• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: Rage Unleashed

Goku had been so sure that the plan would have worked, as Frieza had no idea that the Spirit Bomb was even above him and, with both Vegeta and Piccolo helping out, the Emperor should have been caught in the attack, but, at the last second, his sick daughter had traded places with him and got herself killed.

"I don't understand. How did she trade places with him?" Goku asked, as this was the first time he had seen her move in the entire time they had been fighting Frieza, in fact he recalled Krillin saying something about her being poisoned, though as he said that Piccolo and the others gathered near him as they prepared for what was coming next.

"Magic. Twilight Sparkle is from an unknown race that not even the scholars of Alexandria, the Planet of Knowledge, know anything about, save for her incredibly strong magic." Vegeta said, because out of everyone here he was the only one that had the most experience with her and her powers, which was sort of why he was glad she had been weakened by the poison, as her other ability would have complicated things greatly, "I'm not surprised by the fact that she could use some of her power to trade places with her father, though with the poison in her veins I was assuming Twilight couldn't do anything without killing herself."

"So how screwed are we? I mean, we just killed his daughter." Krillin inquired, as part of his earlier actions had been so he and Gohan could survive their visit to this planet, including Bulma for that matter, who was safe on another section that was far away from here, but with Twilight's death he was sure their lives were forfeit.

In that moment Frieza stood up and caused the warriors to stop their conversation, as they could tell that he wasn't too pleased with what had happened after Goku attempted to use the Spirit Bomb to crush him, or blow him up thanks to Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon, before he turned towards them.

"Gentlemen, I have only one thing to say to all of you: I'm going to murder most of you!" Frieza snapped, where they found that he was totally enraged by the fact that Twilight was dead, in fact the ground around him cracked under the pressure of his anger, though that was when he raised his hand for a moment, "I'll spare you for now, Piccolo, but as soon as I use the Dragon Balls on Earth to revive Twilight I'm blasting your planet to hell as well! For now, I'll start with the one whose caused me the most grief!"

As the group got ready for what was coming their way, since it was clear they had messed up, Frieza loosed a blast that tore through Vegeta's chest, surprising him in the process, as he thought someone else might be attacked first, before he collapsed on the ground. With the Saiyan dead Frieza rushed over to where his foes were standing and found that Piccolo carefully stepped back, either because he was scared or because he didn't want to be part of what was coming, though he did stop by Vegeta's body for a few seconds to be sure that he was dead. With that done he found that Gohan and Krillin were totally terrified of him, as they should be, before finding that Goku was rushing him, where he caught the incoming punch that was aimed at his head and punched the other Saiyan in the chest, causing Goku to cough as he hurled him into a rock wall. After that he decided that, to really show Goku that he had messed with the wrong opponent, to instill a level of fear and despair into the Saiyan, where he raised his hand and called forth a marble of energy as he focused on Krillin, where the Earthling staggered backwards as it entered his chest, causing him to float above the ground for a moment, to their surprise.

"Frieza, stop! You don't have to do this!" Goku stated, as he was already worried about his best friend, who was currently struggling to figure out how to save himself from the danger the Emperor had put him in, while Gohan and Piccolo had no idea what to do in this situation.

"YOU TOOK MY DAUGHTER FROM ME!" Frieza snapped, showing them that he was beyond angry right now, in fact Goku could see that he must have reverted to an old personality or something to cope with Twilight's death, before he turned on Krillin once more, "So I'm taking away what you care about... one piece at a time."

As Goku called for Frieza to stop, which went unheeded, Frieza raised his left hand and Krillin moved up into the air, where Krillin made one attempt to call out to Goku before the Emperor, upon reaching a desirable position, collapsed his hand and caused the bald Earthling to explode, leaving nothing of him behind.

"With him gone the brat is next... I think I'll torture him, nice and slow, just so you feel my pain." Frieza remarked, though as he said that he knew it wouldn't do much to dull the pain that was in his heart, it would only make him feel better for the time being, causing him to turn towards Gohan, who took a step back for a moment.

"I... won't let you... get away... with this!" Goku stated, where Frieza noticed something odd about him, he seemed to be experiencing the same surge of anger that he was feeling right now, though the only difference was that his anger looked like it was affecting the area around them.

