• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Battle: Clash of the Gods

"Are you sure that you are up to another fight, Lord Beerus?" Whis asked, as while he knew that his Destroyer wanted to do battle with Twilight, a fact he was interested in since it should be highly entertaining for the watchers, he felt that some rest might be in order for him, like an hour or so, to get over the excitement of his last battle.

"I am perfectly fine. The Super Saiyan God was interesting, but he needs more training before he can provide me with the fight I dreamed about." Beerus replied, where he stretched his arms for a moment, showing that he was just fine and that most of Goku's blows had no next to nothing to him, before he shifted his stance and glanced at Twilight, who was simply floating nearby as she entered something into her tablet, "What are you doing?"

"Completing my notes on the Super Saiyan God form, your fight with Goku, and my thoughts on how to make him even stronger than before." Twilight answered, though at the same time she saved her work and caused the tablet to vanish as she moved it back down to her mother's side, who would keep it safe, before she found that Beerus was interested in the topic that she had mentioned, "This new form is a Saiyan taking on God Ki, so I'm eager to see what might happen once he knows how to channel that energy on his own... could he still go Super Saiyan, creating a whole new form in the process... a 'Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan', in a sense... it would need a better name, now that I think about it."

"We barely finished our fight... yet here you are, already coming up with ways to help him out." Beerus remarked, which he saw as a good thing, because so far it looked like Twilight was the one that everyone, for the most part, listened to when it came to certain topics or events, while her intelligence in figuring this sort of stuff out was interesting, before he took a moment to shift his stance, "Now then, are you ready for this?"

"I am, but might I suggest moving to a planet with no life? I'd rather not destroy the Earth." Twilight said, because based on the battle that had just concluded she could tell that Beerus likely only used about ten percent of his total power, maybe even less considering how easily he dealt with Goku, meaning that her full power would force him to use more of his own potential, thus breaking the world in the process, "Besides, we have good food and I know you wouldn't want to lose such a wonderful planet."

Beerus stared at her for a moment as Aria, a Kaioshin he recalled, floated up to where they were standing as Whis did a quick check for a suitable world, where she pointed out a world that looked pristine, ready to be filled with life, and was able to confirm that, by looking into the future with Shin, that it would remain lifeless for it's entire existence. Such a thing meant that it would be destroyed at some point anyway and the seeds for a new world would replace it, since Twilight had convinced Shin and Old Kai to actually do their job and not slack off, hence why they were busy studying right now, instead of being present for the party. With that in mind Whis directed them all back down to the area that Bulma's ship was in, all so Twilight and Aria could pinpoint the planet that was their destination, utilizing a bit of Twilight's great power to move the ship, not to mention all of it's passengers, to the planet in question. Goku and the others glanced out at the seemingly ordinary world, as it looked similar to Earth in some ways, though all Twilight had to do was read the readings her mother got on her tablet to know that things were wrong, as the necessary elements for life, even those on other planets, wasn't met on this planet.

This planet lacked too many components to actually produce any form of life, confirming it's status as one that would be destroyed at some point in the very near future, to which she handed her tablet back to her mother before following her soon to be foe outside.

"What a worthless planet... I might destroy it as soon as our battle is over." Beerus remarked, though as he said that he turned his attention back to his opponent, finding that Twilight landed on the same plateau that he had chosen, only her stance suggested that she was ready for the battle he insisted on having with her, "Whis said you have the power to do what Goku did earlier, to transform and take on new forms... are you sure that you want to fight with your 'base form'?"

Twilight stared at him for a few seconds before rushing through the air as she zeroed in on Beerus' location, though while he was expecting her to use a frontal attack, going for his chest, she had a different idea in mind as she spun and brought the side of her left leg towards him. For a few seconds it looked like she was going to hit him, though Twilight was proven wrong as he raised his right arm and blocked the attack before it could reach his head, with such speed that made it look like she had been moving in slow motion, a fact she knew to be impossible. Her mother and Demigra had told her about a power that only certain gods, the Angels to be exact, had access to, while most Gods of Destruction couldn't reach it, no matter what they tried, with both of them theorizing that Beerus might have the highest grade of his kind. That power was called 'Ultra Instinct', where one's body thinks and moves independently, without the user having to think about what to do in any situation, and it almost seemed like her foe might have used it to block her attack, something she would have to test out later in the fight.

