• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Android: Fighting the Androids

Twilight found that they flew for a short period of time, making her wonder where Goku was planning on stopping since the continent in front of them had a few decent places to fight, like the desert they were approaching, but he seemed to have a plan and she wasn't about to interrupt it.

"That's far enough, Son Goku. Just how far are you planning on going?" the Old Android demanded, where she could tell that he wasn't too happy about the flight, as if he was running low on energy from just flying from place to place, before taking a moment to glance down at what was below them, "This location is more than adequate for our purposes... I'm afraid that the choice of picking where you'll die is no longer up to you. We will stop here!"

In the following moment he and the Fat Android stopped flying before descending down to the wasteland that was below them, causing Twilight and the Z Warriors that were present to do the same thing, where she glanced around for a time, finding that there were a few mountains that one could hide behind if need be. It was such a basic strategy, since no one in her group could sense the energy of the two androids it made sense for them to pick out an area that would allow them to do such a thing, to eliminate their foes one by one. Given what happened earlier she suspected it might not come to that, not if they were able to break both of their opponents, but she kept her senses open, since there was no telling what they might be planning now that their plans were known to the Z Warriors. In addition to all of that Twilight noticed that Goku was starting to huff, just a tiny bit, making her wonder if he was finally feeling the symptoms of the virus that Future Trunks had warned them about, and if so she kept her mouth shut.

Given his hand in trying to kill her father, and the fact that Future Trunks claimed that Goku would have killed her family had the future warrior not intervened like he had, she was more than willing to let him suffer for some time, all while she stood off to the right of the Z Warriors and got ready to observe the upcoming fight.

"Alright, before we begin fighting, tell me something: how do you know about all of us?" Goku asked, because during the flight they found that the Old Android had called each of them by their names, just like he used his and Twilight's back on the island, and he was slightly curious how that was possible.

"Very well, I shall enlighten you, though you will regret your curiosity." the Old Android said, where Twilight got the feeling that his companion only talked when addressed or when he wanted something, since the Fat Android had been silent for a long time, just silently observing everyone that was around them as he wanted for something to happen, "You see, you and your companions have been under surveillance for quite some time, by means of a microminiature insect-like drone... it was present for your matches in the World Martial Arts Tournament, as well as your battles with Piccolo and Vegeta. Even after the fall of the Red Ribbon Army, you have been the subject of continuous research, all designed to figure out what sort of Android would prevail... it is not wrong to think of this as us holding a grudge against you, for destroying the dreams of the Red Ribbon Army, until Docotor Gero was all that remained."

"You know, the way your speaking makes it seem like you, yourself, were Doctor Gero." Piccolo stated, though at the same time Twilight recalled the list of scientists she had seen in the past, and the pictures that came with each name, and quickly realized that the figure they were talking to really did look a lot like the madman in question.

"Don't be ridiculous! I am Android 20, and this is Android 19... we were created by Doctor Gero, who, sadly, died a long time ago and is no longer among us." the Old Android, or rather Android 20, replied, showing them that their creator had given the pair a number after making them, while at the same time Twilight had to wonder what the numbers of the real androids were, the ones that caused Future Trunks so much grief, since she felt it couldn't be these two.

"So does that mean you followed him all the way to Namek?" Twilight asked, because if Gero had tasked his drones to just follow and record the battles they had seen, transforming that information into data to prepare themselves for this day, it stood to reason that there was a chance that he might have witnessed the battles on Namek.

"Of course I did!" 20 stated, where Twilight had a feeling that her thoughts were right, this android was made by Gero and likely held his brain, a form of eternal life so he could bring down the person who brought about the end of the army that he had been working for, before he considered something and glanced at the other android for a moment, "19, what is 'Namek'?"

"Data not found." 19 replied, something that caused several of the Z Warriors to smile for a moment, because it meant he and his master didn't have a vital piece of information, one that would allow them to survive the battle that would soon happen, all while surprising 20 with his statement.

"What do you mean 'data not found'?!" 20 demanded, because he was under the assumption that the drones had followed Goku everywhere and had gathered all sorts of information on the fighter, where Twilight realized his error, both he and 19 were based on Goku before the events of Namek and not based on the power he had gained after the training he did in preparation for this day, meaning the pair was screwed.

