• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Super Hero: Training and Studies

Piccolo stood with his back to a rock wall for a time as he listened to Trunks and Goten's explanation on what he had felt over the last couple of moments, the surge of power that had brought him flying to their location, expecting to find them in a battle with some villain that they had beaten. What he discovered, however, was that they had been beaten into the ground with ease, if some of the craters around the area were to be believed, and the pair claimed that they had fought off two monsters that neither of them had seen before, both seemingly designed to overpower them. Originally he thought that the two lackluster warriors were pulling his leg, that they had actually gotten into a disagreement about something and came out here to settle the score without endangering both their homes and the people that went to their school, but he was proven wrong when he checked his phone. The reason he had such a device was because he was helping Gohan and Videl with Pan, in fact he was thinking of starting her training and seeing how well she took to fighting, as Eschalot had been far more than Vegeta could handle, and by using it's search function he found a video of the battle unfold, revealing that the pair had been telling the truth.

It also gave him a chance to see the fox creature that had saved them, along with the demonic being that seemed to be a villain or something, causing him to sigh as he put the device away and focused his attention on the pair that was in front of him, especially since they had asked something interesting of him after explaining everything to him.

"So, we have a villain whose interested in world domination... it's been a long time since someone tried that." Piccolo said, as all of the information he had discovered in the span of the last few minutes was very interesting, even though he did think it was worth noting that the villain this time around had fled the moment someone else, like himself for example, came into the area that the demon was in, "And, for some odd reason, he's targeting you two. Since you performed so poorly, in fact that show would have gotten you killed in the past, you want me to train both of you in your off time, all to regain your battle senses and prepare yourselves for whenever his next attack is. Have I missed anything?"

"No, that's about it. You're the only one who can help us rapidly regain our senses, especially since we're not allowed to use Stellaris' specialized equipment." Trunks replied, though even he knew that needed to change, as Eschalot would be a great boon to their growth, even though he didn't want to admit defeat and ask his younger sister for help, but what he said was also true, Twilight's school had all sorts of ways to allow one to train and improve their skills, something that both he and Gohan could benefit from.

"Plus your the only one we can ask, without the information getting back to our mothers." Gohan added, because part of their explanation included what Twilight had told them, including the part where they were failing to meet the standards of Blue Hal High School, to the point where he suspected that he and Trunks would be expelled in the very near future, a fact he wanted to avoid telling their mothers about.

"Honestly, Twilight's probably told them everything by this point... the only reason they haven't torn you to shreds by now is because they trust her to do something about it." Piccolo remarked, showing the pair that he understood the situation far more than either of them expected, especially since it looked like they had come to the conclusion that Twilight had turned her back on both of them, but he could see that they didn't seem to believe him that much, no doubt thinking back to their earlier conversation with Twilight, "But, after seeing your performance, I want both of you to come by my house tomorrow and I'll get started on restoring your battle senses... but be warned, I won't go easy on either of you."

The pair stood there for a moment before taking to the air and heading back to their own homes, as now they had to tell their mothers why they were marked up, since their battle with the dinosaur and parrot had left some markings on their school attire, causing him to glance around for a moment before heading back to his house. He had used some of his own spare time to build a traditional two story Namekian house, located near a lake that was a fair distance away from the city that Twilight had set her base of operations in, and her school in for that matter, because it meant he'd be close to her if anything new happened. He hadn't expected to get caught up in whatever scheme she had created for the pair, but he did know she wouldn't do something that would bring harm to her world, and with how bad they had performed he knew that they needed some guidance in order to be ready for whatever was coming their way next. With that in mind Piccolo was fine with inviting the pair to his place, even though he did prefer to be alone most of the time, with the express purpose of pushing them through some intense training to make sure they regained their battle senses as quickly as possible, before even worrying about whatever came next.

When the following morning arrived, on a Saturday according to his phone, Piccolo found that both warriors landed right outside his house, where Piccolo stepped outside and found that Goten was wearing the usual attire that Goku used, only without the symbol on his back, and Trunks wore an adult sized version of his old gi. After studying them for a couple of moments Piccolo extended his hand as he utilized his power to manifest new clothing, because Twilight had figured out how to use it's power to keep the existing clothing of his target, instead of replacing it entirely, allowing him to add some of his weights to their attire. He had set up a course for them to run along, after agreeing to train them, and this would do them a bit of good, since he and Goku had started growing their power by utilizing weighted training, just like what Roshi taught Goku and Krillin when they were kids. His first lesson for them was to run the course he had designed for them, at least until they were no longer weighed down by the current level of weights, where he would have them spar with him for a time and come to one of two conclusions, the first being that they needed more weight and repeated the course, while the second was that they were ready for his next idea.

