• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Full Moon Terror

Following Twilight's trip to New Namek, and the events that happened after discovering that Bulma had made a wish on the Earth Eternal Dragon for her, not to mention her actions following that, she finally released her projects from the special containers they were in. After seeing the three strangers who arrived the day she fought Cell, even if that was when she and the others had first seen them, she had used the information she gleamed from them, due to her modified spy drones, along with the blood samples and Gero's technology, to make three small children. She had figured it out after going over everything she had seen and heard, one of her future selves, possibly even her future mother, had sent them back in time to ensure the Dark Imperial Army failed in their mission to destroy her before she became immortal. Since she had no plans to date or marry anyone this was her workaround, the creation of Calas, who was based off Cell, Houko, who was based off of Android 21 in Gero's notes, and Mira, the third figure who grew white fur when charging at the Dark Imperial Army.

Her mother was overjoyed by that fact, since it expanded the family even more than before, and her father, when he heard about it, had been caught off guard by her actions, though that was only the tip of the iceberg when she considered all the work she had done before this point in time.

One thing she did was publish her notes on Ki for the public to buy and study, which she proved to the scientists by using a bit to float in the air for a time, though her newfound books only contained the basics, since going too far would be a bad thing depending on who accessed the information. In addition to that she revealed a new version of her drug to the rest of the world, Animorph Z she called it, a combination of the original drug and a bit of Saiyan DNA, enough to give someone a boost to their strength when they trained or fought. This version was supposed to be a booster for warriors, since there were so many fighters in the world, and she even had a test set up since there were people who wanted to see her newest product in action, something she had anticipated before even finishing the drug. The only thing she had to do was ask Yamcha if he would be willing to take part in the test, something he would be compensated for since it was the common thing to do and she knew that he needed money since he was jobless, and he agreed without delay.

The test was rather simple, all he had to do was use one of the punching machines to record the strength of his swing, a common thing that was being introduced in the tournaments of the world, where Mr. Satan's record was 140, then take the drug before training for half an hour before striking the machine again. Yamcha nodded as he took his stance before the machine and struck it, causing a reading of 100 to appear on the screen, though as the scientists took their notes he took the sample that Twilight had prepared for him when he agreed to do this. She had offered to give him an animal he liked or was attuned to and he had accepted it without delay, so when he ate the modified cracker he paused for a couple of seconds as his ears transformed into a pair of wolf ears and a wolf tail grew out of his spine, going through a hole he had prepared for this event. Once that was done he went about training in front of the experts who came to observe the drug in action, doing a few things they asked to stress his body in several ways to try and get a response out of the drug, and when time was up he struck the machine again, earning a 105 this time around.

Sure enough they approved of the new version of the substance and her company started to produce her new items with ease, though after that Yamcha decided to go full Beastian, sticking to the wolf form, which likely helped him feel better and grow stronger over time.

While all of that happened Twilight and the Z Warriors discovered something interesting, there were consequences of her turning Bulma into a dragon Beastian, as not six months after the event in question the pair revealed their second child to everyone else, a little girl who was a gray scaled dragon Beastian. Her name was Bulla Eschalot Briefs, a hybrid like Trunks, Gohan, and even Goten, the last one being Chi-Chi's second son that she revealed at the same time, though everyone was more focused on the little dragon and less interested in a kid who resembled a young Goku. While Bulma hadn't planned on it happening, in fact it was clear that she thought one had been enough for a while, it was easy to see that she was very happy to have little Eschalot in their lives, causing Twilight to wonder if there was more to the little hybrid, more than the ones who came before her. Even the androids had joined them in welcoming the little dragon into the world, mostly due to the fact that 18 was married to Krillin and had invited her brothers to the celebration, though they couldn't stay too long since there was an island and some animals that needed their protection.

