• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: Newfound Power

Twilight stared at Cell as the light of his transformation died down, where she found something she wasn't expecting to see, his arms and legs had scales on them, matching his body color in those spots, while at the same time his hands did look a lot like 17's talons. His body had bulked up, though it was impossible to tell if that was due to it being an effect of absorbing the first of the two androids or if it was due to 17's Beastification, in fact it could be a combination of the two as Twilight thought about it. In addition to that she discovered that Cell's feet and legs were more affected by 17's form than any of them might have expected, as he had gained two new toes, the main four resting on the ground, just like 17's had, and the last one was located a little further up his legs, which had buckled and were more dragon shaped. Of course when she thought about his toes Twilight actually meant his talons, sharpened like his new fingers were, and as she looked over him she could see more scales on his tail and his face, meaning 17's influence was leaking out into Cell's DNA.

Cell hummed for a moment as he took in his new form, no doubt feeling overjoyed by the fact that he was able to absorb one of the two androids that would give him his perfect form, which made this his 'semi-perfect' form, though as he did that Twilight discovered that Tien was nearby, not that it mattered. She really had no idea why he was here, since he didn't care about the androids like Krillin did, though with that in mind it was easy for her to decide that it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, hence why she focused on those who were of more importance right now. 16, sensing that Cell would come after 18, started to move and the bald fighter followed after them, no doubt looking for a way to help save 18 from the monster that was now baring down on them all, but they ended up getting cut off as Cell instantly rushed over to them. His speed was impressive and that meant his strength had to be even greater than before, which she was far more interested in seeing right now, hence why she remained where she was standing while Cell stared down at 18 for a couple of seconds, while ignoring her companions.

"I will admit, I had no idea that my power would skyrocket so much after absorbing 17... it only makes me wonder what I'm capable of." Cell remarked, though his voice had changed as well, as he no longer sounded anything like his imperfect form, as Twilight was going to call it from this point forward, meaning his perfect form would also sound different as well, before he glanced at her for a moment, "Twilight, care to explain my changes?"

"You absorbed 17, whose body and DNA were heavily influenced by the Animorph X in his body, due to the TF Food that created his imposing dragon form." Twilight remarked, though while she knew that Cell might have already figured such a thing out on his own, he seemed smarter than most of the fighters that crossed her, it was nice to have someone ask her about a subject, while 18 knew better than to run at this point, before she considered something, "If this is what we're seeing right now, after you absorbed 17, I wonder if you'll get your own dragon form when you absorb 18..."

In the next moment 16 lashed out and struck Cell in the face and found that his punch did nothing, the creature was just staring at him with a smirk on his face as he blasted the android in the face, tearing off the upper right part of his head, revealing the insides of his head after he hit the ground. In the next moment 18 did something that Twilight really wasn't expecting, she raised her right arm and placed her right hand in front of her chest, where she informed Cell of her intent to blow herself up if he came any closer, meaning there was some sort of inner command or function that allowed her to self destruct. Cell decided to use 17's voice in an attempt to convince her that everything was fine and, more importantly, that she should allow herself to be absorbed as well, stunning the android while 16 told her not to believe the lies she was hearing, meaning he had to be the smartest of the three. The key that allowed 18 to finally snap out of it, or decide that Cell was screwing with her in an attempt to shut her down so he could absorb her, was when he addressed Gero with respect, something that she and her brother would have never done, given how he ruined their lives.

Cell, however, wasn't too worried about that revelation, as he informed 18 that he could still catch her before she had the chance to blow herself up, though as he stepped forward Tien moved into the air and started to gather his energy, while at the same time causing Cell to glance up at the figure.

"Oh my god, it's Tien! What, were you annoyed by Piccolo's death?" Cell remarked, though as he said that Twilight had to wonder if the rest of the Z Warriors had a death wish, since the Namekian was down and the three-eyed warrior was going to fall next, while Krillin seemed to be smart in keeping himself hidden, before Tien focused and moved his hands, "C'mon buddy, you can't be serious... with your power level you'll do nothing but hurt yourself. I mean, you're no android, you certainly aren't a Namekian, and you certainly no Super Saiyan... you're just a human whose throwing their life away."

