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Rules and Grammar of Scorchedquestria's Skyrosian · 1:52am January 9th

A companion to "Observations" by my friend Remedy! Recommended to understand several things throughout the story, STRONGLY recommended to understand the chapter entitled "Zekizfet".

Feel free to ask questions, I cannot guarantee straightforward answers. :3

Cer - heavenly body/sky
Ire - earth/dirt/the ground/the world
Celiredun - “the entire world” as a concept, lit. "(the) very heavens and earth”, or “creation”
Astis - day
Eunel - night
Rakin - chain (rakinelis “dungeon/vault”)
Agel - monster (agelen, “wrong”)
Fetra - wing
Ker - Horn
Sapon - Hoof
Mud - Mouth
Nima - Mane
Agen - Eye
Vira - Fire
Isi - ice
Ropik - Rock 
Ropikelis - Cave (lit. “Rock-place”)
Ved - Water
Vedelis - Ocean (lit. “Water-place”) or “past” (last-place) contextually
Kres - Blood/magic
Kiz - story
Kizelis - book
Kizeliselis - library
Zekizfet - epilogue (“future of the story”)
Zekizved - prologue (“past of the story”)
Epkres - child or contextually sibling, lit. “Me (but not my promise)-blood” or “blood-kin”
Ort - word
Dreb - trap (noun)
Fetelis - future (“next-place”)
Blom - flower
Mutra - promise
Veg - way/manner
Prim - friend
Primti - friendship
Polos - pony (any gender)
Kardu - thistle (kardulen “thistle-like,” ie harsh/coarse)
Velig - problem/trouble/conflict
Zugen - tongue/language
Mir - smile/laugh (mirlen, “smile-y,” sweet or generally positive)
Leketi - loyalty
Kor - heart
Nemet - number (noun)
Senga - song
Sturo - storm (noun)
Regen - rain (noun)
Astisti - sunshine (day-thing)
Eunelti - moonlight (night-thing)
Welkan - cloud (+len “welkanlen” “cloudy”)

Upa - free
Goda - good
Woda - bad (becomes wo- when modifying a verb, eg “wotrak” “mis-regard”)
Sol - safe (soltan - dangerous)
Fol - foolish/unwise
Ale - other
Ald - old
Alo - new
Petra - “fair and just”/“rightful”/kind”
Zat - sad
Taz - happy (tazmir “happy-smile,” joyful)
Hokel - high (hokelis “high-place,” tower/promontory)
Lekel - low 
Apolen - late
Abolen - early
Edi - fortunate/prosperous
Leke - loyal
Streg - strong
Enes - honest
Dun - big
Nen - small
Islen - icy/cold/frozen

Er-VERB-VERB - emphatic, “VERB again and again”
Ina - rise/rising
Aver - bear (eg children)
Hallen - greet, formal
Hal - greet, informal
Vile - fly (“vee-leh”)
Ita - eat (“ee-tah”)
Nawe - need (nah-weh)
Dest - give
Nist - get
Nawenen - want (need-little)
Nawenawe - require
Nawedun - must (must + verb = “nawedun (verb)”; mustn’t verb = naweduntan verb-tan)
Gen - know
Trak - treat/regard/“deal with”
Vitar - (to be) with
Vitan - (to be) without
Wer - guard/watch over
Taka - teach/instruct
Ismer - remember/recall/think
Ga - go/move/act/travel/live (agati "of a lifetime" or "lifespan" via ga -> aga "of life" -> agati "of a lifespan")
Deu - die/stop/refrain/stay
Deunen - wither/weaken
Kuma - become/transform
Kapet - have/possess/own/grasp
Rika - write
Gelef - believe
Foris - force/compel/allow
Pal - feel/experience
Strek - speak (streklas - speaker/leader/hero)
Liuf - love/cherish
Ener - honor
Faden - find
Fatan - lose/sacrifice/give up
Meden - meet/encounter (for the first time)
Selip - help/assist
Sapil - fail
Regen - rule/dominate/bind
Faber - create/craft
Vaper - destroy
Vetik - triumph over/win
Raden - read/comprehend
Obrek - occur/happen
Luog - look/see
Sotel - (to be) safe
Oneo - unite
Dereb - separate

Verb + da + pronoun = command, followed by pronoun if there’s a direct object

“look at me (ie my physical body)” - “luogda ep”
“see things my way (ie according to me and my promise)” - “luogda epil”

El - all
Ye - yes
Yetan - no
et - with (conjunction)
min - but/however (conjunction)
mintan - despite
per - for, for the purpose of, unto
Iltan - exclusively/only
Gadur - together (with)
Katur - apart (from)

Postpositions attach to their nouns - “x is in my tower” -> “x tower-in mine is”
-ku marks motion - words like en “in” become enku “into”, uz “out” becomes uzku “out of.” In the entries below, the meaning after +ku is what the modified word signifies.

