• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: Aftermath of the Games

"You did excellent, Twilight." Frieza stated, because after observing his daughter's fight with Cell, and the fact that she was able to overcome everything that had been thrown at her, that some congratulations were in order, though at the same time he hoped the Z Warriors appreciated the fact that she had saved their world.

"Indeed... to be honest, I wasn't expecting you to unlock another new form, so soon after the last one." Towa said, as she had thought they had more time before Twilight would step into the realm of a Demon Goddess, meaning she would have more time to teach her how to control her powers before attempting this, before she smiled, "However, you did well with your new power... just means I'm going to need to think up some new lessons to help you learn how to wield your new power."

"Thanks. I'm just glad Cell put up a fight that entertained me... also, you're going to have to add Ginyu, or Putine I guess, to the lessons, since she'll need them as well." Twilight remarked, taking a moment to glace over at the area that the Captain was standing in, because she seemed to be enjoying her new form and the power it commanded, since it was far stronger than her old form, even though the former owner of the body was trying to get it back, "We'll have to figure out what to do with the old owner of her body..."

"Twilight, I would like to say something." a voice said, where they discovered that Piccolo had come over to where she and her family were standing, while at the same time the rest of his own group were getting ready to leave, Krillin holding 18 as if she was a fragile artifact or something while Tien was carrying Trunk's body, "I know you might not care, but... thank you for saving the Earth."

"Whatever." Twilight replied, as she could do without his thanks, even though he seemed sincere and that meant he might have more to say to her, maybe even an apology for their crimes against her and her family, but she wasn't about to hold her breath on that front.

"Also... most of us are sorry for what happened in the past." Piccolo added, as if that would change her mind or make her stop being annoyed with them, before he turned his body for a moment as the others started to move, no doubt heading to the Lookout so they could use the Dragon Balls to bring back those slain by Cell, "Still, we had best get out of here... no doubt Mr. Satan will want to take credit for defeating Cell and it would be best if we weren't here when the reporters come to check in with him and his team."

Twilight considered that information and decided that she would go with the warriors, just to see what they wished for, as a revival wish would be count as two wishes and it left one, while her father informed her that everyone else in her group would be heading home. Once everyone knew where they were going they departed from the wrecked area, leaving Mr. Satan and his announcer behind, though Twilight wasn't too surprised to find 16 following those heading to the Lookout, since he likely saw 18 as family. Such a thing did make her wonder what in the world the androids would do once 18 woke up and they learned about what was going on, and what had happened after she had been absorbed by Cell, though if all three of them wanted to cause chaos she would be more than happy to deal with them. None of the others seemed eager to say anything while they traveled, in fact Vegeta kept his mouth shut before flying off in another direction, meaning he didn't want to be part of this and wanted to think about what he had discovered during the games, though she knew he'd be back to talk with Gohan about Super Saiyan 2.

When they landed on the Lookout the group found that Dende was definitely waiting for them and rushed up to Krillin as he set 18 down, giving everyone else a few moments to land around the large area while Twilight found that Mr. Popo had the Dragon Balls in a container, all ready to go, though in the next moment 18 woke up and jumped to her feet without wasting even a second.

"Wha... what happened?" 18 asked, where it was easy to see that she had taken a defensive stance, since several of the warriors that were around her had tried to kill herself and her brother at one point, before finding that most of them were keeping their distance, due to Twilight standing near her.

"After Cell absorbed you, he gained his perfect form, humiliated two Saiyan warriors, and then threw a tournament that was designed to give him a worth foe," Twilight replied, something that was followed by a series of magical images quickly appearing before them for 18 to see so she understood what she was saying, causing her to raise an eyebrow when she noticed the Demon Goddess form and the lack of wings or horn in her current state, "I struck him hard enough and forced him to spit you out, forcing him back into his imperfect form... when he destroyed himself, however, he came back in his perfect form and I utterly destroyed him. This place, in case you were curious, is the Lookout, or God's Palace if you prefer, and we're here to bring back those who were slain by Cell, either by his hand or absorbed by them."

"Okay, coming from you, of all people, I can totally buy that." 18 said, as she knew that Twilight was different from the rest of the world, especially since she discovered something no one else even dared to dream about, so if she said that there was a way to revive the dead it was a fact she could believe was possible.

Twilight nodded as Mr. Popo brought out the container that held the Dragon Balls and deposited them in the area right in front of Dende, where she noted that 18 was taken aback by meeting such a figure, while 16 didn't seem to care too much, before the little Namekian stepped forward and summoned Shenron, surprising 18 as she stared at the dragon while he coiled around the air above them.

