• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: Potential Unleashed

Twilight spent the day following the battle with Kid Buu relaxing, or, to be more exact, focusing on her company, the work that came from Buu wanting to be an actual citizen despite being different from the other races of the planet, and her own work forming the newest kind of Animorph. What amused her was the fact that those who had seen Buu already weren't afraid of him, like what she and the others had seen when Babidi introduced him to the world, rather they seemed eager to get to make friends with him, partly due to being friends with her. Many assumed that he was one of hers, as in the first in a long line of new testers who were enjoying one of her products, as if she had moved on to new species and not just all the animals that people had come to know from her company's various TF Foods, and some had asked when the newest item would drop in stores. She, of course, had told them the truth, that he was a visitor from another world, who came in peace and wanted to live on the Earth for the rest of his days, not to mention that he had bonded with Mr. Satan and Bee the dog, along with the fact that she did, in fact, have a new series of items coming out in the near future.

Such a thing had caused her to chuckle, because with her father's permission she had three new items on her list, those being Animorph G, M, and N, or Glaerian, Majin, and Namekian, and she even presented pictures of the species along with the new items, so people knew what to expect. Such a thing involved using the Room of Time to travel into the past to see certain things and get the samples she needed of the three species, especially since there were no female Namekians in this age, something she could get if she traveled far into the past. At one point in the far distant past, before even her father's family formed the start of their empire, the Namekians had lived on one planet, where both genders were present, but that came to an end when the world was destroyed by a massive asteroid, and many of the escape vessels were incinerated in the explosion. Those that survived ended up developing far away from the rest of their kind, hence why the ones who landed on Namek, and moved to New Namek, went the route of having no true genders at all, they evolved in response to their environment and needs, while the same couldn't be said for the others who survived, who either walked a similar path, were wiped out, or stayed true to their origins.

As she thought about that, however, Twilight briefly wondered if she should tell Piccolo and Dende, though she figured it was something she could worry about in the future, considering that everyone was getting used to the idea that Buu was going to be living on the planet for the foreseeable future.

Creating one for Buu's kind, which everyone agreed to just call 'Majin', involved asking Aeos for help, as she knew an area where she could get the DNA of a female member of Buu's race, since Houko's DNA had all of the other races melded into hers, which allowed Twilight to get what she wanted. Such a thing allowed her to see that there was no true limit to how a Majin could look, as she found fat males, slim males, females with all sorts of different hairstyles, females with bodies like their male counterparts, and even all sorts of body colors, based on her readings. The Majin race was basically one that could be heavily customized to be however someone wished, that much she could tell, so she designed their Animorph with the focus that one could visualize what they wanted when partaking it and the image would be ingrained in their own DNA, so the next time they used the food item it could continue with ease. There was the added bonus that there were all sorts of people who wanted to experience what it was like to be like Buu, especially when they discovered his powers to quickly heal wounds and even cure things that were incurable, such as blindness since Mr. Satan found the boy Buu had helped, who, while having his memory erased, had an impression of him.

Such a thing told Twilight that those Buu had aided in some manner, like the kid, still remembered him in some manner, despite the wish that was made on the Eternal Dragon, as over the course of the day more and more called in about Buu and how he helped them, causing people to cheer for him and accept him.

In addition to that she had to track down planet Glaeris, which was the true home planet of her father's kind, despite the fact that he and his family lived on another world, where she discovered that there were female members of their race, though they were more secretive than the males. The reason behind her work to find the other genders of all three races was due to the people of Earth, they didn't like the idea of being forced into a specific gender while taking her products, so to make sure each item sold she had to find those that she was missing. Sure, it took most of the day to get everything she needed to meet the criteria the people had set for her, but, in the end, Twilight had everything that was needed to allow the people of Earth to take on brand new forms, and she knew that this was the start of glorious things. The higher ups of this world knew that space had other lifeforms, thanks to her father's family and Buu, so it was only a matter of time until either King Furry talked with her or those under him bypassed him and came to her on their own, but she expected that, in time, the Earth would become part of her father's empire.

The day following her work day was when she, Aria, Gohan, and her family, all five of them since Frieza and Dabura decided to come along, teleported to Shin's world and found that the trio really didn't seem to be doing anything, rather it looked like they were resting after the madness of Buu's release and Kid Buu's demise.