While they did that, however, he sat down on the cliff that overlooked the entire forest area that was near his place and focused his mind for a time, using his senses to keep an eye on them while also doing his own mental training to keep his own strength up, and keep an eye out for potential intruders.

His reasoning for that was because he had no idea when, or if, Twilight's creations would come after the pair, and if they were even allowed to come here to disrupt the training that was going on, so he was keeping an eye out for Devi Dimon, Rena, or the two monsters, or anything that matched the newcomers. If he was right about these creatures being one of Twilight's products, and there was a fair chance he was, there was no telling how many more of them there were, waiting to be released into the world, and if Trunks and Goten were their targets he suspected it would be some time before they were able to overcome them. Such a thing meant that he had to be hard on them, push them both to their limits as much as he could and in a short period of time, because he suspected that this 'villain' of theirs was designed to be their final challenge, the greatest of the creatures no doubt, and right now they were nowhere near ready to deal with him. With that in mind he focused on what both of his students were doing, finding that they were already out of shape, because both of them were about fifteen minutes from the start, at least in jogging terms, though he expected them to be much further than this, meaning he had a lot of work to do to get them in shape.

By the time the sun reached the noon position Piccolo held back the urge to growl, as he was now understanding why the pair had been unable to do whatever they wanted with Twilight's school, they didn't have any of the power they had used in the past, which explained why both had been unable to beat their opponents, much less Eschalot.

"It seems like they're having trouble." a feminine voice said, where Piccolo opened his eyes and found that the yellow fox creature had shown up, Rena he recalled her name was, though she sat down near him as she glanced out at the forest, no doubt seeing the pair as they huffed in exhaustion from their long ordeal, "They're going to need a lot more training to get anywhere near Devi Dimon's power level... at their current level they won't be able to tackle the pair that would have taken them out yesterday."

"I will do everything in my power to whip them into shape... which is just what Twilight, your creator, intended when she put her plan into motion." Piccolo stated, where Rena turned her head for a moment and looked at him, as if debating what to do with the information that he was currently sharing with her, while he glanced down at the forest and focused on the pair for a few more moments, "Don't worry, I haven't said a word about that to them... I don't think they've even considered her as a suspect for what's going on."

"You are right, she made us, the Digians, but that's all I can say right now." Rena replied, which confirmed many things for Piccolo, that Twilight must have started making these creatures at some unknown point in the past, had likely designed all of them with specific traits and powers in mind, and who knew what else, especially since Twilight was the smartest being in the entire multiverse, "For now, all they need to know is that I'm on their side... along with others, who they will meet in the near future."

Piccolo nodded his head, because now that he knew that Twilight was connected to this he could accurately plan out how to help the pair with their training, especially if there were allies for them to train with, though in the following moments he felt another figure coming and found that it was none other than Eschalot, who had a schoolbag with her that seemed to have a lot of stuff inside it.

"Trunks told me about the new villain, how he's hunting him and Goten, and asked if I'd help them get into Stellaris so they can train with some powerful warriors." Eschalot explained, where Piccolo found that she had all sorts of homework with her, no doubt exactly what the pair were supposed to be working on during the weekend, instead of slacking off like they were used to doing, before the dragon Beastian glanced at Rena for a moment, "Let me guess: you are the one that saved the pair earlier, and now you want to help whip them into shape?"

"That's correct." Rena said, though she could tell that Eschalot was someone she didn't want to mess with, even with the power that had been granted to her, and just the simple glance between her and Piccolo told her that the dragon had an idea of who made her and what was going on, but neither of them said anything for a time.

"Very well. Piccolo, could you call them in? I'd like to get the first lesson underway: math!" Eschalot stated, showing them that her part in all of this, for the time being, would be to force the pair to catch up on their homework, study for any and all exams that were coming up, and push them to the absolute limits in terms of schoolwork, all to make them do better in school, because if they wanted to gain access to Stellaris, in some form, they needed to do better in school, before Twilight would allow them access to her school.

Piccolo said nothing to that as he got up and flew down into the part of the forest that the pair were resting in, trying to recover from the job he had forced upon them, and informed both of them of the situation, finding that they weren't too happy to do schoolwork, but they sucked it up and followed him back to the others, where Piccolo knew that, in time, the pair would regain what they had lost, he just had to be patient with them as he wondered what the future held in store for them and their allies.

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