• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Prelude: Displacement

Twilight Sparkle was currently pacing around the workspace that rested in her castle, something she was still surprised by when she thought about it, where she was pausing every so often to look at her notes and think about the spell she had cast not that long ago. The spell was designed to tap into the power of the Tree of Harmony, without any trinkets like the box she and her friends had opened before dealing with Tirek, so she could figure out more about dragons and their connection to the force of Harmony that lingered in the Tree. Of course part of her wanted to sample the Tree, collect part of it to see what she might learn from it, but she had shelved that idea for some time and focused on seeing what happened when Spike and another dragon, like Ember for example, were added to the spell she had created for this occasion. It had taken her some time to convince the Dragon Lord to come to Equestria, to leave her duties behind and relax for a day or two, as there had been no telling how long it would take to complete her spell, but in the end Twilight had convinced her to come and join Spike for the experiment.

What she wasn't expecting, however, was for a surge of magical energy to overpower the cavern that the Tree was in, like a reaction to her own magic when she thought about it, leading to Spike and Ember disappearing in a flash of light, as she was sure that neither of them were in Equestria anymore, much less this world, so they were gone and it was her fault.

"It's okay... it's okay, I can figure this out." Twilight said, speaking to herself as she glanced at the notes she had made since returning to the castle, of which there were dozens upon dozens of pages scattered around her, some with the same thing written on them as she tried to solve what in the world happened when she cast her spell, "and if not, two heads are better than one... Starlight should be arriving soon, and a fresh set of eyes might be just what I need to solve this."

Twilight knew that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had experience in dealing with the Tree of Harmony, since it was where they found the Elements that they used against Discord a little over a thousand years ago, but this was different from everything she had been told since she and her friends discovered the Tree. The magical surge had caught her off guard, as it had come out of nowhere and ruined everything before she had a chance to react, sending Spike and Ember to another world, since she couldn't find a trace of the magical energy that should have been around them. How she came to that decision was due to the fact that she had checked the Mirror Portal to the world that Sunset Shimmer lived in, even if it was for a few seconds, and found nothing wrong with that world, so her new theory was that there was another world, or maybe multiple, that the dragons could have ended up on. Of course part of her was coming to terms with the fact that there were other worlds out there that were full of magic, or at least connected to their world in some manner, and now Spike and Ember were lost among the stars, possibly being sent to a world full of danger with no hope of returning to their home world.

It was why part of her notes were on creating a 'recall' spell, the counter to the spell that had potentially sent her assistant and the Dragon Lord to another world, and right now she was only seventy-five percent sure the spell would work, which would either bring Spike and Ember back to her, it might fail and do nothing, or it might backfire in some manner and put her in a world of pain.

She sighed for a moment as she pulled some of the pages over to her and looked over them once more, taking a moment to double and triple check the spell formula she had created, though in the end she couldn't see anything that might make her worry about her chances of recalling Spike and Ember, hopefully before they were hurt. As she thought about that, as she ended up standing still for a few moments as she stared at the pages, Twilight quickly decided that the spell was good for now and that she needed to run a field test, to see if it worked as intended or if she needed to alter it in some way so it could find the missing dragons. Not a few moments later she gathered her notes and placed them in a pile off to the side, making her workspace look a little nicer than it had been lately, before she headed outside by using one of the balconies that were attached to her castle, allowing her to open her wings and take to the skies for a time. She knew that she wasn't the best flier in Equestira, despite the training that Rainbow Dash had given her on the subject, but it was good enough to get her to the Everfree Forest and allowed her to head for the cave that the Tree of Harmony rested in, which she knew by heart thanks to all the times she and her friends had visited it.

It only took her a few moments to track down the cave, as she avoided using magic since it might interrupt things if she tried to teleport into her destination, and Twilight landed without delay, allowing her to walk into the cave as she sought out the Tree of Harmony.