"I am the Eternal Dragon. State your wishes and I shall grant them." Shenron said, confirming what Dende had told them when he empowered the Dragon Balls, the dragon was now capable of granting multiple wishes, which was good since they had no way of knowing what the future held for all of them and this world.

"Please, bring back everyone that was killed by Cell." Yamcha stated, something that caused the dragon to briefly nod for a moment before his eyes glowed, where Twilight watched as 18 was surprised as Trunks came back to life before her eyes, confirming the dragon's powers to her.

In that moment Goku telepathically spoke to them about the fact that he hadn't been brought back, since he had been brought back by Shenron in the past, and stopped his friends from going off in search of New Namek to find the rest of the Namekians, since Porunga could still bring him back. For the most part Twilight tuned him out and walked around the Lookout, as she felt the slight presence of someone moving around and wanted to see who it was, leaving the others to talk to the fallen Saiyan in privacy, since he likely didn't have anything to say to her. While she did that it was easy for her to tell that 18 was wondering something and kept it to herself for the time being, where Twilight assumed that it had to be about her brother, which they could talk about later, once she sated her curiosity. When she got close to the area that her targets were in she made sure to hide herself completely, only to discover that it was the three strangers she had seen in the time leading up to her becoming a Demon Goddess, and there was a temporal portal near them.

Since they seemed familiar with her she dared not get closer to them, rather she heard them mention something about this being a lesson of some kind and that 'mother' was safe, before they departed from this timeline and vanished, but Twilight was sure that her spy drones had gotten a sample from each of them, allowing her to return to the others as the sky cleared.

"So 17's alive, right?" 18 asked, as she and 16 stepped in front of Twilight as she walked back to the others, mostly so she could wish them well and get on with her life, though she could tell that they were planning on leaving as soon as she got the information she was after.

"That's right. Anyone Cell killed has been brought back, and since 17 was still inside Cell when he died he should be back in the arena Cell built." Twilight replied, though at the same time she glanced at 16 for a moment, because with Goku dead his directive was no longer valid and that meant he would be seeking something new to do with his time, maybe heading out to work with exotic animals or something, "So what did the others wish for?"

"Krillin wished to remove 17 and 18's bombs." 16 stated, reminding Twilight of what she saw in Gero's blueprints on both of the twins, something that caused her to raise an eyebrow for a moment before nodding her head, figuring that it was a good wish, even if she could have done it thanks to her information, "We will be collecting 17 before doing anything else... do not worry, we won't be killing anyone. We need time to process and figure out what to do next."

Twilight said nothing to that as the androids departed from the Lookout, where she briefly returned to the Z Warriors and wished them well, allowing her to discover that Trunks would be returning to his future tomorrow morning, so he could bring an end to his battle as well.

"Don't look for me or my family tomorrow." Twilight remarked as she turned to leave, because she had nothing to say to him that hadn't been said yet, in fact he knew that she didn't like him and that was enough for her, and she didn't turn back as she jumped into the air and flew off to her home.

With the downfall of Cell, and the new form she had gained, Twilight knew that her days were going to be busy and she was looking forward to whatever might be thrown at her next, especially since Ginyu had gotten his hands on a nice body and it would be interesting to see what else she might learn about the other demons.

Twilight found that the day following the Cell Games was one of peace for her, as she was able to spend it inside her home with her family, without having to go outside or attend the party that Bulma wanted to throw in her honor, rather she let all of them celebrate their victory as she worked. There was so much for her to focus on, as her drones had taken some samples of the three mysterious strangers and she was able to determine one thing from the hour she had spent studying them, the fact that they were the very creations that she had been working on. Her father also expressed his opinion that the female figure, in her transformed state, reminded him of the tales of Majin Buu he had discovered over the years, one of the two incredibly dangerous creatures that their family tended to avoid if at all possible, making Twilight wonder if she might be able to use the Room of Time to learn more about him. In addition to all that Ginyu was getting used to his new body, or her new body since the Captain was interested in learning more about Putine and her powers, something that Demigra had to deal with since he knew her better than most, save for Towa anyway.

One the second day after the Cell Games, however, Twilight got a call from Bulma, not about the party, which interested her to some degree, rather there were a few people who wanted to speak to her and they were at Capsule Corp, and she was surprised to find that, upon her arrival, it was the androids that had called for this meeting.

