• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Meeting of the Gods

Twilight's mood improved greatly after seeing how everyone reacted to her life on Equus, as that was the name of the planet she had once called home before her life as Frieza and Towa's daughter started, because everyone watching the very long presentation of her old life had all sorts of expressions towards everything she had lived through. She honestly wasn't sure what had shocked them the most, the existence of powerful alicorns that could literally move the sun and moon, artifacts capable of defeating beings that could manipulate reality on a whim, said chaotic being who loved chocolate milk, and all of the random and chaotic things she and her friends did. While she knew that nothing on her home world could stand up to the power of everyone she knew now, save for her old self, Celestia, and Luna possibly, it was still interesting to see how all of them reacted to Chrysalis and her changelings, the darkness of King Sombra, and literally everything else she had to deal with before coming here. Such a thing made her night that much better and took her mind off of everything that needed to be done in the near future, since she knew something was coming, though many were interested in the discovery of her family, friends, and everyone else important to her.

Of course there was far too much for her to show in a single night, so there were multiple viewings over the next week and a half, allowing her to show everyone everything that happened before she came to this universe, appeasing Beerus' desire to know about her past while letting the others see something new.

During the day, however, she did her work and made sure that everything was fine in the universe, as none of her people seemed to be finding anything that demanded her attention, while Hit and his team, which now included Zamasu since the former apprentice Kaioshin had switched to her universe after the whole Future Trunks affair. Whis had chuckled at that piece of information, because Twilight had saved the former apprentice from an early death, since in one parallel world he died to Beerus' hands, and had shown him that there was more to the universe than what he thought before he had his meeting with her. He also remarked that it was interesting that she had taken individuals from two universes now, even though she had only offered them better conditions than what they were used to, but he made no move to stop her from doing whatever she wanted, because in the end everything she did benefited their universe as a whole. Of course he also told her something interesting while Beerus was devouring some food with Goku and the others, that the four gods had, in fact, witnessed her arrival in their universe and the Destroyer didn't want her to know, at least not until she was far older and knew about the multiverse.

In the end Twilight decided not to make a big deal about it, as they had decided to stay out of her life, for the most part, and only interacted with her when Beerus deemed it necessary to do so, hence Chronoa and Shin acting on their own, and just turned her attention back to her own.

As she expected Goku and Vegeta spent their spare time training with Whis, when Twilight was focused on something else anyway, and part of her decision was because they needed to face different warriors instead of facing the same one day in and day out, because while she could give them what they wanted it would become boring in time. Of course she knew that there was a downside to letting one of the Saiyans spend too much time with the gods of their universe, as Goku was bound to remember that he had the button that either summoned Zeno or would bring him to Zeno's palace, opening the way for him to ask about the all universe tournament. After that she suspected that they would have no time to prepare for what came next, hence why she was doing everything in her power to make sure she, and those around her, were ready for the incoming event that Goku was going to trigger. This was one of those rare moments where she didn't need to rely on any of her vast powers to figure anything out, rather she knew both Goku and the Zenos well enough to know what would happen if they interacted with each other, and could only hope that this time she was wrong, even if she knew that her guess was right on the money.

Sure enough she found that Goku arrived at her office after one of his visits to the planet that Beerus called home, joined by Beerus, Whis, and Shin as she quickly discovered, where she simply sighed as she welcomed them into the office and took her seat at her table, only her full focus was on them.

"So, I take it that the 'all universe tournament' is a go?" Twilight inquired, because she could see that Beerus was sweating right now, no doubt due to the fact that Goku had gone to speak with the pair of Zenos that watched over everything, so it was easy for her to piece things together without being told too much.

"Not quite. Future Zeno has no idea what Present Zeno and I were talking about, so the Grand Priest has decided to host a 'Zen Exhibition Match'," Goku explained, something that caused Twilight to raise an eyebrow for just a few seconds before it was lowered, as she understood that the future version had no idea what they were talking about and needed to be shown what his present counterpart had seen not that long ago, "and we were told to gather three warriors. Beerus told me that, since this is all my fault, I am to take part and think of this as punishment, but that leaves us with two openings and he has forbidden me from picking you, Vegeta, and the three apprentices."