What he meant by that was that the air seemed to be charged in some manner, the water moved in response to what was going on right now, and lightning flashed every now and then, cutting through his rage for a time, because he was curious as to what his foe was doing. As that happened the ground below Goku's feet started to crack and break, where pieces of rock actually lifted into the air while he stood there, struggling with his own anger, before the strangest thing happened as he and the others watched this event transpire. That oddity was the fact that his hair, for a brief moment, became golden before returning to normal, though that wasn't the only thing that changed about that part of him, as the strands of his hair started to spike upwards, staying like that due to his anger or whatever power he was channeling. After some time he let out a powerful yell as his hair and his aura turned golden, while his eyes turned green, though everyone could tell that he was incredibly angry and that this was the result of that anger.

In that brief moment of clarity, brought on by the transformation he had witnessed, Frieza had to wonder if this might be the legend that caused him to destroy Planet Vegeta, the 'Super Saiyan', though all it did was fuel his desire to kill Goku so he could rid the universe of his kind.

"G... Gohan, take Piccolo and Dende and get out of here." Goku struggled to say, as his anger was running hot and right now it was overtaking most of his mind right now, though as his son stood there he growled and turned on him, showing Piccolo that this was different from what they had seen in the past, "Beat it, before I lose what's left of my sanity!"

Frieza stood there for a moment, as while he knew for a fact that the Saiyans only had the Oozaru transformation, he had seen it many times and had used the giant apes to wipe out a number of the more annoying races of the universe so his forces could take over, like the Cerealians. Twilight, on the other hand, had been a firm believer that such a thing wasn't true, that they would run into a Super Saiyan at one point in time, even though there were other tales she knew about, all due to her visits to Alexandria, not that she told him what she knew. If Goku was a Super Saiyan now it meant that Frieza's earlier thoughts to nip this problem in the bulb had been correct, as the warrior race believed that it was the only thing he feared, the only thing other than Beerus or Majin Buu that could beat him. As the others fled, however, Frieza shifted his stance and raised his hands, showing that he was going to fight and destroy him, because his plan ended with the loss of his daughter and he wasn't about to forget that.

What surprised him was the fact that Goku was able to cross the distance between them in a second, grabbing onto his right arm to stop Frieza from firing on Gohan and the others, since he had threatened to kill each of them before heading to Earth to destroy it. With that in mind Frieza focused his attention on Goku as the Saiyan punched him square in the face once more, where he determined that it was definitely stronger than his previous attacks, something that worried him just a bit since it might stop him from fulfilling his own goals. As Frieza was knocked backwards by the attack, however, his foe rushed through the air and smashed both of his fists, linked together into a ball shape, into his chest, sending him down into one of the surrounding islands, blasting part of it to pieces as he crashed into it. Frieza destroyed the rest of it with a burst of energy as he surged into the air and launched a powerful burst of energy at Goku, intending on wiping him out so he could collect Twilight's body and wait for the repair team to arrive.

He found that nothing happened to his foe's body, meaning he must have moved out of the way and waited for the blast to disappear before moving back into position before Frieza noticed his movement, or he actually tanked it and showed him that it meant nothing to him. Following that his foe pushed him through the air with the same energy push he had used back at the beginning of their battle, only this time it was far stronger than what Frieza had experienced so far, which seemed to be a trend right now, that the transformation had boosted his speed and power to new heights. With that fact in mind Frieza rushed at his foe without delay, as he was going to break him no matter what, only to find that Goku's rage made him a more effective fighter, as he slipped through his defenses and elbowed him in the face showing him that his defenses might not be as effective as he previously thought. After that Goku moved into a series of attacks, punching and kicking at Frieza before he even had a chance to move out of the area he was being pushed through, and when he found an opening to use his foe simply countered his blows with far too much ease.

In fact when he backed away Frieza found that Goku was able to avoid his smaller beam attack, the same he had blocked not that long ago, though he expected his foe's rage to make him make terrible decisions, like he had seen so far, and the one time Goku stood still he was able to hit him in the head, with no effect.

