• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Threat From Another Timeline

Twilight stood there for a moment as she stared at the other version of her, who seemed to be taking in the sights as the rift she had emerged from disappeared from reality, all while the three youngsters stood at the ready, focused on the creature that must have followed them to this timeline.

"Shandy, Saria, Caser... can any of you explain what is going on right now?" Twilight asked, because while she had an idea of what was going on, especially given her knowledge of what Kid and Super Buu were capable of, she wanted to speak with the newcomers before a fight got started.

"This... creature... invaded each of our timelines, destroyed what little we had left, and forced each of us to retreat until we reached this point." Caser stated, where he growled for a moment as he stared at the creature, who didn't seem to care about him or the others at this point in time, rather she seemed content to just wait for Twilight to make the first move so they could get started, "The Destroyer of my timeline, well... let's just say he sucked at his job and focused too much on his calculations, to the point that the entire universe was engulfed in a massive war for the planets that held the remaining resources. My clan was decimated and, during the confusion, our Destroyer was assassinated, causing his teacher to track down a suitable replacement and picked me for the job... but before I could do anything more than learn a few lessons this creature burst in, slaughtered everything I was trying to protect, and caused my teacher to send me to another timeline to escape her."

"Which is how he, and later her, ended up in my timeline." Saria continued, showing Twilight that the three youngsters had been united by the actions of their teachers, the so called Angels if the libraries of Alexandria were right, either to give them a chance to defeat this creature or to escape with their lives, "My Destroyer, from what I learned, was a prick that was in hot water with most of his fellows, as he was constantly scurrying in and out of their universes so he could blow up planets, almost if all of this was just a game to him and that he felt that he would face no consequences for his actions. When one of the others dared to challenge him, to get him to stop bothering other universes, the fight that occurred was one that ended up destroying multiple star systems, wiping out who knows how many people and races in the process, and, somehow, both of them ended up dead, like they were assassinated or died at each others' hands. I was taken on as a replacement as well, but, just like Caser, I was only able to get through a few lessons before he and this creature came out of a rift, where we were unable to actually do anything as the creature tore my timeline apart."

"As for me, well, my timeline is entirely different from yours, Twilight, as you don't exist... rather it was just Frieza and his empire, only Frieza disappeared and chaos ensued." Shandy said, which interested Twilight, that he happened to be from another version of her universe, one that she apparently didn't exist in, though it also made her wonder where he was in this timeline, or if he even existed in the first place since someone dead in one timeline could be alive in another, "From what I understand my Frieza didn't blow away the planets or people that threatened him, rather he broke them and put them to work in his empire... at least until a lone sniper, possessing unbound power, took him down from afar. You would think that his family would take over and continue their work, but you would be wrong, as the sniper took Cooler and King Cold down as well, splitting the entire empire into all sorts of warring factions as the Saiyans and the other warmongering races reached for the vacant throne. My teacher and I don't know what happened to my Destroyer, it's like someone else died and he perished with them, but I'm also like them, I got a few lessons before they and Buulight showed up."

"Makes sense that she would pick universes that were weakened from recent events, and that your teachers would figure it out before sending you here." Twilight remarked, though at the same time she focused on the creature, who seemed to snap to attention as she focused on her, meaning she had been patiently waiting for her, and not those she had been in the middle of hunting, to make some sort of move, "So, 'Buulight', what brings you to my timeline? Other than the fact that you're clearly hunting these three."

"A Destroyer, a real one, is chasing us for the crime of killing and eating everyone in the Solar System... I am here for the power that you possess." the creature remarked, where Twilight noticed something odd as soon as the words left her mouth, because at first it sounded like her talking, which made sense given the creature's form, before switching to Super Buu's voice after a brief pause, meaning Buulight had a split personality, "You know, I ate everyone on Earth after my fight with the one called Gotenks: turned them into candy, drew out the Ki inside their delicious forms, and then devoured each of them whole. I absorbed the fused warrior, Piccolo, and then Gohan before moving onto you, the one whose power is unlike all of the others, who gave me a form and power I could only dream of... and now, after both 17 and 18 have been added to our body, we are the greatest warrior in our timeline, a fact that has remained true during our flight from those who seek to end us."

