• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Future: Into the Future

Instead of listening to Twilight, and getting a good night sleep shortly after dinner, both of the Saiyans stayed up for a few more hours than necessary, where she found that they were playing video games with Future Trunks, Beerus, young Trunks, Eschalot, and the other kids that seemed to live in Bulma's place. Vegeta, as far as she could tell, sucked at games and had no real skill in mastering when to accelerate and when to decelerate, since they were playing a racing game, something Goku had figured out, while Beerus was a master of taking advantage of openings to get ahead of his foes. The Trunks', on the other hand, were far more skilled as Present Trunks would give a second place rarer a false sense of security after allowing them to get ahead of them, which granted him the ability to attack his target from behind and allowed Future Trunks to speed ahead to claim victory in the last couple of seconds. Pilaf, Mai, and Shu, the youngsters, were always at the back of the pack, while Eschalot managed to get around Goku, especially since she was far smarter than most of the people her age, a fact that caused Vegeta to laugh, even though he was still behind his rival in the games.

While they did that Twilight, her mother, Demigra, and the two Supreme Kai of Time remained at a nearby table and took the time allotted to them to figure out who this 'Darkstar' was, why she was so interested in Eventide's survival, who Eventide was, and so many other things that, unfortunately, they weren't able to figure out right now.

"As much as I hate to say it, but this Darkstar has to be another version of you, Twilight." Aeos said, as that was what she and the others agreed on, in fact they could tell that Twilight had reached that conclusion and was already wondering what sort of path the other version of her had taken to reach this point, before she sighed as she recalled what they had seen after Eventide's departure, "One whose apparently mastered the art of mind control, on a level that's far beyond anything that even Babidi used before his ultimate demise... it makes one wonder how many others might have fallen to her might, and that fact, alone, worries me greatly."

"Being able to control a god, especially a Supreme Kai of Time... it almost sounds like something Mechikabura would do to those whose powers he wanted for himself." Towa added, because she recalled seeing a faded timeline where she, the Dark King, and the entirety of the Demon Realm had been sealed away in the Time Labyrinth, with Chronoa being stuck in that position as well to keep them contained, thus allowing Mechikabura to beat her down and brainwash her, "In fact I recall him mentioning that he brainwashed a god at one point, before he was sealed away, which allowed him to corrupt them into a darker version of themselves, a dark pawn to further his plans... this really does sound like we might have discovered a version of you that's been twisted by the Dark King's terrible power."

"An alternate me whose drunk on power." Twilight commented, because she understood the temptation that came from having Mechikabura's power, something she had overcome through great effort, which told her that her decision to not be consumed by the energy of the Dark King must have been so important that both sides of the coin, one overcoming it and one giving into it's dark pull, created two paths, her main world and the other parallel world, "We'll deal with her later, as Eventide and whatever she's planning come first... she's the easier target right now, and once her plans are destroyed we can devote our full attention to Darkstar."

"I know you can deal with this Eventide on your own, so why do you need the Saiyans?" Beerus asked, mostly because he was curious as to what sort of plan was going through Twilight's mind, as she was one of the smartest people in the entire universe, possibly rivaling those of Universe 3 when he thought about the other universes, so it was only natural that he would be a little curious about her ideas and plans.

"Oh, they're mostly backup in case Eventide has allies that we don't know about." Twilight remarked, though as she said that she sipped on the tea that was resting near her, as it was something she did when she was working or thinking about something that demanded her attention, before setting it down as she focused on Beerus again, "If she has an ally, well, those three can deal with them while I deal with our main foe, or maybe I'll focus on the ally or allies while they deal with Eventide... they should be able to do such a thing with ease, especially after my brief battle with her."