"Yeah, well, you know what?! Screw all that, and screw you!" Tien replied, his tone revealing that he was annoyed with the scene in front of him, especially since Twilight was simply watching Cell and not stopping him, before he made sure that all of his energy was ready for what he was about to do, "Shin... Kikoho!"

Twilight found that a large energy blast rushed down at where Cell was standing, who claimed that this was adorable just before the attack struck the area he was in, but even then her reaction speed was far faster as she surrounded Cell with a faint sphere that only he could see. Her purpose in this was making sure not to waste the energy that Tien was willing to use to keep Cell 'contained', though after the first blast, leaving a square hole in the island while Cell was pushed deep into the depths, Tien turned and told 18 to either 'blow herself up or leave' and that he didn't care what her decision was. His reasoning was because Cell came rushing up towards the surface, causing Twilight to see that Tien was literally a moron as he fired his attack down at the new crater as Cell tried to escape his temporary prison, but the creature was fine with this since Twilight's faint barrier was helping him out. While that happened Twilight found that Krillin left with 18, carrying the wounded 16 away as they fled to another island, no doubt to hide and force him to move on, a trick of sorts to be sure he didn't absorb the last android, while Tien lashed out with his attacks several more times, either unaware of the damage he was doing to himself or uncaring so he could screw over Cell.

Eventually, after a few more moments, Tien finally stopped firing his Shin Kikoho as he huffed for a few seconds and just fell out of the air, something that caused Twilight to drop the barrier she had cast while Cell emerged from the hole that he had been forced into, only to quickly discover that 18 was long gone.

"Don't worry, I know the general direction she traveled in." Twilight stated, because she knew what was going through the creature's head right now, he was more interested in obtaining his perfect form and that meant his focus was on 18, who had fled for the time being and would do everything in her power to stay hidden, before noticing that Cell turned towards Tien for a moment, "I wouldn't worry about him... with all the power he used, and the life force he mixed into each attack, he's going to die on his own."

"That might be so, but I'll feel better with him gone." Cell replied, where he raised his left hand for a moment and got ready to blast the three eyed warrior into oblivion, though before he could do that a figure suddenly appeared near Tien and even Twilight turned her head, finding that Goku, of all people, had decided to come here, "Son Goku?!"

"So you're Cell, after absorbing one of the androids no doubt." Goku commented, though in that moment Twilight noticed something odd about him, he was actually worried that Cell was stronger than he was, and the reason for that being odd was due to his excited nature back on Namek, when he faced her father and his final form, "Truth be told, the way I am right now, I won't be able to give you a good fight... but, if you wait for a day, I'll be able to mop the floor with you in no time. Twilight, are you still observing the situation?"

"Yep. Looks like you talked with Piccolo, at the very least." Twilight replied, which meant that he knew what happened in Gingertown and her conversation with everyone else, meaning that they didn't have to waste time talking about it and could focus on what was going on right now, causing her to shrug for a moment, "What can I say, strong warriors excite me... even those I'm observing and not fighting."

Goku looked like he had more that he wanted to say, though before he could do so the three of them sensed something and he reacted immediately, grabbing hold of Tien before disappearing from the area, only to reappear over by where Piccolo had been tossed, causing Twilight and Cell to realize that the Namekian was still alive. It made Twilight take a moment to wonder how durable Piccolo actually was, which would give them an idea as to how durable Cell might be, while Goku just picked him out of the water, no doubt informing the pair that he'd get them some Senzu Beans when they returned to the Lookout. After that Goku disappeared with Piccolo and Tien, using his Instant Transmission to leave the area before Cell had a chance to even do anything, leaving the creature floating above the hole that Tien had made with his attack, who was lost in his thoughts, meaning this technique wasn't one that he had learned in the other timeline, before his demise. Not a few seconds later Cell informed her that he was going to be hunting 18 again and she pointed him in the direction the android had gone in, causing the two of them to move towards an archipelago, an area that had a lot of islands that were close to each other, with some water separating them.