Ufan - Above/Upon/Atop/On, ufanku “onto”
An - Over, +ku “across”
Apo - After
Nar - Along/Beside/Around/Near/By/About +ku “against”
Bid - Among/Between, +ku “through”
Ad - At
Abo - Before
Hif - Behind
Hiv - In front/Beyond
Nete - Below/Under/Beneath/Down +ku “off of”
En - In/Within, +ku “into”
Uz - Out, +ku “out of/from”
Wer - To +ku Toward (see also: wer “to teach”)

Hiri - if (certain/likely according to speaker) then…
Hiritan - if (uncertain/unlikely according to speaker) then…

-ti - substantivize (word becomes a noun), if used with a pronoun becomes distal of degree + number: SEE PRONOUNS BELOW

-len - adjectivize (word becomes an adjective, can cut last vowel if final syllable coda is vowel, eg “vira” fire -> “virlen” fiery/flaming/hot) 
-tel - word becomes a verb, cut last consonant if final syllable coda is consonant, eg “ved” -> “vetel” dampen, ropik -> ropitel “bury” (“ropiteltan” disinter)
-las - agent (person who does something)
-e - diminutive, negative/derogatory
-a - diminutive, positive
-tan - Negation
-elis - Locative (“a place of…” or “a place where…”)
-fet - proximal “next” or general future tense
-ved - proximal “last” or general past tense
-nen - little/small
-dun - big/large
er-VERB - repeatedly VERB

drop o if not final, see below, +ti means “shape with this many sides”
0: Sifo (sifti “hole”, siftilen “empty”)

1: Idro (idroti “circle”, lit. “one-thing”)
2: Duvo
3: Sito (sitoti “triangle”)
4: Firo (firoti “square”)
5: Peko 
6: Saso
7: Heto
8: Osto
9: Nuno
10: Zeno

Zenodun: 100 (big-10)
Zenzenodun: 1,000 (10 big-10)
Zenzenodun zenodun zeno et idro - 1,111
Nunzenzenodun pekzenodun et nuno - 9,509

Totum - Cycle/year
Tid - Season
- Blomtid - spring 
- Virtid - summer
- Agetid - autumn
- Deutid - winter
Leuneldun - a moon (month), lit. “Big moon”, can be truncated to “ledun”
Astisina - a day, lit. “Sunrise/dawn,” can be truncated to “stina”
“Astisfet” - “tomorrow morning” (next day)
“Eunelfet” - “tonight” (next night)
“Eunelfetam” - “tomorrow night” (next night plural)
Digan - hour

Grammatical rules: 
Genitive - take final syllable coda, append to first syllable onset (“astis” day -> “sastis” of the day) and add an “e” if it would create an illegal syllable (kiz “story” -> zekiz “of or belonging to the story”)

Vowel sounds:
A - “ah” E - “eh” I - “ee” O - pure “o” U - “oo”

pronoun system

When two pronouns are joined, the second in sequence is a direct object
“Ken eseb destfet” - “when you (to) us give-next”

clusive ("and associated promise/s") particle: -il

1st person singular exclusive (1sge): ep
possessive: pep

1sg inclusive (1sgi): epil
possessive: lepil

2nd person singular exclusive (2sge): es
possessive: ses
2sgi: esil
possessive: lesil

3sge: ek
possessive: kek
3sgi: ekil
possessive: lekil

1ple: eb
possessive: beb
1pli: ebil
possessive: lebil

2ple: ez
possessive: zez
2pli: ezil
possessive: lezil

3ple: eg
possessive: geg
3pli: egil
possessive: legil

Epti - this; Ebti - these; Eptelis - here
Esti - that; Ezti - those; Estelis - there
Ekti - the other thing; Egti - the other things; Ektelis - the other place

Who/what - ku
What - ka
Where - ke
When - ken
Why - ki
How/“like” - ko
How many - kol

-(a)m - plural
Reduplication - intensified/“very”

nit - binary AND (“both A and B”) also functions as dual (astisnit “two days”)
nitan - binary NAND (“neither A nor B”)
mit - binary OR (“either A or B, or both”)
mitan - binary XOR (“either A or B, but not both”)

nitam - “all” (A and B and C and…)
nitanam - “none of the above” (neither A nor B nor C nor…)
mitam - “at least one of these” (A or B or C or…)
mitanam - “no more than one of these” (A or B or C or… but not more than one)

an-VERB-ne - subjunctive of desire on verb, “I wish/hope/request that VERB…”
an-VERB-ve - subjunctive of need on verb, “I require/need VERB (to come to pass)”

Comments ( 3 )

Note: the final chapter isn’t out yet but it will be tomorrow (January 9th, 2024)

Paying more attention learning this than I did in all of middle school French.

This is fascinating! :raritystarry:

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