• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Namek: Unexpected Arrival

Vegeta found that none of them, as in himself and the Earthlings, the latter having found a way to boost their power in such a short period of time, stood a chance against Recoome, as the muscle warrior was just beating them up and was capable of crushing the pair from Earth with little effort. The only reason all three of them were alive was because the Ginyu Force was under orders to bring him in alive, while Jeice and Burter were keeping Gohan and Krillin alive so Frieza could punish them for turning on them earlier, which allowed him to take down Guldo. Of course the only good thing about this was the fact that they were allowing Dende to mend their wounds, giving him and Gohan more power thanks to their Saiyan heritage, though he made sure the inexperienced Saiyan hid his power as well, because if the Ginyu Force figured out that they were getting stronger they'd stop allowing this to happen. He also knew they were running the risk of their powers appearing on the Scouters that Jeice and Burter were using, as Recoome's had been destroyed earlier, but it was well worth the risk since it meant they might have a chance of surviving this once the three warriors got bored of this fight.

As he considered that, however, he and the others, both his allies and their enemies, noticed that a new ship, not one of Frieza's based on the shape, landed on the planet, though not a few moments later Kakarot, in all his glory, appeared near Recoome's position, showing off a speed he didn't have back during their previous battle.

"Hey guys, I'm glad you aren't seriously hurt." Goku said, as he had felt three great Ki signatures near the area that his son, best friend, and Vegeta were in and had worried that he'd find them in a state of near death, though it looked like someone might have healed them before his arrival, causing him to turn his head for a moment, "What happened?"

Krillin quickly explained what they knew, something that prompted Goku to put his hand on his head to 'read his mind', a power he knew his friend didn't have and suspected someone else must have helped him out, likely King Kai, before he told him of Dende's healing powers, meaning they didn't need the Senzu Beans right now.

"If what you showed me is true, we're going to need everyone to fight together to have a hope of bringing Frieza down, if we have to fight him anyway." Goku remarked, though at the same time he held a hand out to stop the other from moving to help him as he turned towards Recoome and his companions, as he could tell that they were evil and that they needed to be stopped before they hurt other people, which was when Dende landed near Gohan and Krillin.

Vegeta realized that the other Saiyan was hiding much of his power from the Ginyu Force, in fact Jeice and Burter claimed his power was only five thousand, when he knew it was far stronger than that, causing Recoome to start his poses once more as he got ready to fight. As he launched his first attack Goku showed off more of his speed as he seemed to disappear from the area, avoiding Recoome's attack, before reappearing behind the two bystanders so he could warn them that this would be the death of them if they continued to fight, but after that he returned to his foe. Sure enough he discovered that his foe was displeased with his actions and posed as he prepared another attack, one that he was sure would be enough to take care of Goku, or at least seriously wound him so Dende could get some additional practice in. Such a thing prompted Goku to strike him right in the chest while his defenses were down, causing him to collapse in a heap with his rear in the air, surprising all of them for a moment, as those who knew him realized he was far stronger than they remembered while Jeice and Burter were caught off guard by their friend's downfall.

With that done Goku make one last attempt to get Jeice and Burter to leave the planet, only to find that they were annoyed with his actions and rushed over to challenge him, where he discovered that Jeice loved to talk as Burter watched, which let Goku punch the former in the face due to his lowered guard. As the pair attacked him, however, he blocked both the elbow and the kick that were coming his way, using the sides of his arms to block what he felt were slow attacks, before he kicked Jeice away and then dropped low to swipe out Burter's feet. With that done he spun around, allowing himself to stand once more, before he thrust his hands out towards the two warriors and sent them flying with a powerful Kiai attack, which was where one could affect the air currents with their Ki to produce powerful shockwaves. Such a thing surprised the pair, since neither of them were expecting such a power from him, though Goku remained standing still as the pair spoke using their Scouters, as it seemed like they were coming up with a plan of attack and he was eager to see what they might have come up with.

