• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: Wishes and Wrath

Vegeta, despite the fact that Frieza was no doubt on his way back to their position, was pleased with the deaths of the five members of the Ginyu Force, because it meant that the only remaining threat on Namek was Frieza himself, since Twilight was still poisoned and that meant she couldn't fight. One thing he disapproved of was the fact that Dende, as the pair of Earthlings called him, was wasting his healing powers on her, especially since she would be dead soon enough, but, in the end, he decided not to bother since this ability might come in handy during the upcoming fight. Another thing he wasn't too happy with was the fact that the Earthlings had no idea what the incantation for the Dragon Balls were, meaning they had no idea how to grant wishes, but given their connections he knew one of them might have an idea as to what to do next. That was, of course, if Frieza refrained from killing the Grand Elder, since apparently he was linked to the spheres and if he died in some manner the Dragon Balls would disappear, or at least that was what the Earthlings claimed.

Eventually Dende stopped tending to Twilight and walked over to where Goku was resting, where he rapidly mended his wounds as well, though this time it was much faster since his power had been unlocked by the Grand Elder and he found that the more he used it the easier it came to him.

"Now that Kakarot's at full strength again we can focus on figuring out the incantation." Vegeta remarked, because they had no idea how much time they had until Frieza showed up to take them down, for tearing down his soldiers and killing the rest of the Ginyu Force, so someone needed to get the incantation fast, "Dende, do you know it?"

"No, but I can fly to the Grand Elder's and get it from him." Dende replied, which wasn't the whole truth, in fact the Grand Elder had given it to him during his power boosting session, so it could be given to Gohan and Krillin when they finally obtained all seven spheres, but he wasn't about to let Vegeta know that.

"Good. While you do that the Earthlings will guard the Dragon Balls while I get a bit of sleep in, I've been without it for some time now... but first, you need some battle wear." Vegeta said, directing the comment to Gohan and Krillin as Dende left the area, though at the same time he recalled what he had seen inside the ship as he turned towards Kakarot for a moment, whose power was definitely on another level now, just like his had been after Dende's sessions, "You should join them as well, Kakarot, since your detection abilities are far better than all of ours, so you should be able to tell when Frieza is on his way back to the ship."

"Vegeta, you lied to us earlier: you said Frieza doesn't care about Twilight, yet everything we've seen so far indicates that he does care for her." Gohan remarked, because he had been thinking about what he and Krillin had seen so far and had come to realize that they had been played by the Saiyan, using his fear of Frieza to drive them into making a really bad and terrible decision.

"Look, Twilight is Frieza's daughter, that much is true... but he's also all about power, and he'll no doubt give her up since immortality is within his reach." Vegeta remarked, as he felt no reason to withhold what he suspected now, since he and the Earthlings were in the same boat now, though at the same time he knew that this bit of sentimentality would be the Emperor's downfall.

Vegeta's plan was rather simple, they were going to wait for Dende to come back with the information they needed to use the Dragon Balls, as once that was in their hands they could move the orbs to another island to give themselves a couple of minutes before their foe arrived. After thinking about that he ordered Gohan and Krillin to follow him as he headed into the ship, where he made his way to where the battle wear was stored and had the pair strip down to their underwear so they could put on the undershirts he pulled out for them, not to mention a pair of gloves and boots for both of them. He discovered that they were in luck, the Litts, as in the smaller soldiers, were the same size as Gohan and Krillin, so their battle jackets would work for them, before he explained their flexible nature again, as when he transformed into his Oozaru form on Earth his armor grew and shrunk with him. It was designed to do that, as there were some races in the empire's employ who had the power of transformation, and even the shoulders were much more flexible than Krillin was expecting, as Gohan tested it out after putting on the armor, all while Goku carried Twilight to her room and set her down on the odd hoverbed.

Once that was done Vegeta made sure that they knew what to do while he was resting, keeping guard over the ship and the Dragon Balls that they were here to obtain, though after a few minutes of him being sound asleep Goku found that Dende was still in the surrounding area, as in he hadn't left at all and figured out how to hide his energy entirely so Vegeta would have no idea that he was still here.

"Please don't be angry, but I already know the incantation for the Dragon Balls." Dende said, where Goku, Gohan, and Krillin smiled as they heard that piece of information, though at the same time their friend glanced at the ship as he spotted the Saiyan who killed his people napping by one of the windows, "I didn't want Vegeta to know that the Grand Elder had given it to me when he unlocked my powers... he would have forced me to say them and grant his wish."

