• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: Frieza's Final Form

"I must say, Piccolo, you've certainly gotten stronger since Vegeta and Nappa attacked Earth." Frieza remarked, which was the truth of the matter, somehow, against all odds, the Namekian was far stronger than when he faced the Saiyans, where he had perished saving Gohan if his memory was correct.

"You know my name?" Piccolo inquired, something that seemed odd since he was sure Gohan and Krillin hadn't said a word about him to the Emperor, in fact the only ones who knew of his revival were them and Goku, plus Vegeta since he likely had some words with them about using the Dragon Balls, "How?"

"That's my doing." a voice said, where the warriors from Earth and Vegeta noticed that Twilight had raised her hand, as they were close to where she was resting and she was able to listen in without using her powers to listen in on their conversation, but at the very least Frieza was glad that Twilight seemed to be getting better, "I outfitted many of the Attack Balls with little drones that allowed us to watch the battle on Earth live... with limited sound, sadly... though we were unable to watch all of it since Vegeta crushed it during his transformation into his Oozaru form."

As the Earthlings absorbed that information Piccolo made his move as he rushed through the air and assaulted Frieza once more, delivering powerful punches and kicks to his body as he pushed the Emperor around part of the area they were in, as he wasn't about to let this opportunity pass him by. Frieza scored a few lucky hits, knocking his foe backwards a bit, but this did confirm one thing for him, Piccolo was definitely stronger than Vegeta was, something that prompted the Saiyan in question to actually rush into battle and attack him as well. He was fine with that tactic, as it allowed him to deal all sorts of damage to some of his enemies while tanking what another happened to be dealing to him, though he did find that Piccolo was able to deflect one of his energy blasts by swinging his hand at it, sending it off to his left. In fact Piccolo loosed a powerful burst of energy into the air, something that raced into Frieza's chest and blew up the area he was in, a fact he was becoming familiar with, though at the same time he knew that it might be time to stop playing around with all of them and move into his Third Form.

Before he did that, however, Frieza upped his power once more and swung his elbow into Piccolo's face, stunning him as soon as his blow struck his target, allowing him to punish Piccolo accordingly with a number of powerful blows to his chest and limbs, ending with a blow that sent the Namekian down into the ground again, while kicking Vegeta down into one of the islands that were scattered around them.

"You'll have to forgive me, Piccolo, for suddenly springing more of my power on you... I deemed you worthy of seeing even more of my strength." Frieza said, though at the same time he had to wonder how strong Goku was, since he hadn't made a single move to join the fight that was going on, but he did have a way to make the Saiyan join the battle, which was revealing his next transformation to them all.

"Yeah, well I've been holding back as well." Piccolo stated, where he removed the odd winged cape and turban had been wearing since his arrival in the area they were currently fighting in, his casual attire based on what Frieza could see, and just dropped them to the ground as he cracked his neck and knuckles for a few seconds, "Though if this is the height of your power, well, I won't have to worry about Goku getting involved and ruining my revenge... I'll be able to take you on on my own."

"That's right, you weren't here when I mentioned the fact that I had more than one transformation." Frieza remarked, as he had told Vegeta and the others shortly after he started fighting them, though at the same time Piccolo stopped what he was doing as he registered what he had just been told, to which he started to gather more of his energy as his foe stared at him in shock, "Allow me to show all of you my Third Form!"

Twilight watched as her father braced himself as three curved spikes burst out of his back, two near his shoulders and the third located lower on his spine, before his shoulder pads popped off his arms and pointed outward, which was followed by his face pushing out a little as his head grew longer, arching backwards as four spikes grew out of the larger casing he had created.

"Wow." Twilight said, as while her father looked more monstrous this time around, an interesting contrast to his previous form that looked like something she was familiar with, she actually thought he looked cool like this, making her wonder what sort of form he'd take once he unveiled his last form.

