• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: Warm-up Matches

Goku found that Twilight remained true to her word, she trained with Gohan for an entire day and made sure he left the Hyperbolic Time Chamber when his time was drawing to a close, though he and Piccolo found that he was no longer in his Super Saiyan state when he emerged. Such a thing told him that Twilight's training must have been intense, forcing him to power down to his base state, causing Goku to wonder just how much stronger his son had become by facing off against the pony girl and what he might have learned during that time. At the same time they found that Twilight remained inside the chamber, spending the last day alone so she could make the most of her time before the Cell Games started, which only made Goku interested in what sort of power Twilight would emerge with. In fact he was discovering that she might be the only one that could stand before Cell's great and terrible power, meaning it would be in their best interests to let her take the lead this time around and not get in the way of whatever she was planning.

When the day of the Cell Games arrived, however, Goku teleported up to the Lookout and found that some of their group were already ready to go, before everyone stopped in their tracks as Twilight emerged from the main structure, having taken the time to change into a pristine version of her armor.

"Today's the big day. I hope you're ready to face Cell, Twilight." Goku said, because while he wanted to have a go at Cell, as he was excited to see what sort of power the bio-android had to offer in his altered perfect form, he also knew that she wanted a proper fight, due to it having been a while since her last fight, and this was the best chance for her.

"I'm as ready as one can be." Twilight remarked, as her training with Gohan had beneficial, despite the harsh beginning she had to put him through to unlock his hidden power, just like her training on her own had given her more power as well, so she was far stronger than she was letting the others see right now, causing her to float into the air, "Come, let's pay Cell a visit and get the games underway."

Twilight wasted no time to departing from the Lookout, zeroing in on the area that the arena had been built in, because she could sense Cell's energy and found that he hadn't moved at all, in fact if he did anything it had happened before this point in time. While she did that Goku and the others followed after her, even though she found that Vegeta had left the Lookout and was rushing through the air, meaning he would no doubt reach the ring first, and he wasn't the only one that was moving right now. Twilight could sense her family and her new allies moving, plus she suspected that Aeos and the hidden watchers would be observing the Cell Games as a whole, not to mention she knew that a foolish human would also show up, given what was on the news before she went into the chamber. Either way it excited her to no end, as it was time for her to face one of the strongest foes on the planet and see how she measured up to him, especially with the various bits of Saiyan genetics that had been added to his genetic makeup.

It didn't take her too long to reach the area that Cell had constructed his ring in, where she found that he had flattened it to make a pure marble white square shaped ring, which resembled the tournament arenas that Goku and the others had fought in, and, sure enough, she found some camera people waiting on a cliff.

Since she had arrived sooner than the others, who were some distance behind her, Twilight stopped and observed the scene in front of her as a black car with red letters drove close to the ring, where a tall man with a rather muscular body, wearing a brown gi and a white cape over it, stepped out of the vehicle. Based on his black afro, and the championship belt around his waist, she had to assume that this was Mr. Satan, the World Martial Arts Champion, who also stood as the hero that the people were looking up to, where the car drove away and left him to his match. He seemed to make some motions in Cell's direction, indicating that he would be the one to take him down, which his fans had to be eating up right now, though she knew that if he dared to face Cell he'd likely end up dead. As he taunted the bio-android, mocking him for becoming a dragon Beastian since it 'showed' everyone that he was a coward, as it seemed to make sense to the man, she realized that she had passed Vegeta at one point and had arrived sooner than he had, or he had gone somewhere else before coming here.

Mr. Satan beckoned for the cameraman and the announcer to come over to him and when they did so he lashed out at Cell more, making sure everyone watching knew his opinions on the matter, especially since he claimed that Cell used all sorts of 'tricks' to blow the city up and defeat the military, all while Cell just ignored him as he glanced at Twilight, which put a smile on his face as Vegeta finally showed up.

"So, Prince, are you going to take part in the games, or are you just here to watch?" Cell asked, because if it was the former he was going to break him in no time, given what happened the last time they fought and the power he was feeling from the Saiyan, even if he was hiding his power from him, but as the announcer informed them that five minutes were left he found 16 landing nearby, with the Capsule Corp logo over his actual logo.