"Glad to see our Kaioshin are hard at work." Twilight sarcastically commented, though this was why she liked Aria more than Shin, due to the fact that she had actually gone out into their universe to try and stop the threats from wrecking everything, despite her death at Kid Buu's hands all those years ago, to which she sighed as she pulled out a container with capsules she had taken a fair bit of time to label, "Shin, starting today you have a lot of required reading to do... of course there are houses on this planet, a massive oversight in my opinion, I have created a few capsules for you, Kibito, and Old Kai, three of which have been designed to be your own homes, one is a library for you to get your information from, and a few others are for the purposes of training."

Shin raised an eyebrow as he, Kibito, and Old Kai walked over to where the group was standing, where Twilight tossed one of the capsules off to the side and they watched as a white domed structure appeared out of thin air, one that was taller than Kibito and seemed to have a few domes attached that had to be extensions. He quickly found that the house, for that was what Twilight claimed it was, had a living area, a kitchen, a bedroom, a study, and a few other essentials, though he found that the study had a number of books at the ready, his first lessons when he considered what she had said. Twilight was also telling the truth when she said that she had homes for all three of them, since she must have studied the planet and found nothing that resembled a house, though each one was custom made for each of them in mind and came complete with their own study, since she wanted them to know what she knew. The library structure was two stories tall and had all sorts of tomes for them to read, where Shin discovered that some were on other planets, the races that called those worlds home, and the history of things that she thought he and the others might need to know to do their jobs, no doubt picked with Aria's help.

He had to admit that she was putting in a lot of effort to make sure he, Kibito, and his ancestor were up to date on what they needed to know, and it only made him realize that she wanted to make sure they knew what they were talking about, in addition to being able to do their job, plus she even showed them how to take the structures down, return them to their capsule form, in case they wanted to move them.

"I take it you and Aria are here for the ritual?" Old Kai asked, because he had spent all of yesterday talking with Shin and Kibito about the pair undergoing what he did for Gohan not all that long ago, with the pair convincing him that it would be for the greater good of their universe, because while Twilight was Frieza and Towa's daughter, a dark combination based on what he knew, her actions caused good things for the universe.

"That's right. Twilight will go first, then I'll go once she's done." Aria replied, though to be honest she was surprised that he had even agreed to this without fighting or arguing with everyone, meaning he likely understood that she was important to the safety of the universe, or at least didn't want to waste time arguing with his successor.

"Very well. Come on, let's get this over with." Old Kai said, were he crossed his hands behind his back as he started to walk over to another part of the area that he and Shin happened to be calling home, a flat area that held enough room for him to perform the ritual while everyone else watched or relaxed.

Twilight followed him over to the area in question and moved into the area that he beckoned to, though once that was done Old Kai took a few steps back, putting some space between him and her, before he started to do this funky dance as he moved around in a circle around her. She raised her eyebrow for a moment as Gohan informed her that this was part of the ritual, in fact he had been surprised by the dance as well, causing her to let out a sigh as she took a seat, closed her eyes, and started to meditate on her own, figuring that it would help Old Kai out. While she did that everyone else simply gathered around the area, observing what sort of power she might awaken when everything was said and done, though at the same time Aria ensured that Gohan and Shin got to work on their own studies, since Twilight wanted to be that they spent their time wisely. Frieza and his family, on the other hand, took a seat and simply watched the ritual, since there was next to nothing to do but wait and see how things turned out, though Towa and Dabura talked about Twilight, because the latter was still getting used to the idea of having such a powerful niece.

Not much happened for a time, save for Old Kai doing his dance and what seemed to be chanting, which allowed Frieza to talk with his family about business for a time, though after about thirty-five minutes Old Kai stopped and that drew most of their attention as Gohan realized that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Gohan asked, because it was odd for the figure to do such a thing, since he had insisted that the entire five hours were important to getting the ritual done, especially the twenty-four hours that would come after it, making him wonder if this had failed simply because of Twilight herself in some manner.

"Nothing... I can actually move into the second phase already." Old Kai replied, which was a surprise when he took a few seconds to think about what was going on, though at the same time he wasn't about to complain, not since Twilight was silent and seemed focused on her own meditation, causing him to take a seat across from her as he raised his hands, just as he had done for Gohan earlier, "We might be done sooner, rather than later."

Gohan nodded and backed away, though as he rejoined the others Towa quickly realized what was going on and shared it with those that were around her right now, Twilight had her own magic and it was possible that Old Kai's ritual, which was magical in it's own right, was interacting with her power. If that was the case, and she was sure of what they were seeing, it explained why she was able to get around the five hours of the ritual's first phase, meaning if her theory was correct they wouldn't have to wait too long for Twilight to be done with drawing out her inner potential. Such a thing meant that King Cold, Frieza, and Cooler could begin their training with her that much sooner, since that was why they were here, all three of them wanted to get things started, especially Frieza, because after hearing of Kid Buu's defeat he had been convinced it was time to start training and see what his own inner power was like. Towa was proud of him, he had finally gotten over all of his objections to training, something their daughter did all the time and had grown incredibly strong over the years, so after hearing about her success it made sense that he'd want to stand with her, which his father and brother wanted to do as well to make it a family activity.