"Insectoid drone destroyed during Saiyan attack." 19 answered, which was all they needed to hear, as it meant that the pair hadn't been made with Goku's recent discoveries in mind and that they were doomed to be destroyed in battle, but it did cause Twilight to wonder if these were the androids the Earthlings were destined to die to.

"Not knowing about the Super Saiyan transformation will prove fatal for you." Piccolo remarked, though at the same time he and Tien backed up, since they knew what was coming, while Twilight simply stood still and braced herself, since this was the battle she had been waiting for.

In the following moment Goku transformed into his Super Saiyan form, showing them that he was ready for a fight, but, interestingly enough, Twilight found that 20 informed him that his new power was still within manageable levels, that even 19, alone, would be enough to end his life. Sure enough the two engaged each other, where Twilight found that 19 thrust his hands towards Goku, who dodged the attack with his faster speed, allowing her to see that he had black orbs on the palms of his hands, causing her to wonder what they were for. Goku, on the other hand, lashed out with a few punches and kicks as he showed the pair that he wasn't to be underestimated, especially when he grabbed 19's head, after the latter tried to charge at him with a headbutt, before kicking him up into the air and following his target so he could end the fight. Sadly he failed to hit the android as 19 turned and actually grazed him with a punch to the face, which didn't seem to do much to him as he returned the favor, though this confirmed something else as Twilight glanced over at 20, he was shocked by Goku's new power and that meant the pair were toast.

As they observed Goku thrashing 19, however, Gohan finally arrived, which meant that Yajirobe was no longer in danger, not that Twilight cared all that much as she turned her attention back to the battle, focusing on the devices on the palms of 19's hands. In addition to that Twilight noticed something that was slowly being found by Piccolo and Gohan, who had trained with her and Goku for three years, Goku's movements were getting sloppy and he was exerting his full power at the very beginning of the fight, like he was rushing it for some reason. In fact even she knew the Saiyan was supposed to be far stronger than this, meaning the heart virus must have reared it's ugly head at long last, but she continued to keep her silence as her companions continued to talk about the androids, discussing 19's odd strategy. In that moment she, of all people, understood what they were seeing, these two must have been built to absorb the energy of their foes or any citizens they came across, though they had to make contact to do so, and only she knew that secret.

In the end Goku, after knocking 19 down to the ground, gathered his Ki without wasting time and fired a Kamehameha at his foe, who grinned and raised his hand to intercept the attack, though Twilight beat him to it by using her own power to absorb the attack, much to the surprise of the androids as it totally disappeared.

"Goku, they can absorb Ki due to the devices in the palms of their hands, so I'd recommend not using Ki anymore... also, I'd recommend not letting them touch you." Twilight stated, though she intended for this to be the last helping hand that she would give to the Z Warriors, as it would tip the scales more in their favor, or not since there was no telling how long it would take for the heart virus to kick in.

As Goku considered that fact 19 rushed up into the air and struck him with a knee to the chest, and a slap to the face not a few seconds later, before he brought his hands together above his head to hit Goku hard enough to send him down to the ground, though as he readied another blast he stopped himself, recalling her words, causing him to huff as he gripped the area above his heart.

"Of course... it's the heart virus!" Gohan stated, though as he said that Krillin tossed a Senzu Bean over to Goku, who ate it without delay, which drove him to his knees instead of healing his body, something that caused the group to glance at the boy for a few seconds as he figured out what was going on, "Dad never got sick, so he never took the medicine... it's back home, right where he left it. Twilight, can you..."

As the group turned towards her Twilight held up her right hand and revealed an orb of magic that just so happened to contain the container of heart medication, as during the three years of training she had visited Goku's place enough times to locate it, engraving a magical sigil on it so she could teleport it to her at any moment.

"You know, I debated on whether or not I needed to do anything with this... but now, well, I think I'll take away your only hope, just like you took my father's away." Twilight commented, showing those that had been on Namek that she still held a bit of a grudge against them for siding with Vegeta and stealing the Dragon Balls, the only cure for the poison, where she gathered some of her magic around it as a crack appeared in the orb, "Say goodbye to your precious cure!"

