• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Destroyers: Preparations

Once Champa and Vados were gone, no doubt going to set up the arena for the tournament before gathering their team, Twilight, along with both Saiyans and their deities, returned to the Earth without delay, as they needed two other warriors for the team and Bulma would need a new radar for the Super Dragon Balls. Goku and Vegeta quickly named Buu as one of the five, where she agreed with them and sent a message over to Mr. Satan so he could get Buu ready, though the training she had in mind was making sure he knew how to read and could properly take a test. Her own idea was to ask either her uncle or Demigra to take the position of their fifth warrior, where she found that Cooler was more than willing to join the battle, especially since it had been quite a while since anything interesting had happened and he was itching to help her out once more. With that done it was a simple matter to ask Bulma about making a new radar, though since Twilight was sure that the last Super Dragon Ball was in another universe, or even the edge of their own, there was no real way to confirm if it worked or not, especially with Champa possessing the other six.

In the end Bulma played one of her trump cards, as in she was going to arrange for Jaco to come by and see if he could take her to an area that would allow them to test the radar out, though while Bulma did that, after Vegeta told Jaco not to do anything funny, Twilight brought the Saiyans to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

"So, what do you have in mind for our training this time around?" Goku asked, because with Twilight, her knowledge, and all of the power that she had access to, the latter something they were constantly gaining more understanding of, there was no telling what sort of plan she might have for them, especially since they had five days to prepare.

"You two will be fighting me." Twilight stated, though as she responded to the question both Goku and Vegeta watched as she transformed into her Dark Queen form without delay, causing the entirety of the dimension to shudder, while both her soon to be opponents sweated a little as they felt her power, or the fraction she was using right now, "What you are feeling right now is only five percent of my full power... shocking, I know... but I'd rather not break you in the first couple of seconds, since this supposed to be training. You two will use all of your power against mine and I will push you to brand new heights in due time, though I want both of you to think about something: can you go even further beyond the power that you are currently using?"

Goku and Vegeta glanced at each other for a moment before going Super Saiyan Blue, the height of their power, as they rushed toward the area that Twilight was standing in, as she had placed herself far away from where the entrance was so none of them damaged it. Since they didn't have any fighting styles that worked well together, however, they separated from each other and approached her from two different directions, both assuming that she would only be able to block one of their attacks while the other would strike her, or move out of the way if she was fast enough. Instead of moving out of the way or dodging their attacks they found that Twilight used her hands and arms to block their punches, almost as if they were being redirected out of the way, causing Vegeta to go on the assault with a barrage of blows, intending to find a hole in her defenses so he could overwhelm her. Goku, despite that fact, rejoined the battle without delay, figuring that if one person wasn't enough to do anything than two might work even better, especially since their uncoordinated assault could do wonders against even the strongest of foes, or that was what Whis seemed to suggest during their training, and it was possible that it could work on Twilight.

What the two of them discovered, however, was that she didn't seem impressed by their power, despite the fact that their new form allowed both of them to go toe to toe with the Golden forms that Frieza and Cooler used, as she grabbed both of their heads, slammed them against each other, before tossing them aside, forcing them to regroup as they focused on their training partner. Goku understood that she was far stronger than they were, because she was able to force even the likes of Beerus into submission, despite Whis claiming that the battle had ended in a draw, but since none of them had seen her power since that fateful battle he had hoped, against all odds, that they had taught up to her. This discovery told him why she had mentioned him and Vegeta pushing themselves further beyond their current limits, because the power of Blue was far too limited for her to even train against, not unless she deliberately restricted herself to her lower levels of power. She was a lot like them in that regard, as training with their strongest forms meant that they would gain far more in the grand scheme of things, instead of sticking to their base forms or the first few forms they had unlocked, but at this moment neither of them could match her power, since that was reserved for Whis and Beerus, and probably the rest of the Angels and Gods of Destruction.

She wanted them to reach newfound levels of power, what she would no doubt call 'Super Saiyan Blue 2', possibly even a Blue 3 if they reached that point, to grow their strength and prepare them or whatever might happen when they faced the warriors that Champa would throw at them.

