• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Back to Work

Following the celebration over Champa's team, and the rest that Twilight ensured everyone took part in, Twilight wasted no time getting back to work as she poured over her tablet, going over reports from the various groups that were working under her and carrying out her desire to unite the universe under one banner. When they were alone she had asked her father about the Heeters, as she was curious as to when he wanted to deal with them, where she learned that he wanted to observe them for a while longer, just to make sure they walked right into his trap. Other than the Brokers there was no real reason for her to go out into the universe and explore, since her army was more than enough to deal with anything that might threaten everything else, and those that were familiar with her desires made sure to send copies of knowledge to her whenever they discovered something new. Such a thing reminded her of the fact that she had the mark so she could go and speak to Zuno whenever she wanted, which interested her greatly since there was much he knew that not anyone else in the universe knew, and Twilight knew that she would enjoy discussing things with him.

One thing Twilight started doing after the tournament was using her time powers to peer into the strands of time, because she noticed that there were small disruptions, nothing major when she told Aeos about them, which seemed to be a group of her alternate selves keeping track of time itself. Such a thing told her that they must have replaced Aeos and Chronoa as the Lord of Time in their timelines, a fact that interested her when she noticed that there were twelve of them, but for the most part it seemed like things were just fine and didn't require her to do anything drastic. There was also a darkness that was growing in the strands of time, meaning it was either another villain that she and the Saiyans would have to take out, as usual, or there was another version of herself out there that she had to be mindful of, which was a real possibility given all of the versions of her that had been created at one point. One of her alternates was definitely darker than the others, that was something she was able to figure out on her own without having to actually travel through time, but for right now it looked like everyone was contained to their own timelines, meaning she could relax without getting involved.

Goku and Vegeta, as Twilight expected, either trained on Beerus' planet with Whis, clashed on Earth with low power as to avoid destroying everything with the power of their final forms, or came after her for some of her special training, as both of them were pushing themselves to unlock Super Saiyan Blue 3. Of course they weren't alone in seeking her out, because a fair number of the warriors of Earth sought her out for additional training so each could master themselves and grow even stronger for whatever the future held for them, just in case a threat appeared and none of the trio was there to lend them a hand in saving the day. Even with the knowledge that there were other universes out there, and some had some warriors who had great skills, Twilight had to admit that the determination of Yamcha, Krillin, and everyone else who had been left in the dust was commendable, as they wanted more power in case Goku and Vegeta were too far away to aid them. She put all of them through some new training, engineered to help them master their various skills and push them towards potentially overcoming one of the limits that they were facing, though even then she knew that it would be a long time before they gained a level of power that even matched what the Saiyans had.

In addition to that she also continued with Eschalot's training, as the young dragon Saiyan had some lessons that needed to be covered before Twilight even considered walking away and leaving it to someone else, especially since one of them came as a request, that Eschalot wanted to tackle a full moon session. Twilight knew what she was talking about, due to the fact that she had helped Goku and Vegeta do the same thing, Eschalot wanted to master her more dangerous power and, maybe, unlock her own Super Saiyan 4 form as she did so. It was a worthwhile endeavor, because her studies on the genetics of Saiyans indicated that as long as they had their tail, even a modified one like hers when she thought about it, they would turn into their Oozaru forms and potentially Super Saiyan 4 if they controlled that power. To be sure nothing went wrong she even made sure that Goku and Vegeta were present for that session, though in the end Twilight had even more proof that a Saiyan's determination or desire allowed them to do great things as Eschalot succeeded in taming her inner power, allowing her scales to take on a pattern that matched the Super Saiyan 4 form.

Goten and Trunks, however, wanted to keep up with Eschalot and continued to fail in that regard, as Twilight wanted the pair to realize that this wasn't a game and that those who trained under her accepted everything that was thrown at them, but since they refused to take this seriously she didn't give them the same training as the others.