"You have all this power, enough to destroy entire worlds, and yet you can't kill me." Goku remarked, almost as if he was actually looking down on Frieza, as if to suggest that the Super Saiyan was him, before the angry expression returned as he focused on his foe, "I, a Saiyan raised on Earth, have come here to defeat you... a legendary warrior whose serene heart has been awakened by unbearable rage... that is the Super Saiyan!"

"If you say so... you are, at least, what you claim to be." Frieza said, though at the same time he realized that his day had gotten worse in the span of a few minutes, as not only did he lose Twilight but now he was being beaten by a Saiyan who had unlocked the legendary form he had been dreading for a long time, causing him to raise his hands into the air above his head as Goku brought his hands to his right side, "I have one last move to use, if your willing to stand still."

His Death Ball possessed enough power to blast an entire planet to pieces, and even if he didn't use it's full power it could do some serious damage to a planet's core, though given what his foe was he intended on blasting Goku to hell, hence why he hurled it at his foe as soon as it was ready. Sure enough Goku, fueled by the rage of his new form, stood still as he let the attack come at him, only to shift his stance at the last moment as he struck it, sending the orb straight down at the water below them, causing a look of surprise to appear on Frieza's face as it hit the ocean. A few seconds later they had to divert their eyes as the ball exploded, blasting it's way down into the core of the planet, and when the light disappeared he found that there was a massive hole in the ground, which was filling with water as yellow energy danced around the peak that was directly below them. In that moment Frieza was glad he hadn't poured too much power into the attack, because at full power it would have wiped out Namek in an instant, while the weakened version left them with some time to get to safety before the planet was destroyed.

As he thought about how foolish Goku was for hitting his attack into the ocean, however, he spotted a familiar portal of energy that reminded him of what Towa did earlier, when she left for Griea V, and, sure enough, he found that his wife had returned to Namek, only she was surprised by what was going on... though as Goku noticed her Frieza thrust out his hand and sent the Saiyan flying, before his rage caused him to do something even more foolish.

"Darling, what's going on?" Towa asked, as she had been busy searching for the one thing that could save Twilight, if they failed to get their wish granted with the Dragon Balls, a quest she had failed in since she was unable to actually track down an item that wouldn't alert Chronoa to her activities.

"Long story short, Twilight's dead... Goku and his friends caused her demise, so I killed one and apparently awakened the very legend I sought to destroy." Frieza replied, though while he was annoyed that Towa was showing up now, when she could have arrived sooner and might have been able to stop Twilight in her tracks, his anger right now was focused on the Saiyan who was recovering from his move, where Towa rubbed her right arm for a moment, "I'll need to use my full power to take him down... find Twilight's body and wait for me, as one of my father's ships is on the way and we can use it to get to Earth."

As Towa realized that he was talking about Piccolo, and the Dragon Balls of Earth, she nodded and flew off in the direction he had been pointed in, allowing Frieza to focus on pulling more of his power to the surface, because while Goku's power as a Super Saiyan was great he knew his full power would best him. In the following moments his muscles started to grow, due to the fact that his full power caused such a thing to happen, which seemed to stall the Saiyan as he took noticed of his new changes, in fact he actually stopped in his tracks to let him power up. Frieza found that it looked like he might be talking to someone else, someone who wasn't present, meaning he was either mental, due to the rage causing his more forgiving side to conflict with his inner rage, or there was some sort of being observing their fight, no doubt afraid of what might happen when it ended. In the end he determined that it didn't matter, he was going to end Goku here and now so he and Towa could leave for Earth, to try and bring their daughter back to life with the other set of Dragon Balls, to which he finished bulking out, meaning his full power was on display for all to see.

With that done he rushed forward and punched Goku right in the center of his chest, causing the Super Saiyan to cough in surprise as he experienced his full power, though for Frieza that was only the beginning as he kneed his foe in the head and released a volley of attacks into his body, showing his superiority.