In the next few moments Goku and the others landed on one side of the arena, surprising the ordinary people with their sudden arrival, though that was when Twilight floated down to a small hill that had survived Cell's previous destruction of the area, followed by her family and new allies landing behind her. As they discussed their plan, however, Mr. Satan told all of them that there was no way they were going to fight Cell, he had, after all, arrived first and, as the World Champ, it was his duty to face off against Cell, who was more than willing to deal with him for a tiny bit. Goku considered telling him that he'd die out there, to save Mr. Satan's life, but decided not to, as he seemed like someone who would ignore what his peers or other people had to say, so he stood back with the others as the man focused on Cell. Such a thing involved him taking off his cape, showing off the championship belt, before using a capsule to pull out a bag that he withdrew a number of tiles from, fifteen that he moved to break with the edge of his hand, even if he ended up breaking fourteen of them, a fact he seemed pleased with.

Twilight, having heard what one of her alternate selves had to deal with in their timeline, frowned as she stared at him for a time, mentally moving the timeline where she was Mr. Satan's daughter up the list of those she was planning on ending in the future, before noticing that someone was going to speak their mind about this stupid show.

"Gods, this guy is a moron... Cell might just kill him to get rid of an annoying pest." Frieza commented, something that was followed by everyone in Twilight's group nodding their heads in agreement, they knew that Mr. Satan was dead no matter what, not unless the bio-android showed mercy and spared him to kill him later.

"Hey, idiot, don't make such stupid claims." the announcer stated, clearly hearing what Frieza had to say on the matter, a fact that stopped everyone in their tracks as Cell chuckled, since he knew they were foolish to say such a thing to him, the Emperor of the Universe, "You wouldn't last five seconds against Cell!"

In that moment Goku and the others knew what was coming, some even calling for Frieza not to do what he was thinking, but Twilight just grinned as her father loosed a blast into the cameraman's chest, killing him instantly, before he turned towards the now scared announcer.

"Call me an idiot again and I'll kill you for real." Freiza stated, where the figure nodded his head as he mentally freaked out over what he was seeing, even if Mr. Satan seemed unfazed and claimed that it was all tricks, causing everyone to sigh for a moment, as there was no convincing him that he was in the wrong.

16, having nothing to do right now, walked over to the fallen camera and lifted it up, acting like a temporary cameraman for the rest of the world, which was when Mr. Satan went on the assault, kicking at Cell's muzzle with a 'Dynamite Kick', a barrage of punches to the chest, and even a powerful elbow blow aimed at the head, causing Cell to swing his arm not a second later and sent Mr. Satan into a tall hill.

"Now that the trash has been dealt with, whose first?" Cell remarked, where the heroes and Twilight's group found that Mr. Satan was still alive, even though his face was bruised from hitting the side of a hill, causing him to stagger back to the arena for another round with Cell, and it wasn't long before he turned to face the one he wanted to fight, "Twilight, will you be my first real opponent?"

"Not quite. You have some opponents that want to tackle you first." Twilight said, though as she said that five figures that had been hiding behind her group jumped into the air as her mother brought out a small music player and hit play, likely to play a theme that the individuals had prepared for this day.

Frieza couldn't help but chuckle as the Ginyu Force landed in the ring and Cell faced them, where he found that they were doing the same poses they had used when they landed on Namek, meaning they must have been ones the group liked, before Cell chuckled as he created four copies of himself, making it five on five. Twilight realized what this move was, due to the fact she had done her research on the Z Warriors and their abilities, as she informed them that it was the Multiform technique, one that allowed the user to make multiple copies of themselves while it cut into their power, so each Cell held a fifth of his total power. In the following seconds Twilight felt time shudder as Guldo, of all people, made the first move as his friends touched his shoulders, or rather the shoulders of his new armor, causing them to move through time to strike Cell and his copies before they could react to what was going on. It was a good idea, because out of all the powers Cell had access to, thanks to the various DNA samples that had been used to construct his perfect form, he didn't have any of the powers that the Ginyu Force possessed, and since they were dead in his era he had no idea that Guldo could even do such a thing.

The fascinating thing that Twilight discovered was that Guldo, by training with Tien and even getting some lessons from her mother, was able to evolve the skill so he didn't have to take a breath, meaning he had figured out how to use it with a new activation movement to improve his actual combat abilities. By allowing his friends to place their hands on him he was able to draw them into the moment he wanted to freeze, which was followed by them striking at Cell and his copies in the next few seconds, a fact that caused them to reappear as time resumed, surprising those who weren't in the know by what they had done. While it might not have done a lot of damage to Cell or his copies, as they were still pristine, Twilight could see that the bio-android was surprised by their tactic, not to mention the fact that each warrior hit harder than the likes of Krillin, causing him to smile for a moment. Such a thing meant that he was pleased with their current power and would take them somewhat seriously, since he needed a worthy challenger to make him use his full potential, though it meant they would have some entertainment before the real battle began.

