• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Buu: New Developments

Twilight found that, save for the criminals that were dealt with by the police, nothing major happened to the Earth and that she was able to let seven years pass by with mostly peace filling her days, either training or preparing for the event Aria felt was coming in the near future. She didn't doubt her girlfriend's thoughts on the matter, as in the potential unsealing of Majin Buu, because she possessed a sample that definitely came from the creature in question and it meant that she would run into him again at some point in time, hence why she was focused on her training. Of course her parents and family had been a little surprised by her choice, dating someone who was older than her and who had been dead for a long time, but the only potential candidates were either annoyances or were already married, plus she liked Aria for multiple reasons. As such the two of them worked hard to prepare for the revival of Majin Buu, making sure the children had their fun and grew at their own pace, all while keeping an eye out for trouble, since there was no telling when those seeking to revive Buu would come to bother the planet.

While she did that, however, Twilight found herself keeping an eye on Satan City, just to see how Videl was doing, since her eighteenth birthday had come and gone, plus the delivery of Morph Clothing had been completed as well, meaning she was ready for whatever her chosen future held for her.

What she discovered was exactly what had been described to her, Videl, wearing her new Morph Clothing, the blue choice for her first time, rushed down the street as she zeroed in on the area that the report was coming from, as it seemed like the bank was being robbed. Sure enough she found that the lady's legs had been altered by the Raptor Treat she must have eaten after hearing that there were robbers in the bank, molded to fit the dinosaur in question, a hunter that was faster than some of the modern species Twilight had researched. From what she could see Videl's legs were covered in red scales with black slashes, a design that came with the transformation in question, and her shoes had been altered to fit over them, just as Twilight designed when she heard her request not that long ago. In addition to that Videl had a thick tail that allowed her to balance and control herself, exactly as Twilight had told her and her father, which had the same colors as her legs, and her feet ended in three talons that were sharp and avoided doing harm to the ground below her.

While Twilight marveled at her handiwork, as she had done as Videl had asked and granted her a form that allowed her to get to crime scenes faster than most of the people in the city, she knew that this day wouldn't hers as she found Gohan, in his new school uniform, go Super Saiyan to beat up the robbers before running away to avoid being caught.

It was hilarious when he ran into Videl, after dropping into his base form, and chatted with her for a few moments before heading off to school, eventually forcing her to do the same, though Twilight knew that Videl had a clue as to who took out the robbers, as Gohan had forgotten about his badge. As such it wasn't long before his secret was revealed to Videl, as she kept an eye on him during their classes, in fact it was an odd twist of fate that most of their classes were together, which just gave her plenty of time to observe him and form her own opinions regarding Gohan. Twilight chuckled as she let the pair go about their business, though she was pleased to see that Gohan remembered her lessons, as he moved just like all of the other students his age and didn't show his hand when it came to doing sports, as he wanted to be normal for some time and not be seen as strange. For the most part he was successful in his endeavors to pass as a normal young adult, or as normal as one could be since some of the students were Beastians, though Videl eventually confronted him about what happened and connected the dots as he left school.

In an interesting turn of events Twilight discovered that Videl had linked him to one of the fighters she had seen during the Cell Games, making him far more interesting in her eyes, something that caused Twilight to chuckle as she returned to her own business, as there was no reason for her to spy on him so much.

As time went on Twilight heard of the emergence of a new hero in Satan City, the 'Great Saiyaman', and it was easy for her to figure out that Gohan had done so to make sure the people at his school didn't discover his antics during his commute to and from his school. Interestingly enough he let Videl tackle most of the criminals during their classes, allowing her to have her fun and bring justice to those who would break the law, and he made sure to take care of those he found while flying on his route, as if the two had some agreement between them. During one of the weekend training sessions she had with Gohan, Aria, and many others, however, she found Videl among her students and discovered that Gohan actually agreed to take her on as a student in the art of Ki, while allowing her to join them here meant she'd be able to gain a lot of experience. During the first instance of that happening Twilight also learned about the upcoming tournament and the fact that Goku, Vegeta, and several others would be participating in it, though the glances that her mother gave Demigra told her what she needed to know without a single word being told.

Something was going to happen during the tournament in question, something bad depending on who was asked, but at the same time she chuckled for a moment, as she suspected that the time of Buu was coming, before focusing on the lessons she had designed for everyone, while teaching Videl the basics with Gohan... but when everyone left, however, she and Aria faced her mother and Demigra.

"The next major event for this world is about to unfold." Demigra said, confirming what they suspected without saying a single word about who might be coming, since there was a chance that knowing that fact could alter what was to come, not counting all the training they did specifically for Majin Buu, "The tournament is the key to everything."

"We should join then, or at least go there as well." Aria remarked, because if Buu was the threat that was coming she and the others had to be there to stop him from being released into the universe, as he would crush and destroy everything in his path, like what she had seen before her battle with the figure, "Twilight? What do you think?"