"You'd think tracking her down would be easy, since Krillin is with her, but even he's hiding his Ki." Cell commented, as he glanced down at the many islands that were around them and realized that if he tried to search one there was a chance his target might leave, especially since she might use the short warrior as a decoy, before he turned his head towards Twilight for a few seconds, "If I start firing at the islands are you going to sit there and watch, or are you going to eat them before they hit their targets?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Twilight replied, though now that she knew that Cell was planning on flushing 18 out by blasting the islands around them, a plan that might actually kill his target if he wasn't careful, it gave her a chance to send out her magic and silently form invisible barriers over every island, just in the off chance he was telling the truth.

Cell floated there for a moment, clearly debating whether or not she was going to stand in his way, before firing a blast at the nearby island, resulting in the entire landmass being consumed in the explosion given the size of the dust cloud, only to find that, when the smoke cleared, that it was still intact. Twilight smirked for a moment as Cell discovered that she was keeping the islands safe, even if she really didn't care about them, and found that he seemed to think of this as a game, as if he thought that she had been paying attention to his movements before saving the island after his attack. As such Cell fired more blasts down at the islands that were around them, picking them at random to see how Twilight would react to his motions, only to find that she made no effort to move as her power shielded the islands, keeping them safe from all of the incoming blasts. After a few moments he realized something, she was just toying with him and wasn't taking this very seriously, causing him to stop firing at the islands as came to terms with the other aspect of this situation, she was likely absorbing the blasts as well, meaning he was just making her stronger as time went on, meaning he would have to figure out another way to accomplish his goal.

As he considered what to do, however, he and Twilight found that Vegeta flew up to where they were floating, who was in his Super Saiyan form, though at the same time they discovered something interesting, he had a smirk on his face that meant he felt his power was enough to take his foes down.

"You must be 'Cell'. We'll land here." Vegeta remarked, where Twilight found that his confidence had been restored, as the last time she had seen him he was moping over the fact that 18 had beaten him and showed that his power was nothing to her might, so she was curious as to how he had regained his old self before coming here.

"So tell me, Vegeta, why are you here?" Cell asked, though at the same time he followed the Saiyan down to the ground of the island he had picked out, one that seemed to have a good area for them to fight in, or for 18 to hide in, before he took a moment to think about what had happened before Piccolo discovered his existence, "If you're here looking for another broken arm you could always help me find Android 18."

"No, I just heard about what you've done and just had to come, to tear you limb from limb." Vegeta said, where he took a moment to study Cell's body, no doubt connecting what he was seeing to what was described back in Gingertown, and it was easy for Twilight to tell that he wasn't too pleased with what Cell's semi-perfect form looked like, "Also, you're ugly... I mean, I wish Dr. Gero... or was it his computer... had put some more thought into giving you a more impressive second form... to think that my DNA is part of such a hideous beast."

"Are you being serious right now, or are you being stupid again?" Twilight asked, as it sounded like Vegeta was ignoring all of Cell's dragon features, no doubt focusing on the parts that could be associated with Gero, and she could tell that the bio-android was annoyed as well, meaning he liked the changes like 17 had.

"Look Vegeta, I'm in the middle of something important right now, so I don't have time for whatever this is." Cell stated, as he was definitely annoyed about how Vegeta was treating his altered form, calling it ugly when it was actually deadly to his enemies, before noticing that Trunks, who was now wearing his own battle armor, landed nearby, where Twilight noted that his hair was longer, "I also don't like how little appreciation you have for my new form... however, if you could bring back someone substantial... like Goku, for instance... I might forgive you for your transgressions."

