• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Future: Parallel Worlds Collide

"What in the world is that?" one of the Eventides, not the one who had spoken a few moments ago, asked, because this wasn't part of the plan that she and Future Zamasu had come up with to exterminate all mortals in the multiverse, and the warriors standing near Twilight seemed to have some sort of idea as to what was going on.

"Darkstar, another version of myself, is coming." Twilight stated, which didn't make sense when she thought about it, as it seemed like everything the corrupted versions of people she knew had gone so far had been to ensure that Eventide reached this point, why she still had no idea, causing her to focus on the gateway for now, "She probably likes to show off, given the size of the gateway, especially if it's for a single person... just be on your guard, as there is no telling what she wants from all of us."

It felt weird to tell Eventide, their enemy until this point, to keep her guard up and have her copies do the same thing, but it seemed like they had reached the point where such a thing was necessary, but the unknown factor of this situation had caused such a thing. As Twilight considered everything she knew that Eventide's infinite state would be a benefit to their side, especially since it didn't seem like there was a way to explain her ability to multiply from bits and pieces that had been cut off from her, a power that reminded her of Buu. She guessed that to get rid of Infinite Eventide they would have to incinerate every piece of her, least she regenerate and multiply without end, but for right now this power might be to their benefit, since they could overpower Darkstar and get back to their fight for this parallel world. Based on what she was seeing right now it didn't look like their previous foe was even thinking about the battle that had been interrupted, meaning she might not suspect anything once they were done with their new foe, but for the time being Twilight focused on the large gateway and what it meant for them.

In the following seconds the gateway burst open, like a glass window shattering towards them with the shards lingering in the air, but as that happened Twilight spotted their new foe, as it was hard to miss the figure that was emitting such a dark and dangerous aura. Darkstar hardly looked like her, rather it seemed like she had taken the route of turning herself into a dragon Beastian, though as she expected her alternate had no doubt altered the formula to give herself exactly what she wanted, as her scales were a shade of black that made her stand out. One thing that they shared in common was the size of their breasts, no doubt the Bulma in Darkstar's world had done the same to her before she snapped, though her dark self was wearing special silver armor that had been built to match her new form, making her look like a warrior goddess, while also having golden trim. The figure looked imposing and walked on the air like she owned the place, meaning she was just that confident in her abilities and her power, something that only made Twilight wonder just how strong their foe might be and how much of her own power she would have to bring to bare in the upcoming battle.

As Darkstar came to a stop nearby Twilight could tell that everyone else was getting ready without showing signs that they were prepared to do battle, meaning that once someone gave the command to do battle they would rush at their foe and see if she was truly worth worrying about.

"Ah, Main Twilight, I've been looking forward to the day that we would meet." Darkstar stated, showing everyone that part of her plans must, in some way, revolve around them meeting each other, which only made Twilight silently raise her guard as the dragon version of her talked, "I hope my subordinates haven't annoyed you too greatly, as they can be... overzealous... in their quest to please me, especially when missions are concerned... except for Chronoa, she got what was coming to her, even though I am disappointed that I couldn't punish her."

"Darkstar... what do you want?" Twilight asked, because instead of focusing on the past, and everything that had lead to this point in time, she wanted to figure out exactly what her dark self was thinking and how she might be able to break her plan before it came to fruition.

"You, actually... and Infinite Eventide." Darkstar replied, where she let out a sigh that indicated that she didn't like the fact that Twilight wanted to move things along at a pace she enjoyed, though instead of attacking or shouting at her, like one might have expected, she simply continued to talk, "You see, there's a key difference between us: you can use Moro's power to it's fullest, I cannot use it at all... but I have other skills and tricks up my sleeve. So I came up with a plan to isolate you in one of the various parallel worlds that exist due to our existence, namely one that is as desolate like this one, and trap you in a special torture chamber of my own design until you either teach me the key to wielding Moro's power, or I rip it out of you with another machine... I can promise you that the latter will be incredibly painful, even for someone like us. Once I have your power I will turn it on Eventide and her copies, who will be trapped in stasis cubes until then, and drain all of them repeatedly, pushing them to the brink of death, or the brink that is allowed with immortality, growing my own power so I can bring about the final stage of my glorious plan: taking the throne of creation."

Twilight's eyes widened as she heard that, as Darkstar was plotting to overthrow Zeno, of all beings, which alarmed those who knew about his power, but it also showed them that her other self was just insane for thinking such a thing in the first place, for thinking of such a dangerous plan.