"I wasn't expecting to see all of you again, so soon after the games..." Twilight started to say, though in that moment, as she walked into the room that Bulma had prepared for them so they could have a private discussion, she discovered the reason behind why she had been sought out by the androids, "17, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, all things considered." 17 replied, where Twilight noticed that the tip of his tail seemed to thump against the floor as he watched her take a seat in the chair that was across from him and his sister, as 16 was standing, though it was odd to see the overconfident android being so worried about something, "However, as you can see, I'm... in quite a pickle. I'm still a Beastian, despite having gone over the time limit that would cause the reversion to my human form... 16 and 18 insisted that we come talk to you about it, since you're the one who created Animorph X and should know how to undo this odd problem I'm stuck with."

"Understandable. Let's take a look at what's wrong." Twilight said, where she pulled out a syringe and took a sample of 17's blood, allowing her to store it in a device Bulma had installed in the room, no doubt in case anyone in her family used one of her products, before turning to her own tablet, a replacement for the one she lost back on Namek, allowing her to run a program on it.

Twilight studied the data that was coming in from the sample, where she was thankful that Gero took samples from both 17 and 18 before he turned them into androids, as it allowed her to cross reference today's sample to the past, though it did give her a bit of interesting information that was going to upset the androids.

"I'll cut to the chase: 17, you are officially a full-fledged Beastian now." Twilight stated, where she noticed that 17 and his sister were surprised by this information, though at the same time it started to make sense to her, to the point where she had to wonder how she hadn't thought of it before this point, "When Cell absorbed both of you through his tail his inner workings used the same technology that Capsule Corp uses for their Capsules to shrink you down into small battery-like objects, leaving you in stasis, never to awaken again... effectively pausing your bodies at the point you were absorbed. If you had been knocked out of Cell like 18 had, well, the stasis would have been broken and your body would have picked up where it left off, the countdown to your reversion would have resumed. Instead Cell decided to self destruct and that ended with you dying, and here's where it gets crazy: because you were in your Beastian state when you died, it's possible that your soul appeared in the Other World as a Beastian, so when Shenron revived you he brought you back..."

"In my Beastian state." 17 finished, where it looked like he realized what Twilight was saying, this was his form now, one he was stuck with, though it was hard to tell if this was his intention, to do this one his own, or if he had planned on reverting to his human state as soon as he had his fill of being a full dragon, "Are you sure there's nothing you can do?"

"While I would like to tell you that there is something I can do, I can't. The change has seeped into your very soul, and I'm not remotely skilled enough to mess with that." Twilight said, because after Goku's discovery and usage of the Instant Transmission skill, one that involved moving one or more people from place to place, she was eager to learn more about it and any other powers that might be like it, spirit based skills to be exact, before she held a hand up to stop 17 and 18 in their tracks, "Trust me, you don't want me to try right now, as there's no telling what I could do with my lack of knowledge or experience in the field... I could terminate your existence or even transform you into an elder monster type of being, the stuff of nightmares. Being a dragon isn't so bad."

"She's right... besides, you were enjoying yourself while we were hunting Son Goku down." 18 added, though at the same time it was easy for Twilight to see that there was more on her mind, no doubt that she was fortunate that her additions had been taken away before she was absorbed by Cell, likely placing herself in her brother's position to understand what he was feeling at the moment.

"Can't you make a reversion drug, for a special event like this?" 17 asked, as while he agreed with 18, he did enjoy his new form and had flown with his wings to get here, part of him wanted to cover all his bases before they left the building and set themselves down their new paths in life that they had talked about earlier.

"Sure, I could modify the formula to match your circumstances... except that it wouldn't work. Your DNA doesn't have the genetic markers of one whose used Animorph X," Twilight replied, where she turned the screen around after tapping it a few times, allowing the androids to see 17's readings and one she had taken some time ago from someone who wanted to help with the Beastification process, for those who questioned it, "that's why I said you were a full Beastian. As far as your body is concerned, or your genetics if you prefer, you've always been a Beastian... from the day you were born to this very point in time... that's why any drug I make wouldn't work on you."

"I see... well, thank you for taking the time to see us. I... need some time alone." 17 said, though as he stood up Twilight was able to tell that he was disappointed in the fact that the decision had been stolen from him, to either return to being a human or remaining a Beastian, meaning he was likely going to curse Cell out for the rest of his days.

Twilight said nothing as the androids departed from Capsule Corp, leaving them to do whatever they wanted with the rest of their lives, though she had plans for the future, ideas to think of and battles to explore, causing her to chuckle as she looked forward to what the future held for her.

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