• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Future: Lessons for an Apprentice

Twilight spent all of a few moments standing over Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks, holding a small bag of Senzu Beans that she went and got from the one who produced them, before handing the bag to Bulma as she followed Aria outside, finding a figure who looked like Eventide and Black's ally waiting outside Capsule Corp.

"I apologize for the delay. My... associates did something dumb and I had to deal with them first." Twilight said, where she found that Zamasu didn't seem all too happy about having to wait for a few minutes for her to get ready, meaning he was no doubt of the opinion that people had to bow their heads and obey the Kaioshin's whims, though she did bow her head just a tiny bit, "I am Twilight Sparkle, the one you came looking for. May I ask why you have sought me, a resident of Universe 7, out like this?"

"Shin, Kibito, and Aria speak highly of you, and I wanted to see the mortal that gods respect with my own eyes." Zamasu stated, where Twilight was able to confirm that he really didn't approve of anyone who wasn't a god, meaning he would make a bad Kaioshin, because if he hated or disliked mortals he wouldn't bother to do his job and would no doubt watch with glee as they were exterminated, before he shifted his stance, "I heard that you were the one who aided them in the downfall of what they called 'Kid Buu', through a complicated series of events, and I wanted to see how skilled you were with my own eyes."

Twilight sighed as she shifted her stance as well, after making sure both of them were outside so they didn't wreck the rest of Capsule Corp, before beckoning for her temporary opponent to come at her, since she was eager to see if his moves were like Eventide's or not. Her reasoning was because if they were the same it would meant that he would search for a way to switch their bodies, to gain her power for his own goals, before killing her to put that plan into motion, and if she was right she might be able to convince him to stand down, instead of walking the path he might end up on later. In the next moment Zamasu came at her and she found that her thoughts were correct, he had the same fluid movements that Eventide used against her, despite the alternate version of her using her own powers in combat, allowing her to study his moves and counter them with ease. Of course Zamasu seemed surprised by this turn of events and even tried to use one or two of his newer powers in combat, such as the Kiai to push her back, something she was able to counter with ease, as she was used to the ability in question, and when he tried the reverse on her, to pull her towards him and open a hole in her defenses.

She, on the other hand, was ready for such a thing and spun around, kicking the left side of Zamasu's body, knocking him to the ground, allowing her to thrust her hand forward in what appeared to be a cutting motion that she stopped right in front of his chin, though as he registered his quick defeat Twilight held her hand out and pulled him onto his feet once he accepted that their brief clash was over.

"You... you're hiding your full power... you can rival the gods, can't you?" Zamasu asked, because he had fought Kibito and Aria before even deciding to come here and speak with Twilight, with Aria being the one to suggest such a thing, and he could tell that Twilight was far stronger than either of them, in fact he would hazard that she was as strong as his own God of Destruction.

"I fought Beerus, but Whis stopped us." Twilight admitted, though in the following second she floated up into the air and beckoned for Zamasu to follow her, because right now he seemed like a ticking time bomb and figured that a change of pace might be exactly what he needed right now, and while he did that she noted that Whis got up as well, "Come with me... there's something you should see."

The reason she didn't go into too much detail about her battle with Beerus was because she didn't want to give Zamasu even more reasons to pick her body if she failed to convince him to do his job properly, though if that came to pass, and he started down the path of darkness, Twilight knew that destroying him would be the next best thing. Her destination, as her followers discovered, was the tallest building in all of West City, allowing her to gaze out over the rest of the city while simply enjoying the view that she had fought so hard to keep intact, despite any previous notions of not caring about the planet and it's people. Zamasu landed by her and glanced down at the people that Twilight was looking at right now, only to be surprised by the vast assortment of individuals walking around, from humans to beast people, to a number of green skinned individuals like the one he caught a glimpse of during his studies of Twilight, to a few others he didn't recognize at all, no doubt races unique to this universe. He had to wonder why he was brought here, as none of them seemed to be very important, in fact the mortals were mostly uninteresting and his surprise was mostly due to how many of them were on this single planet, before he decided to humor her and kept watching them.