Beerus, on the other hand, punched her in the chest and flew away from where they had started, using the force of his flight to send her flying as he completed his attack, where she collided with a nearby mountain and crashed into the side, causing the peak to crumble in the process. Instead of giving her even a second to do anything Beerus released a burst of yellow energy blasts down on where she had landed, most of them blowing up the rest of the mountain that was around her, though Twilight snapped a barrier up and let his attacks hit it as she pulled herself out of the rubble pile. She had to admit it after the first failed attack, her base form couldn't stand before the might of Beerus the Destroyer, to which she focused her mind for a few seconds as she unleashed the power of her Dark Form, something that caused her foe to raise an eyebrow as he noticed her emerge from the rubble. Twilight already suspected that this wouldn't do much for her, as her foe's power was far beyond what she could wield in this form, but she wanted to confirm her thoughts on the matter before using her Demon Goddess form, since that one would be able to put up a decent fight.

As she thought about that, however, Twilight held her right hand out and her staff appeared without delay, which came as a surprise to Beerus, before she focused and tapped the ground, causing a large ring of magic to appear on the ground around her as she thrust the head of her staff towards her foe. What happened next was that the rubble that had been created by her foe's attack was lifted into the air and surged towards the God of Destruction, though while she directed a fair amount of it towards his chest she also had some coming from all around him. It was essentially like Piccolo's attack when he fought 17, the 'Hellzone Grenade', but she wasn't using it to do harm to her foe, rather she was banking on him using his power to destroy all of them in an instant and fill the sky with smoke, briefly opening a hole in his defenses, and if everything worked as intended he wouldn't see her coming. Beerus, as she expected, raised his left hand and used his power to obliterate the incoming rubble like they were nothing, though it looked more like he simply terminated their very existence, leaving nothing behind, but those that came from his left and right he destroyed with Ki blasts.

The instant those ones were struck Twilight teleported into the space right behind Beerus and struck him in the back with a kick, using enough force to knock him out of the air, for a short time anyway, though before he had a chance to recover she loosed a blast into his back, something he wiped out before rushing back up to her position.

"I'll give you some praise: that was a nice plan... if ineffective." Beerus remarked, showing her and the others that she had done nothing to him, confirming her previous thoughts on the matter within a couple of seconds, meaning her current form meant nothing to him in the grand scheme of things.

In the next moment Beerus punched her in the side of her face and Twilight found herself flying through the air, where she smashed through some trees before the Destroyer pushed her into an area that looked like it was mostly formations made out of rock. As he did that Twilight opened her left hand towards the ground and blasted it, causing Beerus to back off for a moment while she regained her composure, something that was followed by her calling for the power of lightning as she sent a few bolts after him. She intended to shock him a little, but Beerus simply punched them out of the way, his attacks breaking the attacks and sending them off course so they would collide with the the ground around where they were fighting, further confirmation that her Dark Form, while impressive, was nothing before Beerus' might. He rushed at her as she prepared her next move and swung his left arm, knocking her staff out of her hand before driving her right into the ground once more, this time making sure to blow up the entire area around her with a blast of energy as he floated up into the air.

"I have to admit something, you aren't as strong as I thought you'd be." Beerus stated, because right now he was bored out of his mind, as her plans were interesting to fight against, since most people tried to be up front and personal during their fights, but none of them seemed to do anything to him and collapsed under the weight of his power, which only made him wonder why everyone followed her lead.

Twilight floated up out of the ground for a moment as she extended her hand once more, calling her staff back to her side in a matter of seconds, where she remained still for a moment as she pointed the tip in Beerus' direction, who stared at her like he was totally bored, before a sphere of darkness engulfed her as she shifted into her Demon Goddess form and prepared herself again. Once she was ready Twilight rushed through the air and punched her foe in the side of the face, as if he wasn't expecting her to actually do anything, but while her power was far greater than before it sure didn't seem like anything was happening, again confirming that Beerus' strength wasn't to be laughed at. It felt like she was gaining on him while they fought, since she was getting closer to using her full power against him, but now she understood what must have been going through Goku's mind as he clashed with the Destroyer, which caused her to realize that her only hope in taking control of this battle might be in her final form. For the time being, however, Twilight focused on swinging at Beerus as he did the same to her, their fists colliding as they moved through the area and caused the sky to shudder, which made all of the remaining clouds part under the force of their individual energies.

One thing she discovered was that Beerus didn't seem to like attacks that had long preparation times, as when she tried to utilize her Eclipse Cannon he moved into a series of blows that stopped her in her tracks, but it did give her an idea as she created a screen of smoke between them. In the next moment she summoned a number of clones and sent them out into the surrounding area as she hid herself with her invisibility spell, because she had noticed that Beerus couldn't detect Ki and that meant he had no idea where she truly was, so her clones would distract him for a time. To make sure her attack wasn't ruined before it was ready Twilight also weaved a hidden sphere into existence and hid inside it, so when the rest of the smoke cleared Beerus found her clones moving all over the place and started to follow after them without wasting even a single second. With him distracted for the moment Twilight gathered her power, forming the two spheres in front of her as she focused the essence of light and darkness once more, while locking onto where her opponent was located as he smashed his way through her clones, punching and kicking them hard enough to break them into pieces in a matter of seconds.

