• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Birthday Surprise

After her journey into the past, and getting brutalized by Majin Buu, Twilight focused her efforts on figuring certain things out, things that she preferred not to tell anyone else about for fear that they would ruin her plans, while keeping it a secret from her family since she wanted it to be a surprise. Towa knew she was looking for something in the vastness of space, a planet of importance to whatever she was planning, though most of her time was spent helping the new Putine get used to her new powers, while ensuring the former Demon Goddess didn't get into trouble. Of course their allies helped her out in her endeavors, making sure both she and Twilight knew how to wield their powers without getting into too much trouble, as controlling the power of space-time was no easy feat and it took time to fully master that power, in addition to everything else a Demon Goddess was capable of. In addition to that both Aeos and Chronoa returned to the Time Nest, as there was no reason for them to get involved with Twilight's plans, not after her annoyance of the latter stopping her from doing what she wanted back during the start of their encounter with the androids.

The world itself had moved on as Mr. Satan took credit for the battle with Cell, in fact Twilight had hacked into the various systems of the companies who were involved with broadcasting everything and deleted the footage, replacing it with a small makeshift video that would convince anyone that the man was right. Sure, she could have taken credit for everything, but, in the end, she didn't face Cell for the sake of glory or recognition, rather she had done so for the sake of fighting a great foe and nothing else, which had put a smile on her face as she remembered the fight. Twilight also discovered that Krillin had scored with 18, as the two seemed to be in love and were currently looking for a place near Krillin's new job, because after seeing Cell's newfound power, and nearly dying to it, the bald fighter had resigned from fighting and was looking to be an officer of the law. At the same time both 16 and 17 were becoming rangers, protecting both endangered animals and even the exotic ones that people hunted for sport, on an island they called 'Sanctuary', though she knew that 17 was seen as a deity due to his new dragon nature.

In addition to all of that she found that Chi-Chi was insisting on Gohan giving up fighting entirely so he could focus on his studies, though she was able to convince her to allow him a single training session a week, just so he could maintain his strength in case something happened in the future.

While she did that Twilight also finished work on the ship that she had been working on, one that allowed her father and his side of the family to blast off into space so they could return to their empire and get things back on track, as Twilight had developed a long distance communicator and linked it back to her old home. There they learned that things weren't as swell as they assumed, as many were starting to wonder if they had died during their time on Namek, since the planet in question had blown up a number of years ago, and that it was only a matter of time until factions formed to take over the empire. As such her father, uncle, and grandfather returned to the empire without delay, and Twilight joined them as well, as she and her mother wanted to be seen as well so their people knew they were safe and sound, though they didn't stay for too long and she returned to her work without wasting too much time. Frieza was able to reign in his empire in no time at all, in fact many remembered how dangerous he was and knew not to challenge his authority, and with both his father and his brother at his side Twilight knew it would only take a few days for everything to return to normal.

Of course she did have to return to the main planet of the empire for a few days, showing the engineers and workers her new ship, the engines she had created that were vastly superior to everything they had been using previously, the newer healing tank, all the improved systems she had developed, and even the gravity chamber for training before a ship got to the planet they were being sent to. Suffice to say that they were vastly impressed by what she had done, especially when she showed them her new armor and how she created it, meaning she had to spend about a week with them, showing the experts how she came up with the alterations and modifications that would benefit the people and planets of the empire, once they replicated all of her designs. Most of the stuff would go towards making the empire a far better place for their people, and the planets that were under her father's control, while helping them take down the rest of their foes so the rest of the universe was brought under their thumb, something she planned on leaving to her father for a time. As much as she wanted to return to her normal life she knew that a new threat was coming to Earth in the future, as that seemed to be what Aeos was suggesting, that even with Goku gone it was only a matter of time until something else came to take the planet down.

With that in mind she wanted to be ready for whatever the future held for her, hence why she focused on her plans that would allow her to ensure that she was adequately prepared, to the point that she didn't want a party for her birthday, rather she had a journey to undertake.