Beerus said nothing to that as he and Whis departed for the rooms that Bulma had offered them for the time being, since she knew that they might stick around to watch the events of the future thanks to the time screen Chronoa and Aeos were thinking of making, leaving Twilight to her final preparations before she turned in as well. Twilight brought up a window into the past as she observed how Eventide moved once more, checking out her appearance and how they differed from each other, and doing a final check to see if there were any oddities that might reveal what sort of being she was dealing with when they headed to Future Trunks' parallel world. What stood out to her were the Time Ring, a silver artifact that Whis informed her was one of a kind, at least there was one silver one per universe, and that was usually kept safe by the Kaioshin of each universe, and the green Potara, again another artifact that a Kaioshin used. The reason she suspected that Eventide might have an ally was due to the fact that she only had one earring, instead of the usual two, meaning that she must have given the other one to someone she trusted, so a Kaioshin or their apprentice was behind the creation of the figure she was currently studying.

It reminded her of the fact that Shin, Kibito, and Aria were visiting Universe 10 right now, as it's Kaioshin was supposed to have a rather strong Kai who was being trained to replace him, making her wonder if the two events were connected in some manner, before deciding to turn in for the night and worry about it later.

When morning arrived Twilight rose before the sun even rose, where her mother and the other time users forced Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to get up, get ready, and make sure they had something to eat before they headed out, which took a bit of time. While they were doing that Twilight headed out into the backyard and found that Chamel and Robelu had arrived as well, as her plan was to combine their time powers with what Towa, Demigra, Chronoa, and Aeos had, as it would create a stable bridge for them to use to travel to Future Trunks' world. Of course she made sure that they knew to close the connection once they were on the other side and not open it up until they felt her specific spell signature, as this would prevent someone with a Time Ring from following them into the past if they needed to flee. Thanks to everything she had experienced over the years Twilight knew that having an exit plan was a good thing, even if she suspected that it might not be used at all, but it was better than heading into the parallel world without one and then needing it if a threat they weren't expecting showed up and trashed them.

As Demigra and the others got ready to open the portal to the future, however, Shin arrived with Kibito and informed both Twilight and Beerus of the fact that Aria had stayed behind in Universe 10 to speak to Gowasu's apprentice, the Kai known as Zamasu, as she had sensed some uncertainty in him and wanted to help him find his path.

"It seems we aren't the only ones who are going to be busy for the foreseeable future." Twilight remarked, though as she said that she noticed that Demigra and the others were ready to perform their end of things, causing her to glance at the trio that would be following her into the future, finding that they were standing at the ready as everyone else who was up this early simply observed them, "Remember, our target is Eventide. Take her out and the parallel world should be safe from her mad quest to eliminate all mortals... but also keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, since I'm sure she has an ally whose lingering in the shadows. If we can figure out who her ally is, well, we might be able to prevent their plans from even starting in our world... of course that would create another parallel world, but sometimes that's the price you have to pay for saving the day."

While everyone confirmed that they understood her desires, to focus on the task at hand, Whis got a call from the Grand Priest and they learned something interesting, Zeno wanted to speak with Goku, to which Twilight sighed as Shin and Whis took the Saiyan to Zeno's palace.

"Can we leave without him?" Vegeta asked, because he honestly didn't want any of the glory of beating the one responsible for the destruction in Future Trunks' parallel world going to his rival, while at the same time everyone else seemed to simply relax as they waited for the group to return with the other Saiyan.

"Could we? Sure... however, if we did that, you just know he'll complain about it for a good while." Twilight replied, as that was common between the two Saiyans who were rivals, one would complain if the other got the glory for something, such as how Vegeta was incredibly salty over Goku being able to overpower Hit, so it was best to just wait for the other Saiyan to return before they departed, "Knowing Goku he'll be back in no time... he knows how important this mission is and he'll likely convince Zeno to allow him to return in a few minutes. Just be patient and we'll be gone before you know it."

Sure enough her thoughts were right on the matter, the trio returned to Bulma's place without too much time going by, so it didn't cut into Twilight's plans, but they did find out that Zeno desired a friend, a task he was entrusting to Goku, due to the Saiyan saying that he'd find someone for him, and he even got a special button that would allow one to call Zeno to their area or bring the holder to Zeno's place. Twilight filed all of that information away for later, since it wasn't important right now, save for Zeno's Button, that was an interesting piece she wasn't expecting to hear about, before she turned to the others and allowed her mother to get things started. As the stable bridge opened she reminded them of their goals, to crush Eventide and figure out who her ally was, possibly even crush the secret ally as well, before returning so she could go out into the multiverse and stop whoever was responsible for doing everything Future Trunks had told them. Once they understood her plan the portal to their destination opened up and Twilight stepped through it, quickly finding herself in a ruined version of West City, right outside the ruined structure that was Capsule Corp, and once the three Saiyans were on this side Demigra closed the portal to prevent their foes from using it.