As Cell and his copies moved to strike down the Ginyu Force, since the odds were still stacked in his favor due to his level of power, the five warriors shuffled themselves as time shuddered again, leading to them uppercutting their foes into the air before following after them. When they shuffled themselves again Twilight instantly understood the plan, they wanted to keep Guldo safe so they could slip in and out of time without Cell catching on, and even if he did figure out the ploy the constant moving the five of them were doing meant it was hard to keep track of the smallest warrior. Their movements were so well practiced that each member of the group could do it without talking, showing how much they trusted each other, while also allowing them to utilize his small power over time to their advantage against their enemies, meaning they would be far deadlier when they returned to the empire. Obviously they trained to attack the same person at the same time and to attack multiple people at the same time, showing that Ginyu had planned for every possibility, since the five of them struck their targets higher into the air that was above the ring.

They knew that ringing Cell out wasn't possible, not with the power of flight, and they likely also knew that beating him into nothingness was outside the scope of their powers, but even with the odds stacked against them Ginyu and his men kept on fighting, trying to take Cell down. Twilight was sadly proven right now even a few seconds later as Cell figured out part of the timing that was going on and punched Guldo in the face as his copies were struck by the other warriors, a fact that surprised them all since they didn't think he was capable of such a thing. Such a thing was followed by Cell grabbing onto the smallest warrior and hurled him down to the ground with all of his fragmented might, ending in Guldo being the first one to be ringed out, causing him to groan for a moment before being disappointed in himself for failing his friends in this battle. Following that one of the Cells disappeared, making it four on four as he evenly distributed his power again, a fact that was followed by the others going on the offensive as the remaining members of the Ginyu Force rushed at them in return, showing their foe that they weren't going to go down without a fight.

Recoome, for example, blocked an incoming attack and struck his foe in the back of the head, sending his Cell back down to the arena and followed after him without delay, while at the same time Ginyu and his opponent flashed around the air as both sought openings to use against the other. Jeice and Burter rushed into the air as their foes found them passing right by them and followed without delay, where the pair separated from each other and then struck their opponents by making a fourth of a circle in the air. The plan was simple, based on what Twilight was seeing, they were grouping up two of their foes and making sure they were stuck in the same area for a time, where Burter picked up his speed and rushed all over the place as Jeice stood in one spot, focusing his energy for whatever they had planned. Once the speedster was pleased with his results, in his attempts to confuse and distract his opponent, he stopped by Jeice and both combined their energies into a single mass before firing it, attempting to blast both of their opponents into oblivion.

Sadly the two Cells moved out of the way and let the attack pass by them, causing Twilight to snatch it with her power, as it was heading off into space and she didn't want to be wasteful, before both were knocked out of the air by their foes, a fact that lead to them crashing into the ground near Guldo. Recoome went on the offensive more than before as he and Ginyu found out that three of them were knocked out, since the Ginyu Force were honorable warriors and stuck to the rules that their opponents used in battle, where he swung at his foe as the other two Cells disappeared. With the two remaining foes at half of Cell's full power Twilight knew that it was only a matter of time until he and Ginyu were ringed out, despite their attempts to bring down their foes, but she was impressed that their skills had grown so much and knew they would do her father well in the future. Cell dueled with Recoome for a time, blocking his attacks and slipping his own blows through the warrior's defenses, and even when the muscular warrior called on his aura the bio-android continued his assault, before he and the other Cell directed Ginyu's Milky Cannon blast into Recoome's chest, stunning the pair for a few seconds.

In the following moment the pair were knocked out of the air and landed near the rest of their team, though as some of the watchers expressed their shock Cell landed as his last copy disappeared, returning him to his full power as he took a moment to glance at his now defeated foes.

"You guys fought well, but, sadly, you were no match for me, even with the Multiform Technique." Cell remarked, showing the Ginyu Force that he appreciated the warm-up they had given him, in fact he seemed ready for anything as he turned his head to look at the rest of the assembled warriors, "Now tell me, who's next?"

"Me." Twilight replied, where she floated into the air for a moment before moving down to where Cell was standing, who smirked for a moment as he realized that the greatest fight of his life was about to begin, and as she landed she swung her right arm and her staff went flying, only to be caught by her mother.

Goku and the others braced themselves for what was going to happen next, because while Cell was strong they had no idea how much stronger Twilight had become due to her training, meaning they were in for the show of their lives, they just had to be patient and wait for one of them to throw the first attack of the final battle.

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