As she said that, however, something strange happened as the sphere disappeared, though at the same time it looked as if someone had stopped time to make sure she didn't destroy Goku's medication, causing her to frown for a moment as she lowered her hand. There were a few people in the entire universe who had the power to mess with time, the majority of whom wouldn't stand in her way as she did something like this, meaning there was only one figure who would dare to interrupt her. Sure enough she turned her head for a moment and found the short lady who was wearing a purple dress that showed off her shoulders, who happened to have the sphere above her hand, confirming that she was behind taking it from her. In the next moment it disappeared, as if returned to it's place in history or something, meaning she felt Goku was important to the timeline or something, but she simply frowned at the lady as she disappeared before she could say a single word, allowing time to resume for everyone else as they noticed that the sphere was gone.

In the following moment 19 struck Goku again and this time he knocked him out of his Super Saiyan state, though as the Z Warriors moved to help him 20 intercepted them and loosed a small pair of eye beams into Piccolo's chest to down him, a useless move when she realized he was faking it, though before anyone could do too much Vegeta, of all people, arrived and kicked 19 backwards.

"The task of defeating Kakarot is mine, alone... you junkyard puppets have no place in that." Vegeta remarked, where he and the others found that Piccolo stood up after that, revealing his plan to lower 20's defenses by faking his injuries, but now that Vegeta was here his plan had been ruined, who focused on Goku for a time.

Twilight tuned him out as he walked, as it was mostly Vegeta talking about Goku ignoring the symptoms and tapping into the Super Saiyan form when he shouldn't have, before he kicked the wounded Saiyan over to the group, causing Yamcha to volunteer to take him home and left as 19 readied himself for battle once more.

"19, you need not chase after him... we can save the best course for last." 20 stated, stopping his underling from rushing after the pair that held the target they had been designed to kill no matter what, though in that moment he glanced back at Vegeta, Twilight, and the rest of their foes, no doubt evaluating who was more important, "Now that Vegeta has joined us, things should be interesting for a time... especially since we have no idea what Twilight is capable of or the power that slumbers inside her. We might gain enough power to destroy Son Goku if we siphon her power."

"20, please permit me to deal with him and Twilight." 19 said, where he bowed his head to his superior, showing that he was the minion in this sense, though at the same time Twilight found that Krillin felt that it might be in their best interest to flee, because while the timing was off on things they were discovering that the future was coming true anyway.

"Greedy pig. How about this: you get Vegeta, I get Twilight, and then we split the remaining four?" 20 remarked, showing them that he either had problems with his subordinate or this was how they usually interacted with each other, though as soon as those words let his mouth 19 grinned, nodded his head, and turned on Vegeta, "I'm afraid that you have no hope of surviving, Vegeta, as we know all of your techniques and your fighting style."

"You see, that's the type of thinking that'll get you in trouble... especially against the fathomless depths of a Saiyan's true slumbering power." Twilight stated, though she found this to be humorous, that despite her attempt to simply watch the events they had been warned about unfold she was being dragged in anyway, not that she was even worried about such a thing when she thought about what she had seen so far.

"Indeed. Besides, I'm curious if machines like you can feel fear." Vegeta said, though while he was annoyed that the only one who understood his people was Twilight, the daughter of Frieza himself, he was more interested in tearing these two machines down, hence why he called forth his inner power so he could deliver fear to his foes.

Twilight raised an eyebrow for a moment as his hair and eyes started to change as well, while the ground cracked as he changed into the Super Saiyan form that many had assumed was exclusive to Goku, where she realized that any Saiyan, with the right level of power, could awaken this form if they experienced an emotional event.

"For the Earthlings wondering, my heart is serene and pure... pure evil, anyway." Vegeta remarked, though Twilight knew it wasn't totally true, he wasn't anywhere near what her parents were capable of or what she was capable of, but she kept her mouth shut as the two androids stared at the Saiyan warrior, "I dedicated myself to my training, focusing solely on it and nothing else, and made it as ruthless as I could so that I could overcome my limitations, all of which were made painfully obvious to me... and in that self-loathing I awoke the power of a Super Saiyan, which will allow me to overcome Kakarot and reclaim my pride as the Prince of Saiyans."

He was cut off as 20 ordered 19 to take care of him, where Twilight watched as Vegeta tanked the punch to the face and smirked as he stood straight for a time, showing that he was clearly stronger than his foe, before putting his boot through his opponent's chest, hard enough for them to see it on the other side. That was actually impressive, somehow bending the body of 19 to allow everyone to see his boot coming out of the android's backside, despite the fact that his attack had no effect on how the figure operated, before he went on the offensive, knocking him around with a few hits. Such a thing knocked loose his hat, which was actually a cover for a brain container that seemed unfazed by the blows, while 19 just continued to be tossed around like a doll, much to 20's surprise and shock, especially since he thought they had done in Goku earlier. In fact he was able to knock his foe up into the air before flashing behind him, striking 19 hard in the back, a blow that send him straight down into the ground and blasted a decent sized crater into the stone, following him down into the crater, where 19 actually managed to get a grip on Vegeta's hands.