Just seeing the utter destruction of the city caused her to frown as she realized that nearly everyone had been slain, in fact her senses confirmed that fact, nearly everyone in the world was dead, save for a few pockets of resistance, which let her understand Future Trunks' anger towards Eventide, before she noticed something interesting.

"Eventide's already grown stronger." Twilight commented, as she could tell that the alternate version of herself had gained a new level of power, rather fast in the grand scheme of things, and that told her that Eventide's plan had been successful, she had turned the pain of her beating into power, and based on what she was feeling it sure seemed like it had been due to healing quickly, "And it feels like there's someone else near her position... it seems that we were correct, she has an ally whose helping her fulfill her evil goals. Go do whatever you want... I'm going to prepare for their arrival."

Twilight floated into the air and moved through the city, where she tracked down one of the large square areas that would be the perfect battleground for what she had in mind, while at the same time Future Trunks had the others follow him to where the resistance was hiding. Bulma had listened to her future son's plight and had prepared three capsules for them, a number of necessities that would allow them to survive the coming days, provided Eventide didn't blast the planet apart like villains did when they were losing a very important fight. Future Trunks wanted to deliver those to the resistance as soon as possible, so he could focus on fighting the person responsible for destroying his home and killing everyone he had fought to protect over the years, and while she understood that Twilight didn't care enough to go with him. Her focus was on their foe, the potential ally that was hanging out with her right now, and anything else that might happen while she and the others were in this world, so she floated down to her chosen destination and floated above the ground as she waited for everyone to assemble.

It took some time for anything to happen, though when it finally did she found that the air twisted and contorted before a figure appeared above her, where to her surprise it wasn't Eventide who had appeared, rather it was an alternate version of Goku who wore identical clothing to Eventide, meaning time was fracturing and strangers were appearing.

"You... You look like Eventide." the stranger stated, where he sounded like Goku as well, similar to Eventide looking like her when she thought about it, meaning in another parallel world she wasn't the one who lost her body to some stranger who wanted to destroy all of humanity.

"And you look like Goku... let me guess, you're called Goku Black, or just Black?" Twilight remarked, because based on the names she had heard from Future Trunks earlier, about her own alternate self, it seemed like something that one of this world's resistance members might have given a figure like this, before she sighed as she glared at the figure, "And let me guess: death to all mortals, glory to the gods?"

"...you're mocking me..." Black said, as he was stating a fact, a true one since she was mocking him a little, before he took a moment to transform into his own Super Saiyan form, just the plain old boring first form that she had seen so many times since the day Goku achieved it on Namek, "I'm going to punish you now, mortal."

"Hold, Black. She isn't a foe you can tangle with." Eventide stated, appearing next to her ally as she spoke, though while she did that Twilight found that her own allies showed up and were stunned by the newest arrival, where she motioned for them to keep their questions to themselves for the time being, as she'd answer them later, "I don't care what sort of power you have access to, only her power can take her down... power that has been infused with the power of the gods, to be exact!"

In that moment Eventide was surrounded by an aura that was deep red on the outside and pink on the inside, while her hair was turned pastel pink with white highlights, with her eyes and eyebrows following the main hair color, though much to their surprise Black took on an identical form as well.

"This is true divinity: the Rose Form." Eventide continued, where it almost sounded like she was saying 'Rose-y', as if she was putting a strange spin on the name of her own transformation, while at the same time it meant that Black's was more like 'Super Saiyan Rose', forms that were definitely powerful from what Twilight was feeling.

"Really? That's your answer?" Twilight remarked, as she didn't know whether to laugh or cry at what she was seeing, as the Rose Form was just pitiful looking in her eyes, it was no where near her own Dark Form and the other transformations she had up her sleeves, before she settled on sighing as she stepped forward, "Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks: you three deal with Black, but keep an eye out for any other enemies... I'll deal with Eventide and put her down."