"Are you sure you don't want a party?" Towa asked, because while she knew that Twilight wasn't normal, given everything she and her new family had discovered since she joined Frieza's family to raise her, there were times where she wanted to take a day off to do something totally normal, a side effect of her time being a mother she guessed, "I'm sure Bulma could throw one together in no time if you wanted one."

"No. Besides, she said she was busy... I think she's gathering the Dragon Balls or something." Twilight said, though as she said that both she and her mother raised their staffs as they channeled their energies, creating a portal to the planet that was her destination, as it took them some time to figure out what Goku knew and weave the spell together, causing her to chuckle for a moment as she thought about her comment, "Funny, that's what we're doing... only we're going to New Namek to speak with Porunga."

Towa thought about what her daughter was planning, as it seemed like two of the wishes she wanted to make were to bring a figure from the past back to life, so since they likely died in another part of the universe Twilight needed to move their soul to the dragon, just like what happened after the events on Namek. With that in mind it made her wonder what the final wish was going to be, for it had to be some sort of ancient knowledge that couldn't be found, though what she really had no idea since Twilight had told her nothing of her plans. There was the chance that it had something to do with her journey to the past, the day she fought Buu and nearly got killed while doing so, and there was also the chance that it might not be as simple as she was making it out to be. All she knew was what Twilight had said, that they were going to New Namek to track down the Namekian Dragon Balls for whatever wishes her daughter had in mind, and while Demigra and his followers would be remaining on Earth, to keep up with Putine's training, which was coming along nicely.

As the way opened, and they walked out onto New Namek's surface, Towa realized that whatever her daughter was up to had to be important when she spotted Aeos standing not too far away from where the space-time portal had brought the two of them to, with Chronoa positioned right behind her.

"Peace. We're not here to mess with you... rather we're here to witness your plan with our own eyes." Aeos said, because both she and Chronoa had seen that Twilight had something planned for her 21st birthday and, since the future was no longer the same as what they had observed so far, she was interested in being there when history was forged by the one who had forever altered the main timeline with her very existence.

Twilight nodded, as while she didn't trust Chronoa she did trust Aeos to keep her subordinate in line, so once the space-time portal was closed the four of them moved into the air before departing for the area that held her attention, which just so happened to be the nearby village. Towa discovered that Moori, the Namekian Elder who was raised to be the new Grand Elder, was there and that he was happy to see them again, though he did have to ask about Dende before they got to why the group was here, causing Twilight to tell him that Dende was just fine. She then explained that she was here to use their Dragon Balls, where she even demonstrated her understanding of the Namekian language to him, something she had learned from Dende over his time on Earth so they wouldn't need someone to speak to Porunga. This time Moori handed over the sphere that his village watched over, showing them that he knew she was going to do something good with her wishes, along with the fact that he used his newfound telepathy to inform the other six Elders of their coming, so all of their Dragon Balls would be waiting upon their arrival.

As such Twilight, her mother, and their guests flew around the planet, finding that it was nearly identical to Namek in very way, meaning Porunga had found something familiar for the Namekians when he granted that wish, and collected the rest of the Namekian Dragon Balls without delay, allowing them to stop on an island that was far from the villages and deposit the spheres on the ground.

"Well then, let's get the show on the road." Twilight said, where Towa, Aeos, and Chronoa stood off to the side while she remained in front of the spheres and called out the summoning incantation that Dende had used back during his time on Earth, since Moori had confirmed that it was still the same as before.

Sure enough the sky darkened and the Namekian Dragon Balls were consumed by light, where she glanced up for a few seconds as Porunga formed before her, causing the others to stare up for a time as they took in his form, something she wasn't surprised by since the Eternal Dragons usually surprised everyone who looked at them.

"You who have collected the Dragon Balls, speak thy wishes. I shall grant thee any three wishes that are within my power to grant." Porunga stated, sounding the exact same as before, meaning nothing had changed since the last time Twilight had seen him, which was good since she wanted to use all three wishes this time, instead of having it stolen by someone who misunderstood the situation they were in.