It seemed that Vegeta was testing the theory, to see if they absorbed energy, and upon proving it he jumped up and put his feet on 19's face, allowing him to actually tear off his foe's hands, crippling the android's systems in the process, which caused him to flee up the hill. It was amazing to see that the android could, in fact, feel fear, especially when confronted with Vegeta's power, though as 19 fled Twilight chuckled as he stumbled, as while it could be seen as his newfound fear it was actually her performing a test. Her experiment just how had proven her right, Gero had figured out a way to power his androids and that there was a device inside them that allowed them to transform that power into Ki, even if they, themselves, didn't have any to feel. Such a thing meant she could steal the power of 19 and 20 whenever she wanted to, as in the unprocessed energy that could be turned into Ki, and thanks to her passive drain no one knew the truth behind 19's stumble, meaning they all thought that it was just pure fear.

In the following moment Vegeta burst into the sky and gathered his energy in front of his right hand, releasing what he called his 'Big Bang Attack', an explosive blast that formed an orb that rushed down to 19's position and exploded upon impact, blasting the android to pieces in the process and leaving nothing but his head behind.

"Sorry, android, but you have no hope of beating us... much less Twilight... really, it was foolish of you to even say that you could take her." Vegeta remarked, where he landed close to where the last android was standing and let out a sigh as he returned to his base form, though in the following moment he glanced over to the figure who was watching all of them, as he had expected her to have struck 20 down by now, "What's wrong, Princess? Scared of a little android... is he leaving you quaking in your boots?"

"You know, I'm going to enjoy this more than I should." Twilight stated, though in the next moment she focused her power and everyone watched as the sky darkened before their eyes, like someone had summoned Shenron despite the fact that there was no dragon in the immediate area, while her aura turned black with a dark purple outline.

Vegeta found that he barely had any time to move or do anything as Twilight raised her left pointer finger and pointed it up at the sky, where the darkness surged out of the ground and formed a dark cube around him, trapping him in a void before he was assaulted by a series of blows that he couldn't see coming, and after a few seconds it disappeared as he returned to the battlefield, having fallen to his knees in shock.

"Wh... What was that?!" 20 asked, as it seemed like the attack happened in the blink of an eye, without the Saiyan being able to do anything to protect himself from it, meaning that if Twilight used it against him there was no way for him to survive, confirming that it was foolish to even challenge her, all while the sky cleared in an instant.

"I call it 'Black Coffin', a technique that uses darkness to envelop my foe in a torrent of gravity, which takes the form of a box, before hitting one from all sides in an instant." Twilight explained, though as she said that she realized that she was a little disappointed in the effects of the attack, making her wonder what might happen if she charged it more, would it produce a more potent effect, before she walked over to where 20 was standing and grabbed him by his throat, "Now, you're going to be a good little artificial human and run along to wherever the other androids are, the ones you made to kill Goku, before you two came to attack the island earlier... and here, how about I give you a little boost!"

As soon as the last word let her mouth she pulled her arm back and hurled 20 through some of the mountains that were in the area, though at the same time Twilight had extracted a good chunk of his inner energy, just like she did with 19 not a few moments ago, allowing her to devour his energy as Vegeta ate a Senzu Bean.

"How could you do that?!" Piccolo demanded, because while he knew that Twilight had said that she was simply going to watch them, that she wasn't going to get involved, he had been hoping that 20's actions would have persuaded her to join them, for the time being, but now it seemed like she was just messing with them, all while Vegeta took off as he followed the android.

"These weren't the world destroying androids you idiots, meaning part of the information was wrong... so, to track them down, it's best to let 20 lead you right to them." Twilight replied, as this confirmed that Future Trunks was wrong, there was another set of androids out there, meaning the future versions of 19 and 20 likely fell to the Future Z Warriors before they were annihilated by the real enemies that Future Trunks had warned them about.

