• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Future: Threat From the Future

The alternate Twilight looked around for a few more moments as she got her bearings, quickly understanding that the pristine area wasn't the dark future that she was used to terrorizing, rather she had been brought back in time and had been brought right to Future Trunks' location.

"You... how in the world did you manage to travel to this place?" Future Trunks asked, because part of the reasoning that went into his mother's plan to send him into the past, hopefully to get allies and some sort of power boost, was because of the assumption that the dark figure couldn't travel into the past.

"I have no idea what caused the warping of space-time that brought you here, but it also allowed me to follow you... it's as if your soul was crying out for me, begging me to set it free." the Alternate Twilight replied, showing that she didn't have the vast time knowledge that Twilight had, which came as a surprise since she assumed that any of her alternates that came from the point of Future Trunks' era would be knowledgeable in the subject, before she sighed, "And what's with this 'you' business? Surely you've come up with a name worthy of your savior?"

"How does 'Eventide' sound? She who is followed by waves of destruction?" Twilight inquired, because she had take a few moments to think about the names that had been said, and those that had been ignored, and decided on one that fit what she and the others had been told by Future Trunks.

"Eventide... such a lovely and godly name. I approve." the Alternate Twilight, or Eventide now that someone had come up with a name she approved of, stated, where she looked almost pleased by the fact that a name had been bestowed upon her, even if it was from another version of herself, but her words raised alarm bells in Twilight's mind, "And it was given to me by you, of all mortals... truly, I am honored. You know, Twilight Sparkle, I have often wondered what it would be like to fight you in this body, and now it seems that fate has given me my wish."

Twilight sighed as she called forth the full power of her base form and vanished without a trace, causing Eventide to glance around as she tried to find her, which was when Twilight punched her hard in the left cheek, stunning her foe with her speed as she went flying through the air, straight into the mountain range that was just outside the city's limits. Eventide came to a stop in the side of a thick rock pillar and left a crater in the surface of it, where she was stunned by what had just happened, though as she registered what in the world was going on, and if she miscalculated, Twilight landed nearby as her Ki spread out, forming several katanas made of pure energy. This was a technique she had been working on in secret, just to see if it could work or not, which she called 'Sword Dance' on account of the blades that were around her, though she waited for a few moments as Eventide burst out of the rock pillar and rushed towards her. That, on it's own, told Twilight more about her foe than Future Trunks had done in the short period of time he had been in talking to them, this clearly wasn't her, as there was something off about her and how she approached battles, but if Eventide was willing to make stupid decisions she was willing to punish her accordingly.

As Eventide got close, however, she realized far too late that Twilight had set up her next move and was already moving before she had a chance to change her mind or even alter her course, which was followed by Twilight lashing out with the blades in rapid succession, moving far faster than her foe could track. Eventide found that the blades did nothing to her attire, rather the damage was dealt directly to her body and left a line of markings behind, almost like bruises, which let her foe to know that she had hit her target, before something pushed her backwards. In that moment she realized that all of the blades seemed to have a delayed hit of some kind, which was just annoying when she thought about it, but as she took a couple of seconds to consider that Twilight appeared in front of her, moving faster than she expected her to. That was when Twilight kicked her in the chest, stunning her with the sheer power that was put into it, allowing her to shift her stance and move into a series of punches and kicks that surprised Eventide with their difference in power, as Twilight could see that her foe was starting to understand the situation she was in.

Despite that fact, however, Eventide laughed as she backed off and a dark aura surrounded her, like she was powering up or something, before rushing into battle once more with a wicked smile on her face, throwing punches at her foe, where Twilight showed off her superior speed by dodging the attacks with far too much ease. Not only did she do that, which did come as a shock to Future Trunks since he was used to being dominated by Eventide all the time, but she also raised her arms to deflect the other attacks that were coming her way, surprising her foe in the process. Twilight used that fact and her speed to deliver devastating blows to her foe's chest when her defenses were open, starting with a powerful punch to Eventide's stomach and a kick to the head that sent her flying, though she rushed up to her opponent and continued her assault, pushing the future threat around like she was nothing. Twilight gave Eventide a few openings to use, just to lure her into making several mistakes, and found that her foe took each of them without delay, allowing her to punish her foe in the process, delivering more damaging blows to the chest and head areas, all while her opponent just laughed it off like this was good for her.

Twilight understood what was going on and picked up the pace as she delivered a punishing punch to Eventide's stomach, stunning her in the process, as her foe was taking the damage from her attacks and was transferring it into strength, so if she got out of here alive she would be even stronger than she was how, and since it was her body she was thinking about it would become a bigger problem in no time.