Krillin understood the situation and came up with a decent idea, they should move the spheres to a nearby island and then summon the Namekian dragon to grant their wishes, since Nail had said there were three on this planet, so once everything was said and done they could depart from Namek without Frieza chasing after them. With four of them it was easy for them to move the seven large Dragon Balls over to a new location, all without Vegeta noticing what they were doing, though once all of them were in place they realized something terrifying, Frieza was already heading their way. That discovery caused Dende to raise his hands towards the wish granting spheres and spoke in the Namekian language, the key to summoning the dragon that was connected to the seven orbs, where they glowed for a few seconds before the sky darkened, something Gohan, Goku, and Krillin recognized from their Dragon Balls. In the next moment a beam of light surged out of the Dragon Balls and rushed into the air, causing them to divert their eyes for a second or two before they were able to open their eyes, only for their jaws to drop as they stared at the dragon in front of them.

The Namekian Shenron was buffer and more intimidating looking than the one they were familiar with, in fact Dende was surprised by this discovery as well, as this was the first time someone had collected and used the Dragon Balls in a long time, before informing them that this was Porunga, meaning the 'God of Dreams' in the Namekian language.

"Thou who hast gathered the Dragon Balls, speak forth thy wishes... I shall grant thee any three wishes that are within my capacity to grant." the Namekian dragon, Porunga, stated, with a voice that sounded like he was friendlier than Shenron was, a shocking discovery when those from Earth considered how their dragon acted, but this confirmed what Nail told them before the Ginyu Force landed earlier.

Krillin got to work immediately, asking Dende to tell the dragon to wish for the revival of everyone who had been killed by the Saiyans during their attack on Earth, though as he did that Porunga had some bad news for them, he was only able to revive one person at a time. Such a thing came as a surprise for the Earthlings, as they were used to Shenron being able to bring back multiple people whenever they made such a wish, and since there were four dead friends for them to revive it meant someone was likely going to be left behind. Goku, however, had a solution to their plight, they could revive Piccolo, as his life was linked to Kami, and they found that he had the same idea, as Piccolo contacted them via King Kai and said the exact same thing almost at the same time. In addition to that he was sure that a fight was going to break out as soon as Frieza realized they had betrayed them, so he wanted to use the second wish to be used to bring him to Namek so he could join the fight, before stating that healing Twilight might be a worthwhile third wish, it might even save their lives if the Emperor was in a forgiving mood.

The first wish was granted without a hitch, though the second one was made in a hurry since Frieza was getting closer, so Piccolo appeared on another part of Namek and would have to fly to their position, though before the third wish could be made Vegeta landed nearby with an angry look on his face.

"So, this is the true form of the Dragon Balls." a voice said, where Vegeta turned his head and found that Twilight, despite being weakened from the poison, had sensed the dragon being awakened and woke up so she could see this with her own eyes, though in the following seconds she fell to her knees and coughed up some blood into her hands, but right now she seemed more interested in Porunga, "Amazing! With this I can be cured at last!"

"Ignore her. Grant my wish for immortality and we might survive what's coming our way!" Vegeta stated, because he knew that if Dende granted Twilight's wish there was no way she was going to let him leave this planet, not after betraying her father and beating her up while she was unable to fight back.

In that moment, as Dende considered whose wish was more important, and he was planning on Twilight's since she and her father had done nothing to his people since their arrival, Porunga's shape distorted as he vanished, where he found seven stone orbs, the lifeless Dragon Balls, that crashed into the ground.

"...we're too late... the Grand Elder is dead." Dende said, though it was hard to tell if he had perished due to old age or if he had been affected by Vegeta's slaughter of the other Namekians, not that it mattered in the long run since they had lost the Dragon Balls in the process.

Vegeta growled and turned on Twilight, as he no doubt felt that it was her untimely arrival that cost him his wish, but as he started to attack her once more something collided with his side and caused him to crash into the wall, where they found that it was none other than Frieza himself who kicked Vegeta into the wall.

"Let me repeat myself, Vegeta: No one is allowed to touch my daughter!" Frieza stated, as he was incredibly annoyed right now, due to the fact that it looked like Nail had tricked him into wasting time so the Earthlings could use the Dragon Balls, even though he found another one standing nearby, who reminded him of Bardock, a Saiyan who tried to rebel against him before the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

"So... Sorry, dad... I... couldn't stop... them." Twilight said, though she knew that this was all her fault, if she hadn't been poisoned by Moloch they wouldn't have come here seeking to heal her, but they could have come for immortality for her father, and her father had lost so much because of one careless mistake she made.