"This form is far stronger than my last one... we don't even have a Scouter that can accurately measure the power that I possess when I use this form." Frieza stated, though this time around he was pleased to find that Twilight approved of his transformation and wasn't disappointed in what she was seeing, while at the same time discovering that Piccolo and the rest of the warriors, again save for Goku, were terrified of his power, "Let us start the next round."

Piccolo, sensing what was coming, burst into the air to avoid the incoming attack that Frieza had prepared for him, where Frieza smiled for a moment before taking off as well, something that caused the observers to glance around the area for a few seconds before discovering that he was able to cut off Piccolo with ease. Following that he went on the offensive, as in he fired off small beads of energy from his fingertips, from his pointer fingers to be exact, which tore through the fabric of his foe's legs and the leg itself, along with his arms, chest, and even his cheek, though he refrained from hitting his vitals, since he wasn't trying to kill most of his opponents. He wasn't too surprised when Gohan rushed into battle once more, as he was Piccolo's student when Frieza recalled what they had seen during the recording, though it was an attack fueled by his rage, causing him to stop tormenting Piccolo and move out of the way, only for the little brat to burst higher into the air before releasing a powerful burst of energy at him. The blast zeroed in on him and he held his hands out, even though it did crash into him and push him down towards the ground, reminding Frieza that Gohan's rage made him strong, to the point where he wondered how much power Twilight could siphon from someone like this, before he determined that this wouldn't be the end of him.

In that moment he forced the attack backwards, sending it flying through the air as it zeroed in on Gohan's position, but before it could actually make contact Piccolo blasted it with a small energy blast, allowing it to detonate before it hit his student and did some serious damage.

While he was focused on that Vegeta rushed in and tried to actually do something to him, where Frieza decided to vent his anger for the Saiyan by crushing his arms with a kick to both of them, holding enough power to break the bones, before he grabbed onto his head for a moment. In the following instant he delivered a series of headbutts to Vegeta's head, who tried in vain to do anything to stop him from doing what he wanted, and after the tenth blow he hurled him into the air before unleashing a flurry of small blasts at his body, tearing into his arms, legs, and chest like he did to Piccolo. Out of his current set of foes Vegeta was the only one he really wanted to kill right now, as there was no telling how much time the Saiyan had stolen from Twilight thanks to his various beatings, so he was making him suffer as payment since it would allow Dende to get more experience in healing. Speaking of which he could see the little Namekian tending to Piccolo right now, which was good to see since it meant he was gaining far more power to combat the Warrior's Bane his daughter was dealing with right now, before he blasted Vegeta in the chest, tearing a hole through his body and armor.

With that done he let Vegeta fall to the ground, where Gohan and Krillin caught the Saiyan and hauled him over to Dende's position, though at the same time he realized the best way to get the last warrior to enter the battle was to use his final form at long last, something he hadn't used in a long time.

"I know I only just assumed this form, but I'm taking on my final form, my true form, at long last!" Frieza stated, though of all of them only two seemed interested in his words, Twilight wanted to see it and Goku seemed excited about the idea, which was when he gathered his energy once more as the air around him shuddered.

Twilight coughed as she watched this transpire, where she found that her father had to undo the seals or bindings that he had placed on himself to restrict his power into the forms they had seen so far, or whatever he had done to create his other forms, and his power was rising at an alarming rate. When her father reached the point he was reaching for the area around him exploded in a violent display of energy, shattering the rest of the island he had been standing on, where smoke and dust filled the area for a time as everyone focused on what might emerge this time. The Third Form fell away like a shell, cracking and breaking to reveal Frieza's true original form, a sleek body that was much like his First Form, the one Twilight grew up seeing all the time, even though he was actually taller in this form. He had a white color to his body, which was more like a lizard's as Twilight realized his tail had been healed as well, and she knew her father looked sort of harmless in this form as she took in the purple sections that were still present.

Her father was, as Twilight put it, a textbook example of why you never judged someone by their appearance, as his power was far greater than any of them could have predicted and even she realized that he had more power than what she and the others were feeling right now, especially when he raised a finger and fired a small blast at a nearby island, blasting it apart in a matter of seconds.

