• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Buu: Shocking Turn of Events

After Goku departed for the Other World, leaving the warriors of Earth to wonder what they were going to do while Goten and Trunks trained to master the technique that he had taught them, Twilight got to work without wasting time, since she had a lot of things to do and not a lot of time to do them in. Her first act was to mark the new Dark Dragon Ball with a small portion of her magic, not even a percent so it could go undetected and spring her trap when the time was right, before she teleported the sphere back to the era it was supposed to be in, since this seemed like the wrong one. She knew that the Three Star Dark Dragon Ball was Buu's, she had confirmed it when he moved earlier, though she suspected it had come to the wrong era or even the wrong version of this era, so her spell returned it to it's true place in history. If she was right it was only a matter of time until one of the Demon Gods or Goddesses collected the sphere from the version of Majin Buu that had been it's intended target, and once it was claimed it was only a matter of time until her trap was sprung.

Once that was done she traveled back down to Buu's place and found that he was using the clay they had created to build his house, brick by brick to use an Earthling saying, though his residence looked more like a dog than anything, just without the ears and tail, but Buu was pleased with it and Twilight said nothing about it. He even showed her around to some of the rooms that he had made during the construction, as there was a fully functional kitchen, she wasn't even going to ask how he knew about this stuff, a dining area, a living room complete with a television, a bathing area, an area for him to brush his teeth, and an area for him to sleep in. She found herself admitting that Buu was definitely smarter than many suspected, as he knew the ins and outs of a house, without actually entering one, and his powers allowed him to make things work as if they were actually in a building that the people of the Earth lived in. Buu even ushered her out of the bathroom for a time, where she found that he even had a curtain in place, reminding her that his power let him turn one thing into another, and that he had running water, which she decided not to question since she figured Buu didn't have an answer.

What was interesting was that Buu was content to wait for the promised foes to show up and do battle with him, just like Goku had promised, and he told Twilight that he was going to spend his time hanging out in the area, no doubt using his powers to change everything into his own person playground.

"Well, just be careful if you decide to head to any of the nearby towns or cities, since everyone thinks your a villain... but, given your powers, you might be able to do some good deeds." Twilight said, because if Buu was able to transform rocks into clay, and even working televisions and kitchen appliances, she suspected his power might also do other things, such as cure blindness, mend wounds, and whatnot.

"Will I be able to convince them that I'm a good boy?" Buu asked, showing Twilight that, while he was a feared being that could destroy the world, even the entire universe if he wanted to do so, his current mindset must have been drawn from the Grand Kaioshin's own good personality, meaning the evil was likely being locked away for now, maybe due to her very presence for some odd reason.

"If you don't destroy anything and help people... maybe." Twilight admitted, as she had no idea if this idea would work or not, because while there were smart people in the world she also knew there were idiots, and she was sure an idiot would come and ruin everything, but if they were lucky they might be able to save the world, not to mention the rest of the vast universe, from Buu's darkness, "I'm going to go check on the warriors, make sure they're on track with their training, so it'll be a while before I return... when I do, well, we can play a few games."

As Buu cheered, showing that he wanted to impress her so they could play some games, Twilight headed outside and just flew on top of a cliff, allowing her to see that Buu went out to mold the surrounding area into what he desired, to make it more like a home, before teleporting to the Lookout. From there she found that Piccolo had plans to whip both Goten and Trunks into shape so they could master the Fusion Dance in a short period of time, since there was no telling when, or if, Buu would go back on his word and start ruining everything. As of now Twilight wasn't convinced this training was even remotely necessary, but, based on her prior experience, she knew that things could go south in an instant and that it was better to be prepared than to be caught with their pants down, so she was fine with them training some more. Other than that she found Aria and they pulled away from everyone else, leaving them to prepare for either the end of the world or it being saved, though once both of them were a fair distance away Aria used her own teleport power to warp them to their intended destination.

Both she and Aria had figured out that Shin and Kibito had taken Gohan to the Sacred World of the Kai, the very planet the Kaioshin lived on and watched the universe from, though when certain dangers, like Kid Buu or Moro, showed themselves they headed out to deal with them, where Twilight found Gohan, dressed in similar clothing to Shin, training with an old sword for some odd reason.