As he released a burst of energy that tore all of his opponents apart, wiping out the area of clones, much to his surprise since Beerus likely assumed that one of them had to be real, where Twilight moved into position and loosed the sphere of mixed energy at her foe, who tanked it as it detonated and lit up the sky, but, much to her annoyance, Beerus had taken no damage again.

"That's much better, though that attack tickled a little... I hope you can do better than this." Beerus remarked, where it was easy for Twilight to tell that he thought that this was her final form, since it was a godly form like Super Saiyan God, but he was still looking down on her, as if expecting nothing else from her after this point, before he rushed at her and kicked her in the chest.

Twilight braced herself as Beerus pushed her down into the ground and used her like a plow, cutting apart the land that was behind her without regard for the rest of the planet, and when he reached a certain point he released a blast into her chest that pushed her right into a mountain peak and blew it apart. Such a thing made her realize the difference in power that rested between this form and the God of Destruction's great might, that while it was a godly form, and was stronger than everything that came before it, it was only worth a fraction of Beerus' great power and made her realize why he was chosen to be the God of Destruction. She quickly determined that, if she followed this path and only used only this form against Beerus' might, she was going to lose in the grand scheme of things, despite her immortality, causing her to sigh for a moment as she lifted herself into the air once more, this time focusing her mind on the height of her power, the form her foe didn't even know existed. In the next instant a black and red aura wrapped around her as she brought up her final form, something that caused the earth and sky to shake in response to her growing power, while Beerus stopped for just a few moments to watch what she was doing, and it wasn't long before it completely covered her.

A few seconds later the darkness pulled back and Beerus' eyes widened as he gazed upon her final form, the Dark Queen, all while the plateau she had ended up on top of shattered around her, breaking apart under the intensity of her power, and once she was sure everything was done Twilight floated up to where her opponent was floating.

"You had another form... I'm quite surprised." Beerus stated, though as he said that his senses told him that Twilight now had the power to actually put up a fight, which was what he had been searching for since he heard the prophecy about an arch-rival that would be worthy of his power, who he had assumed was Super Saiyan God, "So, what do you call this form of yours?"

"It's not just a form, it's a position as well. Allow me to properly introduce myself: I am Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Frieza and Towa, and I am the Dark Queen of the Demon Realm." Twilight replied, where it was hard to tell if Beerus even knew of the realm in question, in fact everything she had learned so far made it seem like he was ignorant about the rest of the universe, like Shin had been when she first encountered him, before she shifted her stance and moved so she could show him her full power.

As Beerus turned to face her, and give her his full attention, his eyes widened as Twilight disappeared and reappeared right behind him, though it allowed him to know something important, her speed was far greater than he thought it would be, as that was a near instantaneous movement and it barely looked like she had moved a muscle while doing so. In that instant he felt that her speed was above his own, like that of an Angel when he recalled Whis' training in the past, though he turned and raised his arms as Twilight punched him, where he discovered that this wasn't a farce, her power was on another level than what he had faced so far during this battle. The sheer force of the attack sent him backwards, as she had turned the tables on him in an instant, though as he regained himself Twilight raised a hand and loosed a volley of dark arrows into the space between them, which moved faster than what he expected, causing Beerus to lash out with his power in an attempt to destroy them all. He missed one that slammed into his chest and pushed him into the ground below them, the force tearing up the surroundings as he was pushed through the stone and earth, before he knocked it into the air and watched as it just blew up a short distance above him, meaning it was a good thing he had gotten rid of it when he did.

He understood that this form of Twilight's was far stronger than those that came before it, given what he was experiencing at the moment, meaning he had to take this seriously since the power of the 'Dark Queen' was greater than the power Goku had called upon for their fight. Beerus barely had time to do anything else as he found that Twilight had formed what had to be a bow made out of pure darkness and loosed a single arrow at him, one that shimmered as more filled the air, though unlike the last attack he discovered that most of the targets were phantom mirages, designed to trick him, while the main one had all the power as he dodged it. Sure enough it tore through the landscape before detonating some distance away, blowing a hole the size of Capsule Corp into the world, something that had to shock those that were observing them right now, but as he turned his attention to her Beerus found that Twilight was already in front of him and was moving to punch him in the face. With the attack registering he raised his arms and went on the defensive, blocking the incoming attacks as they started to move around the area, even though he noticed that their surroundings were breaking under their might, a fact that made him wonder if it was his own power or if it was Twilight's dark strength.