"Because, if we do end up taking part in the tournament, you don't want to reveal our trump cards, right?" Twilight asked, taking a moment to glance at Beerus for a moment, where the Destroyer nodded his head, confirming that she was right without having to say a single word, causing her to sigh as she considered the remaining warriors that were available for such a match, "Which means, Goku, that you should refrain from using anything beyond Super Saiyan Blue, since Blue 2 and the other forms might be too powerful for your matches. As for who else to take with you, I believe Gohan is free this afternoon, while Buu would be a good idea since he would be able to deal with the powers of whoever he ends up being the opponent of. Of course you'll need to talk with Mr. Satan about it, even though Buu's gotten pretty good at knowing all sorts of things and understanding how to tackle all sorts of situations, so you will have an extra passenger, but other than that you shouldn't need to do too much to prepare for the event."

Beerus said nothing to that as Twilight helped them track down Gohan and Buu, finding that the former was definitely free for the next couple of days and had been hanging outside his house, no doubt feeling their approach, so they were able to tell him without worrying Videl. After getting Gohan to agree to come with them, as he had tackled Twilight's training when he had time, they tracked down Buu and found that, as Twilight expected, he was at Mr. Satan's place and was happy to see them, since there was a chance for him to have fun. Mr. Satan didn't know what was going on, since he hadn't been paying too much attention to what had happened when Zeno first arrived, but he agreed to accompany them so he could translate things for Buu, since he was still learning about the world and everything else that it contained. At the same time Twilight handed him a device of her own creation, what appeared to be a necklace that actually contained a spy drone, as she had modified and outfitted one of Gero's and made it far better than before, which should allow her to observe the entire event without having to be there.

Once the trio was ready to go, and Goku was sure of that, Beerus and his now enlarged group departed without delay and returned to Zeno's palace, leaving Twilight to return to her office, where she made sure the workers knew not to bother her as she locked the door and sealed everything so none of the noise could be heard by anyone else, and as soon as her preparations were done she activated her viewing screen.

The drone silently came to life and revealed that they were in what appeared to be an endless corridor of Zeno's palace, a dark blue walled area with white pillars lining the way, and it wasn't long before Beerus' group made contact with the team from another universe. She knew that due to the fact that an Angel was standing nearby, next to what appeared to be a shorter God of Destruction that was almost like a dwarf, who might be Sidra, the Hakaishin of Universe 9, and standing off to his right stood a sketchy Kaioshin who might as well be on drugs. The majority of her focus was on the trio that stood near them, the warriors called in for the exhibition match, three wolf people that, at a glance, really looked like Beastians of the wolf variety, with one having red fur and a cloak, a hunched yellow one with overalls, and a blue one who seemed far stronger than the other two. Based on what she was seeing it sure looked like they were brothers, with the blue furred wolf potentially being the strongest of them all, but given the powers that her allies had Twilight suspected that this would be a very short event and then the announcement for the tournament would be given to all universes.

Shin confirmed that the other group was, in fact, from Universe 9, but before they could really speak to each other they were brought before the Grant Priest, a short blue skinned individual like the Angels, wearing teal clothing while his halo floated behind his head, where everyone but the two Angels knelt towards him. In a matter of seconds he was able to use his power to create a large square shaped arena, just like the tournament between Universe 7 and Universe 6, with two fairly large stands, one for Beerus' side and one for Sidra's side, where she noted that the stands had three levels, one for the fighters, one for the Kaioshin and Hakaishin, and a third for the Angel. The Grand Priest also had his own stand that he stood on, which floated near the right side of the arena, from Beerus' point of view anyway, and it was in that instant that he spread his arms a little and called for 'all gods to assemble', leading to ten more circular stands to float down into the area surrounding the arena. Those that interested her more than anything else were the Gods of Destruction, as each of them were different from the last, as she counted a short figure with a large beard, a female in Egyptian inspired clothing, a large robot, a short yellow mouse that looked annoying, a figure with an odd mohawk, a pink elephant, a figure with fish ears, and a clown.