"Got it, part of me is still inside you... even though you ate everyone dear to me in your twisted timeline." Twilight stated, where she assumed that someone, or something, had wiped out that timeline or had chased Buulight out of it, the latter being far more reasonable than the former, though at the same time she realized that the timelines that the three young warriors had come from were likely totally destroyed, given how much destruction had been caused, "Very well then, since I seem to be your true target, as I can see the way you're looking at me, I'll fight you... if I don't, well, you'll just flee into the rest of the universe, seeking people of power before coming at me while I'm looking for you. Young gods, if you want to join us, feel free to do so, but just watch where you aim... things are about to get hectic."

Sure enough as Twilight stepped forward and shifted her stance, assuming her 'battle stance', she found that Buulight did the same thing, mimicking her perfectly, where they stood there for a few seconds before flashing through the space that was between them and appeared in the center of the area as they swung their fists. The collision of their attacks caused the air to shake, while the sky lit up as lightning struck nearby, though this first attack told Twilight all she needed to know about her foe and how powerful she was, which was that Buulight was incredibly powerful. It made sense when she took a few seconds to consider her foe's form, a combination of her own Demon Goddess form and 17's dragon form, though it was mixed with 18's unlimited energy generator and, surprisingly, the tremendous power that came from Kid Buu, fully unlocked without Super Buu losing himself. She realized that her alternate self, after being absorbed and integrated into the Majin's body, had figured out how to assert herself from the prison she was stuck in, creating a split personality in the process, while at the same time she had figured out how to tap into Super Buu's true power and aspects of those that the pair agreed to absorb.

Even with her potential unleashed, and the power that it gave her, Twilight knew that this battle wasn't going to be an easy one and that her base form wouldn't be enough to actually stand before the creature in front of her, where she wondered if her transformations would be of any help with her current predicament.

With that in mind Twilight wasted no time in taking on her Demon Goddess form, which only seemed to cause her foe to grin, like a predator finally cornering their chosen prey, where both of them stared at each other for a time, silently daring the other to make the first move, before resuming the battle. The two flashed through the air, throwing punches and kicks for the first few moments so Twilight could get a feel for what it was like to fight a mirror copy of herself, a warrior that knew her every move and action, not to mention had the same strategic mind, so both of them were coming up with new moves to make, the same ones as she thought about it. Such a thing meant that Buulight knew every move in her arsenal, knew how to counter them with ones that would overcome them, which confirmed that this was going to be a difficult fight, far more than she originally thought when she discovered that the creature existed. Even with that in mind Twilight knew that if she didn't hold the creature here, and devised a way to get rid of her, Buulight would likely grow bored of everything and go after everyone she cared about, to turn them into sweets so her Buu side could eat them while her Twilight side could take all of their Ki out of them.

With that thought in mind she gathered her power and focused on the attack she wanted to perform, a faint white aura appearing around her right hand while a faint darkness did the same for her left, where she found that Buulight was doing the same thing, preparing the groundwork for whatever spell she had in mind.

"Essence of Power: Light. Essence of Power: Darkness." Twilight and Buulight stated, both of them coming to a stop at an area that allowed them to stand on the same level as each other, while at the same time two spheres of energy appeared in front of them, the right possessing the power of light while the left holding the power of darkness, where she and the foul creature mixed their attacks into a deep bluish-purple sphere, "Eclipse Cannon!"

The two attacks surged forward and clashed in the middle of the area that they had chosen to stop in, the sky darkening as black lightning flashed all around them, though Twilight found that the two attacks struggled against each other for a time. one trying to push the other back as they fought for dominance. It caused her to realize that two attacks of the same type, a mixture of two opposing elements, with equal power would do nothing but remain in the same area and struggle against each other, something that eventually caused the spheres to detonate on top of each other. The resulting explosion tore a chasm into the ground below them, not too deep since they were up in the air, though it was an impressive blast when she thought about it, but Twilight turned her focus back on Buulight, who seemed to be enjoying herself like Super Buu did, just enjoying the destruction that they had caused. For a moment she thought she saw an opening and readied her power once more, this time combining the two opposing elemental powers in the space in front of her before bringing them to her side, as if she was forming the Kamehameha, where she reasoned that this would be more direct than her other attack.