In the following moment she rushed up into the air and spun around, allowing her to kick Eventide in the side and send her foe flying into one of the nearby buildings, though as she did so Black zeroed in on where she was located, swinging a bit of Ki that extended from his right hand at her, a Ki blade of sorts, but she dodged it and kicked him in the chest, which sent him flying. With that done she beckoned to the Saiyans and indicated that it was time for them to fight their foe while she focused on Eventide, where Goku and Vegeta used their Blue forms while Future Trunks used Super Saiyan 2, before they rushed through the ruined section of the city that she had sent Black flying through. As they did that, and Black got up to face them, Twilight turned and zeroed in on Eventide, who was also in the process of getting up from where she had landed and rushed up to meet her, allowing them to clash in the middle of the air once more. Such a thing allowed her to tell one thing right off the bat, that while Eventide was definitely stronger and faster than before, as her attackers were far sharper than what she had felt during their last clash, but her flaw was that she was fighting like a Saiyan, using about half of her power to test the water before using her full power.

Eventide, however, was overjoyed by the new transformation she had gained and the power it possessed, especially when she combined it with everything she gained from their last battle, but she couldn't help but talk while they fought, as she was more than willing to admit that there was another ally, lurking in the shadows. She admitted that it was someone who had the power to rapidly mend wounds, thus allowing her to recover from the beating Twilight had given her, which was just more confirmation that the other figure she was looking for was a disciple of a Kaioshin, a Kaioshin in training, though it meant if she beat Eventide up enough the mysterious ally would show up. Eventide even went as far as to say that the beating Twilight had given her allowed her to master more of her abilities, allowing her to fully understand who she was and what sort of skills she had access to, but all Twilight heard was nonsense as she dodged attacks and struck Eventide in the sides. The Rose Form was excellent in being a power boost, hence why she figured that the Saiyans might have some trouble if they stayed in their base Blue form, or Super Saiyan 2 in Future Trunks' case, and almost made her wonder to see how Black fought, as he seemed more in tune with his body than Eventide did.

While she was thinking about all of that Eventide slipped a punch passed her defenses and struck her in the left side of her jaw, though it didn't send her flying and, more importantly, her foe didn't seize the opportunity to press the attack, which meant she wanted to enjoy this fight, to learn more about her, before ending this.

"Yes, your power pleases me greatly." Eventide stated, showing that she really thought that what Twilight was using was the height of her power, something that her foe was clearly getting used to, before she shifted her stance and formed the same sphere of spiraling energy that had been used to severely damage her body, "What do you call this move?"

"Spiraling Energy Sphere." Twilight replied, where she held up her right hand as well and created the sphere in seconds, as she was far more familiar with the technique than her foe was, though what her foe didn't know was that this was just the incomplete form, as she was still refining it and needed more time to figure out the next step, "Here, I'll give you another taste of it's power."

As Twilight rushed at Eventide, however, she found that her foe did the same thing as they slammed their spheres right into each other, where the resulting force of the attacks interacted with each other and canceled each other out, but the conflicting energies revealed something to Twilight, causing her to turn to the side for a moment.

"Excuse me, we're in the middle of a fight!" Eventide stated, because while she knew that Twilight was an inventor, in fact peering into the past of her parallel world allowed one to see just how much had been done by one person, she figured it wouldn't come up in a battle and was now surprised by Twilight's actions.

"Trust me, you'll enjoy this more than the last one." Twilight replied, where she turned back to her foe as she formed the sphere again, though this time the wind started to wrap around it as it took on a whiter coloration, in addition to a small ring of short curved sections that spun in the direction the wind was moving, "Care to try again, Eventide?"

