• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Growing Up: Time Passes

Following their visit to Alexandria, and the discussion they had, Towa went about her studies on whether or not Twilight could be given her own Dark Form, even though there was one aspect of things that worried her, the rage that had been awakened during Twilight's first mission. It was possible that giving her access to the dark energy that she and the other demons used would cause her daughter to go berserk, no doubt mixing with her Rage Form to create something that was far stronger and darker than what they had seen so far. Towa shuddered for a moment as she recalled just how brutal her daughter had been when she used her first transformation and it frightened her to think of what might happen if Twilight were to mix the two, whether it be on her own or her rage taking over to do it itself. The idea of a Dark Twilight going on a rampage was both interesting and worrisome, since there was no telling if she'd be able to tell friend from foe, so it might do more harm than good in the grand scheme of things and could scar her daughter mentally if she did something to one of her family members.

It was for that reason that she insisted on Twilight gaining control of her emotions and not letting them rule her mind, as it would allow her to tame her rage, and use the Rage Form without becoming going berserk, and open the way for her to start learning how to channel the energy needed to use her own Dark Form, if they got that far.

This time around everyone, and Towa meant everyone, chipped in with her training, as Cooler seemed to be focusing on her techniques, King Cold showed her swordplay since he found it relaxing, she focused on meditation and magic lessons, and Frieza, interestingly enough, let Twilight fight him. Towa wouldn't have called it a fight, rather it was Frieza dodging Twilight's attacks or simply flying away before she could hit him, so while it was considered training for their daughter the same could not be said for Frieza, who didn't believe in training since he was the strongest of them all. Such a thing caused Towa to mentally chuckle, because at the rate Twilight's power was climbing right now she was sure that their daughter would match his base form by the time she was twelve, thirteen at the latest, and after that Twilight would only grow stronger, no doubt to the point where she would surpass her own father. Twilight's innate power and magic were powerful, and her ability to absorb energy and make it her own made her even more frightening, but what really intrigued Towa was the bottomless well of potential that her daughter possessed, meaning it was possible that she could become the greatest fighter in the entire universe, at least among mortals anyway.

Much like her husband, not to mention his entire family, Towa wanted nothing to do with Beerus the Destroyer, a being who could and would destroy them if he so desired, so she focused on their lessons and less on the potential danger they'd be in if Beerus suddenly decided to show up.

Towa also spent some time researching the now lost races of the universes by seeing what Alexandria's libraries had on all of them, mostly to create mirage opponents for Twilight to train against when the others were busy, because at the start it was mostly a Saiyan warrior, given she was more familiar with them. She found that it was a great way to test Twilight and allow her to train against different types of opponents, that way no one surprised her in the future, before she found one of the more interesting foes the Saiyans had decimated in the past, with only a single living member of the race known to the Enlightened. The Cerealians, while pacifists save for when they're attacked by someone else, were excellent snipers, a fact made possible due to their evolved right eyes, and Towa made sure to make several mirages of them so Twilight had an idea of what to expect from opponents like them. It was always interesting to watch her daughter tackle each obstacle or challenge that was presented to her, usually allowing the mirages to show her a little of their power before figuring out a way to either deal with them or eliminate their advantage before moving in to finish them off.

In addition to all of that Towa found herself spending a lot more time with Frieza, in fact she usually joined him whenever he talked with Elec Heeter, leader of the Heeter Force and head of his family, who was a turquoise skinned individual that dressed well and was usually accompanied by his siblings Oil, Macki, and Gas. Oil happened to be the fattest member of the family, who seemed to dress like a sumo wrestler with white pants, including a sleeveless red jacket, while Towa found that Macki was the only girl of the group, older than Twilight, like all four figures in question, who dressed well, though not as well as Elec. Gas, on the other hand, was the shortest member and seemed to be their best fighter, someone who even Towa knew would give Twilight a run for her money, though he always frowned and seemed to be in a bad mood when he and his siblings were in Frieza's presence. Towa assumed that it was due to her husband or his forces wiping out most of the species tht the Heeters came from, a terrible hobby of his that she knew might come back and bite them in the rear at some point, hopefully not when she considered everything he had done in the past.

The Heeters, for the most part, ignored her during their talks, only acknowledging her when Frieza first introduced her to all of them, but she, much like Twilight, had figured out that they were stiffing them with their low payments so they could pocket all of the profit, though she said nothing and let her husband set his trap for the Heeters.