"Since so many skilled fighters are going to be there, I'm sure we'll be invited, so we might as well go as well." Twilight said, not that she had plans to actually fight against Goku and the others, mostly because she wanted to be ready for whoever was lurking in the shadows and enjoy herself before they had to deal with the upcoming threat, "I'm not going to enter the actual tournament, as I'd rather save my energy for whoever our foes happen to be, but it should be an interesting way to pass some time."

Towa nodded her head in understanding, as Twilight always looked at the bigger picture and with them telling her that the tournament was the key to the next threat her daughter's focus was on the upcoming threat, plus she didn't want to waste time with trash fighters, causing her to look forward to what the upcoming weeks held for them.

A month went by since the day that Gohan and Videl first met each other, giving the people who were planning on taking part in the tournament time to make themselves as ready as they could possibly be, while Twilight and her family decided not to bother participating. Fortunately her family was easily accepted by the people of Earth, not that they knew that Cooler was her uncle and that King Cold was her grandfather, meaning she didn't have to explain much when some of the public first saw them, rather they just accepted another race and moved on with their lives. Cooler explained that it was due to the fact that most of the people of Earth were used to her doing all sorts of things, especially with the Beastians being a thing again, which allowed them to go out and actually mingle with the people of Earth whenever they wanted to. Twilight also made sure that her kids were ready for the tournament, as they wanted to participate as well, though she had them promise not to use their true forms, since that would be unfair to everyone else their age, and found that they were fine with that, as if they saw this as a test of some kind.

When the big day arrived Twilight flew towards the island that the tournament was being held on, which made her connect it to when she and the others tracked down the androids at Future Trunks' request, where she found that several Humans and Beastians had taken her Ki lessons to heart, but most still used their vehicles to travel. What Twilight discovered was that there was a lot more fighters this time around than anyone could have possibly imagined, as there were scores of them and reporters getting ready to record everything that happened, though her arrival had unexpected consequences. Given that she was one of the richest people in the world, in fact her wealth, thanks to the profits of her company, had surpassed most of the richest people and put her on a higher pedestal like Bulma's family, the reporters flooded her group shortly after they landed and she found that many of them had questions. Some asked if she had plans for the future, as in did she have new products in development, was she here to fight, and several others that made everyone chuckle as they were asked, where Twilight told them that, yes, she did have new products coming and didn't want to spoil the surprise, and no, she wasn't here to fight, mostly to watch and have some fun.

Aria chuckled as she watched the reporters for a time, mostly because it was interesting to see how they reacted to what Twilight had to say, especially when they figured out that they were a couple, but the storm soon passed as everyone went to crowd around Mr. Satan as his vehicle arrived. Sure enough the man informed all of the reporters that he would be the one to win the tournament, no matter who came to challenge him, even if it meant going up against his daughter, who was now of age to join the adult section of the tournament. While he did that Piccolo landed nearby and joined the group, finding that Gohan was in his normal gi, as he had nothing to fear from his fellow students knowing he had some skills in the martial arts, especially since he went to great pains to keep the Great Saiyaman and himself as two separate people in the eyes of everyone else. Around that point Twilight discovered that Goku, complete with his halo, appeared nearby with an elderly witch riding on a crystal ball behind him, his guide from the Other World no doubt, who informed him that he had twenty-four hours before he had to be brought back to the afterlife.

As the witch disappeared, however, Twilight ignored the get together that was happening around Goku right now, as she focused on two godly energy signatures that were new, she hadn't felt them before today, but she said nothing as Aria registered for the tournament and returned to her side once everything was in order.

"No way... Aria?!" a voice asked, where Twilight turned her head for a moment and found someone who looked similar to the West Kaioshin, a male with pinkish colored skin, whose attire was a dark blue vest and a light blue shirt and pants, all while a tall angry male stood behind him with a similar attire that was red colored, "How is this possible?"

"Shin... you do realize that I was revived almost seven years ago, right?" Aria replied, though while it was easy for Twilight to tell that Aria was happy to see another Kaioshin, in fact the only one who survived Majin Buu's rampage, she could see that she was also annoyed by her friend only now discovering that she was once more among the living, "Whose your new friend? An apprentice Kaioshin?"

"No, Kibito is my attendant." Shin said, which confirmed something for Twilight as she focused on the newcomers, the tall one was far weaker than the Kaioshin was, and even then Shin was weaker than Aria, meaning the universe was in a sorry state if this was the God of Creation who was the counter to the God of Destruction, "And who are you?"

"Twilight Sparkle, daughter of the Galactic Empire, Frieza, and Towa, a Demon Sorceress of remarkable talent." Twilight stated, though that also told her something else, the current Kaioshin had no idea that she was important to the safety of the universe and had no idea who in the world she was, meaning he was lacking in multiple ways and needed training to become the god he was supposed to be, "I'm also a Demon Goddess, and Aria and I have been dating for a long time..."

Sure enough Aria followed her train of thought and they shared a kiss, causing the two newcomers to stare at them with shock on their faces, causing Twilight and Aria to pull away as she wished the pair luck, as she had a feeling that things were going to get interesting and that she was going to enjoy her time observing the tournament's matches.

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