Hey · 12:28am Apr 17th, 2023
Long time no see, huh?
Well, I got some bad news for those waiting for "Project Lunarium: The Fall". The trilogy will be... rearranged. I will be changing the plot and rewriting the whole story because I don't feel like the current plot will make sense and be good. With that, Project Lunarium will most unlikely appear here on FimFiction, but only on Wattpad, as it will not be pony-related anymore.
I won't leave you hanging, though. I've begun working on my second project: Project Lunarium: The Voices of the Dammed. It will be just one big catalogue of one-shot stories with plots in my Lore. It's gonna appear only on my Wattpad, but I will do my best to post some stories there.
Lastly, all things considered, I don't wanna leave FimFiction empty, so I will be working on some stories that will be pony-related. Mostly one-shots, at least for now.
My activity dropped significantly, I am aware of that. Well... I'm still trying to find some time to write stories, do some art etc. but life doesn't slow down. I'm now working 12-13 hours, 6 days per week and it doesn't seem it will change anytime soon, so I apologize. I just want to post a decent story that won't disappoint you, but now it's even harder than ever.
No matter what, I will not give up and I will keep trying to continue my work. It just will take more time.