"First off, I have a somewhat selfish wish that benefits the universe: I wish to be immortal." Twilight stated, because after dying on Namek, and her near death experiences between that and her clash with Buu, including the knowledge that her life was incredibly important for the safety of their entire universe, she decided to have this wish made first, surprising her mother and the others in the process.

"Hm... your wish is granted." Porunga replied, as while he determined that there was some selfishness to the wish, which confirmed what Twilight had told him, he suspected that there was more good that would come from it and granted it, to which a golden light overtook her body for a moment before dying down.

"Ah, everything feels... different." Twilight said, speaking to herself for a moment as she considered what this meant, a fact that made her wonder if this very wish was why the Dark Imperial Army targeted her during the Cell Games, the point she was at her most vulnerable, since they couldn't do anything during the events of Namek, before she focused on Porunga once more, "Now then, for the second wish: I wish for the soul of the West Kaioshin, Aria, to be brought to this portion of the universe."

"Aria?! Twilight, she died five million years ago." Aeos stated, as while she suspected that immortality might be something the demon might wish form, especially given how she reacted to the information that her life was important for the rest of the universe, she wasn't expecting Twilight to even care about someone whose been gone for so long, "I don't think..."

"I have moved her soul to this portion of the universe." Porunga said, where Towa continued to translate what was being said for Aeos and Chronoa, as she had taken the lessons as well to help her daughter learn how to speak Namekian much faster, which was why they knew what Twilight was saying to the dragon and what the Eternal Dragon was telling her while she made her wishes.

"And finally, the third wish: I wish for Aria to be brought back to life!" Twilight stated, because after facing the brutality of Buu, and heading back into the empire with her father, she had done some research on Alexandria and focused on the Kaioshin she had encountered, finding that she had been a paragon of duty before her demise and suspected that using a wish to bring her back was a good thing.

Porunga's eyes glowed for a moment as a figure appeared in the space in front of Twilight, where she watched as Aria was brought back to life before her eyes, just like what happened when the others were revived by the Namekian dragon, who departed as soon as the deed was done, leaving a confused Aria staring at Twilight. The pair stood there for a moment, all while the sky returned to normal, though before either of them could actually say anything to break the ice Twilight felt an unusual pain in her chest and glanced down as Aria did the same thing. In the following seconds she, Aria, and the others watched as her breasts started to push out, as they were growing before her very eyes, where Twilight was thankful that her armor was built off the normal template that her father's forces used, because the elastic nature allowed it to stretch and accommodate her now growing breasts. She had no idea why this was happening to her, given that she hadn't made a wish for such a thing and none of items she worked on in her lab were capable of this, though she did moan a little as her breasts kept growing, making her wonder how big they were going to get.

After a few more moments her breasts stopped at a size she recognized, as now they were the same size that Krillin's old girlfriend, Maron she recalled, had the last time the bald warrior had seen her, and she was positive that her bra, which wasn't elastic, had snapped in the process, not that it mattered since it looked like she belonged in an anime now.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Towa asked, though at the same time she noticed that her companions were blushing, likely due to the fact that they might have a transformation that did the same thing, their busts being increased as a side effect of their unique changes, not that she was any better since her own transformations did the same, and even the revived Kaioshin had a blush on her face.

"Yeah, just... wasn't expecting that." Twilight replied, because she had no plans on doing such a thing to herself, despite the fact that she knew they wouldn't get in the way during battle, before she realized who was behind this, Bulma must have used one of Shenron's wishes to do this to her, even if it totally confused her, "Sorry Aria, that... wasn't supposed to happen. I had something different planned, but now I need to head back to Earth to have a conversation with the one who did this to me."

"And I'm coming along... at least until I figure out what in the world is going on." Aria said, as she remembered Twilight as clear as day, from the day she was sure her life had ended fighting Buu, and yet here she was, no doubt brought back to life for some reason, meaning talking with Twilight would help her figure out what was going on and if she had to be even a tiny bit worried about this turn of events.

