Well... it was fun while it lasted · 5:34pm Jun 24th, 2023
Well. I can't really keep going. Imma stop acting like everything is fine and put on a mask every day to convince myself that I'm not a worthless piece of shit that can't achieve anything. I've failed everything I've tried and I'm the only one to blame.
I've lost the spark that was driving me a long time ago. I was just afraid to admit it and act like I can keep working on things I thought I still love. Well... arts, and writing - I found it harder to grab a pen than actually do anything. I'm tired of sky-high expectations I've put on myself which I will never fulfill. My mind is just getting worse every day.
I'm leaving. I'm quitting arts and mlp fandom, and maybe even writing. With me leaving, I'm getting rid of my sona: Dashkin. We both are no more.
This is my last goodbye. I'll see you around lads.
Dashkin out.