• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Galactic Business

After hearing Jaco's threat towards the Earth, all because of the fact that Goku and Vegeta had a new level of power, one that was unheard of before this point, Twilight spent the next week doing what she did best, delving into information and using it to help her in whatever plans she had in mind. Of course she had planned on dealing with the Galactic Patrol at some point in time, mostly to unite the universe without multiple massive forces fighting for control, as in her father's Empire and the people who tried to police everything, but Jaco's statement had forced her hand. The way he easily spoke about bringing about the end of a planet, all because the residents of it happened to cross the threshold of power and moved into what he called a 'dangerous region of power', caused her to make sure he was unable to do anything, basically keeping him chained on Earth while she sorted out this mess. She also found confirmation on the existence of the 'Extinction Bombs' which were designed to eradicate problem planets without the Galactic Patrol having to do too much, though Jaco was wrong in thinking that they used a deadly virus to wipe out the living species on a planet, as they were definitely bombs.

Confirming that fact, however, lead to an unsettling discovery that made her question how the Galactic Patrol had gotten away with everything for so long, before realizing that the gods of this universe not doing their job was the answer, hence why she made an appointment to meet with the Galactic King to discuss things.

Such a thing meant that Twilight was, at long last, stepping foot on the highly advanced Galactic Patrol Headquarters, or at least that was what the tales said about the station in question, leading to her immense disappointment when she quickly realized the entire place was, for the most part, lesser than her father's ship. Most of the technology was two or even three phases behind what she could make, while nothing was on a higher level than what she was used to, and she found that, while she was looking around, that she could hack into their defenses with far too much ease. It was almost insulting when she thought about it, that the Galactic Patrol didn't have better security for their computers, and she even used one of the tablets that didn't have a backdoor into the mainframe, just to give herself a challenge, not that it mattered since she pierced their pitiful defenses with little effort. Anyone with some skill in hacking could breach their mainframe and just take control of everything, turn the entire station against the Galactic Patrol, not to mention they could free the various prisoners in the prison, which would set Moro free to do whatever he wanted with his remaining time.

There was also someone watching her as she waited for the Galactic King to arrive, a young male humanoid alien that had purplish colored skin and short grayish hair, while wearing a dark purple jumpsuit with an orange stripe going down the sides of his arms, legs, and his sides themselves, who identified himself as Merus when she arrived.

"A patrolman of total mystery... no last name, an address that leads to a tiny moon with only a small pyramid on it, simply appeared one day, out of the blue, and asked for a job." Twilight remarked, where she, her mother, and Whis looked at the tablet she was currently using, her own since she preferring it over all of the others that her father had, though it was far too easy for her to see some similarities between Whis and Merus.

"You know it's illegal to hack into the Galactic Patrol's system and read personal records, right?" Merus asked, though at the same time it was easy to see that he didn't do anything, either due to knowing who she was, and that would be very impressive since not a lot of people outside the Empire knew of her relation to Frieza, or because Whis was standing near her, where she was sure it was the latter option.

"Yeah, well next time make sure to update your mainframe... there's almost nothing there, meaning I can just waltz in and see whatever information I want." Twilight stated, where she could already see several things that could be done to make sure any future hackers were unable to actually enter the important mainframe that protected the Galactic Patrol's vast amount of information and systems, while preserving the backdoor she had in the various systems.

"I really don't understand why we're even here." Beerus remarked, because Whis had insisted that they come with Twilight and see how this event played out, though his complaint was more due to the fact that there was nothing interesting for him to eat, while his trainees were excited for more real world experience, especially since Twilight was involved.

As Twilight informed him that he would understand in due time, due to the fact that they were waiting for someone, she was interrupted by the arrival of the figure that she had been waiting for since her arrival, the Galactic King, which turned out to be a light green octopus creature who wore nothing, save for a golden crown with the insignia of the Galactic Patrol on the front of it.

"Oh, it looks like we got here sooner than I expected... he's not even dressed yet." Twilight commented, which she saw as another insulting thing, the fact that the Galactic King was running late to the meeting he had agreed to previously, and she was being polite in saying she got the time wrong for the event, not to mention the fact that he was nude, which just seemed to surprise everyone as they looked at him.

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm dressed... see the crown?!" the Galactic King stated, showing that he heard her statement and actually seemed offended by the acquisition that he was wearing nothing, which just made her wonder if he was mental, unfit to be the leader of such a powerful organization, even if her father's was even stronger.