"You know, Twilight, I was planning on facing you when you were older, and more experienced... think of this as sort of an early viewing of my true power." Frieza said, as he knew his daughter had to be excited about the prospect of fighting him in this form, after seeing his brief display of power to all of them, before he focused on the foes that were in front of him and what he was going to do next, since Dende likely needed more experience for his powers, "Now then, who shall I fight first?"

"How about me?" Goku replied, where this time around he moved over to where Frieza was standing, surprising the others for a moment since he had remained near Dende for the most part, watching the battle take place without actually doing anything to stop Frieza, before Vegeta floated up as well.

"No one's killing Frieza but me." Vegeta stated, where he wasted no time in rushing forward, as Dende's healing had given him the power boost he had been hoping for after seeing Frieza's previous form, because he now believed that he could stand toe to toe with the Emperor and bring him down.

Frieza found that, despite his boosted speed, Vegeta was still slower than him and he was able to avoid his attacks with ease, who growled and followed after him when he moved from one spot to another, in fact it was quite humorous when he took a moment to think about it, and by pushing his speed just a little bit more he was able to confuse Vegeta. Such a thing was more than enough to cause the Saiyan to be enraged by his actions and fired a beam of potent energy down at the area he had chosen to stand in no a moment ago, where Frieza did nothing as he watched it come at him. After thinking about it for a few seconds Frieza jumped into the air and kicked the energy blast up into the air, sending it into space where it would disappear in no time, allowing him to land for a moment as he considered what sort of beating he was going to give Vegeta for hurting his daughter. As he did that, however, he found that Vegeta was stricken by fear, in fact it seemed like the power of his true form was making him have second thoughts about even challenging him in the first place, only for Frieza to rush up to where he happened to be floating, kicked him in the face, before spinning and delivering a powerful downwards kick that sent him down into the ground once more.

After that happened Frieza rushed down to where Vegeta was resting and punched him in the stomach, hard enough to break the area around him in the process, but as he moved to deliver another blow Goku appeared nearby and grabbed his arm, as if to stop the beating that the Saiyan deserved.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Frieza lashed out with a kick, to test the waters, only to find that Goku was able to drop down, avoiding his attack, while at the same time lashing out with his own kick at the same time, which hit him square in the face. Such a thing came as a surprise to him, as the Saiyan had avoided fighting him and yet, despite that fact, he was somehow stronger than Vegeta and the rest of the group, where he straightened himself before firing off several smaller beams, like the one he showed off after his transformation. Goku surprised him again by getting up off the ground before using the palm of his hand to deflect all of the beams coming at him, a feat he considered impossible, for a foe anyway since he had a feeling Twilight could pull it off at some point. While he wasn't one for fighting, in fact he hated training with a passion, Frieza had to wonder if Goku might actually be the only person outside his family that would allow him to use his full and unrestricted power, a thought he shelved for the time being.

A few seconds later Goku rushed at him and they collided with each other, the sides of their arms clashing without delay, causing Frieza to lash out with a few punches, all of which Goku seemed to avoid rather well, and a kick that caused his foe to jump back and burst into the air. While his opponent's speed was impressive, because he could keep up with him, he kept on the pressure as he gathered more energy and fired a pair of beams out of his eyes, trying to strike Goku since he was doing this to inflict some damage that Dende could heal. Goku avoided them with ease and actually appeared behind him, where Frieza had to move to avoid the swing meant for his neck, though he did it by diving into the water for a couple of seconds so he could emerge from his foe's backside and fired a blast of energy at him. Sure enough Goku decided to test his power out by holding his hands out to stop the attack in it's tracks, where it slammed him into the raised rock wall behind him and pushed him through it, before he was able to stop it and deflected it into the air.