As it turned out Jeice fired a large Ki blast down at him, his 'Crusher Ball' as he called it, though Goku waited for it to reach where he was standing before knocking it off to the side with a swing of his arm, though as Burter dodged the deflected attack Goku appeared behind him not even a second later. Burter, enraged by Goku's actions, went on the offensive once more and forced the Saiyan to dodge his blows, even if it was just Goku dodging them, and Jeice rushed in to assist him, all due to the fact that he was annoyed with someone making fools of them. After a short period of time Goku decided to lash out at them in a different manner and kicked Burter in the back, breaking part of his armor in the process, before elbowing him in the back of the head to send him flying straight down to the ground. With those two attacks he rushed down to the ground and raised his hand to both hit his foe in the stomach and catch him with a single hand, something that came as a surprise to Jeice and the others as he dropped Burter on the ground, before turning towards the remaining fighter.

Jeice, freaking out over the fact that someone like Goku was beating them up with such little effort, departed from the area and headed back to the ship, though Vegeta, upon learning that the other Saiyan was still a fool who didn't kill his enemies, blasted both Recoome and Burter to pieces, leaving nothing of them behind.

"Your sentimentality will be your downfall, Kakarot, especially since Jeice is going to bring Ginyu to finish us off." Vegeta said, as he suspected that even with his newly heightened power, thanks to Recoome beating him up and Dende healing him, he and the three warriors stood no chance of defeating the leader of the Ginyu Force, before he sighed, "Not that it matters in the end, since Frieza has the Dragon Balls and likely already made his wish for immortality, meaning we're dead no matter what happens next."

"Not really. I mean, the sky hasn't gone dark since the Dragon Balls were stolen... the Namekians must not have given him the incantation to summon Shenron." Krillin remarked, where this was one of those times where he was glad he knew how things worked on Earth, as something like the special words to summon the wish granting being sounded like an aspect that couldn't be changed, and he noticed that Dende remained quite, a good move since Vegeta was nearby.

"So all we have to do is head back to their ship and find the Dragon Balls, before figuring out what to say." Gohan said, as it sounded simple, in fact it might be since most of the soldiers had been wiped out by Vegeta, while Ginyu, who was likely on guard duty near the ship, was on his way here, which left Frieza traveling towards the Grand Elder's place to figure out what to do next, meaning they had a chance.

As Vegeta listened to them, however, he realized one thing, that being the possibility that they might be able to make one of them immortal, himself since he was the Saiyan Prince, because beating Frieza would no longer be an impossibility at that point, but all he could do for now was brace himself for what was about to happen next.

While all of that was going on Frieza zeroed in on his target, finding that it was further from all of the villages than he had thought, though he did discover that using his own power had been the right call since it allowed him to travel faster than his own hoverchair did. Such a thing brought an amusing thought to mind, Twilight going over the plans for the device several times in the past and coming up with several ideas on how to make it better for him, but they never went through with any of the changes, mostly because he didn't think the device needed any improvements. Now he realized that if he had left her make those various changes it would likely be faster than before, not to mention whatever else came to her mind, since she was the smartest girl in the entire universe, something Towa agreed with when she noticed how quickly Twilight took to all the subjects she was taught. It pained him to even imagine a universe without his daughter, smiling as she learned more about the other planets and their people, the grin as she charged into battle and enjoyed herself against powerful foes, and all of the other moments they had shared, hence why he focused on his personal mission.

Eventually, however, he spotted a lone structure on stop of a pillar of earth, like some sort of castle or something if it was placed on another world, to which he quickly landed and found that the two Power Levels were still present, where one of them belonged to a warrior Namekian who stepped out of the house.

"Can I help you?" Nail inquired, though he didn't need the Grand Elder to tell him that this figure was strong, in fact if he were to fight him it would no doubt end in him being utterly destroyed, but, for the time being, he continued to stand his post and ensure that no harm came to the Grand Elder.