"I figured you were brought here." Twilight remarked, where Gohan stopped swinging the sword around and turned to face her and Aria, while at the same time Shin and Kibito were surprised to see them again, something that caused her to turn towards the pair who fled the moment Buu was freed, "As you no doubt know, Buu's been released, but for the time being I've been able to talk him into not attacking the people of the Earth, as he seems to take my words to heart, plus he's interested in the fighters that Goku promised him. I can't say how long it'll be before he gets bored, but you have time to continue your training while Goten and Trunks do their own training on the Lookout."

"No way... did you pull out the legendary Z Sword?!" Aria asked, as she had been staring at the blade Gohan was holding and suddenly everything clicked in her mind, while Twilight found that it resembled a longsword, though the Saiyan just nodded his head to confirm that he had done such a thing, no doubt on Shin's wishes, "I hate to interrupt your training, but... can I see the sword for a moment?"

"Um... sure." Gohan said, where he held it out and the pair found something interesting, as soon as Aria grasped it she was nearly pulled down by the sheer weight of the Z Sword, though to Shin and Kibito's amazement she was able to stop it before it hit the ground, meaning neither of them could hold the sword, "I had to utilize my transformations to give me the power to pull it out of where it was resting... trust me, even with my power and training it still took me a while to pull it out of the rock pillar it was resting in."

"Which is why you were training in your Super Saiyan form, to get used to the weight, before shifting back to normal, as to give you an edge in Shin's training." Twilight commented, which was when Gohan found that Aria passed the Z Sword to her for a moment, who, while surprised by the weight of the weapon, didn't budge too much as she stepped to her right, to put some distance between her and the others, before swinging the sword with deadly accuracy, reminding Gohan of the fact that she had once carried a sword into battle, only to stop after a few seconds, "Very nice. Here you go."

As Twilight handed the blade back, and took a seat nearby to observe Gohan while he trained, she thought about the fact she had just learned from handling it for a time, that being the fact that there was a soul trapped inside it, a powerful one that seemed to be the source of the weapon's intense weight. There was no power to be gained from the weapon itself, as in some energy attack or wish granting power, rather the power that Shin had told Gohan about came from training with a ridiculously heavy object, it was just basic weight training. At the same time, however, she suspected that if someone were to break the sword it would release whoever was sealed inside it, which could be either a good thing or a bad thing, since there was no telling who or what was resting inside the metal prison. This was good news for her, because it meant that one could seal a being of power inside an object and actually allowed her to form a plan of attack in her mind, for the foe she was far more interested in, and she suspected that if she combined this with Dabura's petrification power she might just succeed in her dangerous plan.

Goku also showed up sometime later, showing that he could teleport here with his Instant Transmission since he felt his son's Ki, which couldn't be felt on Earth, though Twilight focused on her plans and her own training, utilizing her power over darkness to increase the weight of her staff to mimic the Z Sword, all while planning on heading back to Earth after a bit to check up on Majin Buu.

When Twilight and Aria returned to the Lookout, on the day following Buu's revival, they discovered something interesting the moment they sought Buu out, he seemed to be having way too much fun with his little domain, reshaping everything before changing it again, though he also went out to explore the world. As it turned out he only attacked those who dared to attack him first, similar to what Cell did while he was waiting for his games to start, and it usually happened when he was traveling from one place to another, where the creature made sure to pull them away from the cities before taking all of his pursuers out. Of course he faced severe consequences when he tried to enter the cities, no one wanted to speak to him since they were running for the hills, but despite all that he didn't lash out at them or wipe out their homes, rather he simply moved on and tracked down another place where he might be able to help people out. Twilight concluded that her earlier words had been successful, she had, against all odds, set Buu down another path in life, where he was trying to do good and prove that he wasn't the monster that Babidi told everyone, and while everything seemed to be working against him he continued to hold his head up high.

Eventually Buu encountered a young boy that was dressed in rags, walked with a cane, and seemed to be blind, where he confirmed one of Twilight's suspicions, he held the power to heal even blindness and did so without delay, something that caused the boy to express his gratitude and he even handed over a coin to Buu. The creature spent some time speaking to the boy, who did, in fact, tell the creature that he was cool, while at the same time Aria joined them and told Buu about money, something he didn't seem to care for since his focus was on being 'cool'. Twilight watched as Aria turned the coin into a container of milk, which the boy had been going to buy, why on his own they had no idea, though once he was on his way back home Buu went out to find more people to help while Aria returned to her side with a smile on her face. It was far too easy for Twilight to see why Aria was happy, because this version of Buu was far better than the one who killed her and the other Kaioshin, and as long as he remained in this peaceful state she saw no reason to bother him.