When Twilight wasn't focusing on the advancements of Earth, which was turning into a thriving center in the section of the universe it was located in, her gaze was focused on space and everything that her empire was doing, taking care of any villains that were still out there and ensuring the safety of the remaining planets. Part of her focus was on the creation of a method to deal with Moro, because Beerus didn't seem interested in helping kill him while they had the chance to do so, no doubt not wanting to interfere with the Grand Kaioshin's legacy or something, even though it looked like she was going to either seal him away or kill him with her own powers. None of the devices she created the plans for seemed to do much in the grand scheme of things, and even the boosted restrains she had created after the discovery of Worpal, including all of it's capabilities, were going to fail at some point, but she refused to be defeated. She knew there was a way to cripple Moro to the point where she wouldn't have to worry about his magic latching onto her and stealing her power, she just had to figure it out and put it into action, hence her constant studying and creation while her empire worked.

A week after the tournament between Universe 7 and Universe 6 happened, and she thought that things would get back to normal, she had a pair of visitors show up that weren't entirely unexpected, as Vados came knocking with none other than Hit of all people, and Champa seemed to be nowhere in sight.

"Ah, Hit, Lady Vados, what an unexpected surprise." Twilight said, where she closed her tablet and got up from her seat so she could welcome the pair into her office, as the one she had several identical chambers scattered around the places that were usually where one could find her, like how she had one on Earth and one on a planet at the outer edge of it's solar system, plus several more to help her do her job, "Would you like something to drink?"

"Tea, if you have it." Vados replied, because with Champa back home in Universe 6, sleeping off a pity feast to make him forget losing to his brother and his 'girlfriend', she didn't have to worry about his sugar drinks and could just relax a little, hence some good old fashioned tea, plus this was Universe 7 and she suspected that it would be far better than what was in Champa's domain.

Twilight nodded and tapped a button to make the request, where one of the staff members brought in the drinks not even a couple of moments later, as they knew she liked to have a drink on hand when she was working and it ranged from the simple tea to a variety of sodas, or even strong coffee when she needed something strong.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from Universe 6's legendary assassin and it's guiding Angel?" Twilight asked, because while she had an idea as to why Hit had come seeking her out, given the offer she had given him before Zeno showed up and freaked out all of the gods, there was always a chance that they had come for an entirely different reason and didn't want to get Champa involved in their business, "Is Champa displeased with his new Earth and he sent you two to deal with me... and you're here to give me fair warning?"

"No, Lord Champa is pleased to have an Earth like yours, with all of the delicious food he could eat." Vados replied, though at the same time she couldn't fault Twilight for considering the assassination option, despite the fact that she was smart enough to know the truth without anyone having to say a word, since it made sense considering Hit's profession, "Hit has something he wants to talk to you about and asked if I could bring him here."

Hit sat there for a few seconds, either rethinking the decision that had brought him here or the statement that he had no doubt prepared for when he saw her again, before he reached into a pack that he had brought with him and set a tablet, one from Universe 6 that looked a lot like the one she used all the time, on the table that opened to a document he must have listed as a favorite before this point.

"I considered your offer and, after talking with Lady Vados for a time, I decided to take you up on it." Hit said, though as he said that his Angel guide drank her tea and he did the same, mostly because it would be rude not to drink some while they were talking, allowing Twilight to look over the document for a few moments as he considered his recent actions and what they meant for the immediate future, "With that in mind Lady Vados helped me with the official paperwork to move from one universe to another, which you are currently reading, and assured me that everything is in order."

"She would be correct." Twilight commented, because she had asked Whis if there were rules behind moving someone from one universe and transferring them to another, mostly due to Champa's desire for Earth and the potential headache it could have caused in the paperwork department for everyone involved, and it allowed her to understand the couple of rules that the Angels had created in the unlikely event that this happened, "It's not mentioned at all, but am I correct in assuming that you'd love to fight Son Goku again, at some point in time?"

"...Yes. Fighting him was good for my growth, and if I'm to be of service to you I'll need the power to do so." Hit replied, as the documents listed that he was willing to hire on as an assassin for the one who ruled over the majority of Universe 7, as it was what he was used to doing, save for the martial arts he developed in his spare time, since it seemed like the best method available to him.