Eventide chuckled as she formed her Spiraling Energy Sphere, as she suspected that it would break her foe's attack with ease, before they rushed at each other and swung their attacks at each other, though this time around the two retained their form for a longer period of time. What surprised her, however, was the fact that Twilight's overpowered hers and the energy actually tore into her right hand and wrist, leaving marks that almost looked like scorch marks, meaning that her foe's new attack was somehow different from the one she had just used. Twilight, on the other hand, was excited by this turn of events, as it meant that she had figured out how to perfect the attack, causing her to hold her hand out again as a slightly larger sphere formed in no time, followed by longer curved wind blades, about the length from her wrist to where her elbow rested, formed in a matter of seconds. With the attack created she knew that her next step was to test it out, to which Twilight turned on Eventide, who was surprised by what was going on, before she struck her foe in the chest with it, the sheer force contained inside the orb propelling her opponent through the air with ease.

What was interesting was that there was a screech that accompanied the attack, though it wasn't long before it detonated into a massive dome of spiraling wind that had lightning crackle every now and then, followed by Eventide letting out a few pained screams, as if the attack was tearing into her body, and when the dome finally faded she found a massive crater in it's place, with a heavily wounded Eventide resting in it's center.

"Spiraling Energy Sphere: Wind Release... such wonderful power." Twilight remarked, as it was a very destructive move to add to her arsenal, especially since this allowed her to master the base version of the attack as well, so she gained two attacks for the price of one, before she grinned as she found someone kneeling beside Eventide, "And there you are, the silent ally."

The figure was tall and lean, who had pale green skin and his white hair was done up in a mohawk, while his attire was a match to what the Kaioshin wore, black with a golden edge, with a violet shirt that had long sleeves below the chest area, a blue sash around his waist, dark blue baggy pants, and white shoes, though he was able to mend Eventide's wounds with ease, confirming his position since he had only one green Potara earring.

"Your allies weren't much of a problem, but you certainly are one." a voice said, where she found that Black was standing off to the side, allowing her to glance back and found that all three Saiyans were on the ground, meaning they must have been caught off guard to bring about their untimely defeat, before the alternate Goku chuckled, "However, you won't be able to defeat us, not when it's three on one."

Twilight glanced at the trio for a moment, noting where the evildoers were positioned, before using the full power of her base form to strike each of them before they had a chance to move from where they were standing, a simple punch that came as a surprise to them. As the three villains moved, in accordance with her attacks, Twilight flashed back to where the downed Saiyans were resting and found that they were still breathing, to which she used the specific spell signature that she had set up earlier, even though she was a little annoyed to be using it right now. A few seconds later her mother and the others established a portal connecting the two worlds together, allowing her to hurl the knocked out Saiyans through it before she felt a change in the air and turned back in time to see that the villains were approaching. After noticing them, however, a purple crescent wave of energy tore through the space between her and her enemies, which seemed to come from her far left, causing her to realize that another version of her, wearing a black robe while wielding what appeared to be a curved blade that now rested on her shoulder and had energy rolling off of it.

She barely had a chance to figure out what was going on as she used the opening this provided to pass through the space-time portal and returned to her world, allowing her mother and the others to close and seal it so their foes couldn't use it to come back with her.

"What happened?" Bulma asked, as she was expecting them to return with news of their success, not have Goku, Vegeta, and her future son return looking like they had just lost a rather important fight, as each one looked like they had been swiftly beaten up by whoever was waiting in Future Trunks' world.

"These idiots lowered their guard and got wiped out while I was fighting Eventide... they didn't even use their best forms, which is pathetic." Twilight remarked, as she expected more out of Goku and Vegeta, as they were experienced warriors and losing in such a way made her annoyed with them, hence why she was planning on putting them through some more intense training to ensure they were ready for a second trip to Future Trunks' parallel world, "Though we discovered that Eventide does, in fact, have allies: one from the future no doubt, while the other, a twisted version of Goku, seems to have lost his own parallel world and was drawn in by her dark power."

"Sounds like I returned at a bad time." a voice said, where everyone found that Aria had returned at long last, though she was, of course, lost as to what was going on right now, meaning Twilight would have to fill her in before bothering to train the Saiyans to be better warriors before their return visit, "Would this be a bad time to mention that Gowasu's apprentice, Zamasu, wants to speak with you, Twilight?"

Twilight, on the other hand, said nothing to that as she raised her eyebrow, as this was an unexpected turn of events that she wasn't expecting to have happen, but it only made her that much more interested in what was going on and what the immediate future held for them.

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