Finding the Tree was rather easy, as it was a crystalline structure, held six different colored gems in it's branches that were the Elements of Harmony, and it happened to be at the very end of the cave, though once she found it Twilight came to a stop some distance in front of it and gathered her magic as she recalled the spell formula again. Not a few seconds later the area around her filled with magical energy as she sought out the surge that had ruined her previous spell, as it was the key to figuring out where the pair had gone and pulling them back to this world, or at least that was her theory since this was the first time she was doing something like this. Teleportation magic was a risky thing to work with, because one could end up somewhere else and not where they intended, like she could teleport to Canterlot and end up in the Crystal Empire if she was a novice at magic, but thanks to all the lessons Princess Celestia gave her over the years she didn't have to worry about it for the most part. The tricky part was that she was messing with teleportation magic that involved someone being sent to an entirely new world, which happened to be outside her area of expertise, and given what happened earlier she knew there was a chance that she might end up being among the lost as well, but she was intending on overcoming this challenge and bringing both Spike and Ember home.

As she thought about that, however, she heard the sound of someone else coming, no doubt Starlight when she thought about what she had left back in the castle, though before she could say anything the magic in the cavern surged to life as soon as her student walked into the cave. How Twilight knew that was due to the fact that she suddenly lost control of the magic, how she had no idea since this wasn't supposed to be overly tied to her concentration, meaning she made some sort of mistake without realizing it, and it lead to the magic cracking the air in front of her. This reminded her of what she had been told about her human self's first attempts to learn more about magic, the eventual creation of a dark form that opened portals between two realms of reality, and had to wonder if she was doing something at the same time, but for now she focused on sealing the rift. It should have been simple, using her magic to force the rift closed, just like what she read in Sunset's tale of what happened, though it seemed to react to what she was doing as bits of magic rushed by her, leading to the sound of Starlight being knocked out, or at least she hoped so, to which Twilight braced herself as she felt it closing, all while dragging herself towards it.

In that moment she knew what was coming, she was going to be sent to another world and have to find her way back, all before she could figure out what happened to Spike and Ember, to which she forced herself into the rift and closed her eyes while hoping that this would close the crack in reality, all while having no idea what would happen when she finally reached the other side of the rift, or where she would eventually end up.

Frieza was in a good mood right now, as his forces were in the middle of taking over another world that would be sold to the highest bigger, just like the ones before it had been, all while the planet in question would be part of his empire and be under his thumb for the foreseeable future. He usually left the act of rebuilding the planet and selling it to the Heeters, a group of four siblings who were among some of the richest individuals in the entirety of their universe, though he only put up with them since the money they made him was quite good, and the intel they provided on occasion was too good to pass up. He recalled when he sent the Saiyans to Cereal, one of the many planets that fell under his control, and they took out the race that lived there, which allowed the Heeters to come in and rebuild it for another race, the Sugarians if he was right, which was what his forces did to every planet they encountered, they conquered it and the Heeters, who waited near his next target, moved in afterwards to sell it. Of course at this point most of the Saiyans were dead, as he destroyed them and their planet years ago, after hearing a tale about the so called 'Super Saiyan', a being of immense power that would bring ruin to his whole empire, and to this date only three of them were left, all working under him as they continued their job of conquering worlds.

That was what they happened to be doing right now, wiping out the last of the resistance on a backwater planet that Elec, the head of the Heeters, said would pay well if they took it over, and Vegeta was at the head of the pack, beating up the current inhabitants of this planet so it could be claimed by the empire, while the Frieza Force was gathering to attack one of the other planets.

"Lord Frieza, it looks like Vegeta and his team will be done clearing the planet in a day, two at the most," a voice stated, where Frieza took a moment to glance at part of the mirror in front of him, as he was in his personal room of his flagship, and found Zarbon standing near the door, one of his most trusted followers in the entirety of his empire, in addition to Dodoria and the five members of the Ginyu Force.

