• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Future: Fusion Confusion

"So that was their plan... guess it explains why they wore their earrings like that." Goku remarked, as Shin had told him and a few others about the power of the Potara fusion, without performing it anyway, but this was the first time he was seeing the result of such a thing, making him wonder what would happen if he and Vegeta used the earrings, and if they would be able to best Twilight at long last.

"Indeed, though we need to react accordingly." Twilight stated, though at the same time Eventide, who apparently gave up on their original name, started to spout off that two great powers were becoming one in her body and she even closed her eyes to focus on her new power, allowing her to summon her own power as she tapped on the air, "Mother, you and the others should get moving... get the people of this world out of here, before Eventide starts her assault."

"What are you doing?" Future Trunks asked, keeping his voice low as well while they listened to Eventide go on and on about her new power, as it seemed like she was enjoying this and didn't seem to care about mortals right now, because it seemed Twilight had a plan in motion and he didn't to ruin it by speaking too loudly.

"Secondary plan: in the off chance that our foes do something drastic, and produce something monstrously powerful, call in my mother and time allies to get the remaining survivors out of here." Twilight replied, as she had come up with several ideas and plans on what to do in the event that something like this happened while they were fighting Eventide and her dark allies, where this one involved her mother and the others, who were watching from the safety of their timeline, heading out into the parallel world and rounding up the survivors, "Cities and settlements can be rebuilt, but humanity will be lost in this place if we allow more of them to be slain... this will get them out of here, placed in the safety of the Demon Realm, so we can fight without having to worry about anyone else."

As Future Trunks nodded, however, the sky ignited in white lightning that seemed to be emitting from Eventide's location, though when the light cleared the group found that their foe had a glowing white halo behind her body, two circular rings or circles with three or four lines connecting them in the positions of a compass.

"Observe, you foolish mortals, the power of this immortal body that can infinitely increase it's power!" Eventide stated, a fact that told everyone that she was totally drunk on power, which made sense considering that both versions of Zamasu had sought different types of power to create the 'utopia' that they desired, before his halo generated two purple orbs on one of the rings.

In the following moments she directed the power of the orbs into two bolts of purple lightning that rushed down at them without delay, where Twilight swung her arms and redirected both into the forests that were near the city, allowing her to see that the lightning tore through the ground like it was made out of butter. Such a thing told her that if they got hit by this attack it would likely be painful, if not incredibly dangerous, and she was pleased to see that her companions were all focused on their foe and less focused on whatever else was going on, where Eventide readied more of the spheres as she let loose with more lightning. As such the group moved out of the way and avoided the attack, showing Eventide that her power was slower than the speed that Goku and Vegeta possessed in their Super Saiyan Blue 3 forms, while Future Trunks was also faster thanks to all the training he had done before this point. Twilight, on the other hand, purposely let some of the lightning bolts come at her, making it look like she was dodging them while she siphoned the power out of each one, as it allowed her to sample their foe's great and terrible power without actually drawing attention to herself.

One thing she was able to determine was that if any of them were weaker than they currently were, if she hadn't taken all the time to empower the Saiyans with their various transformations, the purple lightning would have taken them out or knock them into submission, showing her that Eventide wasn't playing around at all.

Eventide, seeing that she was unable to actually hit any of them with her attack, decided to change things up as she took a moment to cancel her Absolute Lightning attack and switched to another one that came to mind, where red energy shots started to appear all over her halo as she focused on her targets. In the next instant she changed them into what looked like crystalline shards before sending them flying down towards the Saiyans and Twilight, where she discovered that her Blades of Judgement were far faster than the lightning and struck the ground before her foes even realized they were in motion. With that in mind she let a light smile appear on her face as the blades glowed before blowing the entire section of the city apart, as buildings collapsed as the ground shattered under the weight of her power, which pleased her despite the fact that all of her targets appeared in the air, likely Twilight's fault when she thought about it. She simply held both of her hands out as more red lights started to appear around her, allowing her to constantly rain down more blades on her targets, only to pause as she noticed that a barrier shimmered into existence between them, no doubt something that Twilight, who was quickly becoming a problem.

