• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: Goku's Trump Card

Frieza floated in the air for a few moments, as while he could have Dende tend to his own injuries, which would be a good bit of experience for him, he was more interested in ensuring Goku was done with the fight, especially since the longer they took the more time Twilight lost.

"Tell me, Goku, are you done yet?" Frieza inquired, because with all the energy that had been poured into the last attack he was sure that his foe had burned through the last bit of his power, though he had considered the same thing before the red aura had flared to life and resulted in that last attack, "If so Dende can heal you and we can be done with this... I still have a daughter whose in need of saving."

"If you're willing to wait, I still have one more move to use." Goku replied, though at the same time he pulled himself out of the crater he had been knocked into after his last stunning failure, finding that his body hurt and was likely in desperate need of repair, hence why an idea came to mind as he glanced up at the Emperor for a moment, "I'll warn you, it requires a bit of time to prepare, but if that fails, well, I'll admit defeat."

"And I'm assuming that you need to be in good condition for it to work?" Frieza asked, making him wonder what sort of skill or power he was planning on using this time, especially since he was sure it was one that he, Towa, and Twilight hadn't seen before, to which Goku nodded and he sighed for a moment, "Very well. Dende, you can get to work... I'll be standing over on another island while I wait for you to get ready."

Goku breathed a sigh of relief as he sat down, allowing Dende to come over and check on him before using his power to mend his wounds, though at the same time Piccolo and the others, including Vegeta as it turned out, landed nearby, no doubt keeping their eyes on Frieza as he remained true to his word.

"Goku, I'm assuming you have a plan to beat him?" Piccolo asked, because while he knew that the Saiyan was having a hard time fighting Frieza, just like they had experienced before Goku stepped in to face him, though they knew that the imposing figure was far stronger that any of them could have prepared for.

"Yeah, I do: the Spirit Bomb." Goku replied, though as he said that the only one who was confused by his words was, of course, Dende, but he could tell that while Piccolo might have overheard the name he had no idea what he was talking about right now, while Gohan and Krillin understood, "I'll have to assume a stance that allows me to gather the energy of the plants, animals, and living things of the planet so I can condense it into a ball of energy... Vegeta, you remember being hit by it, right?"

"It nearly killed me, I'll have you know... but, if you do it right, this might work." Vegeta remarked, as he hated the move in question due to all the pain that it had put him through, in fact had it not been for Kakarot allowing him to leave he was sure that the bald Earthling would have killed him, but, at the same time, he knew that if the other Saiyan was given the time to work they might eliminate Frieza at long last.

"Should we try a distraction of some kind?" Gohan inquired, because while it seemed like Frieza was fine with them trying everything they knew to try and bring him down, since it usually ended with him punishing them and letting Dende heal all of their injuries, he had a feeling that they might be able to confuse their foe in some manner, "Or maybe we should have another move prepared in case the Spirit Bomb fails..."

"Oh, I get it: the Special Beam Cannon." Piccolo said, as he was starting to see what Gohan was talking about, the young Saiyan was thinking about linking attacks together to get rid of their foe, meaning hit Frieza with the Spirit Bomb and then, while he had to deal with that, hit him with a second attack, one that could smash through him and detonate the attack in the air before it hit the ground.

"Vegeta, can you use that move you used against Recoome? The one with the lightning?" Krillin asked, because if they did this he was concerned it might blast a hole into Namek, one it might not be able to recover from since this planet was far different from Earth, so a Spirit Bomb formed here would be different as well, so by using Vegeta's move they could force Frieza into the air.

"With Dende's healing, and the rest we've had, I should be able to hit him, or keep him distracted." Vegeta said, though at the same time he thought about the move and wondered if it should be more of a permanent addition to his arsenal, and if so it needed a name, especially since these fools named all of their attacks, but the only reason he was considering even working with them was so they killed Frieza.

Goku realized that this might be their best shot at winning, as with the Spirit Bomb capable of dealing massive damage to evil souls, like Vegeta for example, someone of Frieza's caliber would suffer even more if the attack blew up on top of him, which was what Piccolo's attack was for, to ensure their foe couldn't escape, so he made sure that he, Piccolo, and Vegeta ate the three Senzu Beans to ensure they were prepared for this.

"Any time now, gentlemen." Frieza stated, as he had seen Dende heal people quickly before and knew that it didn't take him this long to restore someone's body to a pristine nature, even if he was giving them some time to have one last talk amongst themselves, so with Twilight's life on the line he was hoping to get this over with.

Goku nodded as Dende finished healing his wounded body, to which he jumped into the air and moved over to another part of the island that his foe had picked out, where he landed on a higher point before raising his hands towards the sky, as it was time for him to get started on his part of their plan. While he did that Piccolo and Vegeta moved as well, where Frieza found that the former decided to position himself on another nearby island, though as he shifted his stance he did raise two of his fingers to his forehead, the ones on his right hand anyway, as he gathered his energy. Vegeta, on the other hand, moved high into the air for a few moments before holding his arms and legs out, like he was a star of some kind, as he also started to gather his energy, meaning they must have come up with an idea to add their attacks to whatever Goku was preparing. In addition to that Frieza discovered that Gohan and Krillin weren't joining the battle, though he guessed it made sense given that one was far weaker than the others and the younger one was likely stunned by his power, which told him he had three attacks to watch out for.

