• Member Since 10th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen July 19th


Love to read, write and be awesome!!! It's very nice to meet you.

More Blog Posts649

  • 4 weeks
    Hope it wasn’t long

    I just posted another chapter of lost without love. I hope it wasn’t too long of a wait. Working on the next chapter now.

    0 comments · 28 views
  • 5 weeks
    It's been too long but I did it

    Lost Without Love finally got updated. I will try my best to finish my other stories. Hope you all enjoy.

    0 comments · 19 views
  • 12 weeks
    it has been some time

    I miss being on here a lot and writing. I have been busy with life and running my channel. I forgot about this for a while. Well, I started writing the stories again. So who knows, maybe some new chapters are coming soon.

    0 comments · 54 views
  • 30 weeks
    Amy's Lullaby | A Sonic Frontiers Song

    After 3/4 months, it is finally here. My first ever original song, Amy's Lullaby.

    2 comments · 63 views
  • 32 weeks
    Amy's Lullaby Teaser | A Sonic Frontiers Fan-made Song

    A teaser for my first ever original song, Amy's Lullaby! Coming Friday the 15th.

    0 comments · 53 views

Tell me someone is a control freak without telling me they're a control freak, I'll go first. · 5:07am Jul 19th, 2023

OK, so I just found out that My old manager is making everyone at her store Sign a contract saying that they can't work over 40 hours to get overtime or work exactly 40 hours. So glad I left.

Report AnnEldest · 74 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I don't consider myself one, but if, for example I go into a washroom and the toilet paper is set counter clockwise, I almost instinctively flip it.

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