• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: Surprising Aftermath

After returning to Namek, only to discover that the planet was starting to break apart, Towa had flown off in the direction that Frieza had pointed in so she could find Twilight's body, something that had filled her with dread, only to be surprised when the sky darkened and a glowing dragon appeared in the distance. In that very moment she realized that it had to be the true form of the Dragon Balls, that one had to gather them and likely recite some code to summon the dragon that she was seeing, something that also drew her husband's attention for a time. What she discovered was that he didn't get his wish, as it appeared that Dende had found his way to the dragon first and finished speaking his wish, where she found that he and many of the other energy signatures that had appeared on Namek started to disappear. In fact, as Towa paused for a moment, she found that the same thing was happening to her and she turned her attention to the area that her daughter was resting in, only to let out a sigh of relief as she found that Twilight's body was being affected as well.

A few seconds later Towa disappeared and found that she reappeared in an area that was mostly flat and seemed to have a number of trees around them, only to discover something interesting, the Namekians were here as well, including Gohan, Krillin, a Namekian who seemed familiar to them, a lady who must be Bulma, and Vegeta, before rushing over to where her daughter's body had appeared.

"Where... are we?" the Earth lady asked, showing that even they were stunned by the sudden shift from Namek to what could very well be an entirely new planet for her and her group, though Towa suspected that they might be on Earth, since it seemed like the only other place one might move an entire race to.

"This, everyone, is the planet known as Earth." the largest of the Namekians stated, something that surprised the people from the planet for a few seconds, not to mention the rest of his kind, while Towa was happy to see that she was correct in her thoughts about where they had ended up, "Allow me to fill you in on what has transpired."

"Before that, however, I'm putting an end to a threat, before she wakes up." Vegeta remarked, where he stepped out from under the tree he had appeared under, as he was gathering his energy for a powerful blast that would, if he hit his target, eliminate who he felt was the only danger left right now, something that caused Towa to step in front of him, "Stand aside, Towa, or I'll kill you and your daughter at the same time!"

"Normally, I would beat you up for suggesting such a thing... but I won't." Towa replied, though as soon as those words left her mouth the air around them shuddered, filled with a familiar energy that she recognized instantly, which shocked the Saiyan as everyone else realized that something was about to happen, "She, on the other hand, will!"

Sure enough purple energy surged around where Twilight was resting, as Towa had noticed her moving earlier and didn't have a lot of time to celebrate her daughter's revival due to Vegeta trying to kill her again, where they noticed blue bits of energy mixed into the aura as Twilight's body twitched. After that the energy seemed to wrap around her as Twilight was lifted into the air for a moment, where Towa watched as her chest started to move again, while the hole that had been there previously had been sealed by whoever had brought back to dead of Namek. Towa was overjoyed to discover that her daughter was fine, as her arms and legs seemed to be moving just fine, her body seemed pristine, and once Twillight touched the ground her eyes snapped open, even though she was shocked by this discovery. In fact she was more than fine, as from what she could tell Twilight's energy was far stronger than when she fought Moloch on Griea V, where Towa realized that her daughter might be more like a Saiyan than they originally believed, as overcoming death must have given her a massive power boost.

Not only was Towa surprised by this discovery, and she was sure her husband would be in due time, those from Earth who could feel energy were taken aback by the fact that Twilight held this much power within her, which only made her wonder how strong her Rage Form might be with this power boost.

"I'm... alive?!" Twilight remarked, as she had found that when her life expired on Namek her soul had been taken to some sort of afterlife, where the souls of the dead had to wait in line to be judged by some large figure who sat at a large desk, which she was able to avoid by what appeared to be her timely revival, "Fascinating."

Towa wasn't surprised to find that the first thing Twilight did upon being revived was throwing a couple of punches and kicks at the empty air, confirming once more that she was alive and well, though before anyone else could do anything she was interrupted by Vegeta's sudden charge. He threw a punch at her, confirming that, as Frieza's daughter, he hated her as much as he hated her father, though as the others started to move to stop a fight from happening Twilight just ducked under the fist and avoided it entirely, surprising Vegeta in the process. While Towa understood that her daughter was both a scholar and a fighter, skilled in both fields, it came as a shock to discover that she was able to fight so easily, after all the problems she had been through, before she struck the Saiyan in the chest and sent him flying into a nearby tree, breaking it in seconds. After that happened Twilight bounced on one hoof before switching to the other, showing them that she was getting used to the fact that she was alive again, where Vegeta burst out of the area he had been knocked into and rushed at her, throwing a few more punches and kicks at her.

