a couple of occasions on exercise I was a DR so I got given a L86A2 to use.
Personnel preference has to sit with the L85A2 as its reliable, compact rifle with the same capabilities of a M16 / M4.
If Diamond Dogs turn up as spec ops, make them British with SA80's ^.^ (as long as they are on the "good" side) :twilightsmile:

I've heard very nice things about the L85A2. My brother is a huge fan of the L85. Myself, I just can't quite wrap my head around the bullpup designs. But I definitely agree with your preference on the compact and carbine designed rifles. But I'll stick to my AR-15 platforms :twilightsheepish:

If the Diamond Dogs do turn up, I'm gonna subconsciously base them off you now haha! After all, they'd use your guns, like Fleethoof uses weapons of my personal preference, since he's like my baby and I gotta take care of him :pinkiehappy:


Well the AR-15 has can be modified heavily to for-fill a multitude of roles and you seem familiar with it so works what is best for you. The L85A2 is just a great weapon and has save my bacon several times. Just imagine having the power of your AR-15 or any other Assault rifle in the space of .... lets say just longer than a solid stock MP5 with the range, precision and punch of a M16. You think about that :ajsmug:
[Note; Size comparison to the M16]

I'm glad to hear I am rubbing off on you, it sounds like I may be getting babies of my own :yay:
If you want any of my ....... self proclaimed tactical genius's input, gimmi a message or add me on skype. Three guesses on my skype ID ;)

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