With the conversation she wanted to have put on hold for the time being, and her mood slightly ruined, Twilight and her mother opened the way back to Earth, even though Aria and Aeos were surprised to see each other again, which was true when she noticed Chronoa was with them. A few moments later they returned to the area just outside their mountain home, causing Twilight to make her way into the city so she could track Bulma down and figure out what in the world had driven her to do such a thing. While they did that Aria glanced around the planet, finding that it was far more advanced than she thought and it caused her to fall back for a time, as something caught her attention and lead to Aeos stopping to make sure she wasn't left alone. Chronoa joined her superior, leaving Twilight and Towa to zero in on Capsule Corp and land outside it without delay, where Twilight was grateful that there weren't a lot of people around and found the area of the building that Bulma was in, leaving her mother behind to track her target down.

While she walked, however, she paused for a moment to pull out a small pouch that contained a vial inside it, which just so happened to contain a potent version of Animorph X, but kept it hidden as she sealed her magical storage space and ended the room Bulma was in, her workshop to be exact.

"I see you used the Dragon Balls." Twilight commented, though it was also true when she noticed that Bulma seemed to have taken a few years off to make herself look younger than she really was, no doubt due to the fact that Vegeta was her significant other in the eyes of the people and his unaging nature caused people to wonder what was going on.

"Indeed. I used two on myself and the third on you... happy birthday, by the way." Bulma replied, where she turned around to face Twilight for a moment, turning her back to the table that had a cup of coffee on it, and when she glanced down for a second it provided the opportunity for Twilight to silently teleport a few drops of the drug into her drink, before Bulma focused on her again, "I finally got you back for what you did... using that donkey brew on me."

"So this was all just a prank on your part?" Twilight asked, though if that was the case she wasn't going to feel very upset over what she had done just now, as giving her the Pleasure Island Brew had been relatively minor prank of sorts, which had allowed Bulma to see what it was like for herself.

"Only in the sense that you didn't see it coming... it's a gift and a prank, to make you into a sexy goddess." Bulma said, as she knew about Twilight's new form and what it was called, thanks to Vegeta and the others telling her during the celebration party that everyone in Frieza's family had skipped, and had decided to make an alteration to Twilight's body to help drive that point home, where she sighed and sipped on her coffee for a moment, "You are now more beautiful than before, so you're welcome..."

In that moment Bulma stopped whatever she was about to say as her fingers started to shake, where she watched as they sharpened into claws, while maintaining their humanoid form, as sapphire blue scales started to appear on her skin, going up her arms and down her legs. As that happened her toes tore through her shoes and transformed into the claws that a predator would have, locking themselves in a heel-like position as her big toes moved up her legs a little and her legs shifted on her, becoming more like 17's as time went on. Bulma shuddered for a moment as a dragon tail tore through her pants, finding that it was definitely growing out of her spine, and as her body became more lethal, just like what happened to 17 before Cell found him, she could feel the smaller spikes growing out of her spine a little as a pair of leathery wings, sized to fit her beautiful curvy frame, grew out of her back and tore apart the back of her shirt. After that a pair of curved ivory horns grew out of her head as her hair fell out, before her face pushed out into a dragon's muzzle and she gained her own predator teeth, completing the transformation into a dragon Beastian.

Much like what happened with 17, back when he finalized his own transformation, Bulma let out a roar that shook part of the room, breaking the glass around her, though as she calmed down, however, Vegeta just so happened to walk by the door and stared at Twilight and Bulma for a few seconds.

"Twilight... leave. NOW." Vegeta stated, where it seemed like he was interested in what he was seeing, causing Twilight to remember that Saiyans loved strong willed companions and while Bulma was strong in that category she might have just boosted her appeal to the Saiyan Prince.

In the end Twilight decided not to stick around and departed from the room, focusing on leaving the building so she could focus on her plans, and as she did so she was sure she heard the sound of Vegeta pounding something, not in the sense that he was fighting someone, causing her to ignore the sound as she focused on what the future held in store.

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