"Now I know what all of you are thinking: 'what's stopping us from beating you and stopping your plans'?" Darkstar said, as she knew most of them very well by this point in time, given that she had enslaved most of them and had Twilight's own intelligence to draw from, where she smiled as she spread her arms.

In the next instant several more space-time gateways appeared on the outskirts of the city, which they were able to see thanks to the fact that many of the buildings had been destroyed thanks to the original Eventide and her allies wrecking everything, and the sheer number of them stunned them all. As the gates opened, however, Twilight noticed that an army marched out of one of them, a force lead by Beerus and the corrupted heroes of the universe she and the Saiyans called home, along with soldiers wearing dark armor that marched behind them. In that moment it became clear that Darkstar had been talking about an army of corrupted and twisted followers, not just from Universe 7, as one might expect, but from every universe in the multiverse as she noticed that there were twelve Gods of Destruction standing at the head of the army. What made this far worse for them was the fact that even the twelve Angels were present, baring her mark on their foreheads like everyone else, and even the Kaioshin were present, showing Twilight that Darkstar wasn't stopping at taking over her entire parallel world, she wanted to take over everything.

With the power arrayed against them, however, Twilight suspected that they were in deep trouble, because there was no telling how strong each of the warriors in front of them were, something that only made Darkstar grin as she turned back to look at them.

"I have an army, numbering far more than what you have right now, meaning it's only a matter of time until each of you are defeated and stuffed into stasis cubes." Darkstar said, where the grin informed Twilight that her foe thought that she had won, that no matter what they did there was no stopping them from taking over this parallel world and enslaving all of Twilight's timeline to boost her power over all of reality.

"That is where your wrong, Darkstar." the reaper Twilight stated, though as she said that Twilight felt another rapid surge of energy behind them and found that more space-time gateways were forming, orange ones this time around, which only made her allies confused while their foe raised an eyebrow, "We suspected that you might do this, invade another parallel world to exploit it's people and resources, and so we used the time we had to prepare accordingly."

Twilight turned her head for a moment as the gateways opened, where she found that all sorts of figures started to come out of them, a large number of her alternate selves leading what appeared to be an army from each parallel world, which meant that many of the others had been aware of Darkstar before this point in time. Some of her alternate selves were far more unique than she was expecting, as there was one wearing what appeared to be a red trench coat and looked more like a vampire, one looked like a werewolf, a third seemed to be some sort of chimera creature that reminded her of the being called Discord, and many more. Not only were there all sorts of versions of her, each of them incredibly strong due to what she was feeling right now, there were also many alternates for Goku, Vegeta, and everyone else she knew, as if all of reality was coming to face Darkstar and stop her plans. One of her alternates, a sorceress that happened to be floating in the air, glanced at the scene in front of them, clearly thinking about their chances of winning this fight, as the ground off to the left broke open as a giant mech, piloted by a version of her who didn't fight like the Saiyans, tore it's way out of the area it had spawned in, no doubt a misplaced gateway.

As the gateways started to close, and Darkstar frowned since this clearly wasn't part of her plan, another Twilight, wearing silver armor and had what appeared to be wings that were made out of light energy, landed near Twilight and nodded her head for a moment as she pointed her spear right at their foe.

"Defenders of Space-Time... charge!" the Angelic Twilight declared, which was followed by her moving through the air as all of her forces, as they seemed to be her soldiers and commanders, moved as well, something that caused Darkstar to just look at all of them as she raised her hand and beckoned for her forces to move.

Twilight and her group, instead of being left in the dust, got in on the action as well as the two armies clashed in the center of the city, the power of their initial attacks breaking everything around them, especially in the case of the Destroyers and their foes since the collision between their fists flattened the areas they were in. As Goku, Vegeta, and Eventide rushed into battle, with Future Trunks picking his battles wisely, Twilight noticed something interesting, that the twelve strongest versions of her, not counting her and Darkstar, were facing off against the Corrupted Destroyers right now, while finding that the Corrupted Angels simply stayed on the defensive. She, on the other hand, rushed through the air as she struck Darkstar in the side of her face and kicked her up into the air, pushing her away from everyone else, though the first blow told her that she might need to bring out her final form, because while she did some damage to her opponent she felt that it might not be enough to grant her victory. On one hand she felt that it might be due to the dragon scales, since they did make it harder to defeat someone who was in such a state, and given that Darkstar was a scientist of sorts it made some sense that she'd empower herself to a ridiculous level, while on the other hand her foe might be immortal as well and that meant sealing her wasn't an option.

She realized that Darkstar must have been watching them before coming to declare war on their reality, meaning she had seen her seal away Black and that crippled part of her plan for dealing with someone like this, but for the time being she readied herself as her foe got up.