"I'll be honest, Hit, I don't need an assassin... in fact, I have plenty of qualified people to do that anyway." Twilight stated, to which she tapped a button and the screen behind her came to life as Hit and Vados watched as it showed them her forces, those that came from her father's empire, the Galactic Patrol, and the Dark Imperial Army, something that surprised both of them, as if they were now understanding her true military power, "What I need, however, are powerful warriors to go out into the unknown parts of the universe, expanding our knowledge of what the universe holds, discovering whatever dangers might be out there, taking down the villains they can deal with while informing us of those that require someone else to bring them down. Instead of taking down crime lords, or whoever you were hired to take out, you would be part of my highest ranking force, exploring the universe in the manner I just described, joining the rest of those that have been chosen to complete that mission... plus it has a pretty generous salary, if you're worried about that."

Hit looked at the tablet in front of him, which had been altered while he wasn't looking, and found that it contained the various points that Twilight had made just now, though while the currency in Universe 7 was different, because this was the first time he had heard of 'Pol', he found that if he took her offer he would make a fair amount of money, as in at least twice his rate in the first year alone and maybe up to five times by the third year.

"You will also be given all the essentials: such as days off, vacation days, medical, dental, and everything else that comes with a proper paying job." Twilight continued, where she could tell that both Hit and Vados were simply surprised by what they were reading as they went over the contract that had been placed on the other tablet, especially since it had to be far better than whatever Hit was given back in his universe, before she chuckled for a moment, "Plus, by working under me, I can guarantee you that there will be days where you can fight with Goku, Vegeta, or anyone else you desire... even myself, if you so desire. I will warn you that, if you choose to accept the job, there will be some paperwork to get done, so you'll be given a week to relax, so it'll give you a chance to mingle and get used to the rest of Universe 7... or clash with Goku again, if that is what you desire."

In the end Hit agreed to the terms, especially since Twilight wasn't going to force him to change his uniform, he looked just fine with what he was wearing right now, though before anyone could say anything the communicator in the room went off, informing Twilight that Robelu had something to report.

"Lady Twilight, you have another pair of visitors," Robelu said, which wasn't much of a surprise to Twilight, given her position and the responsibility that came with ruling the entirety of the known universe, though it only made her interested in who might have come to talk with her, while she was wrapping up her meeting with Hit and Vados, "One of them is an Angel, and the other is their God of Destruction."

As Twilight raised her eyebrow, because this wasn't what she was expecting to hear, Vados also noticed that her staff went off, showing an annoyed Champa who must have found the communicator she had left for him, though it was easy to tell that it was time for her to head home. With that in mind Twilight informed Robelu that she could let the others in, while also telling her to aid Hit in figuring out the planet he wanted to call home, plus a few other things that needed to be cleared up, causing the assassin to bow his head as he took his tablet and followed Vados outside. Once they were gone Twilight got a chance to meet the other individuals who wanted to talk with her, the first being a golden yellow humanoid fox who wore the attire of a Destroyer, which had a deep red color to it, though he had black tipped ears and, interestingly enough, he had three tails that had white tips near the end. The other figure was definitely an Angel, because Twilight recognized the pale blue skin, the halo around his neck, his staff, and the attire that only someone like him wore, even if it was brown colored, though she also noticed that this one's white hair was cut far shorter than what his siblings had.

Robelu had been telling the truth, another God of Destruction and their Angel wanted to speak with her, even though she did think it was odd to meet a third one, especially so soon after the tournament with Champa, though she smiled as both figures entered her office, since she wanted her first meeting with them to go well.

"Lady Twilight, we are honored that you would make time for us, especially on such short notice. I am Korn, and this is Liquiir, the God of Destruction of Universe 8." the Angel said, which interested Twilight more than she was willing to admit, especially since she had been so sure that none of the other universes knew about her, though it sounded like she might be more well known than she originally thought.

"I am honored to be worthy of a visit from the Destroyer of another universe." Twilight replied, where she stood up for a moment and bowed her head slightly, to show some respect to a God of Destruction she knew nothing about, before she offered them a seat and called for some new drinks to be delivered, since she had a feeling this might be an interesting conversation and they would need something to prevent them losing their voices, "So, what brings the God of Destruction and guide Angel of Universe 8 to my universe?"

