• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Just some guy trying to make it in life and write pony words as a passtime, I am currently 25 years old

More Blog Posts32

  • 49 weeks
    New Project Announcement

    Hey all, how have you been, FIMFic's most consistently late author here.

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    0 comments · 82 views
  • 94 weeks
    Chapter 2 sneak peek

    Moving through the destroyed city center was rather tricky, the mix of collapsed buildings and totaled cars made for plentiful obstacles and even more ambush positions, which is why I chose to move building to building, between alleyways and backdoors, this made for slower progress but the extra cover was nice and it gave more scavenging opportunities.

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    0 comments · 120 views
  • 119 weeks

    SOOOOOO, I currently have a lot of free time, I'll try to get the second chapter done by the end of the week
    Let's hope the creative juices get flowing

    that's all


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  • 120 weeks
    Universe, Dark and why?


    So vast and unexplored
    Bright and beautiful
    A limitless expanse
    So full and empty
    Forever expanding
    Never stopping
    That's my love to you


    Deep limitless dark
    Clouds my sight
    Slayed only by a rich violet
    Piercing through the dark
    Surely as an arrow in flight
    I wonder, though, where are you headed?
    Is it me you visit so unknowingly?

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    0 comments · 94 views
  • 120 weeks
    Another Morning

    Yet another morning I wake alone
    Missing your essence beside me
    Knowing it has to be this way, alone
    Even then I dream of you, alone
    Like a leech this has stuck to my heart
    Draining all the life away
    My memory still plagued by those moments
    Digging into my skin without reprieve


    0 comments · 104 views

Chapter 2 sneak peek · 10:37pm Apr 25th, 2023

Moving through the destroyed city center was rather tricky, the mix of collapsed buildings and totaled cars made for plentiful obstacles and even more ambush positions, which is why I chose to move building to building, between alleyways and backdoors, this made for slower progress but the extra cover was nice and it gave more scavenging opportunities.

I now found myself in the first floor of a relatively intact apartment building, the receptionist’s desk was broken in two, likely from someone getting bucked by an earth pony, splashes of dried blood in the splinters confirmed my theory, a few dried up potted plants stood by the windows, broken couches, center tables and chairs were piled up near the center of the room with not much else of interest I continued up the stairs which creaked slightly as I stepped on them.

My heartbeat was pounding on my ears as I tried to keep my weight evenly distributed to make as little noise as possible, my knife clutched tightly in my hand, step by step the top of the stairs became visible and just as my eyes went over the last step, I noticed a tense thread going across.

“It’s boobytrapped, should’ve known, well better make sure that is the only wire. I mused internally as I pulled out my emergency flashlight and shone the top of the stairs, sure enough a couple more threads became visible, they didn’t look like a typical human made wire*, immediately my white streak of hair began tingling, as if the unpleasant memory of magic caused an allergic reaction “So if this is pony made, the has to be a vial somewhere, and most likely if these stairs are trapped so is the rest of the building.

This comprises the first few sentences, any constructive criticism is much appreciated,
editor/proofreader needed, don't have a way to provide compensation.
that's all folks
ComatoseVEVO over and out.

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