Vegeta stood there for a moment before he started to call forth his power, showing that he was angry with that remark, as it caused him to bulk his muscles slightly and his hair became more rigid as he powered up, which caused Trunks to sigh and informed Cell that he had, unwisely, pressed the 'Goku Button', allowing his father an opening to punch Cell right in the chest while he was confused. Twilight raised an eyebrow for a moment, as Vegeta's new power was far stronger than what Cell had in his semi-perfect form, in fact it was virtually impossible for him to have gained so much strength in such a short period of time, making her wonder what in the world he had done to gain this power. While Cell was dealing with a powered up Vegeta, or 'Super Vegeta' as the Saiyan claimed, Twilight floated over to Trunks' position and asked him if he knew what his father was doing, where she learned that this was what they called 'Super Saiyan Second Grade', but he had nothing else to share with her. All that told Twilight was that the two Saiyans had found a way to overcome the wall of the Super Saiyan form's power, not in the sense of it being a new transformation and more of a power boost, but she found that it was enough to stand up to Cell's semi-perfect form.

As Vegeta delivered an uppercut to Cell's chin, sending him into the air after answering his question with 'Sure you can', she had to wonder how in the world they had been able to obtain such a form in such a short period of time, due to her being sure that Trunks had access to it as well. She knew that both his boosted power and the new form meant that if he or his son found 18 there was a good chance they'd kill her without wasting a single moment, preventing Cell from being able to gain his perfect form, something that had to be going through Cell's mind right now. At the same time, however, she found that she wanted to face Vegeta and his newfound power, because if he was able to pressure Cell it really made her wonder what might happen if they clashed, not to mention how much power she could steal from him before one of them submitted to the other. As she considered that, however, Cell seemed to be having a hard time fighting Vegeta, as he threw punches and kicks while the Saiyan simply dodged him with that annoying smirk on his face, leading to his foe to grab his arms or legs and hurl him into either the ground or one of the rock walls, showing that he was dominating his foe right now.

This was strange, there was no way that someone, other than herself and her father, could grow this fast in such a short period of time, even if the person in question was a Saiyan, making her wonder what the pair had gone through to obtain this power, all while Cell was knocked through a rock wall and plowed into the ground. Cell, after taking a few seconds to think about this situation, decided to pull out all of his power as he shook the entire island with his aura, but all he was able to do with that power boost was rush past Vegeta's lowered defenses and punched him in the side of the face. All that did was draw a bit of blood from the Saiyan, who wiped his mouth before tearing into Cell, leading Vegeta to go to town on the creature, his powerful attacks dealing painful damage to the bio-android's body while sending him flying with each hit, to the point where Cell was knocked down into the water near the edge of the island. Twilight knew what Cell's plan of attack would be, because if she had been in his shoes, with his abilities and form, she would wait until her foe got close and then burst out of the water without saying anything at all, all to hit her foe with the tail and drain them before they got away from her.

Cell proved her right not a few moments later, after Vegeta landed on the only bit of land near the water and called for him to emerge, but in the end it was a failure, because while he did grab onto Vegeta's right leg, holding him upside down, he was unable to actually hit him with his tail. That was due to the Saiyan catching the tail between his left arm and left side, as he dodged the stabbing motion, causing Cell to worry that he'd have his tail torn off twice in the same day, only for Vegeta to punch him hard in the chest before spinning and kicking him back into the island. In that moment he informed Cell of a new fact, that Trunks was almost as strong as him, confirming Twilight's thoughts on the matter even though she really had no idea how they could have gotten so strong so fast, though Cell resorted to using the Galick Gun, Vegeta's own technique, to try and obliterate the Saiyan. The blast in question only tore the area around him apart, as in the rocks and boulders, so it ended up burying Cell in rubble for a time, though when he emerged he found that Vegeta had taken no damage, causing him to go on the offensive for a single second as his foe kicked him in the side of the head and knocked him down into the ground once again.

As Twilight considered this, however, she heard that Vegeta was disappointed in Cell and had an idea, they could appeal to the innate Saiyan desire to face strong foes, in fact she realized that he likely had no idea that this was Cell's semi-perfect form, causing her to float over to where the Saiyan was standing right now.

"You're right, Vegeta, it would be a shame to end the fight now... it's also a shame that you won't be able to fight Cell in his perfect form and see it's full power." Twilight remarked, where she turned her head a little and found that she had his full attention, because he knew she was smarter than everyone else, that was proven time and time again before the events that lead to them heading to Namek, and if she was talking it meant he should listen, "This is Cell's semi-perfect form, which he was able to achieve after absorbing Android 17... if you want a worthy foe, well, you can do what he suggested earlier and help him find 18, since he'd be able to obtain his perfect form."