As it turned out Goku seemed to think his attacks tickled, where it was clear that his rage was making him lose his mind in some manner, though Frieza refused to be buy into his cheap tactics, those designed to incite anger in his foes, where he went on the offensive once more. He used his superior speed to flash around the area they were in, mostly to keep his foe trapped in one place while he tried to come to terms with what was going on right now, before he thrust a hand out and used his power to send the Saiyan flying down into the ground, blasting a crater into a crumbling island. Of course Goku got back up into the air not a few seconds later, where Frieza attempted to grab hold of him so he could fly around for just a few seconds and drive him down into the ground of another location, but he broke free, punched him in the head, and then grabbed onto his tail to spin him around. As he expected Goku tossed him towards a larger island and he crashed right into it, allowing him to pause for a few seconds as he noted that the world was literally falling apart around them, all due to the Saiyan's foolish nature or his foul pride, before Frieza rushed into battle once more.

This time around he gathered his energy as Goku did the same, as he intended on smashing the Saiyan into the ground and leaving him there so he could blow up with the planet, though Frieza found that the beam attack stalled him while also disrupting his foe's vision, allowing him to move off to the side and attack the Saiyan from the side. His attack worked out quite well, as he was able to send the Saiyan down into the ocean that was below them, though his enjoyment was, as he quickly discovered, short lived as he watched as the sky darkened, which wasn't a symptom of what happened to the planet's core earlier. He had personally destroyed several planets like this, throwing a Death Ball down to see how each of the cores reacted to his attack, so he knew that the sky doing this wasn't part of the planet falling apart, meaning there was something else at play here, before it dawned on him. Against all odds the Namekian Dragon Balls had been restored, not to mention the Grand Elder since he was tied to them, meaning if he could track them down he might be able to actually revive Twilight and escape with her and Towa before the planet actually exploded.

As he considered that, however, Goku raised out of the water, showing that his shirt and the undershirt had been blown away by his attack and part of his leggings had been ruined as well, though he refused to stay down, causing Frieza to growl for a moment as he summoned more of his power.

"Why won't you admit defeat?!" Frieza remarked, as he had proven that, while his full power put a strain on his body, he was still stronger than the Super Saiyan and that this battle already had a victor, though as he turned to face the Saiyan he also noticed something that confirmed his thoughts, the Namekian dragon was alive, causing him to abandon the fight as he rushed towards it, "Dragon, I beseech you, grant me my wish: bring my daughter, Twilight Sparkle, back to life!"

As Goku followed him, however, they both discovered something that shocked them, Dende was near the dragon and had finished speaking in the Namekian tongue, where the Eternal Dragon responded to his wish and not Frieza's, something that was followed by him, all of the revived Namekians, and even a revived Vegeta disappearing, leaving only him and Goku for some reason.

"I guess you have to speak the language here to get your wishes granted." Goku remarked, though as the Dragon Balls and their Shenron disappeared, no doubt following the Namekians to Earth when he considered what he knew about the wish, he found that the sky returned to normal.

"So, someone on Earth used the Dragon Balls there to revive those who perished on Namek." Frieza commented, where he let out a sigh of relief as he considered this information, because while his forces would remain dead, since none of their bodies had been left behind thanks to Vegeta's actions since his untimely arrival, the most important part had, in the oddest manner possible, been completed, "My darling Twilight lives again, I'm sure of it..."

Instead of waiting for him to finish talking Goku punched him in the face, always the face he realized, causing Frieza to stop in his tracks, as he was about to thank the Saiyan for actually granting his wish, even if that might not have been the intent of the wisher on Earth, before deciding that it was time to finish the job. With that in mind the two of them engaged each other once more, Frieza elbowing the Saiyan in the face and Goku kneeing him in the face, before he was punched right in the stomach and coughed up some bile, which didn't last for long as he was knocked into the water. Frieza found that the more time they fought the more his foe seemed to become adjusted to his increased power, as Goku was able to avoid several of his attacks and delivered powerful blows to his body in return, though even then he was able to hit him several times, not that it mattered since his foe seemed to be winning. In fact he was kicked around as if he was nothing more than a ball or something, where Frieza blasted his way out of a rock wall before landing nearby, showing that he was hurt and that most of his energy had been expanded.

