• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Tournament Aftermath

Following Zeno's departure from the Nameless Star, thus allowing the gods to relax for a time before doing anything else, Twilight approached Vados and offered her a set of notes, detailing how one could use the Namekian Dragon Balls to wish a planet back to life and how to word it to get the planet of food that Champa wanted. Her reason for this was because she knew that if the Namekian Dragon Balls of Universe 6 worked like the ones in her universe they would be able to fulfill the Destroyer's wish, while at the same time ensuring that he didn't come for her Earth again. Giving the notes to Vados meant that they would be safe and sound, since there was a chance that Beerus' brother might tear them apart out of spite, due to the fact that she had interfered with the tournament a few times, and the Angel seemed to understand as she accepted the pieces of parchment. After that, and Champa calmed down after the sheer terror of being visited by Zeno, which included his joke at replacing them with new Destroyers, the gods of Universe 7 stared at Champa as he sighed and nodded to Vados, who informed everyone that the six Super Dragon Balls would remain here, just as promised.

No one moved as Vados waved her staff, taking down the arena and everything else she had made, save for the barrier that was keeping them safe from the vacuum of space, before her group climbed into their travel cube and departed for one of the planets of Universe 6, where Bulma waited until they were long gone before getting ready.

"Now that he's gone, we can look for the last Super Dragon Ball." Bulma said, where she pulled out the new radar, which had been built to read the power of the planet sized wish granting orbs, and turned it on without delay, only to be surprised as she noticed something odd, it was reading seven signatures despite there being six orbs, something that caused Twilight to chuckle for a moment.

"Champa's going to freak out when he realizes the truth: we're standing on the last Super Dragon Ball." Twilight stated, as it made sense, because there was nothing else around the area that they were in, save for the Nameless Star and the six Super Dragon Balls, and now it made sense as to why this rock seemed to be the same size as the planetary wish granting orbs that Champa had been collecting.

Whis praised Twilight for discovering it so quickly as he ushered everyone back into their cube, though once that was done he moved them off the Nameless Star and positioned themselves so they could stare down at the seven spheres, which allowed everyone to see what Twilight was talking about. With that done he raised his staff and applied his power to the central orb, the one they had been fighting on, where he and the others watched as the debris quickly broke off in bits and chunks, revealing the last Super Dragon Ball in a flash of light. Twilight commented on the fact that the last one must have collided with a bunch of asteroids and other space debris, creating the Nameless Star that Champa knew, though there was no telling how long it had been resting like this, something that hardly mattered right now as Bulma told Whis how to call forth the dragon. A few moments later he turned towards the seven Super Dragon Balls and raised his voice for a few seconds as he uttered the summoning phrase that would allow someone to make a wish on Super Shenron, where they remained silent as they wanted for something to happen.

In the next instant the red stars on the seven spheres started to glow as yellow energy branched off of the six that formed a ring around the central one, as if they were focusing their light into the last one, before the energy broke off and they were consumed by a brilliant golden light that caused Whis to pull them back and form a barrier around them. It quickly condensed into a single point before most of the watchers had to divert their eyes as the light expanded outward, with enough force to cause the area around them to shake, all while Twilight made notes on what was going on this this was the first time the Super Dragon Balls had been used in a long time and she wasn't about to miss this. When the light finally faded Twilight stared up at the massive transparent sphere that was in front of them, which contained a massive golden serpent dragon that seemed to be sleeping right now, though it only lasted a few moments as it's eyes opened and it let out a roar that seemed to resonate with all of reality. After that they got a true sense of the dragon's size as the sphere it had been contained in shattered and it grew to it's full size, as it became so large that Twilight was sure that anyone could see it from any location in the known universe, or both universes since they were in the middle of the space between the 6th and 7th universes.

"Holy... it's the size of an entire universe..." Twilight commented, as nothing that Bulma got from Zuno even warned them about such a thing, though in this case it was a nice surprise as they glanced up at the massive beast, but before anyone else said anything their transport shimmered and reappeared inside what appeared to be the insides of the dragon, no doubt for good reason.

Whis informed them that this was perfectly normal, as when Super Shenron was used in a universe it called the one who used the Super Dragon Balls into an inner space to make their wish, while if this was done in, say, the World of Void, which was an empty space separated from the rest of the multiverse, they would stand before the dragon to make their wish, all of which interested Twilight greatly. They eventually came to a stop in a dark area that formed what Whis claimed was the nucleus of Super Shenron, as it formed a smaller version of the dragon that stared down at them and started to talk, in what seemed to be the language of the gods. Whis glanced down at them for a moment and asked Beerus what his wish was going to be, as that was what Super Shenron wanted to know, causing their Destroyer to cross his arms for a couple of seconds as he considered his options on the matter, before he floated up to the top of the cube to whisper it into Whis' ear. Whatever he wanted came as a surprise to Whis as he listened to his student's desire, which only made Twilight all the more interested in what Beerus might be wishing for, and once he was done whispering it into Whis' ear the Angel turned towards the dragon's nucleus and repeated the wish.

A few moments later Super Shenron lifted it's head and let out a roar, showing that it was granting Beerus' wish, though as that happened Twilight felt a migraine come on as she raised her left hand to her head and staggered back a little, which only caused some of the others to move to her side to make sure she was alright.