"No, you're not. I've studied your species before and I know that everyone else is capable of wearing clothing... I'm sorry to say it, but a crown is not clothing." Twilight said, where she had to resist the urge to do anything that might show him that she was already annoyed with his decision to not wear anything, especially since the rest of the Galactic Patrol wore their own jumpsuits between their skin and the chest pieces that seemed to be standard issue, "Go on, go put on some actual clothing... I can wait for you to do that, even though wearing clothes shouldn't be something someone else has to tell you to do."

"How rude! As you can see, I am wearing my crown, thus I am fully clothed." the Galactic King replied, though as he took a moment to cross his tentacles, the ones that were his arms to be exact, Twilight's eye twitched as his insult registered in her mind, but as his shadow vibrated, as she was sorely tempted to get rid of him here and now, Merus glanced towards it and she stopped her power.

"Fine. Do whatever you want... I didn't come here to talk to you about this anyway." Twilight remarked, as she could argue with him about this point all day if she really wanted to, but she didn't and would rather get her visit over with, so she could get back to her own training and the work she had been working on recently.

"What did you come here to talk about? The attendants told me nothing after this meeting was set up." the Galactic King inquired, where he walked into a chamber that was large enough for everyone in the group, all while keeping an eye on the group that he, like most people, had assumed to be a myth, that being Beerus and what appeared to be his students, a fact that made him more nervous than he was willing to admit.

"I found out about your Extinction Bombs, the damage the Galactic Patrol has done, and decided that it was time to bring an end to both it and the division of the universe." Twilight replied, where she took a seat across from the Galactic King and just tapped a few keys on her tablet, allowing her to seize control of the various screens that were in this meeting chamber, most of which happened to show the various leaders of the planets of their universe, both under the Empire's rule and those who had sided with the Galactic Patrol, "You are aware that an Extinction Bomb is a small capsule like device that can bring about the end of planets who might have 'troublesome' warriors, who you and your predecessors feared would eventually come into contact with Frieza or his family and piss them off. To that end you devised a weapon capable of wiping out the planet in a matter of seconds, once it makes contact with the planet's surface, so you could protect the rest of the universe from the potential rage and destruction that might follow someone challenging and annoying the Empire... you destroy one planet to keep the rest safe."

"Galactic King... please tell me you didn't authorize the use of those foul devices." Merus said, though he looked stunned, as it was clear that he knew of them, even despised them based on how he was reacting, but disagreed with the fact that they even existed in the first place.

"I'm sorry to say it, but he did: Planet Lizon, home to a race of psychic warriors who could have done some serious harm to the Empire, was taken out by such a device." Twilight stated, where she noticed that the Galactic King was stunned, likely due to the fact that what he had done in the past was now being brought up by someone he clearly knew nothing about, which was his problem, while the representatives of the other planets seemed shocked by this news, "He would have ordered the destruction of Planet Vegeta as well, but Frieza beat him to the punch and blew it up, along with most of the Saiyans that called it home. His predecessors successfully fired six Extinction Bombs before he took over, where each planet had people of power that could have, eventually, challenged the might of Frieza and his empire, so they were wiped out to make sure the rest of the universe was safe. Merus, I will admit that you were able to keep the potential damage that could have been done to our planets to a minimum, always finding a way to save the planets."

"I also dismantled the Extinction Bombs whenever I could... I just couldn't agree with their existence." Merus commented, a fact that caused his boss to frown at him, as if he was hurt that his best operative was willing to go behind his back and do all sorts of harm to the weapons that he believed kept the universe safe, but it showed Twilight that he was passionate about keeping their universe safe, a fact that she admired, "How did you find out about them anyway?"

"Oh, Jaco saw a couple of Saiyans access a new level of power and decided to declare war on the Earth, despite the fact that it's part of the Empire." Twilight answered, where her mother produced the still chained patrolman so they could see how he was being restrained for his words, while at the same time she tapped another button and revealed a recording of Jaco's statement about his report, as in everything that had informed Twilight about the Extinction Bombs, something that shocked the observers and caused Beerus to growl.

"So you're here to declare war on us, are you?" the Galactic King inquired, though this was a turn of events that not even he could have predicted when he agreed to this meeting, while it did confirm the rumors he had heard about Earth being part of Frieza's massive empire, something that made this situation even worse as he noticed that Frieza, who was in a new form that seemed to be his true base form, was annoyed as well.