With that in mind Aria decided to return to Shin's world for a time, just to be sure Gohan's training was going well, despite their earlier visit, and while she did that Twilight simply watched as Buu returned home to rest and wait for the challenger to appear like he had been promised.

While she was observing Buu, however, she felt a rise in Ki and teleported to the Lookout without delay, where it took her no time at all to locate Goten and Trunks as they finally attempted the Fusion Dance, only for her and Piccolo to instantly spot a flaw in their sequence, as the latter didn't ball his fists at the proper time. The resulting fusion resulted in a kid that was just as tall as both Saiyan children, which had to be another reason for the identical height rule, while wearing a sash, an open vest over his chest, baggy pants, and pointed shoes, though he was obese and couldn't run for long. Piccolo told them where they went wrong and they patiently for the half hour limit to run out, not to mention the hour rest before the pair could attempt it again, though Twilight did learn that the kids intended to use the name 'Gotenks' when they used this technique. When the hour was up Piccolo demanded that they do the dance again, though this time around Trunks made another mistake in no aligning his fingers correctly, only for everyone to find that the fusion came out as a skinny bag of bones, resulting in more time wasted.

The third time, as the saying went, happened to be the charm as Goten and Trunks pulled the Fusion Dance off perfectly, creating a warrior that was lean and fit, while having spiked hair that had black sides, like Goten's, and a lavender center that had to be Trunks' contribution, and his base power was extraordinary.

"So this is the power of the Metamoran Fusion Dance... it's incredible." Twilight said, where she realized that the sheer level of power that the fusion possessed was enough to actually challenge Buu to a fight, which only made her take a few seconds to wonder just how strong they'd be as a Super Saiyan, a Super Saiyan 2, or even a Super Saiyan 3 if they were capable of pulling off the newest form.

"You finally did it. We will try again as Super Saiyans once the time limit is up." Piccolo stated, though as he sweated for a moment he both agreed with Twilight, the power that Gotenks was letting off was incredible, and understood why Goku felt that this could defeat Buu in a fight.

"Nah, don't underestimate me. This is enough to beat Buu." Gotenks replied, waving a finger to show that he was more arrogant than either of the kids that went into making him, where Twilight assumed it was Trunks' side speaking, before he shifted his stance and faced Twilight, who raised an eyebrow in return, "Here, I'll prove it and beat Twilight up."

She understood Gotenks' reasoning, both kids likely knew that she was, by far, the strongest warrior present and felt that taking her down in battle would prove that his strength was the real deal so the others would let him go, and, to show his level of immaturity, he rushed at her before she took on her own battle stance. In that instant she decided to tank some of his attacks, just to see how well his power had grown due to the Fusion Dance, and while his power was far greater than the two who went into making him, just like they felt, she could tell, with just a couple of punches, that he didn't have the power to beat Buu. With that in mind she caught his next punch, surprising him in the process, before she slammed him into the ground of the Lookout and walked away, though when he tried to attack her backside Twilight turned and loosed a blast into his chest, sending him flying off the structure before blowing up some distance away. With Piccolo around to mend their clothing and Dende there to heal their wounds, powers that were useful at this point in time, she wasn't even a little concerned with treating them rough, since it would help them realize that this wasn't a game.

After that Twilight walked over to a portion of the Lookout where she could lean against a pillar and do two things, as the first was observe Goten and Trunks as they were healed and rested for their next test, while the second was the fact that Mr. Satan was moving against Buu.