Goku stood there for a moment before he straightened himself, which was weird since they were in the middle of a fight, a fact that made Frieza wonder what in the world was going on in his rage ridden mind, before discovering that his foe had had enough of this fight, as he determined that there was no point in fighting him now. He went on to inform Frieza that he was satisfied, as his pride had been shredded by the fact that he had been beaten by someone stronger than him, a Saiyan no less, the very race he had looked down on and destroyed out of fear. Goku seemed to think that he knew what fear was and that he should go cower in a hole somewhere, and as he dropped out of his Super Saiyan state the Saiyan informed him of one important fact, that he was heading back to Earth and that he never wanted to see him again, as if warning him that he'd kill him if they crossed paths again. There was also the other side of the coin, the unspoken part he didn't say, that after all the time and effort he put into trying to heal Twilight that he wasn't allowed to see his daughter again, which really just annoyed Frieza when he thought about it.

As Goku started to leave, no doubt heading back to his own ship, Frieza called forth his energy and created a red disc, much like the one Krillin used to cut off part of his tail earlier, before sending it flying at Goku, who seemed to sense it coming as he dodged, with a cut appearing on his right cheek.

Such a thing reignited the rage inside him as he assumed his Super Saiyan form, in fact Frieza heard him call him a fool as he did so, hence why his attack was coming down from behind to cut his foe in half while he was distracted, though it missed as Goku sensed it coming. With that Frieza gave chase with his new attack, the Death Slicer as he decided to call it, where he found that he could manipulate it far better than Krillin could do with his and, at the same time, it homed in on his target, a worthwhile ability since it meant there was less work for him to do. He discovered that his foe's plan seemed to involve him flying all over the sky, with the disc following him, before heading down to try and use the disc against him, though he had it follow the Saiyan and thought he got him in the air, only to hit an afterimage in the process. Goku appeared nearby, where he said something about being disappointed in Frieza if this was the best he could offer, causing him to create a second one before sending both at his target, once more causing Goku to flee as his attacks homed in on him, though with two discs he had a greater chance of winning.

Goku did blast the ground and create smoke to blind him, which he dodged and was elbowed in the top of his head not a second later, creating another crater in the ground, causing Frieza to rush up so he could kill his foe, only to pause as one of his discs sliced through him, just above his waist, while finding that he also lost half of his left hand as his tail was slashed to pieces, causing him to collapse on the ground.

"Such a miserable end doesn't suit you, Frieza, even if you brought it upon yourself." Goku stated, sounding disappointed in how the battle was ending, as if he expected more from the terrifying Emperor, while at the same time Frieza huffed as he used his energy to try and seal his wounds, to stop himself from bleeding out and dying, "Well, I'm heading home... you can share your fate with the planet that your energy destroyed."

"P... Please... h... help... me." Frieza moaned, which was the last thing he, as the Emperor of the Cosmos, wanted to do, but in his current situation there wasn't much his dwindling energy could do to save his life, he had expanded too much power during the fight with Goku and he was going to die if things didn't change.

"It's always about you, isn't it!?" Goku snapped, revealing that he was still enraged and might not help Frieza, which he did understand if that turned out to be the case, especially given what happened earlier, so for now he let the Saiyan rage for a time, hopefully to get it out of his system, "How many people have you killed while they were begging for their lives, just like you're doing right now!?"

"I just... wanted to heal my daughter and see her smile again. What's wrong with that?" Frieza replied, where he didn't try to invalidate what Goku had said, because before Twilight arrived he did just that, killed for fun and often listened to several of his targets begging for their lives before he killed them, rather he focused on the one aspect they shared, the fact that they were fathers.

In that moment something unbelievable happened, Goku actually imparted a small bit of energy unto him, allowing him to seal his wounds so he wouldn't bleed out, before informing Frieza that this was all he got, as he was on his own after this point in time.

"Given your power, I'm assuming you can survive in space... you should get out of here while you can." Goku said, though at the same time he seemed to be thinking about something, no doubt the fact that Frieza had killed Krillin and had also threatened to kill everyone else he knew and loved, before he glanced at his foe for a moment, "Don't even think about attacking me again... I'll kill you for sure if you try."

Frieza said nothing to that as Goku flew off into the distance, where he simply sighed as he used what little energy he had left to make a shield around him, just to be sure that when the planet blew he would survive until reinforcements showed up, and prayed that Twilight and Towa were fine as he closed his eyes to embrace the eventual end of Namek.

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