Such a thing confirmed something for Frieza, this Saiyan, who had been on the sidelines the entire time, was somehow stronger than everyone else, meaning his own potential was far deeper than Vegeta's had been, since one beating for him seemed to be worth two or three for Vegeta, in terms of how their power grew.

"I'll admit, I never expected to meet someone who could actually put Ginyu to shame... not counting Twilight, since she's a very special case." Frieza remarked, because at only thirteen years old his daughter was likely approaching the point that she could fight on par with the form she was the most familiar with, though, given that she seemed to be like a Saiyan, he had to wonder if the constant struggle to overcome death was boosting her power, something they would only be able to figure out once she overcame the poison, "However, you cannot beat me."

"You say that, but you never know what the future might hold." Goku replied, showing him that the Saiyan was excited by what they were doing right now and that he really had no idea if he was capable of overcoming his terrifying power, which made Frieza wonder if he was just someone who loved battle, regardless of the consequences.

In that moment Frieza launched his next attack, a push of energy from his eyes that shattered the rest of the area that his foe was standing in, though he found that Goku was able to dodge the attack once again and replied in kind, as in using the same ability to push him down into the water. Such a thing couldn't hold him for more than a second or two, where he got behind the Saiyan and kicked him right in the side of his head, sending Goku down into the water as he floated in the air, because instead of coming up immediately his foe remained underwater. For a few precious seconds it seemed like his foe wasn't going to do anything, causing him to wonder what he should do next, before he found the water rumbling and turned his attention to it as something burst out and rushed towards his position. Frieza instantly realized that it was just an energy blast and turned towards the second instance that emerged from the water, only to find that it happened to be the same thing, but before he could process that information something, Goku he realized, kicked him in the face with both of his feet.

Such a blow sent him flying through the ground that was diagonally below him, the ground that was underwater near it, and caused Frieza to crash into another island, allowing him to emerge without having to do anything special, though his body was mostly unharmed, save for a few minor marks from the rocks. While Goku was distracted by the fact that he had taken no damage from the attack Frieza decided to toy with him a little more, by using his telekinesis to lift a number of nearby rocks into the air before sending them flying at his foe, mostly as a cover for his true goal. Sure enough Goku was able to avoid some of his attacks and even crushed others with a simple kick or punch, proving that he was skilled in the art of battle, though at the same time it opened up a hole in his defenses that Frieza was waiting for. Such a thing allowed him to get behind the Saiyan while he was distracted, surprising him in the process, before surrounding him with some of his energy, a paralysis sphere that he sent down at the water, allowing it to detonate upon impact, since tearing apart too many islands might annoy Dende and any other surviving Namekians.

What surprised him, however, was that Goku was able to survive the blast with minimum damage to his body, which told Frieza that he either put forth too little power or his foe had escaped right before the explosion, where he suspected that the latter might be more realistic.

Following that he brought Goku down to the ground level, allowing the Saiyan a moment to wonder what he was thinking about, since Frieza had said nothing before landing, though his mind was on the fact that, unless he did some serious harm to his foe, he was just wasting time right now. Twilight was literally dying while he fought Goku, unable to do much damage that would warrant sending him over to Dende for healing, though it also meant he was more resilient than the others were, which was actually quite annoying when he thought about it. With that in mind Frieza rushed at his foe and swung at him without delay, once more finding that Goku was able to avoid some of his attacks and even had time to do his own, but the only thing he really didn't expect was the edge of his tail hitting him in the face. It told him that Goku was used to fighting enemies without tails, but he regained himself almost instantly, bounced back without wasting time, and grabbed onto Frieza's tail before spinning his around so he could hurl him at one of the rock walls, which he smashed his way through before rushing back to his foe.