As she thought about that, however, Twilight burst out of the smoke that was below her, which came from her Blades of Judgement detonating on the barrier's surface, though what stunned her for a moment was the fact that her foe had also transformed into a new form, allowing Twilight to punch her in the side of the face and knock her to the side.

"What the... YOU CAN TRANSFORM?!" Eventide stated, because that wasn't something that had been part of her research into Twilight Sparkle, before the Zamasu that took over her body did so, making her wonder if she could have turned the tide against the warriors without having to resort to using the Potara earrings.

"Indeed I can... you should have done your homework before taking over my body, not that it matters since the power of the Dark Form and the Demon Goddess form wouldn't work for you." Twilight remarked, though she refrained from using her final transformation, as she deemed that Eventide, even as a Potara Warrior, was unworthy of her Dark Queen form, hence why she picked this form, plus she knew her foe would take it as a massive insult, "Are you ready to face the power of a Demon Goddess?"

"Insolent mortal, you dare to call yourself a god in my presence?!" Eventide remarked, showing Twilight that she was angry over the very idea that someone she considered to be beneath her would dare to do such a thing, which was good for her since anger would blind her foe and cripple her abilities in time, "Heed my words, mortal: I am the sole light of this universe and this light that surrounds me is justice itself! I am the knowledge, law, and power of this pitiful universe, and on this day I shall bring about the true beginning of the Zero Mortals Plan..."

Eventide didn't have a chance to finish her statement as Twilight took the opening that was presented to her and rushed up to her foe's position, punching her in the side of her face as she sent her foe flying through the air, causing Eventide to take a moment to growl and rub the injured spot as she locked onto her opponent. Following that Eventide thrust her hand out as both purple lighting and red crystalline shards rushed towards Twilight's position, who simply stood there as she raised her left hand and a barrier phased into existence in front of her, one designed to siphon the energy of Ki attacks so she could add the power to her own. She added in a bit of smoke to make it look like the attacks had gone off before bursting out of it, surprising Eventide as she was struck in the chest once more, though in that moment Twilight noticed something odd, that this attack didn't seem to affect her foe at all, despite the last few hurting her a little. Such a thing caused her to glance at the halo that was behind her foe as an idea formed in her mind, where she lashed out and kicked Eventide up into the air with ease, only to find that the attack did nothing like the halo glowed for a brief moment, which confirmed that the halo was a problem and that it needed to go.

Of course she wasn't the only one who figured out that something was up, as Eventide summoned a dark purple form that surrounded the area behind her, looking like a bird with outstretched wings for some odd reason, though as she started to attack with more purple lightning Twilight was ready for it. She loosed some normal lightning into the air and cancelled out Eventide's attack, opening the way for Goku and Vegeta to burst through the smoke and tear through Eventide's construct with ease, as she sent it out to try and stop them in their tracks, only for them to smash through it. Such a thing showed her that the Super Saiyan Blue 3 forms were impressive, with enough training anyway, though as their foe floated there, with a surprised look on her face, Twilight swallowed the remnants of the construct, figuring it was best to not waste the energy their foe was using. Upon reaching Eventide, however, Twilight was able to confirm that the halo was now preventing her from taking damage from any of the attacks that they were sending her way, as when both Saiyans struck her it glowed two times, one for each attack, causing her to spring into action so she get rid of it and open the way for them to actually hurt their foe.

Eventide barely had time to react as Twilight kicked her with the edge of her right hoof, right in the side of her face, but as she flew through the air she noticed something totally strange that confused her, Twilight grabbed onto the edge of the halo and actually pulled on it, tearing it from it's place on Eventide's back.

"Good, let's get rid of this annoying thing." Twilight stated, where she flexed her power and shattered the halo like it was nothing but fragile glass, reforming it into a little marble that was swallowed a few moments later, allowing her to make sure Eventide would be unable to reform it, not without expanding her own power to bring it back, "Ah, much better. Now we can damage you."