"In summary: he gets the android, and I get a proper challenge?" Vegeta inquired, though as Twilight gave him a slight nod, it was refreshing to have someone actually understand her without asking too many stupid questions, a smile appeared on his face as he glanced down at Cell, who was currently focused on the pair, "Very well, Cell, let's go find an android."

"So I'm going to be the voice of reason and say 'Absolutely Not'!" Trunks stated, as he had been watching them and knew things were going downhill now that Twilight had decided to inject herself into the battle with Cell, ruining their chance for his father to kill the creature, and he had even pushed himself into the new form to appear nearby, before they could move out of the area, "Don't you get it? They're just playing you!"

"To be fair, I haven't lied since I got here." Cell remarked, which was the truth, he had told everyone the truth whenever he did something, with maybe the only exception being his attempted deception of 18 earlier, but only Twilight and Krillin knew about it, though it was annoying that Trunks had picked now, of all times, to make his move.

In the next moment multiple things happened as both Trunks and Krillin, the latter confirming that the androids had to be close at hand, attacked him, the first blasting him as the second tried to hit him with his Destructo Disc, though that lead to him discovering 18 as she was running away from the battle. Now Twilight understood why Krillin had shown himself, he also knew what was at stake and wanted to make sure Cell was unable to obtain his perfect form, though he did make sure to move to another area before his firing his attack, making it so that Cell might miss 18's movements. Twilight grinned as all of them moved as she expected, Vegeta attacked Trunks to stop him from interrupting Cell's attempts to absorb 18, while at the same time Krillin and 16 moved after 18 to protect her with their abilities, since there was no telling when their foe would come for her. It was madness, one group trying to catch 18, another trying to flee while leaving no trace for Cell to follow, and one warrior either attacking Cell or clashing with his father to stop him from being stupid, in fact Trunks used a blast to send his father flying so he could focus on beating up Cell, much to Twilight's joy.

She also found it to be amusing that she, the ringleader behind the chaos that was happening, was utterly ignored by the warriors that had been affected by her earlier words, allowing her to watch as Cell got the stuffing beaten out of him by Trunks, before he unleashed the Solar Flare on his enemies, though since she knew the signs to look for she was able to avoid being blinded. Even though Krillin was more used to the technique than she was she could tell that he, Trunks, 16, 18, and even Vegeta, who was flying towards their position thanks to his son's attack blasting him out into the water, were blinded by the attack, just as Cell had planned. Despite that fact Krillin did his best to keep 18 safe, though Cell knocked him to the side with a swing of his tail, allowing the bio-android to accomplish his goal as he opened his tail and grabbed 18 like he had done to 17, swallowing her in no time at all. Once again she found that his body glowed as he assimilated the last component he needed to achieve his perfect form, the sheer force driving away the clouds above the island, but that was before it condensed into a green transparent sphere that protected him from Trunks' incoming blasts and shook the planet with the sheer intensity of his power.

Eventually the lights died down and she found that Cell's body had become sleeker and more toned than before, instead of becoming even bulkier, like he had when he obtained his semi-perfect form, though 17's Beastification had overwritten the actual form he was supposed to have. His tail had sealed up, since he had absorbed the two androids he was after, and had become thicker than before, more like a dragon's with the scales on it and the spikes running down the length of his spine, similar to 17's when she thought about it. Cell had regained his wings, only this time they were exactly like 17's, like what a western dragon was supposed to have, though while the main color of the limbs, the fingers as some called them, was black, like parts of his body, the leathery bits were more tan colored. She also found that he was supposed to have what looked like high resting crown pieces on either side of his head, the dome they were used to seeing, though now those additions had been twisted into ivory horns that coiled backward.

As the rest of his body was covered in scales, colored green with black undertones, Cell's face pushed out into a dragon's muzzle, completing the transformation into a powerful dragon Beastian, causing him to let out a powerful roar that shook the island and caused Twilight to look forward to what the future had for them.

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