After a few moments he spotted a pair bump into each other as they were passing through a store's entrance, leading to them falling to the ground as the one who was entering, a human, started to shout at the one who got in his way, a wolf person to be exact, while everyone else around them paused.

"How sad... at the first sign of aggression or annoyance all mortals, regardless of their race, resort to attacking others to get their way." Zamasu commented, focusing only on part of what he was seeing right now, the part that would confirm his ideals and reinforce his desire to bring about his ideal world, even if that meant a dead universe, before he turned to face the figure that had brought him here, "How have you not exterminated the mortals of this planet yet?"

"Oh Zamasu... only seeing one side of the coin. Look there." Twilight remarked, beckoning to the scene that was unfolding and caused the figure to turn his head, where they found a little cat girl, probably only six years old, tug on the human's arm for a moment and seemed to diffuse the situation with her appearance alone, as she got her father to apologize and help the wolf up, who also seemed sorry for what happened, "You are correct, people can and will fight each other until the end of their days... however, even the tiniest light can banish the darkness, or, in the situation we just watched, calm down two people who might have gotten into a rather painful fight. I won't lie, there are still villains in this world, waiting for the day that they can come out on top and rule over everyone, but the Earth has heroes that will rise to the occasion and save the day, restoring peace and order to the planet. Sure, there are times where mortals can be annoying, or even downright aggravating, but that isn't a good enough reason to wish for them being exterminated, or even wanting such a thing in the first place. Tell me, Zamasu, what is the role of a Kaioshin?"

"Master Gowasu says that we must simply watch over the planets of our universe, nothing more." Zamasu said, though as he said that he had to wonder what in the world Twilight was thinking, as she had chosen to ignore his question about the mortals of this planet, before deciding that he might as well play along and see what her true feelings on the matter were, because if she was like him this visit would have revealed good fruit, "We cannot teach mortals anything, as no matter the path they take it all leads to destruction... you know this, despite the little 'lights' that keep the peace, so why not simply do away with them while we still can?"

"Because, Zamasu, that's the role of a Destroyer, not a God of Creation... however, there are times where even a Kaioshin must fight to save their universe." Twilight replied, though as she said that the air near her rippled as Demigra appeared, surprising the apprentice Kaioshin in the process since he wasn't expecting such a thing to happen, where he raised his staff for a moment as he created a window into the past, "Here, let me show you what I mean."

Zamasu raised an eyebrow as Twilight went into great detail about the events he was about to witness, the first being the rise of a magical monster known as 'Planet-Eater' Moro, a being who was responsible for the destruction of so many planets and species that it actually sickened him to watch what was going on. While it was true that he had no love for mortals, and had thought of eradicating them multiple times over the years, what Moro did to Universe 7 was beyond sickening, he just drained the life energy out of everything around him, as in the plants, animals, and even the planets themselves just to feed his hunger for power. In that moment he realized what Twilight have been talking about, as two of Universe 7's Kaioshin, the South and Grand ones he recalled, joined forces with the ancient Galactic Patrol to hunt Moro down and put an end to his rampage, eventually reaching a point where they fought on a large asteroid. He witnessed the moving gesture of the Grand Kaioshin sacrificing a great deal of his own God Ki to seal away Moro's powerful magic, allowing him to be taken in and put in a prison cell crafted just for him, causing Zamasu to consider what he had just seen.

Twilight had a second viewing prepared for him, the assault of Kid Buu that caused the five Kaioshin of Universe 7 to face the creature in battle, with the West and North Kaioshins being slain while the South and Grand ones were absorbed by the very beast they were fighting, resulting in a creature that could be sealed away, but it only left him with more questions.

"Aria died during the battle with Kid Buu, correct? How can she still be alive if that's the case?" Zamasu asked, because such a thing made it seem like the creature had failed to realize that his foe had been alive and might have left her behind so he could track down another opponent to kill.