Instead of tanking the beam like Buu would do, since he could just regenerate his injuries, or absorbing her attack like she knew Buulight could do thanks to her previous statements, her foe mimicked the attack and fired an identical beam not a few seconds later. That told Twilight far more than she needed to know, the Buu side of her foe didn't want to take in any additional part of her, as in he didn't want to absorb more versions of her or siphon her Ki, rather it seemed like he was trying to avoid taking in more of her energy. The Buu side was afraid that if he absorbed more of her, or ate her Ki like the other side of the creature wanted, it would start to tip the scales in the alternate Twilight's favor, giving her more control of the body, not to mention shutting down his side of things, and it seemed like he was worried that tanking her attacks, and regenerating the damage, would only aid the other Twilight. Normally this wouldn't do much for her, besides giving her an idea as to what her foe was planning, but she started to connect the dots in her mind, planning how to use this sort of weakness against the creature, and an idea formed in her mind on how to deal with Buulight.

Of course all of this depended on whether or not Buulight had gained her immortality, which would make stalling her that much more difficult, but as the two beams collided with each other Twilight braced herself for her next idea, moving the moment the attacks detonated and covered the air with smoke.

She wasn't the only one who made a move against their foe, as the three young gods burst into the air and rushed at the creature, Saria being the first to make contact as she lashed out with a rapid flurry of jabs, trying to use the smoke to her advantage as the first few made contact with Buulight's side. As Twilight moved with her own invisibility up, since her plan hinged on her foe not realizing that she was there, hence why she made sure to hide every trace of her energy as well, she had to admit that the rabbit girl was definitely a martial artist, despite their foe regaining herself with ease. Sure enough she wasn't alone, Shandy was above their foe as he swung down at her, hitting Buulight's head before she had a chance to react to his presence, and even Caser joined in on the fun as he kicked at her head as well, a fact that stalled the creature before she could react. Buulight knocked the three of them backwards, though that was only the beginning of their assault on the creature as each one summoned a purple aura as they accessed their true power, showing that they understood that keeping their true strength hidden wasn't good, where Twilight realized that they were now channeling the power of a god, a weak one at that, but it sure helped her out.

The interesting thing about their auras was that Buulight either seemed frightened of them or what they were capable of, as she focused on using her own attacks to actually hurt them, flinging bolts of magic at her targets as if that would get rid of them, before Twilight appeared behind her and pushed some of her energy into their foe's body.

"When did you... ah!" Buulight started to say, though that was when her heads went up to her head as she screamed, as if something was happening inside her body or mind, which told Twilight that her plan was successful, while Saria and the others were surprised by what was going on right now, "What... what did you do to me?!"

"I noticed that, despite your desire to beat me into submission and absorb me, you refrained from absorbing any of my Ki attacks, like you were scared that doing so might tip the scales," Twilight replied, where she gestured to the others with her head for a moment and the young gods moved over to where she was currently floating, though she couldn't help but smirk as she stared at the struggling creature as her Buu side tried to push her Twilight side into submission, "and you just confirmed my suspicions. I'm not your main target, I'm the secondary, as you're hunting down the other versions of Buu, in the timelines that he's been released in, so you can absorb him to get more influence over my side of the body... while you enjoy the power I possess, and the knowledge I have, you don't like having a second personality messing with your 'groove', hence why you want me put to sleep."

Buulight stared at her for a moment as the young gods stood near her, as Twilight knew she could utilize their powers to deal with the creature, or at least distract her for a while, and sweated for a moment as she came to terms with the fact that Twilight had figured her out in an instant, before she burst into the air and raised her hand into the air, summoning a massive sun above her.

"Teranova!" Buulight shouted, where Twilight found that it looked like an advanced version of her own Sol Invictus attack, which made sense due to the fact that it was larger and seemed to have far more power than the attack she had used to help destroy Kid Buu, though not even a moment later it came down towards them.