Normally she would teleport down and stop him from doing something stupid, but, since Buu was in a good mood, she decided to simply observe them for a time, where she watched as the man pulled out a box full of chocolate that held a deadly poison inside each sweet cube. As she expected he was trying to save the world like he was facing Cell, or a person for that matter, and confirmed that poison meant nothing to Buu, in fact he thought the poisoned chocolate was better than what he had previously, causing Mr. Satan to let him eat all of it before pulling out a handheld game player. This was disguised as a bomb that would detonate when the man was safe enough away, though it was a minor detonation and it did nothing to Buu, who came to the conclusion that Mr. Satan was funny and that he'd be a great distraction while he waited for the challenger to arrive. The shocking part was that after the man convinced Buu to take a picture with him, one that involved Buu laying on the ground in defeat with the man over him, a victory picture, cooked a nice dinner for Buu in no time, and even helped him in the bath, he changed his own plans.

Instead of trying to kill or destroy Buu he started to try to befriend him, which was easier since Twilight had started the process for him without really meaning to, though she was distracted for a moment as Gotenks was reformed in his own Super Saiyan form, only for the fusion to fly off and go around the world multiple times before returning after burning through his time.

"Twilight, I can tell that something is bothering you." a voice said, where she found her grandfather walking over to her, as he and Cooler had remained on Earth to watch the tournament go down, especially with a promised fight between Goku and Vegeta, while her father went back to their home planet to make sure the empire was running smoothly, "Is it Buu?"

"Yes. Despite the good that's happening to him, I can't shake this feeling of dread that's been bothering me." Twilight replied, because there were a pair of humans in the outskirts of the nearest city that was in proximity to where Buu lived, killing all sorts of people with guns while having a smile on their faces, and if things went south there was a chance that this could shake up the entire world, maybe even the entire universe, "How far is father's ship from the planet?"

"He should be nearing Neptune in the next few minutes, and should be here within an hour or two thanks to the engines you made for intergalactic travel." King Cold answered, where he tilted his head for a moment as he found that Twilight was already thinking of something important, as the gears in her head were clearly turning and it meant she might have an idea of some sort.

"Ask him to stop his ship and tell him that he will be receiving guests soon... something bad is going to happen." Twilight said, because those two men were going to do something incredibly stupid, she could see it happening, and she didn't want most of their group involved in whatever it brought about, hence why she was beating the disaster to the punch by getting her acquaintances off the planet.

Sure enough Twilight discovered that some questioned why they were being gathered, especially given the power of the technique Goku had showed the two small warriors, but everyone also knew that if she was warning them it was best to just follow her lead and let her do her thing. As such she used her own Instant Transmission to teleport everyone onto the ship her father was using to travel to the Earth, where the distance from the planet ensured that they would be safe, in case her dreadful feeling turned out to be accurate and something bad did happen. The only ones left on the Lookout were those preparing to fight Buu, as Goten and Trunks were still training to ensure they were ready, while Twilight's children and even Eschalot were preparing to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber when the moment arrived, because if something happened to be, and confirmed her dreadful feeling, they'd need it to prepare Gotenks as fast as possible. Piccolo also stayed behind for the time being, to oversee the training and ensure the pair had all the time that they could use before the big fight came to their doorstep, and Twilight stuck around to observe and maybe even fight this time.

While they were doing that, however, Buu found a wounded puppy and brought it back to his house, causing him to ask Mr. Satan a few questions about it before mending it's injured leg, something that caused it to be happy and run around him with a smile on it's muzzle. Following that Mr. Satan went to the city and purchased some actual dog food, since what Buu had on hand wasn't good for a little puppy like this, and it wasn't long before he returned and did the unthinkable, he was able to get Buu to swear off killing people. In that moment Twilight wondered if she was overreacting, only to be proven right a moment later as the two men appeared on a nearby cliff and actually shot the puppy, forcing Mr. Satan into action as Buu just stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face, leaving the man to knock the two men down. Following that Mr. Satan found that the puppy was still alive and Buu was able to heal him with ease, but that was when things took a wrong turn as the younger man shot Mr. Satan, something that boiled Buu's blood as he ran off, though as he healed the man Buu fought with his emotions as steam started to spill out of his pores.

In the following moment Buu expelled all of his evil from his body, producing a grey thin Buu that held almost all of their vast power, who killed one of the men without wasting a second, and Twilight could only watch as Evil Buu quickly beat Innocent Buu to the point that the latter used his beam to try and turn the former into chocolate, only for it to backfire... and as Evil Buu ate the now chocolaty Innocent Buu Twilight knew that things had gone from bad to worse at long last.

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