Piccolo stood there for a few seconds, clearly thinking about her logic as Tien and Gohan did the same thing, though as they did that Twilight took off and followed after Vegeta, as he was following her path of destruction, shouting at 20 as he tried to locate the now hiding android. Truthfully she didn't have to play hide and seek like the rest of them, rather she knew exactly where 20 was located, as when she stole his energy from him she also slipped in a tiny bit of her magic, which was allowing her to track his movements, not that she'd share it with the others. Of course she knew Vegeta wouldn't sit still and allow a foe to run away, even if 20 wasn't their true enemies, and he gathered up some of his Ki so he could wipe out the entire mountain range in an instant, no doubt assuming that the android would show up to absorb his attack. She watched for just a moment, allowing the android to emerge before siphoning the attack, just to prevent the smoke from shrouding their foe's path, causing Vegeta to growl as he gave chase once more.

As the others caught up to them Twilight decided to observe them from above, mostly because she was hoping 20 would escape and show them to where the other androids were being held, and, based on what she could see, the android seemed to be considering her words as he silently moved around the area.

Fortunately she didn't have to wait too long as 20 ambushed Piccolo from behind and started to drain him of his energy, all to gain the power needed to take down Vegeta, though it was short-lived Gohan showed up and struck the android right in the back of the head. Such a thing loosed his own head protector, which fell into the abyss while all of the Z Warriors showed up to tackle him, though Krillin passed one of the Senzu Beans to Piccolo, who quickly restored his stolen energy to a full tank before descending to fight the android. He even told Vegeta not to interfere with his fight, which was simply a tactic to make 20 lower his guard as he struck him with a knee to the chin, surprising the android since he clearly wasn't expecting it to happen, which impressed the others in his group. Twilight continued to watch as Piccolo beat up the android, in fact he even slashed off 20's right hand at one point, though this validated her earlier thoughts, there was no way that 19 and 20 were the world ending androids they had been told about.

As she considered this turn of events, however, Future Trunks arrived and was shocked to see 20 glaring up at him, a fact that caused him to get some information out of the Z Warriors, which was when Twilight floated over and informed him of the two androids that weren't the ones he warned them about. In the following seconds he confirmed that fact, the two he spoke of were not the now destroyed Android 19 and the soon to be destroyed Android 20, causing her to inform him that he had to share what the real targets looked like so they knew who they were looking for. As he got ready to do so, as he knew it was unwise to ignore her demands, Twilight spotted Bulma flying their way, in her ship no less, something that caused 20 to inform all of them that 17 and 18 would be the deaths of them. In the next instant he released a final burst of energy that was designed to decimate the area around him and knock the ship backwards, where Twilight absorbed what was coming at her while leaving the rest for the others to deal with, and when the smoke cleared he was gone.

While everyone recovered from the attack, with Future Trunks rushing to save his mother, his present self, and Yajirobe, who was likely with Bulma so he could be taken back to West City, Twilight turned her head and focused on where 20 was going, and what he was about to do.

"So I was right, the real threat is still out there." Twilight remarked, all while Future Trunks tried to reason with his father, for all of a second as Vegeta ignored him, before finding that Bulma echoed her earlier thoughts, 20 looked just like Gero, so he had converted himself for his revenge against Goku, before the others discovered that most of the things he told them were different from his own timeline.

Apparently their targets should have been 17 and 18, the former being a young male with long black hair and a red scarf while the latter was a female type who wore clothing similar to what Future Trunks was wearing, plus they had gold earrings for some reason. As he explained himself Piccolo inquired if they were able to drain energy from their palms as well, which came as a surprise to the future warrior as he revealed that he had never heard of that model before, rather the androids he had warned them about had infinite energy. He then asked about Goku, since he expected him to be here as well, only to be caught off guard by the fact that the heart virus was only now showing up in this timeline, causing him to realize that what he had done had shifted everything so that his knowledge was practically useless. While he mauled over that information Vegeta asked Bulma if she knew where Gero was headed, who thought about it for a few seconds before saying that there was a rumor he had built a lab in the mountains near North City, but, as Twilight expected, he was more interested in how skilled the androids were in a fight, rather than destroy them while they were offline.

As Vegeta and Future Trunks flew off in the direction of North City, however, Twilight departed as Bulma learned that the future warrior was actually her son, it was a conversation she was uninterested in right now, as she was more eager to see what might happen when they finally tracked 20 and the other two androids down.

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