Zarbon was a member of one of the more humanoid races the Frieza Force had faced and taken down in the past, where he had light blue skin and golden eyes that some said looked reptilian at times, though he also had long green hair that was tied up in a braid, resting on the left side of his body, and he was reportedly one of the most handsome beings of his home planet. He also wore the attire of a soldier, an elastic chest piece with shoulder guards that pointed downward, not to mention having the option to have crotch and leg guards as well, which Zarbon had switched for a simple blue leggings and brown boots, though he also had a pair of orb earrings, a tiara, and a blue cape. Frieza himself was shorter than most of his soldiers, as to some he looked like a child and held their tongues, least he end their lives for insulting him, while he had a chestnut shaped head with two straight black horns that rested at an angle, he had a thick tail that had a spiked end, and he had three talon-like toes as his feet. He also had purple gem-like sections on his head, shoulders, and chest, both his upper arms and legs were pink colored with thin lines on them, not to mention his cheeks were like that, and he had lilac colored skin, all while wearing black shorts in addition to his purple colored battle armor.

Everyone in the Frieza Force wore the standard battle armor, which had no shoulder guards, while all of the higher ranking members had the luxury of having the shoulder guards, though everyone was required to wear a Scouter, a device that was worn over one's left ear and placed a small glass screen in front of their left eye, where Frieza's was red and it rested over his eye.

"Good. We'll be done with this planet in no time and then we can move onto the next one," Frieza remarked, turning his attention back to the area that was outside his ship, a grassy plains with a clearing he had ordered the ship to land in not that long ago, though he knew Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz were out there, following his orders to clear out the natives of this planet, "How much is Elec planning on selling this planet for again? Five hundred million Pol?"

"That's what his reports say, and we'll be getting our usual twenty-five percent of that." Zarbon answered, knowing it was best to answer whatever questions his Lord had for him, as it was unwise to annoy the Emperor of the Universe, as even he and the other higher ranking members were expendable and could be disposed of if they displaced Frieza, which was something he avoided doing.

"Someone must be desperate if they're willing to pay that much for such a planet," Frieza said, though this planet might be the cheapest one that Elec had sold for him over the years, as the first one that sealed the deal on their partnership was a planet that he sold for a staggering seven hundred and fifty billion Pol, a true test of his abilities, even though he wasn't very generous with his cuts, offering him between a tenth to a fourth, depending on the planet, before he shook his head for a moment, "Zarbon, have the crew open the hatch. I'm going for a flight, but I want all of you to stay here, just in case some of those ruffians decide to attack the ship."

"As you wish, Lord Frieza." Zarbon replied, where he bowed his head for a few seconds before departing from the room, as he knew that his boss could do whatever he wanted, because his power was far too immense for someone to challenge or even overcome, so it was best to stay out of his way and make sure all of his orders were obeyed without question.

What Frieza meant by 'flight' was that he was going to use a state of the art hover pod that floated a fair bit off the ground and take to the air for a time, allowing him to take in the sights before whatever was left was destroyed by the Saiyans, or do whatever he wanted before returning to his ship to enjoy some wine and dinner, since it happened to be evening right now. His hover pod was a spherical device that had an opening carved into it and had a seat in it that made it look like a floating throne, which happened to be how he designed it, where it had a point at the bottom for the gravity mechanism and three oval shaped extensions that were purely decorative, though the tip of his tail hung over the left edge, which he was fine with. His reasoning for this flight was because he wanted to see if Elec and his family were here, watching Vegeta and the Saiyans tear down the rest of the people that were resisting on this planet, though most of the time he hung back before being called in to start his 'rebuilding' efforts, to sell the planet to a client for a good price. He was still surprised by the price that this planet fetched, at least according to his broker, but he wouldn't be surprised if he found spotted Elec or his team during his flight, no doubt getting things ready for when the planet was purged, but decided to wait and see what he might find later.