Out of all of them, however, only one had another figure, as the clown's stand had a fourth figure that was wearing a black robe, like the God of Destruction wanted to keep the figure's identity a secret until he was ready to reveal it, though Goku did glance at every stand in anticipation for what was coming up next.

"Supreme Kai and Gods of Destruction, gathered from all universes, as you already know Lord Zeno wishes to hold a martial arts tournament called the Tournament of Power," the Grand Priest stated, which was the moment that Twilight started taking her notes on the matter, because everything he had to say would be important, even if they weren't pulled into the event, though something told her they were in trouble as well, "before that, however, the Lord Zeno from the future does not know what a martial arts tournament is... so we are holding this, the Zen Exhibition Match, to show him what they'll be seeing during the main event."

In that moment he turned and indicated that the Zenos had arrived, where he bowed to an area behind him and that was when a circular platform with two thrones on it, with both versions of Zeno present, arrived, with two single platforms on the left and right of it, for two of the guards, no doubt one from the present and one from the future. Goku, despite his desire to head up and talk to the pair, held back and stood with everyone else, though some of the gods had noticed how he glanced at the Zenos and instantly called him disrespectful, causing the Grand Priest to motion for the commotion to stop so they could get the event underway. Of course he couldn't help but throw Goku under the bus by informing all of the gods that it was due to Goku's request for the tournament that they were here, meaning that there had to be another reason for them holding the event in the first place and it made Twilight wonder if the Zenos were displeased with some of the universes. None of the gods could say anything as both Zenos declared their interest to see a fight, which was when the Grand Priest informed everyone that the matches wouldn't have a time limit, rather it would be until a fighter gave up or was knocked out of the ring, exactly the same as the tournament between Champa and Beerus' universes.

One of the Kaioshin, Roh from Universe 9, asked if there was a reward for the winning team of this match, only to be told that there wasn't, as this was simply to raise expectations for the Tournament of Power, leading to two warriors jumping down into the arena, Buu and the red wolf, Basil apparently.

Basil seemed to be all about speed, rushing around the arena and kicking at Buu so he could assert his dominance over his foe, but Buu, having done a bit of training with Twilight in the past, was more prepared for the battle than his foe had thought he'd be, as he used his arms to block blows as he looked for openings. Roh already proved that he was annoying as he claimed his universe's dominance over Universe 7, something that annoyed Buu as he went on the offensive not a second later and started to push Basil backwards, all while the two Zenos seemed pleased with their basic moves. Basil, as if sensing that allowing this to go on would be a bad idea, actually fired off Ki blasts from his feet as he kicked at Buu, but they did nothing as they tore through his body and Buu healed in a matter of seconds, much to the surprise of those who were watching the battle unfold. Buu promptly went on the offensive and started to push Basil back, to which the wolf did the unthinkable, he turned towards his gods and demanded 'that thing', which turned out to be a performance enhancer of some kind that boosted his size and power, but Buu wasn't impressed as he unleashed a series of blows on his foe and knocked him into the ground.

Twilight noted that Buu had taken many of her lessons to heart, he was more like a fighter than he had been when he was released from his prison all those years ago, and with Basil defeated he smiled as he rubbed the back of his head before taking the unconscious wolf to Universe 9's stand, handing him to his brothers before heading back to Goku's side.

After that it was the yellow wolf, Lavender, and Gohan's turn, where they jumped down into the arena before the Grand Priest called for it to start, where Goku had to smile as he witnessed his son's skills once more, as Twilight had trained all of Gohan's skills multiple times when he was available for training. He was faster, stronger, and more attuned for battle than he would have been had she left him alone, in fact Twilight was sure that his Mystic form was equal to Goku's Super Saiyan Blue form, at the very least, and his base power matched that of Super Saiyan 4, making him an effective warrior when he needed to be. As such he was able to block Lavender's attacks and even avoided the purple smoke that he tried to blow in his face, a poison attack no doubt, shocking Roh as he continued to talk about his 'Trio of Dangers', which was the name of the wolf brothers as a whole, and he even confirmed that Lavender's power was poison. In the end Gohan emerged as the victor as he kicked his foe off the arena, where they found that the yellow wolf was teleported back up to his stand with a look of shame on his face, as if he thought that he'd take his foe out, allowing Gohan to return to Beerus' side as they prepared for the final match.

