Mary and Celestia's Next Chapter · 2:20pm Sep 4th, 2023
It's been far too long, but it won't be much longer.
Get ready for new characters (human and pony), new storylines, and a whole lot of the mind-fuckery you've come to expect. "Louder" was a great palate cleanser, but a little vanilla.
This shit is going to be black raspberry. With sprinkles.
Looking forward to some more futa degeneracy, the best kind of degeneracy.
I'm going to comment on how we're getting on to it being "longer" than a month
which will coincidentally line up with you putting the finishing touches and releasing the story tonight
which I will then proceed to not even read for over another month anyway, needy short attention span creature of whimsy that I am
Probably be about another week or so. It's one of the longer ones.