Twilight said nothing as she made a quick gesture and the young gods made their move, summoning their energies while focusing on the massive Ki attack, forming a barrier between Buulight and themselves that stalled the sun, though even as that happened she knew they only had a few moments to spare. With that in mind she brought her fingers together right in front of her, forming a triangle while gathering the power of light and darkness together once more, as she was going to use an attack that she was still working on, meaning it was unlikely that the creature knew of it. A few moment later, as the barrier was blown to pieces, Twilight pulled her hands apart and the Ki transformed into a lance made of the same energy that went into her Eclipse Cannon, making this an 'Eclipse Lance' she guessed, though she knew time was of the essence and focused on their foe. In the next instant she burst into the air and lashed out with the weapon, piercing Buulight's sun with the tip and found that she cut through it with ease, allowing her to draw in the power of the Ki attack as she drew out her full power, causing her aura to go from pure black to black and white mixed, meaning she must have mixed the power of her Demon Goddess form with the Power Unleashed form.

Buulight was surprised as Twilight burst out of the 'Teranova', drawing in all of the energy that formed the attack, before finding that her foe had thrown something at her, as the lance zeroed in on her without delay, causing her to raise her arms to block it since it was faster than she expected. As it collided with her, and started to dig into her defenses while also pushing her back, the three young gods appeared around her, showing that they either knew about this attack or all of them didn't care for what it might do to them if they got caught by it. They struck her a few times, making use of the fact that she was unable to do anything, before Shandy got above them and lashed out with a powerful kick to the face, which had enough power to send her straight towards the ground, causing all three of them to gather their energy for an attack to join Twilight's. Three beam attacks, one colored red, another yellow, and the third purple, burst out of where they were positioned and collided with Buulight without delay, pushing her right down into the ground that was below her before the lance detonated on top of her.

Twilight watched as the resulting detonation blasted their foe into oblivion, since it was point blank range, and while she was surprised that Buulight didn't just teleport out, since she could and blamed the shock on seeing the new attack, they found a large circular crater resting where their foe had landed, who was missing the lower half of her body and most of her left arm.

"You... this power... why are you stronger than her?!" Buulight demanded, which interested Twilight, since she expected her other self to be roughly the same level of power that she was, making her wonder if the alternate her had abandoned her training and was weaker when Super Buu absorbed her, before several Ki blades pierced her body, "What the..?"

"You were a tough person to track down, but we finally got you." a new voice said, where Twilight found someone who looked like an adult version of Shandy, wearing the blue attire that resembled Saria's clothing, standing behind Buulight, while standing near him was a tall figure with an odd looking robe, pale blue skin, and white hair, "Thank you, Twilight, but we'll take it from here."

As Twilight opened her mouth to say something the figures completed their spell, sealing Buulight in a flash of light that, when the dust cleared, revealed that they had sealed her inside a sword, much like Old Kai, which the Angel collected not a second later, but they paused as she landed nearby.

"I know who you two are: the God of Destruction and Angel from another timeline." Twilight stated, because the libraries of Alexandria, plus her father's own tales, had told her of the existence of a Destroyer God, Beerus to be exact, and this was him, while the libraries made mention of his Angel, Whis, "You do know your breaking one of your rules, right?"

"Do not worry, we have special permission to chase Buulight through the timelines to catch her... we were only able to do so thanks to your assistance." Whis replied, where he stared down at his prize, a blade that looked nearly identical to the Z Sword, save for the pink coloration of the guard, meaning they had plans for the item, either locking her other self away in a place where she could do no harm or pulling her away from Super Buu, before he glanced behind her, "Also, those three are now without homes to return to, so they're your responsibility now."

Twilight barely had time to say anything as the alternate gods took their prize and flashed up into the sky, leaving her and the now homeless young gods behind to explain things to the rest of Twilight's group, or at least part of it since she had a feeling that keeping Beerus' existence a secret was important, before she sighed and realized that there was a lot more work for her in the foreseeable future.

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