In the next moment something unexpected happened for the Galactic King, he found that Twilight was laughing at him, as if she was making fun of the situation that was unfolding before his eyes and the eyes of the universe, or at least that was his thoughts on the matter since those behind Twilight weren't shocked by her laughter.

"War? Is that why you think I came here? No, if I wanted to go to war I would have done it already." Twilight stated, where she tapped another button and revealed a recording from the alternate timeline where she decided to go to war with the Galactic Patrol, involving her tearing through their section of the universe without pause, without anyone stopping her in her quest to make the universe a better place, and when it was over everyone was stunned, "Had I decided to declare war on your organization, for Jaco uttering those stupid words against a planet that is part of the Empire, the entirety of the Galactic Patrol, which is made up of fifteen planets and thirteen space stations, would have been destroyed in about an hour. No one would have stopped me, all would have stood to the side as I purged you from the universe... however, this is not the path I have chosen, even though it would have pleased Ikit since he's got an idea for a 'Doomlaser', one that can wipe out a station in a single blast. I am not here to declare war on the Galactic Patrol, rather I am here to accept your unconditional surrender... do so and I can promise you a lifetime in prison, with a chance of release on good behavior, or you can refuse and the God of Destruction will annihilate you for Jaco's threat towards a planet he's interested in."

While the Galactic King thought about what was going on, and what it meant for him, Merus realized that there was no way out of this, Twilight had broadcast the sins of the various Galactic Rulers to the rest of the known universe, letting the rest of the universe know about the Extinction Bombs. This was a hostile takeover without any fighting or aggression, as she was using the full weight of Frieza's Empire, her father's own Empire, in combination with the rest of the universe to get whatever she was after, plus the forces of the Demon Realm as he glanced at Towa. There were all sorts of forces that have been made aware to what was going on with the Galactic Patrol, all thanks to Twilight's influence, and right now he couldn't do anything to stop the events she had set in motion, and it wasn't long before the rulers of the other planets started to call for the Galactic King's arrest. In that moment he understood that they were facing oblivion, that if a strong leader, one who fought for the good of the universe and not their own interests, didn't step forward it would mean the end of the organization and possibly trigger a war anyway, and he made a decision in that instant.

Twilight watched as Merus made the difficult decision to arrest his own boss, even though he was cheered on by the rest of the people that were watching this event, while Jaco, himself, was shocked by this turn of events, though it pleased Whis and the others as the Galactic King was escorted to a cell for the time being.

"With the Galactic King arrested, the future of the Galactic Patrol is now in uncertain territory." Whis commented, though as he said that he noticed that Merus seemed to be thinking about something, no doubt he was about to change the face of the universe in some manner, though not in the dramatic manner that Twilight had done in the short amount of time she had been in this universe.

"We need a strong leader, one who puts the universe before their own desires, to restore the balance of power... for that reason, I nominate Twilight Sparkle for the position." Merus stated, as the screens were still online and were connected to the various planets that Frieza's daughter was interested in sharing the information with, though as she turned towards him for a moment he bowed his head, as he knew that she was the best candidate to unite their universe, "I would like to undo the damage that has been done to the universe, and standing under your banner is best for everyone, as you fight for the safety of the universe and it's people... hence why I think you should lead the Galactic Patrol."

"The Frieza Force stands with you as well." Frieza said, where it was easy for many of the watchers to see that King Cold and Cooler were with him and that both agreed with his statement, though Merus knew it would have happened since Twilight was part of their family as well.

"As does the Dark Imperial Army." Towa added, because while they only had a single realm to their name, one that her daughter was the ruler of thanks to taking Mechikabura's place, none of what happened there was common knowledge to the rest of the universe and this told everyone that even Demons bowed to Twilight's vast wisdom and power.

"Very well then, I accept." Twilight stated, though while this wasn't one of her projected outcomes, as she always thought that the total takeover of the Galactic Patrol would come far in the future, she wasn't about to let this opportunity slip by her, where she summoned a symbol of the Galactic King with her magic and shattered it, replacing it with a six pointed star that looked like a sparkle, a mark that spoke to her, that replaced the existing symbols, "All hail Empress Twilight Sparkle, Ruler of the Known Universe."

Whis smiled a little as he heard that, because Twilight had done a lot for the universe throughout her entire life, causing all of the planets to grow and improving the quality of life of everyone, especially those on Earth, something that made him look forward to whatever the future held in store for their universe.

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