As he watched them, however, he could only hope that Towa and the rest of his family were having fun, since watching all of his foes wasn't as exciting as fighting them, and, more importantly, that this ended with him healing Twilight so they could get on with their lives, he just had to be patient with his foes and not rush blindly into things.

While all of that was going on on Namek, however, King Cold sat in his private chamber of his own ship, because while he had agreed not to get involved with Frieza's venture on the only planet that had the ability to save Twilight's life, due to the fact that he trusted his son and his force, he had changed his mind.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come along, father?" Cooler asked, as right now the two were in the middle of another video call, because while they usually didn't show concern for the other members of their family it was something that had changed after Twilight came into their lives, "I can leave my forces and make for Namek without delay... they'll be able to take care of the rest of our enemies in another day, without needing any additional help from me."

"While I would enjoy your company, Cooler, this is a venture that only one of us need to tackle." King Cold replied, where he sipped on some of the tea that had been prepared for him, his crew knowing that he needed something to drink so he remained calm, especially after the discovery that he made when he checked the station that was scanning the powers on Namek, or tried to anyway, "I'm just... well, worried about Frieza and Twilight. As far as we can tell everyone in his crew has been slain, the Ginyu Force seems to have been wiped out entirely, Towa's energy is gone... no, I don't think she's dead, otherwise Frieza's energy would have gone wild by now, so Twilight's safe as well... and it seems like Frieza's gone into his true form, based on the wrecked monitor that scanned it. Something is going on on Namek I mean to find out what that something is, hence why I joined the crew whose been assigned to pick them up, given their wrecked ship... and, if he's still alive, kill Vegeta myself."

"My brother's using his base form?!" Cooler exclaimed, where he was fortunate that they were alone, both of them sealed their chambers when making calls like this, to ensure that no sensitive information was leaked to the outside, though this was the first time he had heard of his brother doing such a thing, "I can't imagine that Vegeta could have forced him to do such a thing... not unless something happened to Twilight... which means he must have run into someone who forced him to transform back to his base form."

"Indeed, and, if such a thing is happening, I would like to see this challenger with my own eyes, before determining if they need to be taken out." King Cold said, where his own father, grandfather, and ancestors usually cut down anyone who dared to stand against them and their growing empire, though with Twilight growing up around him and the others even he knew that everyone had changed to some degree, just as they had changed her, before noticing the look that was in Cooler's eyes, "What? I can't help that I'm like this, focusing on securing my legacy and my empire against those who might seek to do it harm... you can blame my father for that... but Twilight is a special flower, one that I would like to see bloom once more, and her influence on us has been rather interesting."

"Indeed. Take my brother and I, as before her arrival we couldn't stomach each other, but now we can have conversations without cursing the other out." Cooler replied, though he couldn't shake the fact that his brother was actually fighting a foe that required his base form, as such a thing worried him more than he was willing to admit, which again was strange for him since he usually didn't care about his brother, "I also never saw him settling down and marrying someone, but here we are, with Towa having filled that position while becoming Frieza's consort... things have changed, hence why I offered to leave my ship and head to Namek before anything else happens."

"Towa has been an excellent addition to the family, and she's been a wonderful teacher for Twilight." King Cold remarked, in fact they were fortunate that she had come to them after the first lady ruined his granddaughter's hopes of discovering who her mother was, otherwise there was no telling how things would have played out for them and the newest member of their family, before he sighed and finished his tea, "We'll be arriving in the space around Namek in about six hours, where Frieza should be done with whoever he's fighting right now... depending on what I discover, we might have new allies to replace all of our missing soldiers, or I might find them surrounded by the bodies of those who annoyed them. Once Twilight is healed, and no longer has to worry about that dreadful poison, she'll likely kill their foes by draining all of their energy from them, just like when she accessed her Rage Form for the first time... what a day that was."

Cooler agreed with that, as it was a day that informed them that Twilight, at the time, wasn't ready for the path she wanted to take in life, even if things had changed since her first visit to Alexandria, but even then he couldn't help but wonder what was going on on Namek right now. He couldn't imagine a foe that would require his brother to use his base form, something he only knew about since Frieza had told them about it after telling Twilight about the forms he possessed, other than showing it off to Twilight once his foes were taken care of. He then recalled the legend he had heard about when Frieza blew up the Sayan home planet, the legend of the Super Saiyan that had caused his brother to wipe out the race, and wondered if either of the surviving Saiyans might have figured out how to achieve the legend, which, if that was true, meant it was a problem they had to deal with before it grew out of control. He was also worried about Twilight's safety, because the poison was still coursing through her veins, based on what his father had said so far, so there was no telling how much time she had left and he could only hope that Frieza was able to accomplish his mission.