"I have gathered the seven Dragon Balls and nothing happens when I try to make a wish on them, so I've come here to ask what the next step might be." Frieza replied, as he had a feeling that the Namekian knew of him somehow, he wasn't even going to question it at this point, so he was hoping that they could have a short discussion before making his way back to Twilight and the spheres they had gathered to heal her, "I know, I know, you can't help someone as evil as me... trust me, I get it... but Twilight Sparkle, my daughter, is the only one your people have allowed to tackle the trials and right now she's in no condition to fight anymore. So I have come to ask you and the other Namekian what sort of next step we must go through in order to use the Dragon Balls... is there a place we must take them, a certain arrangement that they have to be placed in, or some sort of code one must utter to use them?"

"I cannot help you, for I am the final trial before one can be granted the last Dragon Ball, which we gave to the Earthlings and was taken by one of your soldiers." Nail said, because there was nothing in this world that the Grand Elder didn't see, in fact he was saddened by Vegeta's slaughter of the other Namekians, before he realized a piece of information that he had to tell the figure in front of him, "Know this, the Grand Elder is inside this house and he is the creator of the Dragon Balls... in fact, his very life is tied to them, so if he dies the spheres will become useless to you."

"So he is the one I must talk to?" Frieza inquired, as that sounded like what was going on right now, he had to speak with the one who actually created the seven wish granting spheres, where the Namekian nodded his head for a moment as he headed inside the building, though with the door open he followed after him and floated up to the second floor, only to find an obese Namekian that was taller than the others he had met, "Grand Elder, I wish to know how to use the Dragon Balls so I can heal my daughter of the incurable poison that courses through her veins... must I prove myself, like the trials we had to overcome earlier, or will you tell me how to use them?"

"You must prove yourself against Nail, just like Twilight proved herself for the other Elders." the Grand Elder replied, but as he said that he knew that telling Frieza what he wanted to know right now, instead of taking some time to ensure he was further away from his ship, it might be disastrous for all of them.

"Fine... I give up. I'll play your game." Frieza said, mostly because he was tired of this, having to do the trials to prove that he was worthy enough to use the Dragon Balls and save his daughter, and figured that he could comply this one time, as his daughter's life was on the line and there was little else he could do to convince them to help him, "So, I guess we'll fight on one of the nearby islands?"

"Yes, just a few minutes away to ensure we don't accidentally harm this place." Nail stated, though he was surprised to see that Frieza was willing to do this, meaning the person he was trying to save had to be incredibly important to him, enough to make him abide by the customs of the people who owned the Dragon Balls.

Frieza followed after the Namekian as he lead him a few islands away from where the Grand Elder was resting, though while he knew the 'fight' wouldn't be too hectic to warrant such a thing, given that he was sure Nail wouldn't be able to harm him at all, he wasn't about to take the risk of causing the Dragon Balls to disappear. The warrior landed on a decent sized island, compared to the others he had seen so far, before removing the blue jacket he was wearing and tossed it off to the side as Frieza landed, showing that he was getting ready for the final trial. Frieza discovered that Nail's power was at about forty-two thousand, quite a surprise since most of the Namekians he had scanned so far, before the destruction of his old Scouter, were at about three thousand on the scale, while the Grand Elder was weaker than that, no doubt due to the fact that he seemed close to the end of his life. While Nail got ready Frieza also took the moment to think about his own Power Level, that of five hundred and thirty thousand, meaning there was no way for Nail to actually defeat him, but he wasn't about to argue with the customs of the Namekians and got ready for a brief fight.

Sure enough it got started a few seconds later, where Nail rushed forward and swung his right arm at him, using the edge of his right hand to hit Frieza's neck, where they both found that nothing happened as the attack hit it's target, allowing him to elbow Nail in the chest with his left elbow, though he did refrain from using all of his power since it would seriously hurt the Namekian.

"Is that all I must do, or is there more to be done?" Frieza asked, not because he was displeased with Nail, in fact he was impressed by the fact that he hadn't collapsed due to the blow to his stomach, but more due to the fact that he needed to get the next step so he could get back to Twilight.

"N... Not quite. I have a few more things that I must test." Nail replied, because the Grand Elder told him that this was all necessary, in what way he had no idea since there were certain things only the elderly Namekian knew, so he readied his arms for what was about to happen.

