• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Subject 19

I believe that stories help us to ennoble ourselves, to fix what is broken in us, and to help us become the people we dream of being. Lies that tell a deeper truth.

More Blog Posts437

  • 3 weeks
    Happy Independence Day!

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  • 9 weeks
    Team Fortress 2

    So earlier this week I decided to start playing TF2 again after having never touched it since high school. And hot damn am I hooked again! The only downside is that the game is overwhelmed by bots. It's not so bad that it ruins every game. It's pretty easy to kick the bots thankfully. But I'd say one in ten games is just nothing but bots. Will Valve fix this problem? I wouldn't count on it since

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  • 12 weeks
    May 1st

    Well it's my birthday today and I am old as hell!:rainbowlaugh: 28 years now. Still got a bit until I hit the truly scary 30! Don't really have anything big planned for my birthday. Been playing iRacing and then tonight I'm having dinner with my dad, so that'll be nice.

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  • 16 weeks
    Sweet Jesus, My Back!

    Ok so the other day I wake up. All normal right? WRONG!!!!!! I had the most cutting pain in my lower back I've ever experienced! It was so bad I had to spend, not exaggerating here, 20 minutes figuring out a way to force myself to sit upright and then stand up. Don't know what I did to mess up my back but I have a heat pad and plenty of advil. Apparently that and warm baths are about the best I

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  • 16 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    Hope you're all having a wonderful day! I'm enjoying a nice day off of work playing iRacing. My brain is too smooth for real drivers at the moment, since I haven't played it in over a year, so I'm going up against the AI:twilightsheepish: And also I feel like I should get in the habit of blogging a bit more. It's been a while.

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A Kickass Year for Gaming! · 11:13pm Aug 20th, 2023

I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like 2023 is going to go down as one of the best years for new video games in a long time. To start the year we had the amazing Dead Space remake, which yes is a remake but done so so right! Obvious graphics overhaul, added voice lines to the main character as well as other quality of life improvements. A rare W for EA, but a welcome one. Then, Hogwarts Legacy came out and what more can be said that everyone hasn’t already? The game’s a Harry Potter fan’s dream and is good enough on its own that even people who aren’t fans of the franchise can enjoy it all the same.

Skip ahead a bit more and we get two more awesome remakes! Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4! But not content with a solid remake of one of their best franchises, Nintendo asserts their dominance just to remind the world that they are still GOATs! Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! Goes without saying that TOTK has a damn good shot at game of the year.

Next up we got Baldur’s Gate 3, which like Elden Ring before, has taken the internet by storm and pissed off lazy studio execs! I’ve been having a blast with it and feel like I’ve barely gotten past the first real section of the game. It’s a great game for fans of D&D and RPGs. There’s a ton of depth to this game and content that it’s insane. This game very much could be my next obsession.

Last but certainly not least, we’ve still got the hotly anticipated games still yet to come out so I’ll fire off the three I’m most excited for. Armored Core 6, Starfield and Payday 3. Armored Core 6 is been made by From Software, same guys who did Darks Souls and Elden Ring. I don’t believe that studio can even comprehend what it means to make a bad game. Plus mechs firing endless amounts of ordinance… SIGN ME THE FUCK UP! Starfield I’m a bit skeptical of, just cuz we’ve all been burned before by Todd Howard’s sweet little lies. So I reckon it’ll probably be good if not great, but it will live or die by its ability to meet the hype surrounding it. Lastly, Payday 3. Rob bank, fight cops, get absolutely wrecked by a cloaker, repeat. If none of you have played Payday 2 I cannot recommend that game enough because it’s endless amounts of stupid fun! Everything I’ve seen from Payday 3 makes me believe this will be a very fun game me and my friends will be able to sink our teeth into.

How about the rest you? What have you all thought about this year’s game releases? Are there any games that I didn’t mention that you’re enjoying or looking forward to?

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