In the next moment he found that his abilities didn't seem to be helping much as Twilight was able to read his movements and react accordingly, striking him whenever a hole happened to open in his defenses, showing him that she was smarter than most of the opponents he had faced over his time as the Destroyer of this universe. As he thought about that Beerus found himself being knocked up into the air by one of Twilight's kicks, a well placed one at that, and discovered a crescent wave of dark energy rushing up at him, demonstrating the fact that she was planning two or three steps ahead at all times and likely had different plans for what he did. Beerus extended his hand for a moment and used his power to obliterate it before it could hit him, though as that happened a dark marble rushed by his head, missing the side of his face, but as he glanced down at Twilight he felt gravity shift on him and glanced back for a second, only to discover a massive dark object in the sky, like a dark moon. It surprised him that Twilight was able to make something like that so quickly, in the span of a few seconds no less, though as he turned to destroy it, so he could return to the fight, he felt something warm behind him and glanced back, finding a massive sun coming at his backside, causing him to realize that Twilight's magic was beyond what he and Whis had expected after his slumber.

Despite being trapped between two massive objects Beerus raised his hands and blasted them before he could be in the center of both attacks, blowing both up before they had a chance to detonate on top of him, though in that moment he was stuck in the back and was ridden down into the ground. Twilight, after doing that, flashed up into the air, giving her a good glimpse of where Beerus was resting, where she glanced at Whis and gestured for him to get the others out of here, as her next attack was going to do some serious damage and she didn't want them caught in it. As he did that, which was followed by the spherical ship being taken off planet, Twilight gathered her power as she brought her hands together in front of her, forming the stance to prepare a Kamehameha, a 'Dark Factor Kamehameha' due to the dark center and dark purple aura it possessed. While she prepared it the air shook in response to her power, while three rings appeared on the air around her as she brought her hands to her side, all while Beerus pulled himself out of the crater she had left him in, though as soon as the attack as ready Twilight fired the twisted beam of energy.

Beerus, seeing it come his way, decided to just get out of the way as the beam struck the ground, pierced the earth, and struck the core since the rest of the planet detonated not a few seconds after, blowing small chunks of rock out into the rest of the system they were in, causing him to warp to where his foe was floating.

"Now that is what I'm talking about! You, Twilight, are officially my second greatest opponent." Beerus remarked, because he was pleased by this turn of events, he was being pushed and tested by the dark power his foe was using, which was totally different than what happened when he fought Goku earlier, but now he understood why Chronoa had been totally terrified of Mechikabura.

Despite the fact, however, Beerus wasn't about to let the battle end as he rushed through the space between them and threw a couple of punches at Twilight, intending on taking her while she was off guard, since he had been talking, only to find that she was expecting it and cancelled his out with her own attacks. He discovered that she went on the offensive not even a few seconds later, pushing him to defend himself while she punched and kicked at him, faster than before while they moved through the wreckage of the planet that had been picked out for their fight. Twilight ended up grabbing the side of his head as she moved through part of the area, smashing him through some of the larger pieces of rubble while breaking everything around them into nothingness, showing Whis and the others that she was now dominating the fight and that her true power was nothing to be sniffed at. She followed that up by locating the biggest fragment of the now destroyed planet and slammed Beerus down into it, almost like she was swinging a flail around, leaving an imprint of the God of Destruction in the stone, before she grabbed his right arm while stepping on his back, putting him in a position a fair number of warriors would admit defeat in.

While she did that Whis flashed down to the area that they were fighting in and rested a hand on her shoulder, almost as if silently telling her that this was more than enough, where she released Beerus' arm and walked off to the side without wasting even a second, allowing the God of Destruction to stand up again.

"I think we'll have to end the fight there, to be picked up at a later date." Whis stated, because he knew that Beerus would push himself to exhaustion now that he found someone who could actually stand up to his full incredible power, and with Twilight's seemingly endless stamina, no doubt a function of her Dark Queen form, he suspected it was a battle that would end with his Destroyer's defeat, even if Beerus seemed annoyed by his statement, "Twilight, you showed great power in the face of Beerus' might, and I must ask you something important: would you consider becoming a God of Destruction?"

The reason he was asking this was because he had been observing her for quite a while and had seen the impact that she had on the universe, saving races from dangers, purging threats while maintaining the stability of the planets she and the rest of her empire visits, and basically doing everything that Beerus should be doing.

"Hm, 'Twilight the Destroyer'... I'll admit, it has a certain ring to it, doesn't it?" Twilight said, though this wasn't something she had expected when she agreed to fight Beerus, that his Angel would look to her as a potential replacement, though at the same time she knew this might be a way to get the current Destroyer to get back to his job, "Tell you what, Whis, I'll think about it."

Whis smiled as Beerus frowned and folded his arms, as it seemed like his ploy might be working in Beerus' mind, no doubt thinking about the consequences of being replaced by Twilight, though as they returned to the ship, and headed back to the Earth, his Destroyer did tell the trainees that he'd start their lessons in one week's time, causing him to look forward to what the future held for them.

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