Once everything was said and done Zarbon informed him that the hatch was open, to which Frieza climbed into his hover pod and activated it, allowing him to hover above the floor before he made his way to the center of his ship, where the circular hatch to the outside was located, and his soldiers lined the path while bowing their heads. He paid them no mind as he reached his destination and floated outside the ship, where he tapped his Scouter and found that Vegeta's group was fighting to the north of his ship, a large circular device capable of flying through space, to which he headed to the west for a time, as to avoid the Saiyans altogether. The Scouters were capable of two things, the first giving his forces the ability to communicate across great distances, as one could call another soldier or superior that was in an entirely different part of the universe, while the second function was to detect the Power Level of everyone who might be on a planet, like how he could find Vegeta with ease. It was rather handy since it told him the overall power of those it found, the direction each of them were in, and the distance between the user and those they were tracking, useful for tracking down certain targets, such as the Saiyans, and other things, hence why he made it a requirement for his soldiers to wear them at all times, with a few exceptions.

As he thought about that, and tried to find the power of Elec's group, a brand new source of power suddenly appeared on his Scouter and he found that it was coming from the atmosphere, meaning a potential enemy was coming to this planet, or someone at the very least, causing him to pause his hover pod and turn his head towards the sky. In that moment he discovered a rainbow colored object, an odd thing based on what he had seen over his many years in this universe, which was surging towards the planet's surface, almost like it might be an asteroid or something, possibly an Attack Ball when he considered that someone might be inside what he was seeing. His forces used the spherical ships, which were sized to fit a single person, when they were being sent out on solo missions to new planets, like when a Saiyan was sent to lay waste to a planet, or allowed them to travel between worlds his empire owned, though since he hadn't called for anymore soldiers he was quick to assume it was an enemy coming. Of course he knew that it was only a matter of time until Zarbon or some of his soldiers arrived to see what was going on, since their Scouters would pick this up as well, though he stared up at the object and wondered what it could possibly be, given everything he had considered since leaving his ship.

Not a few moments later it burst out of the air and slammed down into a part of the plains that was right in front of where Frieza was positioned, kicking up some bits of rock, dust, and other debris as the meteorite slammed into the planet, but as the dust died down he floated over to the area, just to see the site with his own eyes before he returned to conquering the rest of this planet. What he discovered in the crater, however, caused him to pause for a couple of seconds, as there was a young girl, possibly three years old by his reckoning, though the interesting thing was that she wasn't a normal girl, as her face was pushed out like a muzzle and she had hooves in place of her feet, or maybe that was normal since he was using a humanoid, such as Zarbon, as a comparison. Her body was a lavender color while he discovered that her hair and her tail, as she had a tail that looked like it belonged to a horse or a pony, maybe the latter, were made up of three colors, as in most of it was sapphire blue with two streaks of another color, one being purple and the other being raspberry, or at least that was what he assumed based on what he was seeing. She also had pony ears on top of her head, meaning she had to be either an anthropomorphic race or a hybrid of two races, and as the dust cleared he found that she was wearing a tattered robe, no doubt ruined by her breaching the atmosphere earlier, before he tapped the Scouter and found that it was still reading her Power Level.

It was quite impressive, as the lowest number was around five thousand and the highest was ten thousand, far stronger than what a Saiyan's child could produce at that age, even if they were an 'elite', and since the reading of the meteorite had been far larger he knew there was some lingering power within her... but as he tilted his head, to lift her with a bit of his telekinesis, she opened her eyes and stared right at him.

"Wh... Who are you?" the little girl asked, where there was a bit of fear in her voice, which made sense due to the fact that she was staring at a stranger and not someone she might know, even though there was some idea forming in her head, that much he Frieza could see by looking at her, "Are... are you my daddy?"

Frieza froze as he heard that, as it was a question no one had asked him in his long years of traveling the universe and taking control of the planets that were around his forces, and he had a feeling that some god was playing a prank on him, just to make his life miserable for the foreseeable future.

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