"Is that really the best you can do? I really thought you'd be stronger than this." Darkstar said, where she seemed rather disappointed in what she experienced just how, to the point that she let out a sigh as she shifted her stance, meaning she was about to go on the offensive and that Twilight needed to be ready for anything, "Very well then, let's see how you respond to this."

Twilight barely had time to register her foe's movement as Darkstar appeared to her right, grabbed the side of her head, and dragged her through the air for a few seconds before pushing her into the ground as she dragged her through the rest of the rubble that remained of the destroyed city. She regained herself as Darkstar hurled her through a couple of ruined buildings and raised her right hand towards her, where Twilight found that she was gathering a bit of energy into her right palm, forcing her to do the same as they released identical beams of energy at each other. The resulting collision and explosion ended up tearing a chunk out of the area that they were fighting in, where Twilight realized that they had moved to an area that was far away from everyone else, no doubt Darkstar's way of ensuring that she had nothing holding her back. In the next moment she realized something interesting about her foe, while she had a curved horn right in the middle of her forehead, like Twilight had in her Demon Goddess form, she also had a few more horns that looked like they were a crown, all while her headpiece must have been custom made to ensure a good fit without getting in the way, and the reason she noticed them was because they were glowing.

The massive torrent of blue flames that came at her in the next moment displayed how much power Darkstar had, due to the fact that it stood taller than Capsule Corp and was far wider than it, to the point where Twilight was sure that her foe could exterminate all of West City on her own, along with everyone else. As that thought crossed her mind Twilight quickly decided to stop playing around as she dived down into the path of the flames and let the darkness wrap around her for a few moments, before allowing it to rush outwards to form a defensive line. Once that was done Twilight stepped into the darkness and allowed her final form to come to the surface without delay, allowing Darkstar to watch as the flames came to a stop, just before reaching the wall of shadows, like it was being repelled by her foe's skill. In the following seconds the mass of darkness broke apart in what seemed to be the center as Twilight, in all her majesty as the Dark Queen, quickly emerged and revealed that her right pointer finger was all that was holding back the wall of flames, before she swung her hand to the right and the flames transformed into pure energy that her power devoured.

That seemed to be the sign for Goku and Vegeta to unleash their full power, Super Saiyan Blue 4, but Twilight didn't care about that as she rushed through the air without delay and zeroed in on where Darkstar was currently standing, who had enough time to raise her arms in defense as Twilight struck her in the chest. Twilight knew there was one good thing about all of this, with all of the warriors fighting there was an endless source of power to draw from as she silently drew in the power of those clashing with the Corrupted Army, stealing bits of energy from every warrior and adding it to her own as she pushed Darkstar into the air. Since her foe had no idea how to utilize the power that Moro possessed Twilight knew it would be hard, if not impossible, for Darkstar to realize that her Ki was being stolen as they fought, though the fact that both of them had the same melee techniques meant it was easy for Twilight to distract her foe, since Darkstar had to take some time to figure out her next move while they clashed. Of course Darkstar's power was nothing to be sniffed at, since she was far stronger than some of the other alternates of her that Twilight had encountered since discovering that they existed in the first place, so she had to be careful with what she did, least her plan be discovered before it was time.

As the two clashed, however, Twilight silently prepared a ball of dark energy and, when the moment revealed itself, she let it fly towards Darkstar, who dodged it as it moved into the sky, something that caused Twilight to drop out of the air while her attack finally triggered above their heads. It was the Abyssal Moon technique she had used against Kid Buu, where her foe turned her head for a moment as gravity was affected by the attack, while everyone else on the ground stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to the sky to watch them clash. As Darkstar turned her attention towards it, just as Twilight had planned when she came up with a potential plan earlier, Twilight gathered more of her power and sent a Sol Invictus straight into the air, allowing it to expand into it's massive form before her foe had a chance to react to being sandwiched between two powerful attacks. Ultimately both attacks were just a distraction, as Twilight intended to use one of the sealing swords on Darkstar the moment she tried anything, as she had a short window to attack in and had to hope it was good enough, otherwise she would have to fall back on another plan that came from the existence of her various other selves.