"What... did you do?" Twilight asked, though as she asked that, however, she started to see images rapidly move through her mind, what looked to be of places she had never been to before and a vast amount of individuals she had never seen, and yet, despite that fact, something told her that she did know everything she was seeing.

"Well, you were curious about our origins, but seemed too scared to actually ask the questions or make the wish on your own, so I thought I'd make the wish for you." Beerus replied, though while he could have simply wished to bring back his brother's Earth, and ensure that it was the same as the one that he enjoyed going to, he suspected that Twilight's notes to Vados would allow the same thing to happen, so the next best thing was giving their hero something he knew that was a prime item she wanted to know.

Bulma said nothing to that, as it sounded similar to the wish she made way back when Twilight turned twenty-one, which caused her current form to be made a reality, though this time around it didn't seem like her friend had anything much to say to Beerus, rather she seemed lost in recalling her memories. Twilight, on the other hand, walked over to the corner of the cube and weaved her magic into a chair, allowing her to sit down for a time as she considered everything she had just learned, as there was a lot of information for her to process. Most of it was unbelievable when she considered it, like how she came from a world that was so full of magic that nearly anything and everything was possible, how the sun and moon were literally controlled and moved by two alicorns who bared markings on their flanks to show off their special talent, as strange as that sounded. It also went against everything she knew in the known universe, as every planet she had been to had an orbit around a sun, or even multiple suns in certain circumstances, yet her home planet seemed to be the very opposite, the celestial orbs orbiting the planet while, and that wasn't taking the weather or seasons in consideration, as all of it was different from what she was used to.

There were also so many different races that called her home world home, such as earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, hydras, minotaur, griffons, changelings, crystal ponies, and many others that seemed to be registering in her mind once more, so it would take her some time to accurately recall everything she had once known.

What interested her far more than anything else was the fact that, at one point in time, she had been a unicorn with what appeared to be a little dragon assistant, while at the same time being the student of the Solar Princess, who had ruled for a thousand years on her own after having to banish her transformed sister to the moon. Her sister ended up returning to Equus, the planet in question, once a thousand years were up, something that caused Twilight and five mares to head out into an ancient and dangerous forest to recover the 'Elements of Harmony', the relics that defeated Nightmare Moon in the first place. She recalled learning how each of her new companions actually represented five of the six Elements, those being Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter, and Generosity, while she, herself, actually produced the spark that brought forth the final Element, Magic, before they unleashed a rainbow beam that turned Nightmare Moon into Princess Luna, the Lunar Princess. After that things just seemed to get crazy as she and her friends fought the Spirit of Disharmony, the Draconequus called Discord, figured out how to best the King of Shadows, Sombra, and the Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis, and a number of other insane and crazy events that made her question the sanity of her home planet.

She even recalled more about her family, the parents that she had forgotten, the brother who married the Princess of Love and became co-ruler of an entire empire, and everyone that happened to be important to her, including an old pupil of her old mentor's, which caused her to chuckle a little as she glanced out at Earth for a moment.

"What's so funny?" Beerus asked, because he had noticed that Twilight had remained quiet for the majority of the trip, no doubt going over the information that had been given to her thanks to his wish on Super Shenron, and none of them had been able to tell what was going through her mind, so he was simply curious.

"Trust me, you wouldn't believe me even if I told you." Twilight remarked, speaking as they touched down on the ground outside Capsule Corp, something that caused Bulma to head inside and tell the chefs to whip up a feast, as she wanted to celebrate their victory over Champa's team, while her statement was more due to the fact that none of her friends, family, or acquaintances would believe her if she told them what she knew, "Goku, Vegeta, you two had better take the rest of the day off and relax... after what happened in the tournament I'm going to start pushing you harder than ever before, and I'm not going to stop until I unlock your next form."

"And you're sure you can do that?" Piccolo inquired, mostly because the two Saiyans had just unlocked Super Saiyan Blue and Blue 2 fairly recently and he was sure that unlocking the 'Super Saiyan Blue 3' form would take quite a while for them, even with her training them.

"I mean, Hit showed me a new way to fight and I'm sure both Goku and Vegeta would love to fight that style again, which would be good for their growth," Twilight pointed out, as everything made sense when she thought about it, both warriors had a chance to observe someone fighting Hit and learning the ins and outs of the Time-Skip, to a degree anyway, so she suspected that using it with her base training would lead to some drastic results, "I would be disappointed if training with a new skill set didn't yield a great result, but something tells me that Super Saiyan Blue 3 is right around the corner... we just need to breach that wall."

"There's plenty of time for that later. For now, let's celebrate!" Beerus stated, as there had been enough fighting today and he was eager to enjoy their victory over Champa's team, who was either fuming on his private planet, snacking on the food that Vados had stocked up on during her travels of their universe, or had taken up Twilight's suggestion to mend his Earth and make it like what was in their universe.

Twilight chuckled as she joined the others, because while she now knew her origins, and the sheer insanity that came with knowing such a thing, her focus was on the life she had built in this universe, which she wouldn't trade for anything else, and it only made her interested in what the future held for them.

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