The nights following her reveal to the rest of the group were uneventful, which Twilight attributed to the fact that she, her mother, the kids, and even Aria, who was a guest until she figured out what she wanted to do, lived in a house made in a mountain near the city Bulma lived in, before one night Twilight felt the urge to stay up later than normal and stand on a balcony that allowed her to stare in the direction of Capsule Corp.

"You couldn't sleep either, Twilight?" Aria asked, where Twilight found that the revived Kaioshin was wearing the pink night gown she had picked out during one of their trips to the city, since both she and her mother figured that she needed more than her original attire if she was going to stay on Earth, but it made sense for Aria to have some sleepless nights, due to the fact that she was likely remembering the day Buu killed her.

"There's something in the air... what I don't know." Twilight replied, as she could tell something was going to happen soon, what she had no idea, and it interested her more than she was willing to admit, she just had to wait and see whatever was about to happen, as once it happened she was planning on heading for bed.

In the next moment she and Aria heard a roar that penetrated the silent night, scaring off the animals of the forest that were near the mountain, causing Twilight to summon one of her Phantom Eyes and sent it off into the night, allowing her and Aria to observe as it raced off in the direction of West City. As she formed the window for them to observe through, a way for her to share the sight with others, they discovered that there was a hole in the eastern side of Capsule Corp, as in a large one, as if Vegeta and Bulma happened to have a fight and one of them wrecked a wall. She though of such a thing since transforming into a dragon Beastian allowed one to breath fire, though Twilight dispelled that idea as soon as they laid eyes on the one who was behind the damage, it was a dragon, just not Bulma when she took in the sheer size of the beast. The gray scales informed her that it was Eschalot and confirmed a worry she had thought of when she considered the little girl's mixed nature, her dragon tail counted as a Saiyan tail, meaning her room must have given her a direct view of the moon and that awakened the beast inside her, the Oozaru, only modified to fit her unique DNA.

Of course she wasn't standing on two legs, rather the sheer primal power had overwhelmed her and forced her onto all fours, causing Eschalot to look like a beast from legend as her body enlarged to a new size, standing just as tall as Capsule Corp in this form while looking far more menacing.

"No way... is that little Eschalot?" Aria asked, staring at the scene they were observing, while marveling at Twilight's ability to make such a spell in such a short period of time, before noticing that flames were building in her throat, confirming that the beast was in control, especially since Eschalot was just a baby and had no control over anything.

In the next moment the beast loosed a burst of flames down one of the streets, an attack that appeared to be the result of a dragon's flames being mixed with an Oozaru's beam attack, which tore apart the ground, set everything around the now broken street on fire, destroyed the sides of some of the buildings, and waking up everyone in the area in the process. It was easy to tell that she was going on a rampage, crushing anything and everything that happened to be near her as she attacked whatever she wanted, and sure enough she found that someone had come to stop her from destroying more of the city. Vegeta appeared in the air, in his newly acquired Super Saiyan 2 form that he unlocked through training alone, and seemed to be calling for Eschalot to calm down, though Twilight knew it was a losing battle, the little baby had been overwhelmed and it would be some time before she calmed down, due to the form being tied to the moon. In the next moment Twilight guessed that destroying the celestial object might free Eschalot from what was going on and revert her back to her infant form, though she knew that going through with the idea would also kill a fair number of people, due to the tides being connected to it.

She and Aria watched as Vegeta flew into the forest and left the city behind, causing his daughter to roar as she chased after him without much delay, crushing cars and damaging buildings in the process, though she caught up in no time at all, which had to surprise the Prince as Eschalot swung her right claws at him. Twilight was amused by the fact that Vegeta seemed to be unwilling to actually attack his daughter, or maybe it was out of fear that he might actually harm her, as the attack connected and pinned him to the ground in the forest he had been moving towards. As Eschalot growled Twilight found that another figure happened to be in the area, 17 to be exact, and while he didn't seem interested in fighting he was far more interested in trying to calm her down so she didn't destroy the entire forest. He did have to strike her in the side, since she wasn't listening to anything anyone was saying, though it was clear that he had some instructions for Vegeta as he carefully moved Eschalot away from where the Saiyan had brought her, causing the Prince to get up and head in a direction that was familiar to Twilight.