What she wasn't expecting was for Darkstar to spin around and shatter both attacks like they were nothing, only to gather her energy in the air above them, causing the sky to burst open as a massive asteroid, one that would exterminate all life on the planet if it struck the Earth's surface, started to descend upon them. With this discovery in mind Twilight gathered more of her power before loosing a beam of energy into the air, where it rushed right into the surface of the asteroid and blew it up before it even had a chance to reach the surface, plus she made sure the remnants branched off to deal with all of the debris from Darkstar's attack. Sure enough Darkstar used that attack as a diversion and rushed at her with what had to be a lance made out of lightning, though instead of allowing it to strike her Twilight rushed at her foe and grabbed onto the handle as she kicked her foe away, forcing her to let it go as she flew backwards. In that moment she quickly understood how to form the lance attack and reformed it as a lance of pure darkness, which she hurled at her foe and let it strike her chest, sending her flying into the atmosphere before detonating with hurricane level winds, meaning it might do island sized damage if it was used on the ground.

As the smoke started to break apart, however, she discovered that Darkstar had markings on her wings, no doubt used to protect herself from harm, before realizing that her foe had to be tanking her attacks and was turning the pain from each into power, hence why she seemed to be getting stronger as the battle progressed.

"We're in a stalemate... both of us have our own ways to get stronger, and she's likely got some sort of immortality as well, based on her endgame." Twilight remarked, because there was a chance that, with Darkstar being just like her, she would figure out how to use Moro's power if she watched her use it too much, meaning she needed to figure out how to take her foe out before she got too powerful.

"We have a desperate plan." a voice said, where Twilight found that many of her alternates were now standing near her, a fact that was accompanied by a vast number of floating green time rings, the ones that represented the parallel worlds that had been created by all sorts of choices, decisions, and where she landed, but which one had talked was impossible to tell at this point.

"And before you ask: yes, we are serious." the vampire Twilight added, showing her that they knew she would object, and she had every right to when she considered just how insane this plan was, as they were planning on sacrificing not only themselves, but also their entire parallel worlds, turning their individual rings into pure energy to attack Darkstar, either to kill her before she got too powerful or seal her away in some manner.

Twilight stared at her alternate selves for a moment, knowing that it was best if she didn't argue with herself since their foe was forming a massive energy attack that looked like it would decimate the world if it struck the ground, causing the other versions of her to spring into action. What that meant was that they were rushing into the air while turning into bits of pure energy, though at the same time she found that literally every version of her, from ordinary heroes to even gods of another version of reality, was flying towards Darkstar's position. She wasn't expecting Eventide to join in, since she wasn't even an alternate due to Zamasu taking over her body, and all of the copies of her joined the fray, where it seemed like all of them had realized that stopping their foe took priority over their own goal, especially since Darkstar's attack seemed to be breaking the walls of reality, which was cracking like glass and left all sorts of purple cracks in the air. Of course she did find that the main Eventide standing by her, or one who had decided to hang back in cause things turned south, while all of the alternates, joined by her copies and channeling the power of the green Time Rings, turned into stands of golden energy as they started to form a sphere around Darkstar.

Instead of doing nothing Twilight focused her time powers into aiding the others in their scheme, a move that would take out nearly all of the parallel worlds, leaving only those that existed before she started to meddle with time, or whoever started the trend, before finding that Darkstar wasn't giving up as her attack took on the form of the Teranova attack that Buulight had used against her. As it started to come down towards them, however, Twilight raised her left hand and let a barrier form in the air above them, which stalled the massive flaming energy sphere as it struggled to continue on it's path towards the surface of the planet. Eventide decided to join in as she rushed into the air and used her power to push back the sphere, or at least seemed to be trying to do so since the attack was incredibly powerful, but she was able to move it due to the fact that the golden sphere was cutting Darkstar off from this world. What was interesting about all of this was that Darkstar let out a scream of sorts as the power that the alternates were channeling damaged her, though the same was true for the alternates as a couple of green Time Rings shattered into dust and everyone from that world perished, a consequence of what they were attempting.

Fortunately their plan seemed to work as a bright light filled the air and a rush of energy followed, where she found that all of the alternates, their armies, Darkstar, her army, and all of Eventide's copies had disappeared, leaving behind an odd sight, a golden Time Ring that had a black infinity icon, like Darkstar's power was trapped inside it, which Twilight claimed as she devoured the attack in the air.

"So... what now?" Eventide asked, though despite her immortality and regeneration her hands still stung from trying to hold the massive flaming attack from hitting the ground, like some sort of phantom pain, while knowing that the sacrifices of her copies and the alternates hadn't been in vain.

Twilight could only shrug at the moment, as she really wasn't expecting any of this to happen in the first place, though this sudden arrival seemed to have stalled Eventide from wiping out all mortals, after seeing so many willing to give up their very lives to save the rest of reality, and it only made her wonder what in the world would happen next.

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