Or at least that was the plan as the Grand Priest raised his hand and stopped everyone before they started the third and final match, which caused Twilight to raise an eyebrow as she wondered what in the world he had to say next, or what the two Zenos wanted everyone else to know.

"To all gods, I have an announcement: both versions of Lord Zeno are pleased that the mortals from the weakest universe can put forth such interesting fights," the Grand Priest stated, which interested Twilight immediately, as he said that as if one of the two universes were the bottom of the twelve, something that several of the other gods caught while they kept their mouths shut for the time being as he finished his announcement, "Universe 9's Mortal Level is 1.86, the lowest of the twelve universes, and that information has caused Present Lord Zeno and Future Lord Zeno to agree that there are far too many universes in the multiverse. This leads me to their announcement: they will, by their own hand, erase all universes that lose during the Tournament of Power."

That caused Twilight to drop her writing tool as soon as she heard it, both Zenos were willing to erase eleven of the twelve universes, in fact they must have been planning on doing so before Goku arrived to speak with them, meaning he must have given them a chance at survival by reminding the present Zeno about his promise. Clearly she wasn't the only person interested in this piece of information, as many of the gods had questions and there were answers to be given, as one had to ask if all twelve universes were taking part in this tournament, where he revealed that Universes 1, 12, 5, and 8 were the only safe ones. Another asked what would happen to the gods of the universe, where he informed everyone present that the Angels would be the only ones to survive the erasure of the doomed universes, so literally everything else would cease to exist when their warriors were eliminated from the Tournament of Power. Twilight was shocked that the sheer amount of work she had done for Universe 7, saving so many planets and races, hadn't saved them from annihilation, and made her wonder what else would have needed to be done to save them.

She wasn't the only one interested in such a thing, because before Beerus or the others could stand up, to ask where they stood among all of the eight doomed universes, Liquiir stepped up and the Grand Priest acknowledge that he wanted to say something before the final match started.

"Earlier you said that Universe 9 had the lowest Mortal Level, but you didn't say where Universe 7 stood." Liquiir stated, as he and many others had noticed that fact and now, upon realizing that eight of the universes were in jeopardy, he wanted to know something before Goku took to the stage and showed the gods what he was capable of, "Where does Universe 7 stand among the other eight universes?"

"They are tied for fifth place." the Grand Priest replied, which came as a surprise to everyone that was present, in fact it looked like Beerus was torn between wanting to cheer and wanting to cry since they were on the verge of being safe from the erasure that threatened almost all of reality, "Lord Beerus, I wouldn't celebrate if I were you... after all, your vastly improved Mortal Level isn't the product of your hard work, rather your position is due of a certain purple individual that's been calling your universe home for some time now. If not for her changes to your universe, well, you would have been just above Universe 9 in the rankings."

Twilight leaned back in her chair as she half paid attention to everything that came next, barely listening as Bergamo, the third wolf brother, tried to get the Zenos to undo their ruling to erase the universes that lost during the tournament, but to get his wish he'd have to beat Goku. She knew how the fight was going to end and that caused her to focus most of her attention on who needed to be picked so they could survive and win the tournament, where she assumed that the Super Dragon Balls would be the prize, to entice people to do their best for whatever their hearts desired. Since she got lost in her thoughts, ignoring everything that was going on during the exhibition match, she ended up missing Goku's battles, as he apparently had two and the second seemed more like a tie, before the Grand Priest explained the rules. Her focus was on the fact that each team needed ten warriors, it was going to be a battle royal, meaning everyone would be fighting at the same time, and that there was a time limit so that the team with the most warriors at the end would be the winner, if more than one remained at that point.

In the end Twilight got to work drafting up their team for the Tournament of Power, the ten warriors that would save their universe from erasure, and as she did that she could only wonder what sort of warriors the other universes would bring to bear against them.

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