Frieza sighed as he readied himself for whatever tests Nail had in store for him, though at the same time he hoped Ginyu and his soldiers were having a better time than he was, since they seemed to be making more progress right now, and only hoped that by the end of the day they were able to save Twilight.

Ginyu, in fact, was not having a good day, not when Jeice informed him that Guldo, Recoome, and Burter were dead, which crippled his force since he was now out three valuable members and their Fighting Pose was now broken, something that really pissed him off since just he and Jeice didn't work. Such a thing meant he had to leave Twilight and the Dragon Balls in the hands of the remaining soldiers, who he tasked with standing guard until his return, before heading off with Jeice to see who dared to take down the members of the Ginyu Force. What he found was an Earthling who wore the same attire as the dwarf, Krillin he recalled, and seemed to have a low amount of power, causing him to realize that he had the power to control his power at will, a rare ability given the planets and races he had come into contact with. Goku, as the figure was known as, let Gohan, Krillin, and Dende go before Vegeta up and betrayed him, departing for another part of Namek, leaving Ginyu and Jeice to deal with the main problem, even though he'd be hunting the others down in due time.

The two had clashed for some time, mostly for him to see how powerful his foe was, and he had to threaten Jeice not to get involved, as he was a firm believer of playing fair and double teaming someone like this, a skilled warrior who loved to fight, seemed disrespectful. Ginyu had determined that Goku was saving his power for a fight with Frieza, a foolish notion in his mind when he considered it, and managed to get him to show him whatever his true power was, which he felt might be eighty-five thousand at maximum, still less than his own power. He and Jeice were further surprised when Goku, who had surrounded himself with red energy, passed that point and kept climbing, surging past his own Power Level of one hundred and twenty thousand within no time at all. The real shocker was when it stopped around one hundred and eighty thousand, far more than he or Jeice thought a Saiyan was capable of producing, though it explained how he was able to take down both Recoome and Burter, as he learned that Guldo was done in by Vegeta of all people.

While he was shocked by this information, that there existed someone other than Princess Twilight and Lady Towa who might be close to Lord Frieza in terms of overall power, or were fast approaching his Lord's base level, this presented the best opportunity for him to gain more power for his boss and the empire.

"You know, I'm glad I found someone of your caliber on Namek." Ginyu remarked, as he had done this a lot when he was just starting out, before finding his current form and joining Frieza as his trusted Captain of a special force, and the only ones who knew of this technique were Jeice, their slain friends, and their Lord, though as he took his Scouter off and just tossed it to Jeice he realized Twilight might know about it.

As Goku started to wonder what was going on Ginyu gathered a lot of his power into his right hand and then, before his foe could stop him, he stabbed himself in the chest, piercing his armor as purple blood burst out of his new wound, but as the Earthling stood there in shock Ginyu shouted 'Change, now', allowing him to swap bodies with Goku by firing a beam of energy out of his mouth that linked them for a moment.

"Ah, much better." Ginyu said, where he found that he liked his new body already, even if it would take some time to get used to the new voice and all of the power he would command in time, before Jeice floated up to him and handed him his Scouter, which he quickly put on as he faced his old body, "As you can see, Goku, I've made a switch: your body for mine. Your Power Level is now mine, and by extension Lord Frieza's, while that wound and death is yours to deal with."

With that done he and Jeice turned and flew back to the ship, as he wanted to make sure everything was fine before even worrying about Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, or Dende, traitors that needed to be dealt with at some point before their boss returned to the ship with news on how to use the mysterious Dragon Balls. He discovered that his new body was far faster than his old body, confirming what Jeice had told him when Goku first arrived on Namek, meaning he would be of greater use to Lord Frieza once they were done here. At the same time he knew that this body would finally give Twilight a better fight than when he and Salza challenged Lady Towa all those years ago, as he already knew that she wanted to fight him in combat one day, so having the body of a Saiyan might be the key to giving her some excitement. He also knew that such a thing might be a bad thing for Lord Frieza, as Twilight had a rather powerful ability that allowed her to absorb energy, so if they clashed too much she'd likely catch up to her father in no time, as terrifying as it sounded.