"That would be my doing: originally I used a time portal to head back in time to witness the battle with Kid Buu with my own eyes, and face him as well," Twilight commented, recalling that series of events with ease, something she was grateful for since it allowed her to make several important decisions in the span of a few moments and helped her prepare for what the future had in store for the planet, "unfortunately we used far too much time magic in the creation of the portal and it sent me back in time, physically I might add, so instead of being a temporary existence, like a phantom who disappeared after taking one too many hits, I received the beating of a lifetime. Aria saved me from death and allowed me to be pulled back to my timeline, where I was patched up in no time at all... I then returned the favor by bringing her back from the dead with the power of the Namekian Dragon Balls... no, not the Super Dragon Balls you likely saw during the tournament that Beerus and Champa put together sometime ago."

"So what you're saying is that there is more to a Kaioshin's job than just sitting on the Sacred World, drinking tea and just doing whatever interests you." Zamasu said, where he raised his hand to his chin for a moment as he considered what the pair had shown him, Kaioshin fighting for the sake of their universe, both planets and mortals alike, even against creatures who might have the power to kill them, like Kid Buu, "We can go out and interact with the various mortals of the universe, actually engage in civil conversations with them, and, instead of hiding when something terrible threatens our domain, as Gowasu says we should, we can head out and stall the threat until a God of Destruction, or someone powerful, can take them down... even do it ourselves, if we have the power."

"Indeed. Being a Kaioshin means more than just relaxing and doing nothing, as you have to be committed to improving the lives of the mortals of your universe." Twilight stated, where she glanced at Demigra and the Demon nodded before he changed the image, revealing what Universe 7 looked like without her interference, something that had shocked her the first time she had witnessed such a thing, and a secondary one that revealed how it looked with her being involved so much, "As you have no doubt figured out, I'm not a Kaioshin, so it's not my responsibility to protect the planets that rest in this universe or watch over them... however, you can see that my interference has been a boon to Beerus and Shin's vast domain, as their planets are thriving, the mortals are growing as they're supposed to, and potential threats are taken out before they can get far in life. Now I know you might be wondering how I'm able to do all of this, and the answer is that I am the ruler of an empire that spans the majority of the universe, where my people travel the stars, looking into the vast depths of the universe, and they deal with the threats that we might not be aware of... not only do we get to save all sorts of knowledge, about planets and species we don't know about, we erase potential villains and welcome the people into the empire to help others."

Zamasu watched as the viewer revealed much to him, villains and tyrants on the planets that Twilight's forces had visited being beaten, while also seeing that there was another version of each world that demonstrated what would have gone down had said villain not been taken down when they discovered them.

"There's also the fact that a 'Zero Mortals Plan' wouldn't work." Twilight commented, as she could see that the gears that were in Zamasu's head were turning, which was what she was hoping for since it meant that her plan might succeed, and her brief statement, about what she assumed he had been thinking about, caused him to glance at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zamasu asked, though he didn't do anything to suggest that such a thing had been on his mind for a long time, because Twilight was far smarter than he assumed she was and was now thinking that he might have been wrong for a long time.

"Think about it: if a universe has no life, and is essentially a lifeless or 'dead' universe, then the King of All would no doubt purge it from the multiverse, gods and all." Twilight remarked, as it made sense to her when she thought about it, based on her first encounter with Zeno she knew that he would erase anything that displeased him, something that caused the apprentice Kaioshin to pause as he considered what she was saying, "Whis, would he do such a thing?"

"Most certainly." Whis said, floating down to where Twilight and the others were standing, allowing him to glance out at all of the mortals of Earth as he wondered what sort of foods were still out there to taste, something he had picked up during his long service to Beerus, before he focused on Twilight and her comment, "If a universe reaches the point of having no mortals, and the Grand Priest notices this... well, said universe would likely have mere moments left before being totally purged from the multiverse, with a new one potentially replacing it later on."

All Zamasu could do was stand there as he thought about what they were saying, as all the information he was getting at the moment suggested that they knew someone was trying to put forth such a plan or had read about it and were using it as a lesson on how to save the various universes, before Twilight up a hand on his shoulder.

"I can see that you've understood what I've been trying to say... how about we go deal with a villain?" Twilight said, as she came up with an idea while they were talking and it seemed perfect in her eyes, especially since it would take care of her own problem and, hopefully, push Zamasu down the path of change, to become someone different than what the future had shown her so far.