Twilight, on the other hand, raised her arms and blocked his attacks with ease, causing the others to watch as she moved with grace and accurately parried the attacks without doing any damage to her arms or legs, reminding Towa of just how strong her daughter really was. It was amazing just how much of her had been sealed off by the poison, unable to be used for fear of it dealing more damage to her in the long run, and Vegeta seemed to be realizing that this might have been a bad idea in the long run, not that it mattered as Twilight knocked him backwards. As that happened she grabbed his head for a moment and smashed him into the ground, the sheer force of which breaking everything around them while Towa found that she had moved them away from the others so she could deal some good damage to him. After that Twilight did something else, she gathered her power for a few seconds and transformed into her Rage Form, causing Towa to wonder if it was time to stop her before something bad happened, since she was clearly pushing herself after discovering that she was alive, only to discover that Vegeta had a blast at the ready.

In that moment the warriors from Earth found that she wasn't planning on moving, rather Twilight stood her ground and held a hand out towards the attack, where it broke apart before their eyes and she absorbed the energy as if it was no big deal to her, before rushing over to Vegeta, grabbed him by the head, and slammed him right into the ground again, her way of repaying him for his actions on Namek.

"It feels so good to be at one hundred percent again." Twilight remarked, though at the same time she realized that her power was greater than before and that there was nothing wrong with her body, meaning the Warrior's Bane had been flushed out with her death, causing her to realize that she must have absorbed the power of Goku's attack, before she let out a sigh as she powered down, "So, what happened after I died?"

"Let the Grand Elder tell his tale, sweetie," Towa replied, as she had a feeling that the Namekian Grand Elder would be able to tell everyone what was going on right now and give Twilight everything she wanted to know, even though she knew that her daughter was being strong, for someone who had just died and had been revived, as she suspected that when they were alone those walls might come down.

Sure enough the entirety of the Namekian race was informed of everything that happened on Namek, going from Vegeta slaughtering many of them to track down the Dragon Balls, most of which were in Frieza's hand before his arrival, to the deaths of everyone who served the Emperor, to the final fight and the wish on Earth that brought everyone who died on Namek back to life. Twilight learned that, while many Namekians were enraged by Vegeta killing their kind, they also saw no need for further violence between them, as it would only breed more hate and conflict, though she found that he stood on the edge of the area, no doubt so he could leave if things got hairy. Piccolo, on the other hand, was greatly annoyed by what he discovered, because during their time on Namek he had joined the fight thinking that Frieza had been the one to slaughter his people for the Dragon Balls, only to find that it was actually Vegeta who did the deed, not the Emperor as the Saiyan had lead them to believe. He and Gohan apologized for their actions, and Gohan also made sure to add in that he was sorry for not stopping his father when he had a chance, where Twilight said nothing to their apologies as she listened to the Grand Elder, showing them it would take more than an apology for her to forgive them for what happened on Namek.

Twilight also refused to forgive Vegeta for his part in everything that happened, and she wasn't the only one since most of the warriors from Earth were annoyed with him as well, but, for the most part, no one said anything as the Grand Elder went on and told them the rest of the tale.

She listened to the wording of both wishes that had been made, the first to bring back all those who had perished on Namek, so while Vegeta had left the bodies of the Namekians intact, ensuring they were able to be revived, he had also blown away the bodies of everyone who served her father. Based on what she was learning the Dragon Balls happened to have their own restrictions, depending on the state of those who died and were targeted by a wish, which made her take a moment to wonder if the poison could have been cured or not. It would have been annoying to go through all that effort, to gather the seven Dragon Balls, only to learn that Porunga was unable to deal with the Warrior's Bane, so she guessed that dying might have had it's benefits, but she decided not to worry about that as the Grand Elder finally finished his tale. In the next moment they found seven stone spheres landing around the area, the used Dragon Balls no doubt, something that was impressive given the distance between planets, which caused the Grand Elder to elect Moori as the next Grand Elder, who bowed his head to acknowledge it as his predecessor faded away.

As that happened Twilight considered both the Dragon Balls of Namek and the ones of Earth, as there was so much one could do with items with that kind of power, and she already had a few ideas on how they might be used, but for now she had to wait, as both sets were all in stasis and couldn't be used for some time.

"So, why aren't Goku and Krillin here?" the Earth lady, Bulma, inquired, mostly because that was information that wasn't said during the tale, hence why she glanced over to those who were on the planet as well, since they might know what had happened to both of the figures.

"Krillin... Frieza killed him, and dad stayed behind to avenge his death... oh, and dad transformed into a Super Saiyan in the process." Gohan said, something that interested Twilight and caused her to mentally curse as well, as she had figured that the legend was real in some manner and was annoyed that she had missed seeing it in action, while it also shocked Vegeta that the other Saiyan had been the one to realize the ancient legend, "As you know, someone whose been brought back by the Dragon Balls can't be revived again, so Krillin, whose already been revived once before, couldn't be revived with the wish that brought the Namekians back."