King Cold was worried as well, even though he didn't show it due to his neutral expression, though he had faith in Frieza's ability and suspected that when he reached Namek they would find that Twilight was fine and that they were ready to come home, he just had to be patient and wait for their arrival.

Frieza stood on the island for some time, watching as nothing seemed to happen while Goku had his hands raised, save for lightning arching off of Vegeta's attack and the ground around Piccolo cracked, though he was starting to wonder if this last move of Goku's was just him wasting time. He had given him plenty of time, almost five minutes worth of time, and right now he was starting to wonder if he had been fooled in some manner, because while two of his three opponents seemed ready to fight him, while putting the last touches on their attacks, the same couldn't be said for Goku. It really didn't look like he was doing anything other than standing still, in a form that one could assume was meant to gather energy, despite the fact that nothing seemed to be happening, so he guessed the little discussion he had with the others must have caused him to change his mind. Either way he knew that they had some time to spare, since Twilight seemed to be just fine, despite the poison in her veins, and once he smashed whatever plan they had come up with he could focus on ensuring Dende healed Twilight until the Warrior's Bane was completely gone.

Of course even his patience had it's limits, since he really thought that his main foe was just wasting time right now, and it seemed like Piccolo and Vegeta might be feeling the same way, or the pressure of their attacks was causing them to be in pain as they held them in until the time was right.

"Any day now, gentlemen." Frieza remarked, because he wanted to get this over with so he could focus on his daughter, as healing her was the whole reason he had come to Namek and was even bothering to fight these warriors, whose wounds allowed Dende to grow his healing powers quite well.

As he said that, however, Twilight coughed violently, a reminder of the poison in her veins, and as Dende tended to her all of them found that Frieza turned his head to make sure she was alright, which was when Goku noticed that his attack was ready and silently nodded his head before their foe noticed.

"Final Flash!" Vegeta shouted, as his name came from the fact that this was the last thing his foes would see if he used this against them, where he fired a massive beam of yellow energy from his hands that rushed down towards the island that Frieza was currently standing on.

Frieza, upon hearing that shout and noticing the attack coming his way, decided not to let it hit him and jumped into the air without delay, though at the same time Twilight glanced into the air and found a massive orb of energy resting above all of them, which her father hadn't noticed yet. In that instant she realized what Goku had been doing, his stance was so he could channel either his energy or the energy of the surrounding area to form the sphere, while the others were there just to distract their opponent so he didn't realize what he was doing. With the massive orb having a diameter of about fifty meters, or a hundred and sixty-four feet, Twilight understood that her father was going to be struck by it and would no doubt experience great harm if it detonated on top of him, which seemed to be the plan that Goku had come up with while Dende was healing him. In the next moment she knew how to deal with this, even though using her power to do so would weaken her greatly, possibly even kill her in the process, but she owed everything to her father and she wasn't about to let something like this happen, not after everything that had been lost so far.

With her mind made up Twilight gathered her magic again, feeling the searing pain of the poison this time around as the Warrior's Bane reacted to her power, where Dende watched as she disappeared and Frieza appeared in her place, finding that she had switched places with her endangered father. Twilight, on the other hand, found the sphere coming down at her, where she braced herself as she raised her hands and activated her absorption ability, intending on siphoning all of it before it crushed her into the ground, though while it would give her an explosive growth to her own power she wouldn't be able to enjoy it. Draining this much energy was likely going to be the death of her, given the fact that the sphere had been made to kill her father, and while she didn't want to die, as there was so much more of the universe she wanted to explore and learn about, while fighting some strong foes, she wanted her father to live even more. With that in mind she sent her power out and latched onto the massive sphere that was above her, starting the process of devouring it like she had done since discovering Moro's powers, but before she could do too much something pierced her chest, tearing right through it and striking the sphere as well.

Frieza realized that the attack existed after Twilight moved him out of the way, though he wasn't expecting Piccolo to lash out at the sphere, causing him to realize the other warriors had tried to kill him with it, before the sphere exploded on top of Twilight and forced them to shield their eyes for a time. When the light faded, however, he spotted the smoking body of his daughter falling towards the water, where he burst into the air and caught her before she could hit the water, allowing him to land on another island as he gently set her down and looked over her body. What he found filled him with dread, as there was a hole where her heart should be, made thanks to Piccolo's attack hitting her, even though he suspected that he was their intended target, and her vitals were totally gone. Frieza fell to his knees as he stared at Twilight's lifeless body for a few seconds, unwilling to believe that this was even happening right now, and as he started to despair over losing his daughter, the light of his life, something within him stirred, a rage unlike anything he had felt before.

As a single tear was shed his expression turned into one of rage as he glared at Goku and his companions, as he was going to kill most of them, just to make the Saiyan suffer for his actions, before making his way to Earth to revive Twilight, he just had to clear out some vermin before doing so.

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