While going over their lessons, and making sure Twilight got enough sleep and food since there were times were she just focused on her reading, instead of anything else, Towa found that she was growing quite well, going from the little girl she had first met and was growing into a fine teenager. Such a thought was due to the fact that the years seemed to be flying for all of them, or maybe it was the fact that Towa was trying to find so many new challenges for Twilight, by even using a bit of her power to peer further into the past, that made her realize that time was flying by so quickly, despite their home having the same year cycle as the planet known as Earth. By this point in time a number of years had gone by since they assigned Twilight her first mission, as now she was ten years old and was taller than she was when Towa first met her, the day they became mother and daughter, plus the fact that she was starting to mature into a fine young lady, with her own breasts starting to grow in as well. Sure, it took Twilight some time to come to terms with the fact that she was maturing, since it brought changes to her body and they weren't totally sure what it meant since they had no information on what happened to her race when they matured, but Towa was sure they'd make it work.

Twilight also spent some of her time going over the various schematics for the machines and devices that ensured that the empire ran smoother, such as tearing apart a blaster that the soldiers who couldn't use Ki used in combat, as she found a way to make it even better than before. Not only did it get a makeover, in terms of appearance, but she told them that it was stronger than before and her father had someone test it against the ordinary blaster, finding that while it still looked like a wrist mounted device it dealt far more power than it's previous form. In addition to that she figured out how to add a bit of stability to the Scouters, mostly in the sense that they had a greater limit before breaking, so they should, at the very least, be able to scan most of her father's power before shattering, in case he was ever in a fight. She also figured out how to make several additions to the ships that their forces used when transporting either her family or more soldiers to their destination, though they were more for utility and less like the core she had upgraded previously.

She also did something that surprised Frieza, as Twilight was able to figure out a way to make her tablet into something more, because if she entered a command it changed into a katana with a scabbard, while if she put in another code they found that it turned into a blaster, more like an actual hand held gun and less like what the soldiers used, just to give her some options in the field.

Towa also found that their lessons were helping Twilight in her quest to control her emotions, to the point that she was able to start with the basics of using the dark energy that demons could utilize, as she was starting small in the off chance that things went south and she accidentally caused her daughter to go berserk. Considering the fact that all of them were evil, with her being a demon who served Mechikabura in the past, Frieza and his family being planet conquerors who sold them to the highest bidder, and Twilight was following in her father's footsteps, Towa was sure it would work. She knew Twilight was trying to be better than her father, to not exterminate everyone on the planets she went to, and so far such a thing hadn't been required of her, as they managed to use her method to great success, which was odd but she wasn't about to complain about the situation. With all that in mind she was sure that Twilight fell under the category of someone who was evil, using her power for her own benefit or to gain whatever she wanted, hence why she was so sure that giving her a small portion of dark energy would be possible, without anything bad happening.

When the time came to finally do it, however, they made sure to fly off to another part of the planet, leaving the ship some distance behind with their soldiers since everyone wanted to be safe, before they landed in a clearing and Twilight stood still for a moment as Towa stepped forward.

"Okay, we have agreed that you are ready to receive some dark energy." Towa said, where she called out her staff as she said that and strands of darkness gathered around the tip, clearly showing everyone that, out of everyone, she was still partly on the fence about this, despite her various calculations, "Are you ready, Twilight?"

"Ready when you are, mom." Twilight replied, because she had spent years preparing for this day, getting ready for when her mother would finally imbue her with some of the energy that all demons had and was used by all the sorcerer demons who served Mechikabura, even those who now stood against him, just to see if she could obtain a Dark Form or learn that it was just a foolish dream.

Towa nodded as she swung her staff and let the tip touch where Twilight's heart would be, directing the dark energy into her daughter's body and the others watched as the darkness surged into her without wasting time, causing them to stand still as they waited for something to happen. Sure enough she found that a vortex appeared around Twilight, which was a common thing to see when a demon sorcerer used their dark energy to empower a villainous figure or grant someone a bit of power, though that was Towa's cue to back up a bit to let the process finish on it's own. As that happened Twilight just closed her eyes and let the darkness seep into her body, allowing her power to work it's magic as the energy settled down, even though she could feel part of it surging up into her head for a moment, no doubt to affect her personality as her mother warned her might happen. Part of her was fine with that, as the empire now had two demons ruling it, one an actual demon and one a demon only because people called him by such a title, and people were expecting her to be just like them, a chip off the old block, while the other part was simply interested in what might happen next.

When the darkness finally faded Frieza and the others found that Twilight didn't look different at all, a thought that was quickly banished as she opened her eyes, revealing a darker look in her eyes, before she grinned like Frieza did when he dealt with people, making him wonder what the future held for them and his changed daughter.

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