She mentally chuckled for a moment as she dismissed the Phantom Eye and the window they had been looking through, as not a few moments later Vegeta came to a stop in front of her balcony, where it looked like he had debated coming to her domain or just ignoring 17 entirely.

"Twilight, we... I... I require your assistance." Vegeta said, where it was easy for her to tell that he wasn't too pleased about having to come here and ask her, of all people, to help tame his daughter, especially since Eschalot was stronger than he thought, due to the fact that he was stronger than when Trunks was conceived and her enlarged form was her version of the Oozaru form, meaning her strength was too much for him.

Twilight said nothing to that as she called her staff to her side and jumped into the air, grabbing onto the weapon as she, Aria, and Vegeta moved over to the area of the forest that Eschalot was currently trashing as 17 tried to calm her down, a fact that he was failing in as the rampaging dragon swung at him and tore the landscape up.

"Eschalot, you need to calm down." Twilight stated, where she stared down at the rampaging dragon with a disapproving look on her face, as usually it caused someone to stop in their tracks and listen to her, based on what she had seen in the past, though this time around the beast just stared at her, causing Twilight to ready herself as her aura appeared around her without delay, "Don't make me do anything drastic."

In the next moment she found that flames were gathered in Eschalot's throat, indicating that she was going to attack once more, causing her to sigh as she readied her power once more, though as she prepared herself the rampaging dragon did something new, she opened her mouth and her energy gathered in front of her muzzle. It was almost like she was taking the time to fire a Kamehameha, even though she knew the baby had no idea how to do anything and assumed that it had to be Vegeta's side showing, and since she had no idea how to do things the attack just kept building. At one point 17 just rushed at her side and told Eschalot to calm down, though that only triggered the dragon as she launched her attack right at Twilight, where the sphere she had been building transformed into a beam of fiery energy that barreled into her not a few seconds later. A few seconds later the attack disappeared as Twilight emerged from the smoke it left behind, as she had activated her absorption just before it struck her, not that it mattered since it wouldn't have hurt her too much thanks to her wish on New Namek, though in that instant she focused on the task at hand.

As Eschalot growled Twilight weaved her magic into the space around her foe, forming magical chains around her arms and legs, including her neck and wings to make sure she was chained to the ground, in a way that didn't hurt her, before finding that the power of her chains weren't enough. Eschalot roared as her wings tore through the chains, which was an impressive feat considering the power that Twilight commanded, and started to build more power in an attack that would decimate the entire forest at the rate she was going. It was another sphere attack, just like the last one, and with how she was aiming it Twilight was sure that it would utterly decimate the entirety of the forest and part of her mountain home, a fact that displayed how out of control the young hybrid Saiyan was. With that in mind she focused on chaining Eschalot in place, sealing her movement as she worked on a sleep spell that would put the rampaging dragon to sleep, though she had to force Eschalot's head to face only her as the beam was fired, so she could absorb it and not decimate the area that was around her.

Once the attack was done Twilight made her move, casting the spell she had been preparing and found that it worked not a few moments later, where the beast staggered as she loosened her chains and collapsed on the ground, though she was able to confirm that she was asleep, for now.

"Vegeta, when she's ready, you bring her to me for training... she's got too much power and will need proper training to master herself." Twilight stated, because while she knew that Vegeta was skilled in his own right, especially with his own training, this rampage told her that Eschalot needed special treatment so she didn't become a terror for the rest of the city her parents lived in, much less the rest of the planet and it's people.

The Saiyan Prince nodded his head, knowing that this might be better left to her than with him, especially given her power and magic, causing Twilight to sigh as she realized that her plate was going to be full for the foreseeable future, which only made her wonder what else might happen in the near future.

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