"My Kaioshin, Iru, learned about you thanks to the tournament Beerus had with Champa, and discovered that you had a hand in helping your own Kaioshin out." Liquiir stated, where it was easy for Twilight to see that he was interested in the fact that she was preserving life and destroying those who threatened the balance of her universe, or Beerus' since he was the God of Destruction of this universe, though he paused for a moment as new drinks were brought in and the worker departed after their job was done, "You might be surprised to hear that many of the Kaioshin, from the other universes, were surprised to have Aria back in their lives, as she was one of the more popular Gods of Creation from Beerus' domain, save for the Grand Kaioshin, Daio, and several of them have invited her to visit their universes. Aria spoke highly of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I was interested in seeing if any of them were true... I'm not calling her a liar, it's just that I've never heard of a Kaioshin praise someone so highly."

"She even mentioned how you dealt with the threat of what she called 'Kid Buu', a figure who would have decimated the rest of the universe, which came as a complete surprise." Korn said, though Twilight could tell that he was impressed by all of the tales that Aria must have told Iru, who in turn told his Hakaishin and his Angel, making her wonder how much Aria might have said during her visits to the other universes, even though it clearly wasn't enough since she didn't have gods knocking on her doorstep all the time.

"Not to mention there's the rumor that you've gotten Beerus, of all Destroyers, to get back to work." Liquiir added, which just told Twilight that those who knew of her in the other universes likely attributed her tales to nothing more than mere rumor, though she was in no hurry to correct them since she still had problems to solve in her own universe, "Honestly, I was hoping to speak to you about the waves you've been creating in this universe, how you seem to go about raising the mortals of the worlds up like it's nothing, how you deal with villains..."

"Simply put, you want to get to know me and my methods for securing my universe?" Twilight inquired, where she had to chuckle for a moment as she found that her words shocked the two gods, as they weren't expecting a 'mortal' to say such a thing, or act this way towards a deity, before she leaned back in her chair and grabbed her new cup as she focused on the pair for a time, "Allow me to sate that curiosity of yours."

Twilight explained the existence of her father's empire, which she clarified was now hers and under new management, to the gods, who were surprised to hear that she was the daughter of a galactic tyrant who blew up planets every once and a while, but ended up pleased that she had convinced him to walk a different path. Then there was the Dark Imperial Army, who she had claimed from the previous Ruler of the Demon Realm, who had been turned into a force that explored the rest of the universe, aiding everyone else in adding to her knowledge of the universe and taking care of any threats that might be lurking on some of them. She also spoke of the Galactic Patrol and how they factored into everything, allowing her to keep an eye over inmates as she sought a way to rehabilitate them, along with the problem prisoner that she was in the middle of figuring out how to deal with, as there was no way to change him into a force that benefited the universe as a whole. Of course Twilight had to explain that Moro was a special threat, that she couldn't get too close to where he was being held, as he could interact with her magic and empower himself to escape, nor could he be held on a planet, least he draw upon it's power to break free and start a new rampage across the vastness of the universe.

While she did that Liquiir asked a question every now and then, as Korn said nothing as he listened to what was going on, where Twilight realized that he was definitely interested in her as a person, her methods for bringing order to a chaotic universe, and essentially everything else that set her apart from everyone else he knew. At the same time she was able to discover that they shared some similar thoughts, such as the fact that they dealt with anyone who might drag down the mortals of their universe, showing that he had a great respect for life and only wiped out planets when there was no other way to achieve the desired result. He was also quite jovial, reminding her of Pinkie the more they talked, something that made her smile and chuckle as they swapped stories about some of the villains they took down, though for right now she decided to keep Mechikabura on the back burner, since her having his power was her best kept secret. When the second hour came around Twilight called on one of the staff and made sure they had something ready for dinner for three, since she couldn't send the pair of gods home on an empty stomach, allowing them to continue their discussion for quite a while before an excellent fish dinner was served with wine for the drink.

By the time Liquiir and Korn had to leave for their universe, far later than what Twilight had planned, Twilight suspected that she would be seeing them again in the future and was actually looking forward to it, as she enjoyed the break Liquiir provided, causing her to smile as she looked forward to what the future held in store for Universe 7.

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