As he thought about what to do next, which move he should use while thinking of a tactic to add to it, Vegeta rushed into the fray once more and moved into a series of punches and kicks that were designed to do something to his foe, or that seemed to be the plan that had been going through his mind. Twilight blocked the attacks with ease, where Goku watched as her gaze stayed fixed on Vegeta and nothing else, observing his movements and reacting accordingly, similar to what happened when she fought with Beerus some time ago, pushing their Destroyer to his limits. Vegeta, as he expected, just growled as he switched to a Ki attack, loosing a series of blasts right in Twilight's face, apparently hoping that she couldn't siphon his attacks and defend herself at the same time, only for Goku to discover that their training partner was walking through the blasts like they were nothing. Twilight then responded with a jab to the face, knocking Vegeta backward in the process, but before the other Saiyan could be thrown backwards she grabbed onto his leg and hauled him around like he was a club, slamming him against the floor a few times, only to release him after some time.

Goku realized that getting a proper Ki attack in, through her defenses, would take a bit of doing, as there had to be some sort of blind spot in her siphon ability, otherwise she would just drain them of their Ki all the time and not fight, which was why he and Vegeta needed to work together during this training session.

With that in mind he rushed over to Vegeta and released a number of blasts into the air, all designed to call to the ground and kick some thick smoke up as he picked his friend up, causing them to disappear into the surrounding area for a time, as he knew they needed strategy or overwhelming power to bring Twilight down. Twilight, on the other hand, focused on the area that her opponents were in and remained still as she wondered what they might have planned this time, though she already had a plan in mind to force them to ascend to the next level of power, just like she had done in the past with one of her Saiyan foes. A few moments later a massive barrage of Ki blasts came rushing at her from all sides, similar to Piccolo's own Hellzone Grenade, something that caused her to chuckle as she weaved her power into two spheres, where the one on the outside absorbed the power of each blast and the inner one was just a ploy to make it look like she had to defend herself, as she realized their ploy with ease. They wanted to shroud her vision with all the blasts that were in the air right now so they could attack her from her 'blind spot', unaware that she could drain their attack without seeing it, but she was more than willing to play their game since it would allow her to turn her own plan on them.

This time around her opponents surprised her by not actually shouting the names of their attacks, though she found that they combined the Kamehameha and the Final Flash into the 'Final Kamehameha', a blue beam with yellow energy in the form of lightning wrapped around parts of it, where she turned around and held her hand up. Due to it being the power of Goku and Vegeta merged into a single attack she found that it was quite strong, which was to be expected, but it wasn't enough for her to worry about as she drew in it's power and devoured it without moving at all. Once the attack was gone, however, Twilight shifted her stance for a moment as she called forth her power, where she disappeared into the smoke and caused the Saiyans to look around for her as they lost her energy signature rather suddenly, causing her to smile as she noticed that their guards were up. Unfortunately for them the plan she had in mind would test them in ways that they wouldn't be expecting in the slightest, where the smoke gathered into the forms of their family as her illusion altered the rest of the area, tricking even Vegeta, who was used to her magic, into believing that they were here, before pulling all of them into a small sphere and crushing it from afar.

Such a thing had the result she was looking for as both Saiyans were consumed by a brilliant blue flash of light, similar to how they transformed into their Super Saiyan Blue forms, and when the light faded she found that they had taken on their Super Saiyan 2 forms, only with blue hair, eyes, tails, and auras.

"Just as I expected, Super Saiyan Blue 2 comes after Super Saiyan Blue." Twilight commented, where she resisted the urge to chuckle, as she enjoyed being proven right, especially when she thought about the power that a Saiyan could wield with the right conditions, not to mention when rage was involved, and if this worked than she could push them to form Super Saiyan Blue 3 and, if she was lucky, Super Saiyan Blue 4.

This time around the enraged Saiyans rushed at her, attempting to bring her down for her 'sins', though as she parried all of their blows, which were far stronger than what she had felt in their base Blue forms, Twilight told them that they had, in fact, fallen for the same ploy she had used against Gohan during the Cell Games. She reminded the pair that their various forms, at least Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2, were based on anger and need, so the combination of their rage towards her for her actions, plus their desire to make her pay for said actions, fueled their growth and granted them more power in the end. As they clashed she also reminded them that there was another key to accelerated growth for their kind, that being the need to have power so they could do something, such as fulfilling a promise, punishing a villain, or winning the fateful fight that would save their world from destruction. With that in mind she knew that if the Saiyans kept their desires close to their hearts it would lead them to great things, further forms of power as they realized that she was pushing them towards Super Saiyan Blue 3 and Super Saiyan Blue 4, forms that might allow them to fight her and Beerus.