Dende revealed the difference between the sets of Dragon Balls, as the set from Namek could revive someone as many times as they wanted, so long as it wasn't a natural death, like old age, though while they were talking about that Bulma started to talk to someone else. Apparently someone called King Kai was allowing another of her friends, Yamcha based on what Twilight heard, to talk into her mind, where he informed her of what was going on on Namek right now, as in the planet had exploded and took Goku with it. Bulma wasn't too shocked by that, after discovering the difference between the Earth Dragon Balls and the Namekian Dragon Balls, only for King Kai to inform them that she was out of the loop, as when someone was revived with such a wish they were brought back where they died, which meant they'd be revived in the middle of space. Such a thing meant that both Goku and Krillin would suffocate in seconds if such a thing happened to either of them, meaning the wishes would be wasted on them, which caused everyone to wonder how they could bring the pair back to life.

Twilight, on the other hand, figured out how to save both figures from such a fate with ease, though what stopped her in her tracks was whether or not she wanted to bring them back, given their part in what happened on Namek, before she mentally sighed and decided to help, just so she could clash with the Super Saiyan upon his return.

"Listen, just ask the dragon to move their souls over to Earth... the rest is simple." Twilight remarked, because if Namek no longer existed than the next logical step was to move the souls of those who died to a place that would allow them to live once they were revived, something that caused the others to realize that she was right.

"Miss Twilight, thank you very much." Gohan said, where he held his right hand out like he wanted to shake her hand, as if he saw something other than Frieza's daughter in her, especially since Towa also noticed that he seemed to ignore the dark look in Twilight's eyes.

"Don't mention it... and don't call me 'miss', it makes me feel old." Twilight replied, though she was polite and shook his hand, mostly because she wanted to remain on their good side for the foreseeable future, as they needed the Dragon Balls to revive her father as well, as he hadn't been mentioned and while she knew he could survive in space, due to his own innate nature, there was no telling if Goku had killed him before Namek exploded.

Moori asked Bulma if there was a place where he and his people could reside until the Dragon Balls were ready to be used once more, where she offered to bring everyone to her place, including Twilight, Towa, and Vegeta, despite the fact that the Saiyan had twisted events to suit his own goals and got the Namekians killed in the process, meaning it might be to keep a close eye on him, in case he caused more trouble. Fortunately they had been dropped off near a city, which meant that she was able to head in and use a telephone to call her father, so he could bring one of their ships over and pick everyone up, giving everyone some time to think about what had happened. In the end Twilight agreed to join those who were heading to West City, because after everything she had been through, including what her mother had gone through, she determined that some time to rest was the best course of action for them, plus she was interested in what sort of technology this planet had access to. The fact that someone on this planet was able to turn an Attack Ball into a larger ship, and actually improve the speed despite the sheer increase in size, had made her far more interested in the planet than she should have been, not to mention she could keep an eye on Vegeta for the foreseeable future.

Of course Gohan and Piccolo took the opportunity to confront Vegeta about his actions on Namek, both of them annoyed that they had been tricked by the Saiyan, but, since they were far away from where everyone else was situated, Twilight had no idea what they were saying, only that they were doing this while they had the chance to do so.

The ship in question happened to be a large vessel that had four propellers, instead of the technology Twilight was used to seeing everyday, but Bulma informed her that it was actually quite fast, faster than a civilian vehicle anyway, hence why her father was able to get to their location without wasting too much time. There was also someone else aboard the ship, a lady name Chi-Chi who dressed in more formal attire, at least for someone of this world, who came in search of Gohan, as she had been worried about her son and had come to check in on him upon hearing that he and Bulma had returned from their trip to Namek. Once everyone was aboard the ship, which had two stories and more than enough room for the entirety of the Namekian race, they departed for West City so they could get some well deserved rest before worrying about the future, not to mention finish processing what had happened on Namek earlier. The only thing Twilight was disappointed by was the loss of her tablet, but the prospect of discovering new things brought out more of her old self, in Towa's eyes anyway, and that was a good thing to see, especially after everything she had been through since Griea V.

West City, as it turned out, was a metropolis, hosting a large number of people and structures that were houses and also places that people worked in, before finding that their destination was a domed shaped building, which was larger than all of the other buildings, a place called Capsule Corp. Upon their arrival Twilight discovered that it had three floors, which was more than enough room for everyone, and a basement, where on the first floor there was an Atrium that held a large number of creatures, such as dinosaurs, cats, dogs, and other animals. Dr. Briefs, Bulma's father, took a liking to Twilight upon discovering that she was the one who outfitted the Attack Balls with some of the newer additions and that she was the one who had been improving her father's empire for some time with new inventions, so it was more because both of them were scientists in their own rights. As the others got settled in he showed her his own invention, cylinders that had a button on top to be used, called Hoi-Poi Capsules, or just Capsules, which could store practically anything inside them, as in planes, like the one he used to come get everyone, to houses and other items.

Twilight had a feeling that, until it was time to use the Dragon Balls, living on Earth wouldn't be a bad thing, they just had to be patient and hope Vegeta didn't do something stupid, like what he did during their time on Namek, so for now she decided to enjoy the food, and the free rooms, as she waited to see what the future held.

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