"Twilight... don't worry, you're going to be alright. Towa said she was searching the timelines for a cure and I'm sure she'll be back in no time." Frieza replied, where he knelt down by his daughter and found that her readings were worrying, she was getting closer and closer to death as time went by, all thanks to Vegeta forcing her to defend herself in her condition, though any sadness he felt was turned into rage as he glanced at the Saiyan in question, "Dende, tend to Twilight's body while I deal with these pests... we can put their suffering to use by boosting your healing powers, as that might be the only way to keep Twilight alive until Towa arrives."

As Dende moved out of the way, taking Twilight with him as he found a good spot to work in, Goku set down the sack he had been carrying and informed him that there were three Senzu Beans inside them, which should restore his energy if he ran out of juice, before he focused on Frieza. While that happened Frieza rushed at Vegeta with rage on his face, showing that he wasn't pleased with what was going on right now, and swung at the Saiyan with his right fist, finding that Vegeta was able to block the attack as his energy flared to life. After that happened Frieza repeated the same with his left fist and found that the same thing happened, Vegeta was capable of actually intercepting his blows, which was actually impressive when he thought about it, since there weren't many who could keep pace with this form. Their energies wrapped around them and the surrounding area for a time, where his Scouter informed him that Vegeta was now stronger than Ginyu had been before his demise, causing him to realize that the other Saiyan had to be the same way, before it shattered under the strain of their energies.

Once that happened the pair jumped away from each other, allowing the others to see that there was a chance of them maybe beating him in due time, meaning they had no idea he could transform and unleash more of his power, where he had to wonder if he might need to do such a thing.

"Come now, Frieza, if we're going to battle you might as well transform." Vegeta remarked, where Frieza was surprised by the fact that Vegeta, of all people, knew about his ability, as the only ones who knew about it were his father, his brother, Towa, Twilight, Zarbon, and Dodoria, meaning someone had let it slip when they weren't supposed to, "Zarbon told me about your ability during our first battle, but with my recent power boosts I have more than enough power to wipe the floor with you."

"I see. Well, as it turns out, you aren't the only one who wishes to see such a thing." Frieza said, though in that moment he glanced over to where Twilight and Dende were resting, as his daughter had expressed an interest in seeing his forms in the past, something that caused Vegeta's group to tilt their heads for a moment, "Dende, move Twilight to another island, and make sure she can see this... I'm about to transform!"

Dende, upon hearing that, carefully picked up Twilight and the bag of Senzu Beans, whatever those were, before moving to one of the other small islands that were around where Frieza was planning on fighting, though as he landed he made sure to prop Twilight up so she could witness this. With that done Vegeta informed the Earthlings that there were some races in the universe that had the power to alter their shapes, either for the sake of camouflage or to prevent them from wasting energy, where Frieza admitted that his reason was because he had too much power and couldn't control it at all, hence his current form. The first thing Frieza did was blow apart his battle gear, as it was in the way and wouldn't remain once he transformed into his Second Form, though as Vegeta remarked that it wasn't much of a transformation he called out more of his energy and his body started to change accordingly. His chest bulked out and became larger than before, his arms and legs grew longer as the seconds ticked by, before his neck grew a little longer, his face changed a little, and both of his horns also curved until they were pointed at the sky.

With the transformation done Frieza huffed for a moment, as this usually took a bit out of him in the process, before he stood straight up and stared down at the enemies that were in front of him, finding that Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin were shocked by the change, but Goku was just excited for some reason.

"Aw, you look like grandfather now." Twilight remarked, as she was a little disappointed that her father's next form wasn't anything new, it was just a repeat of something she had seen in the past, making her wonder if she'd be disappointed with the remaining two forms her father had.

"Well, you'll be excited by the other two, I promise." Frieza replied, though he wasn't too surprised that Twilight was sort of disappointed in his Second Form, since it looked so much like his father's form, though at the same time he found that the trio that was scared were frightened by his comment and Goku was excited beyond belief, "Let me be clear, my Power Level in my previous form was five hundred and thirty thousand, while this form's power is roughly one million... and both of my remaining transformations are even stronger than this one. Observe."