As soon as they were close to each other Frieza found that he and Goku were roughly evenly matched, as the Saiyan had scored a few blows to the side of his face that really didn't do much, causing him to use his tail to try and slow him down, so he could do some damage to him. Goku, however, despite falling to his knees ended up biting his tail and forced him to make sure there was no lasting damage, as it hurt more than he was expecting it to, which actually opened him up to a few of Goku's incoming punches. Such a thing caused him to strike him in the face and knock the Saiyan to the ground, a state that only lasted for a few seconds since he got back up a few seconds later, but he did offer Frieza a little advice, that he placed too much confidence in his strength and needed to keep his defense up. Frieza, in turn, asked Goku if he'd be willing to work for him, since he needed to replace Ginyu and everyone else that had perished so far, plus he wouldn't have to worry about Earth if it was part of the empire, but, as he expected, the Saiyan refused his offer.

"I see that you are holding back quite a bit of your full power, still no doubt sizing me up to determine how much power is needed to catch up with me," Frieza remarked, because he had seen enough of Twilight's training to realize when one was holding back, even if he had his own reasons for doing so, and Goku even confirmed that his words were true, before he considered his next words and the effect they'd have on his opponent, "however, I'd estimate that half of my maximum power will be enough to finish this fight and give Dende the experience he needs to heal Twilight."

As Goku assumed his stance, to show he was ready to fight, Frieza held his arms out and stood still, studying his foe while the Saiyan measured him, mostly to see if he might be bluffing or if he was telling the truth, and the moment Goku's eyes widened in surprise Frieza made his move, elbowing him in the face. Following that attack he patiently waited for his foe to stand up before dropping down and spinning, using his feet to attack the sides of Goku's legs, forcing him to the ground as he used a hand to stop himself, but Frieza didn't mind that as he grabbed his foe with his tail. That allowed him to pull his foe close and elbow him right in the chest, causing him to cough up some blood in the process as Frieza walked away, just a little, causing his opponent to rush at him with his fist raised, though it never hit as he was kicked in the face, which showed him that Frieza was paying more attention to him than he realized. In fact he had noticed some quite odd about his foe, he used the same red aura they had seen during his battle with Vegeta on Earth, which seemed to be how he was able to keep pace with him after he raised his power again, not that it mattered since another attack or two would knock him down and Dende could finally get to work.

To drive the point home he gathered some power in his right pointer finger and swung it at Goku, in a diagonal manner, to which everyone watched as the ground and raised rock below him was carved in half, something that caused Goku to call forth the red aura, only it seemed stronger this time around.

"Kaio-Ken!" Goku said, which was when the area around him shuddered as he activated the aura, something Frieza knew Twilight was no doubt taking notes on, even in her condition, though since this was something he had seen before he had a feeling nothing important would happen.

"Kaio-what?" Frieza asked, as this was the first time he had heard those words, in fact the only ones who likely knew about it were those from Earth and Vegeta, since he had faced Goku back on Earth and likely experienced this as well, so he had to say something about it.

In the next moment Goku rushed at him and punched Frieza square in the right side of his face, which was far stronger than what he had experienced so far, before he delivered a second strike to the other side and knocked him into the air, allowing Goku to pull his hands together on his right side as blue energy gathered... where Frieza found a beam of blue energy barreling into him as the air ignited around him, with enough power to blow everything away.

"No seriously... Kaio-what?" Frieza inquired, though as he said that he noticed that his hands, which he used to tank the attack, were smoking thanks to the power of that attack and stung as he moved a couple of his fingers for a moment, as it made him realize that he had underestimated his foe.

'Kaio-crap!" Goku replied, though he was surprised by the fact that his attack, while having some noticeable impact on his foe's body, hadn't really done all that much and made him wonder if he was utterly doomed, even though there was one more move in his arsenal that could be used at this point.

"I thought so." Frieza said, where he rushed to where Goku was floating, grabbed him by the head, and hurled him right at the ground, blasting a crater into one of the islands that were still around them, while finding that his allies were still safe, meaning Twilight was fine and was still watching the fight.

He hoped this was enough to convince the Saiyan to stop fighting and just admit defeat so he could have Dende work on him, as all the damage he had done should be enough to push the little Namekian's healing power to new heights, he just had to wait on Goku before worrying about what might come next.

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