His thoughts were interrupted by their arrival in the area around the main ship, where he and Jeice discovered that most of the soldiers had been wiped out, as there were craters around Lord Frieza's vessel and his Scouter indicated that there were only two Power Levels, Gohan and Krillin, even if this screamed Vegeta to him.

"Hey, Goku! I had no idea you already beat that Ginyu guy," Krillin said, emerging from behind the rocks that he had picked as their hiding place, as he and Gohan had moved once they felt someone closing in on them, where Ginyu realized that the pair must have hidden their powers and he picked up on the last remnants before they disappeared entirely, though that was when Krillin noticed something, "and got his partner Jeice to join our side. We tried to use the Dragon Balls, but it seems like the incantation to use the Namekian ones is different from what we use on Earth..."

That, alone, was enough to set Ginyu off, that the Earthlings had the audacity to use the Dragon Balls and take away the wish that would allow Twilight to be healed at long last, as he struck Krillin and knocked him backwards, causing Gohan to inform everyone that he wasn't Goku.

"Yes, I am Captain Ginyu, and I swapped bodies with Goku... his Power Level is now mine." Ginyu remarked, though as he said that he glanced at the ship for a moment and found a weakened power that was growing weaker as time went by, a fact he was annoyed by as he turned towards the Earthlings, who found that he was angry with them, "Tell me, did you do anything inside the ship?!"

"No sir, we just found the Dragon Balls outside and tried to use them... we never went inside." Gohan replied, though as soon as he said that Ginyu rushed towards the ship, to which they and Jeice followed after him without wasting any time, as it seemed like this was serious and that Vegeta was behind whatever the body snatcher had considered.

What happened next was that Vegeta hurled someone down to where they were standing and Ginyu reacted instantly, as he found that Twilight had been removed from the healing tank and caught her without delay, even though he found that she was getting weaker as time went by. He considered the possibility that Vegeta had tormented her some more, before their arrival outside the ship, but quickly discarded that notion, as Gohan and Krillin hadn't heard anything and there was no way Vegeta would have kept quite in such a situation, meaning Twilight must have tried to use her magic and cut into her remaining lifespan on accident. In the following moment he realized Dende was still nearby, in fact he must have been hiding himself in case things went south, and had Jeice take Vegeta as he rushed Twilight over to the little Namekian, who claimed to be a healer and set Twilight down in front of him, as her remaining time was shrinking and Frieza would have his head if something happened to her. As Dende started to tend to her, dealing with her earlier wounds while seeing if he could deal with the infernal poison, Ginyu growled and rushed into battle as well, as he was going to kill Vegeta, only to find that the two Earthlings got in the way again.

As he clashed with them, however, Goku arrived with his old body and Ginyu discovered a shocking truth, he had no idea how to pull out the full power he had witnessed earlier, allowing Krillin to score some easy blows on him while Gohan had to force himself to fight. While that happened he was made aware of another startling fact, Vegeta's full power was much higher than Jeice's, as the Saiyan was able to pick apart his second-in-command with ease and dealt a damaging blow to his chest, before wiping him out with a blast of energy, leaving nothing behind. After that the Saiyan turned and crashed into Ginyu as well, showing that he wanted nothing more than to kill him and 'Kakarot', which had to be Goku's Saiyan name when he thought about it, and he proceeded to beat him into the ground with no problems. Such a thing told him that the only course of action was to change bodies once more, so as Vegeta rushed down to end him Ginyu called out his activation command for the technique, though this time Goku got in the way and actually switched them back to their old bodies, much to his annoyance.

Twilight, though weak from everything that had happened so far, was able to creak her eyes open in time to see Goku throw a frog up into the air as Ginyu made his move, trapping him in a frog's body, though Vegeta wiped it and his old body out, causing a tear to roll down her face as she slipped into unconsciousness again.

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