In that moment he gathered his power and raise his left hand as quick as he could, his energy blasting the entire island he was on to pieces as his opponents forced themselves to flee before they were caught in the attack, though when the rest of the smoke cleared they found that the island was gone, hence why he had Twilight be taken elsewhere. In that instant he considered how to go about this, as Dende was capable of healing his foes and that meant, in due time, he would have the power to deal with the Warrior's Bane now that the Dragon Balls were gone, but to do that he had to beat Vegeta and his allies up so the Namekian got the experience required. In the end he decided that it didn't matter too much, since all of them would be offered to Dende for healing in due time, so he targeted Krillin as he burst into the air, surprising them all with his speed as he kicked the Earthling in the chest and caused him to cough up some blood, before getting behind him as he grabbed his head and sent him flying straight down into another island, leaving a crater in his wake.

Gohan seeing that happen, rushed into battle to do something for Krillin, where Frieza got in his way and discovered that the young Saiyan's rage broke after seeing his friend being punished like that, as he delivered some decent punches and kicks to Frieza's head and chest, before sending a burst of energy into his chest that sent him flying down into one of the other islands. Once he hit the ground Gohan released a volley of blasts that rushed down and slammed into Frieza's body, blasting part of the area around him to bits in the process, though as he picked himself up he realized that the boy was far stronger than he originally thought. Frieza realized that Gohan, in due time, would be a worthwhile foe for Twilight, due to the fact that his rage allowed him to output great amounts of energy and she, of course, would gobble it up once she was no longer burdened by the poison they were trying to cure. With that in mind he returned to the task at hand as he rushed up to where Gohan was floating and punched him in the stomach, causing the boy to stagger for a moment, given that he really couldn't control his power after transforming into this particular form, before kicking him down towards the water, even though he knew Gohan was going to hit the ground instead.

As he did that, however, Vegeta blasted his backside with a burst of energy, igniting the sky around him with the force of his attack, though he found that it really didn't do all that much to him, not after what happened when Gohan struck him, causing him to turn around with a frown on his face.

"That's right, Vegeta, I still have to pay you back for earlier." Frieza remarked, where he rushed through the air and quickly delivered a powerful knee jab to the Saiyan's stomach, causing him to cough in surprise of his speed and power, before he gripped his target's head and flew down towards the ground, smashing him into the island in question.

That wasn't the end of it as Frieza yanked Vegeta out of the crater and let go of him, where he spun around and kicked the Saiyan in his left arm, something that allowed him to hear what had to be the bone cracking under the pressure, before he punched him in the chest and knocked him into one of the raised sections of earth. As he started to get ready to blast him something interesting happened, he sensed something coming, no doubt Twilight helping him in some manner as she and Dende watched the battle when the latter wasn't healing the injured warriors, and dodged accordingly. What it was, as he found out, was a disc made of energy that he recalled from what he and his family had seen while watching the Saiyans as they attacked Earth, but as he jumped into the air he found that part of his tail was cut off, confirming that it was a rather dangerous move to stand against. Sure enough it came from Krillin, who had been healed by Dende while he dealt with either Gohan or Vegeta, who launched several more discs at him in rapid succession, which he avoided by dodging them all, since he didn't want to be damaged anymore than this, before chasing after his new target.

Krillin had another trick up his sleeve, some sort of blinding attack that he rushed straight into, though Frieza found that both Gohan and Vegeta combined their energies together and blasted him while he couldn't see it coming, though he was able to emerge without too much harm to his body.

"It seems that the lot of you have honed your talents quite well." Frieza remarked, as he wasn't expecting them to have all the power they currently had, because it seemed like the two Saiyans were getting stronger as time went on and he knew it was only a matter of time until Goku joined in, as he seemed distracted by something else.

As he said that, however, a new Namekian, Piccolo based on the video of Vegeta and Nappa's battle on Earth, appeared in the area and seemed like he wanted to fight him as well, to which Frieza decided one more was perfectly fine since it did help speed things along, before his new foe punched him in the side of his face and sent him flying into an island, much to the surprise of everyone in the area.

"I'm here to take you down, Frieza." Piccolo stated, informing them that he either knew why he was keeping them alive or he didn't care and wanted to kill the emperor for the deaths of his people, though as he did that the others gathered near him as Goku joined in, showing that he was ready to start fighting as well.

Frieza sighed as he stared at the group for a moment, knowing that this was going to get chaotic with five foes and three of them were Saiyans, who thrived in conditions like this, but, at the same time, he was willing to do anything to save his daughter and hoped that things continued at the pace they were going.

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