Zamasu raised an eyebrow as Twilight had Demigra move them to a brand new destination, the Galactic Prison, where the apprentice Kaioshin raised an eyebrow as he followed Whis and the Demon into the prison, as Twilight told him that if she got too close Moro might react to her magic. Whis told him that if it wasn't for that fact, and the worry that Moro would gain enough power to escape into the universe, Twilight would have ended Moro on her own a long time ago, as she had the power to bring him down, while at the same time Demigra informed him that in the current stage of their universe the goat creature would be the death of everything if he escaped. Zamasu focused on their target, a decrepit figure who was getting closer and closer to dying with each passing day, imprisoned in what appeared to be reinforced devices that were of Twilight's make, before he sighed as he stepped forward and let the Wardens open the cell at Twilight's command, as she spoke from a nearby communicator. In the next moment, as the robed figure raised his head and he saw the horns he had seen in the viewings of the past, Zamasu lashed out with his Ki surrounding his right hand, slashing Moro vertically in half before anyone could react, though to be on the safe side he decided to dice him up before incinerating the pieces, just in case he had any powers they weren't aware of.

He stood there for a moment as Twilight joined them, taking a moment to tell her underlings that everything was fine and that they could relax, though he had to admit that taking out an evil mortal seemed far more exciting right now, especially after discovering that creating a universe without mortals would end with his death.

"How does it feel, ending a villain who would have brought ruin to the universe?" Twilight inquired, though at the same time she warped them back to Earth, not even surprising the Wardens who watched over the prison at this point, since all of them were used to her doing stuff like this, all while noticing that Zamasu was lost in his thoughts, "Does it make you feel better, having taken care of a villain and changing the universe for the better?"

"Maybe... I don't know." Zamasu admitted, as he was torn between following his old plan, gain more power and kill every mortal that dared to cross his path, and following a new path, walking down the path of a Kaioshin like those who lived in Universe 7, actually dealing with threats while shaping the universe for the better, "I... I need to think about this. I think... it's time that I head back home."

"Very well. Let's head back to Aria and give her the news." Twilight said, where she floated into the air and the others did the same as they followed her back to Capsule Corp, though as they flew back to Bulma's place she turned her head for a few seconds and focused on the apprentice Kaioshin who was torn over everything he had discovered, "Just know that you are welcome to return anytime... and, if you want to join Hit and his team in exploring the universe, taking out villains and gathering new knowledge, just let me know."

Zamasu said nothing as they returned to the structure he had first encountered Twilight in, checked in with Aria, and left after thanking Twilight for taking the time out of her busy schedule to talk with him, allowing her to stand there near both Whis and Demigra, the latter returning to the others for a time.

"Do you think it will work?" Whis asked, as he knew that everything Twilight had done had been to convince Zamasu not to walk down the path that she had discovered during her visit to the future, where he hoped that her plan worked since the destruction in Future Trunks' timeline was unacceptable.

"Time will tell. If he accepts my words, we should have peace... if not, Beerus can go ahead and destroy him when the time is right." Twilight said, because what she had seen from the Future Zamasu suggested that he would assassinate his own master at some point in the very near future, hence why she wanted Whis and Beerus keeping an eye on Gowasu, just to be sure he survived what might be coming his way, "For now, I have my own plans to attend to. Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, get out here now!"

Whis watched as the three Saiyans in question emerged from the building without delay, where he could tell that all three of them seemed disappointed in what had happened back in the parallel world, something that caused Twilight to growl as she stared at them.

"We're heading to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber... prepare yourselves, as I won't go easy on any of you." Twilight stated, as she wanted to drill some important lessons into them before they headed back to the parallel world, because now they had three foes to worry about and these three needed to be ready for anything and everything, since a repeat of what had happened earlier was totally unacceptable.

Whis had no idea what sort of training Twilight had in mind this time around, but he was eager to see if her thoughts on the matter were right, about the supposed final transformation that the Saiyans might unlock, and knew that when he and Beerus returned they would be in for quite the impressive show.

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