Such a thing caused her opponents to smile as they realized what she was trying to do and rushed into battle once more, causing them to clash as they moved around the rest of the space that filled the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, allowing her to see the heights of their newfound power as they tested it against someone who could handle their new power.

By the time three days had passed, or three years inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Twilight felt that it was time to end their training, as Goku and Vegeta had grown in power while facing off against her terrifying might, to the point where she allowed them to see fifteen percent by the end of it. She had to admit that Super Saiyan Blue 2 was powerful, especially after all of the training she put them through to utilize it and the previous form better, where the Saiyans were thankful for everything she shared and pointed out during their session. Instead of making it mindless sparring she point out their flaws or how to improve, making it actual training with the point of mastering their fighting styles, though even then she had seen Goku disappear into the depths of the dimension to try something else, the infusion of Kaio-Ken into Blue, which Vegeta had slept through. That was either due to him being exhausted after her lessons or he had sensed the energy and decided not to get involved at all, though she was sure the former was the truth, but at least she didn't have to listen to the former prince rant over Goku figuring out a way to improve his power even more, even if it would take some time for him to master his new combination technique.

With all of that in mind she emerged from the chamber with a smile on her face, while in her base form, while both Goku and Vegeta followed after her with their attire in tatters, where she dismissed them for the time being as she returned to Capsule Corp, finding that Bulma had returned and Jaco was back on the job.

"Our training is done, so Goku and Vegeta should be using the rest of the time to rest before the big day." Twilight said, where she pulled out her tablet and tapped a few of the icons again, as there were notes to updates and new ideas to think about, though it made her all the more interested in what sort of fighters Champa had decided on, "How did things go on your end? Learn anything about the Super Dragon Balls?"

"Yeah, apparently there's only one set in the entirety of the multiverse, so the missing sphere could be anywhere," Bulma replied, which made sense when Twilight thought about it, because if they were far stronger than the ones they had used so far, on Earth and Namek, it stood to reason that there was only a single set of them in all of existence, though that also meant that Champa had been invading the other universes to find them, "they can grant any wish you desire... Zuno, the one Jaco and I talked to, claimed they might have the power to bring back even erased universes, don't ask me why he said it that way... and we even have the summoning phrase: in the Language of the Gods one must say 'Come forth, Dragon of the Gods, and grant my wish, peas and carrots'."

"Seriously?" Twilight asked, as it sounded insane that the summoning phrase to summon the first Eternal Dragon, which was the strongest out of however many the Namekians had created, had such a lackluster phrase and even an ending that seemed like a child had come up with it, before she sighed as Bulma searched for something, "Well, at least Beerus and Whis should know what to say if the time comes... can't say I've heard of this 'Language of the Gods' before."

"I had to confirm that this was, in fact, the correct phrase... oh, and that reminds me," Bulma said, where she pulled out a coin token of some kind, which seemed to be like an ancient coin kept in pristine condition, and handed it to Twilight, who took it and turned it over for a few seconds, "Zuno asked me to give that to you. He said that you were welcome anytime you wanted and that would be your identification for his guards... I'm not sure if he did it because you're a like-minded soul, since you love knowledge, or if he was terrified of you and wanted to get on your good side."

Twilight chuckled as she heard that, as she had a feeling that Zuno knew of her position as the Dark Queen and was totally terrified of her, so this was an attempt to get on her good side, but at the same time it was something she wanted, because Jaco had mentioned that the figure knew nearly everything and there was a chance he knew where she came from, which warranted a visit in the future.

"Maybe once all of this is over, and we've found and used the Super Dragon Balls, I'll pay him a quick visit." Twilight stated, though at the same time she noticed that Bulma had raised one of her eyebrows for a moment, as they both knew that she was going to spend an entire day, at the very least, chatting with Zuno about the various aspects of the universe, to which she let out another chuckle, "Okay, okay, I'll probably spend a couple of days chatting with him... just in case this is a one time token and becomes irrelevant once I leave wherever his domain is located."

As Bulma nodded her head, however, Twilight left her to complete her finishing touches on the Super Radar and headed off to spend the rest of her time relaxing before the tournament started, as she was eager to see what sort of enemies the other universe had to offer them.

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