What happened next was a test to see if Eventide retained the immortality that Future Zamasu had, because if she did this battle would take forever, since she knew about the sealing blades and their power, where Twilight had the Saiyans go on the offensive, distracting their foe as Twilight readied her next attack. She was utilizing the piercing lightning attack she had used earlier and rushed through the air once it was ready, allowing her to tear through her foe's chest with ease as all of her allies backed off so they didn't get in the way, only to find that the past repeated itself as the attack destroyed her target's heart, who healed it almost immediately. Eventide followed that up by rushing higher into the air and formed what appeared to be a massive ball of energy, one that looked like it might be made out of flames, that was sent down at them without delay, showing them that she might have gone insane and desired the end of the entire planet. Twilight weaved her power into the air and slowed down the attack while forming a path through the center of it, allowing the Saiyans to land behind her before firing their beam attacks into the air, where they merged into a single entity and used her opening to tear through the attack like it was nothing.

The result of that was that Eventide's attack exploded in the air, before it got anywhere near the planet's surface, and she was caught in the detonation, though to Twilight's annoyance it appeared that their foe had somehow gotten stronger, as if there was part of her that could still take damage and it was constantly being healed, fueling the insane power gain that Twilight was known for.

Sure enough they were able to confirm that Eventide was stronger and faster than before, which could also simply be her insane ability to grow as she fought tougher foes, but even then Twilight considered a plan that might be able to bring their foe down, hence why she left their opponent to the others as she flashed down to Gowasu's position. She had many questions for the Kaioshin of Universe 10, but in the interest of time, since there was no telling what Eventide would do in this situation, she focused on the task at hand and questioned him about the specifics that went into the Potara fusion, as while she knew about it her knowledge was limited since Shin's was also limited. The Kaioshin told her everything that he knew on the special earrings, about how non Kaioshin had a time limit as to how long they could stay fused and, due to neither version of Zamasu being elevated to that rank, they would defuse in due time, which only made her bring up the glaring error in his reasoning. They had no idea when in time both versions of Zamasu had come from, so it was possible that either of the originals might have waited until they had taken over as the Kaioshin before murdering their master, and if Gowasu's information was right that meant that Eventide would remain in this state forever.

Such a thing told Twilight everything she needed to know about the situation, as they either had to use another warrior born from the Potara fusion and push Eventide to the breaking point, or distract her so she could utilize another blade to seal her away, which might work depending on what was going on right now.

Eventide, on the other hand, started to hurl large cubes of Katchin at his foes, where Future Trunks dodged them as both Goku and Vegeta smashed through them with ease, reminding their opponent that their transformations were stronger than she recalled, which only seemed to annoy Eventide in the process. Her annoyance towards them only served to blind her more and more to what was happening in the area around her, but in the process Twilight noticed something about their foe's power, there seemed to be an unstable edge to it, like the two halves were fighting each other in some manner, one Eventide had yet to notice. Goku and Vegeta, being the experts in fighting thanks to everything they had been through over the years, sensed that something was up and started to unleash some of their more powerful attacks, blasts that tore through their foe's body and even utterly eliminated her right arm at one point, something that caused Eventide to quickly regenerate it and the clothing that had surrounded it. That fact caused a drastic change in how the battle played out, due to the fact that both Saiyans continued to lay into Eventide without giving her a chance to fight back, and while this would boost her power, like it would have for Twilight in the past, the power of the fully trained Super Saiyan Blue 3 form was just too much for her to handle.

Twilight was actually a little sour over that piece of information, as she had been hoping to see Super Saiyan Blue 4 being used against Eventide, it was part of the reason she had pushed them as hard as she did, but for the time being she just focused on her newest plan. She had pulled Future Trunks to the side while silently contacting her mother in the Demon Realm, as she was passing on news to the other Demons and she was having them gather spirit energy from those who had been saved from this parallel world, because she knew that Future Trunks wanted to end Eventide and she was going to help him, despite her dislike towards him. They were going to channel that power right into his blade, which, if her quick calculations were correct, should give him more than enough power to slice through both versions of Zamasu and force them into their original forms, an opening that would allow him to kill Eventide while she used a sealing blade on Future Zamasu. If her plan worked they could take out their foe and save this parallel world from the dark fate that Eventide had planned for it, since without mortals the entire universe, at the very least, would be wiped out, but for it to work their foe had to be distracted for a significant amount of time.