Following that Twilight spun around and kicked Eventide in the back of the head, sending her down into the ground with ease, where she summoned her power as she formed a dark bow and loosed a volley of dark arrows down on her foe, as all of them zeroed in on where Eventide was resting. The resulting explosion tore through the ground and blasted her foe as punishment for her transgressions, though what was interesting was that Eventide loosed a burst of dark yellow energy up at her, where she flew down towards her foe and absorbed the attack at the same time, before she kicked upward as she reached the bottom of the beam and knocked Eventide up into the air. With that done Twilight gathered some energy into a spiraling sphere above her right hand, another new attack she was in the middle of working on, as she leapt into the air and struck Eventide in the chest, where the sphere tore into her chest and sent her flying even further into the air, just as she had planned. In the next instant she dipped into her full power, just enough to draw out a little of her Dark Factor, while at the same time taking on a familiar stance as she started to prepare a Kamehameha, allowing her to fire the beam up into air a few seconds later as she targeted Eventide, who was surprised by what was coming her way.

In the next instant something interesting happened as the space-time rift surged and literally yanked Eventide out of the way of Twilight's attack, forcing her to move in front of her own attack and absorb it before it destroyed anything else, only to find that her foe was surprised by what was happening.

"No, I refuse to go back. I must fight you more, Twilight." Eventide stated, showing everyone who was watching this, since the nearby Z Warriors had come along while everyone else who couldn't fly, or didn't want to get involved, remained near Beerus and Whis, watching on the staff's projection of what was currently going on.

"As you wish." Twilight replied, where she appeared behind her foe and kicked her down into the ground, which was easy for her to do since she was far stronger than Eventide was, though when her opponent dared to get back up she rushed down to the crater she had created and spun around, allowing her to bring the side of her left leg into the side of her foe's left arm, breaking her arm in the process.

This interested her more than she was willing to admit, because with an immortal body snapped limbs and the like were things she didn't have to worry about, meaning her foe was likely from a point in time before she was immortal, despite the fact that they looked to be the same age, which told her that Eventide was a version of her who didn't travel to New Namek to make the immortality wish.

"Yes, this pain makes me stronger!" Eventide said, confirming that there was something wrong with her, far more than Twilight had assumed when she first heard about her from Future Trunks, before coughing in pain as she was struck right in the chest again, this time far stronger than before, along with a punch to the side of her face that knocked her down into the ground once more.

"I figured that much out on my own, and your plan stops here." Twilight stated, where she raised her right hand towards her alternate self, because with everything she had learned so far there was no reason for her to spare Eventide, so she was going to advance to summary execution before the space-time rift dragged her foe back to the future and gave her time to recover from this battle.

In the next couple of seconds, before she had a chance to charge a blast that would wipe out Eventide entirely, Twilight felt time itself shudder as time froze for her and everyone else, where she found something interesting and some what disturbing, there was another version of Chronoa floating nearby. She instantly found a difference between her Chronoa and this one, as this one's attire was proper and didn't show off her shoulders, much like Aeos and her attire, before she noticed that the newcomer's eyes had a purple color to them, which Twilight noted was much like her skin color. After that she quickly pinpointed what had to be the most glaring difference imaginable, the newcomer had a familiar star marking on her forehead, in fact Twilight recognized it as her old Cutie Mark, only it was darker than what she remembered, as if it was being used to brainwash Chronoa. This, she assumed, was what she had felt and had been studying with the others, just before Future Trunks showed up, a corrupted version of Chronoa was going around, doing whatever she was told to do, and she likely had a very good reason for coming here.

As she considered that Corrupted Chronoa turned her hand and sent Eventide, whose time resumed and was confused as she noticed what was going on, back through the space-time rift, allowing it to close before Twilight could kill her target, where the brainwashed Supreme Kai of Time glanced at her for a few seconds.

"Sorry, Twilight, but Lady Darkstar's orders are final: Eventide will survive." Corrupted Chronoa said, which interested Twilight greatly, since this was the first time she had heard of someone going by that name, no doubt another version of herself based on the forehead marking, where a smirk appeared on her face as she started to turn so she could leave, "I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm afraid that I'm needed elsewhere..."

She barely had a chance to finish her statement as Twilight shattered the Time Freeze and punched her in the side of the face, with enough force to knock the brainwashed figure down into the ground since she angled her attack to do so, while at the same time everyone else was freed from her time powers.

"You have no idea how angry I am... it seems that no matter what timeline it is, you insist on being an annoyance," Twilight said, where the others watched as the darkness surrounded her for a few moments before pulling back, revealing that she had transformed into her Dark Queen form and the sheer power of it knocked Future Trunks to the ground, not that such a thing mattered to her in the slightest, "but this time, Corrupted Chronoa, your luck has run out!"

Corrupted Chronoa barely had a chance to move as Twilight flashed through the air and punched her in the chest, which was far more painful than the attack she had suffered just a few seconds ago, but she had no time to recover as she was forced up into the air by another attack. Such a thing opened her defenses as Twilight rushed up to meet her, though she flashed around where her target was resting and attacked her from several different directions, stunning the brainwashed Supreme Kai of Time as she tried to register what was currently going on. As an opening appeared she raised her hands for a moment and trapped Twilight in the Time Freeze once more, this time focused solely on her opponent so she could escape before the others showed up, since she knew that Goku and all of his friends showed up to deal with her. For a few seconds it seemed like her plan had worked, her foe was frozen in time, though she was proven wrong as Twilight took a step forward and broke out of her attack like it was nothing, which was possible when Corrupted Chronoa recalled that her foe was a Demon, who were used to messing with time.

She also realized that the energy she was feeling right now was a lot like Mechikabura's, meaning the only path available to her right now was to use her full power, causing her to do so without delay as her body glowed with a golden light for a few seconds, surprising those who were watching them. The first thing that happened to her was her body maturing over a couple of moments, as she became more of an adult, standing taller than what she was used to in her sealed form, not that such a thing mattered in the face of who her opponent was. In addition to that her attire took on a golden hue, or at least on her leggings, socks, and undershirt, while her main attire gained a slight white hue, not to mention the fact that her hair grew longer and looked a little more wild than before. The last thing that happened was that she gained a golden halo behind her, which was shaped like a gear from a clock and had two hands, the longer one pointed at the two o'clock while the shorter one pointed at the ten o'clock position, resting on it.

This was her full power, so called 'Power of Time Unleashed', which granted her full control over time itself and meant that she could stop Twilight Sparkle in her tracks, hence why she called forth her energy and focused on her foe, who simply stared at her like she didn't care about what she was doing at all.

"Eat this! Time Labyrinth!" Corrupted Chronoa stated, where she weaved her power of time around Twilight and froze her in a bubble of temporal energy that would contain her for a long time, locked in a single moment, unable to do anything to free herself from the prison she was allowing herself to be locked inside, and with all of her power being used there was a very good chance that this would be the end of her foe.

Goku and the others stared at the sphere for a moment, as they weren't worried by what was going on, and sure enough what they were expecting started to happen as the labyrinth started to crack, something that caused the alternate version of Chronoa to pause, no doubt in shock. The crack spread for a few seconds as they observed it, where a section broke off as a mass of shadows rushed out and grabbed onto Corrupted Chronoa before she had a chance to move, though as that went down red lines started to appear all over the prison. Such a thing told the watchers that Twilight was just fine, her power was enough to overcome even the likes of a twisted form of Chronoa, where she and Aeos were watching from where Beerus and the others were sitting, which was followed by the prison shattering before their eyes. Of course it didn't go to waste as the scattered energy surged into a single spot in front of Twilight, forming a smaller sphere of energy that she devoured in no time, though once that was done she pulled her left hand back and everyone found Corrupted Chronoa being pulled towards her, as her hand controlled the mass of shadows.

In the following moment Corrupted Chronoa was hit several times all over her body, all without her foe moving, allowing her to realize that her opponent had some sort of time stopping ability, before Twilight gripped the side of her head and hurled her down into the ground, shattering the area around her as she landed and put a hoof on her chest to stop her from moving.

"Do you have any last words?" Twilight asked, though this time around she activated her siphon power as she stared down at the defeated alternate version of Chronoa, because there was nothing her foe could do to win, in fact Twilight had her doubts that the mysterious Darkstar would even try to save this pitiful figure.

"All... hail... Lady... Darkstar..." Corrupted Chronoa coughed out, because now she understood the warning she had been given earlier, to just get in and get out before Twilight even noticed her, but her overconfidence in her power lead her to make the stupidest decision of her entire life.

"Whatever you say." Twilight remarked, where she moved her hoof off of the defeated Supreme Kai of Time's chest as she raised her right hand, lifting her target into the air, before activating her siphon power with her left hand, allowing her to target every drop of power that happened to be inside Corrupted Chronoa's body.

Corrupted Chronoa's eyes widened for a moment as her power was drawn out of her body like it was nothing, reverting her to her smaller form in a matter of seconds, where all of it formed a golden yellow orb above Twilight's left hand as she let her go, something that allowed the alternate Chronoa to discover that she was incredibly weak. While she struggled to move, however, Twilight quickly shrunk the sphere form into the size of a marble and popped it into her mouth, allowing her to eat all of the alternate Chronoa's power in an instant, adding all of her power to her vast total. Once that was done Twilight shifted her stance as she lifted her defeated foe into the air, though this time around she called forth flames that held the power of the sun, like her Sol Invictus move, into a sphere that surrounded her foe, much to her surprise as she found that there was no escape from this. Twilight snapped her fingers and the sphere started to shrink before her eyes, just as she had designed it, where she heard the screams of the alternate Chronoa for a few moments, the flames eating at her without any way for her to save herself, only for everything to go quiet in the end, and when she dismissed the orb all she got from the inside was ashes that scattered in the wind.

As the others thought about what she had done, however, Twilight's focus was on the future, as Eventide had escaped, to which she had punished her savior for allowing such a thing to happen, and there was this 'Darkstar' who was interested in pissing her off, something that caused her to turn to the others.

"Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, you had better get some rest... we're heading into the future before the city wakes up... so early in case you need it explained." Twilight started, because while she knew that she could deal with Eventide, after the power boost she had no doubt gained from their one sided clash, part of her knew their other foe would be watching and suspected that bringing the others might allow her to deal with any new threats without having to fight them on her own, which should excite Goku and Vegeta, at the very least.

She really had no idea who this 'Darkstar' was, in fact she suspected it was a much darker and eviler version of herself due to what she and the others had seen before Eventide's arrival, but it only made her that much more interested in what the future held for her.

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