While that happened both Goku and Vegeta experienced a new attack from Eventide, who opened small portals in the air around her and threw either a punch or kick through it, to hit her foes from their blind spots and disrupt their movements so she could take control of the situation, but that hardly mattered to the pair as they dominated the fight, pushing their foe back more and more as time passed. The fact that they were beating the stuffing out of Eventide just made her even angrier than she had been before, like she underestimated the power that a Saiyan might possess and might be making a part of her regret choosing Twilight's body, since she couldn't figure out how to draw out her various forms. Their attacks had the effect that she had been hoping for when this idea came into mind, Eventide's regeneration couldn't handle the sheer volley of attacks she was tanking right now, as under the cuts and tears that appeared on her clothing Twilight was able to see cracks in her body. That fact, combined with the bubbling that wrapped around each crack, told her that part of her fusion had to be breaking and she honestly didn't care what the reason behind it happening might be, rather she was glad to see it and braced herself for what might be coming up in the next couple of moments.

The Final Kamehameha that the two Saiyans performed, however, did some serious damage to Eventide, to the point that she ripped off the torn off portions of her attire, briefly showing everyone her bra for some odd reason, before trying to mend her body... though as that happened her form shimmered, half of it Eventide and the other half Future Zamasu, to which Future Trunks, wielding a glowing blue blade, rushed out and slashed their foe in half.

"Quick, stab Eventide in the heart." Twilight stated, where she pulled out one of the sealing blades as the two halves of their foe landed on the ground, having regained their original bodies after being hacked in half, leading to Future Trunks rushing towards his target as she focused on the immortal Future Zamasu.

In the next moment something strange happened as Eventide snapped her eyes open and blasted Future Trunks right in the chest, causing him to drop the now normal sword he carried and allowed her to pick it up so she could break it like it was nothing more than a twig. As that happened Future Zamasu did the same thing to Twilight and broke her blade at the same time, though that was when the strangeness of the situation unfolded as both seemed to turn into a strange purple goo before taking on the form they had possessed while fused into a single being. Such a thing gave them two Eventides to deal with, who simply grinned at them while they stood near each other, though because of the fact that they had just suffered a crushing defeat their power was now far greater than it had been a few moments ago. Without wasting time she, Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks gathered their power and loosed a couple of blasts in the direction that their foes were standing in, blowing the entire area around them to pieces while leaving behind bits and pieces of the two Eventides everywhere.

Much to Twilight's amazement and confusion the pieces, despite having no life of their own, regenerated into a fully grown version of Eventide, meaning their foe had gone from a 'Fused' state to an 'Infinite' state, or 'Infinite Eventide', and such a thing simply caused them to grin as they started to gather around the group.

"Okay, timeout... how, in the name of the Demon Realm, did you pull off this trick?!" Twilight exclaimed, because this was just stupid as she considered what was going on, as there was no way that the power of immortality would allow such a thing to happen in the first place, meaning there had to be another power either of their foes had gained before they had the idea to merge, as this multiplication without reason was stupid.

"There's no need for you to understand, mortal. Only death awaits you." one Eventide said, though figuring out which one was a near impossible task considering that there were now at least fifty of them, due to how many blasts had struck the area they had been standing in earlier, and it was easy for them to see that their foe was enjoying this turn of events, even if they couldn't explain this odd event as well.

As Twilight opened her mouth to say something, however, everyone paused as a surge of energy surprised them and drew their attention to what appeared to be a massive vortex of space-time energy appearing in the air, diagonally from where they were standing, as if it was a gate of some kind, and the dark energy caused Twilight to realize what was going on, even if it made no sense as well.

"The Dragon of Domination comes." a voice said, where Twilight found that they weren't alone as she spotted the robed version of herself that had helped them escape from this parallel world not that long ago, though her eyes were on the gate and caused her to do the same thing, forcing everyone else to focus on it as they wondered what was going on.

Twilight really had no idea why Darkstar, the 'Dragon of Domination' apparently, was coming to this parallel world, now of all times, but she knew this classified as a situation going from bad to worse and made her wonder what in the world was going to happen when the unwanted intruder finally joined them.

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