Sure enough they were an hour into the second phase, roughly two hours into the entire ritual, when Old Kai lowered his hands and stood up, where he announced that the deed was done and found that Twilight pulled herself out of her deep meditation without wasting time, to which she glanced at herself for a time.

"Okay, to be absolutely sure this worked, you need to power up like your transforming." Old Kai said, because that was what they had done when Gohan was done with his power boost and it had been substantial, to the point where he had been sure that Super Buu would have fallen to the hybrid's power.

Twilight stared at them for a few seconds before doing so, where Frieza and the others watched as she took on an older form that she never used anymore, her Rage Form, though before Old Kai could frown at her they found that it's power was far greater than what they expected, especially with the white mixed into her aura. Aria was the first to realize what she had done, instead of allowing her potential to be unlocked in a way that granted her a brand new form, one that might cancel out or invalidate her demonic forms, Twilight had, in fact, used her meditation to meld the Potential Unleashed form into all of her existing transformations. If that was the case it stood to reason that both her true transformations, as in her Dark Form and her Demon Goddess form, were going to be far stronger than what they had seen previously, which meant her strength was in a whole new realm and that there were only a few individuals who stood a chance of bringing her down. It also explained why she wanted some training partners, as she wanted to see how this power felt so she could get used to the feel, likely to help her out in the future, so facing off against her family meant that they could all grow as a whole, instead of only one getting all the power.

As Aria took her place in front of Old Kai, so he could get started on her, Twilight floated off towards another area that was within range of where the Kaioshin were stationed while being a fair distance away so they didn't endanger them, though as they landed Twilight reverted back to her base form and focused on her family.

Frieza found that the method of training right now was simply attacking her, as she wanted to see if her speed had gotten any faster, though he and his brother found that her ability to dodge had grown thanks to the ritual, as she seemed to weave in and out of their blows without being touched. It made sense to Frieza, as he had no real training so his power had remained the same, while his father and Cooler had done some every now and then over the years, but even with all of that in mind they were unable to touch Twilight, showing her skills as a veteran of combat. After some time she made a chance to how she approached the fight, as at this point it was her against her father, uncle, grandfather, mother, and her uncle, where Twilight moved around and delivered light punches to an area that someone had failed in, to correct their postures or how they were attacking. The training, as they discovered, was more for them and not for her, even though all of this did give her an idea of just how much power she actually had thanks to the ritual, but for the time being she was far more focused on correcting their movements, punching and kicking when openings were revealed, and simply letting time pass as Aria had her own potential unleashed.

After probably an hour of doing that, however, Twilight stopped all of a sudden and Dabura socked her in the side of the face, though she wasn't annoyed, it was her fault for faltering, rather she was focused on three temporal cracks that had formed near their position, much to their surprise. This was different from what Twilight or the Supreme Kais of Time had used in the past, even the method that the Demon sorcerers used wasn't like this, as it seemed like the cracks had been formed quickly, due to an emergency, before they burst open and an individual appeared from each one. The one right in front of her, from where Twilight landed, deposited a purple skinned hairless cat creature, anthropomorphic like her and those who used her TF Foods, who was skinny, though he seemed to be around eighteen and wore some sort of red attire that looked like it might be that of a god. A white furred anthropomorphic rabbit girl, with blond hair, came out of the rift on the left, though she had a blue version of the cat's attire, while Twilight found a reddish skinned anthropomorphic lion, male due to the mane that actually formed spiked hair like a Saiyan's, who emerged from the right rift, though he had a pair of horns on his forehead, lined up perfectly with his eyes.

The lion individual was wearing a purple version of the odd godly attire, which seemed to be a collar and baggy pants with golden cuffs, not to mention brown pointed shoes, all while the girl had a binding around her chest, below the collar, and as Twilight studied them the cracks slammed shut.

"Ugh... where are we?" the rabbit girl asked, showing that they were just fine from their journey, in fact they were getting up as she said that, even though all three of them glanced around to check out the area that they had landed in, all while the Kaioshin were glancing their way to keep an eye on things.

"The Sacred World of the Kais. Who are you three?" Twilight answered, because right now she didn't feel anything from all three of them, meaning they had to be gods in some manner, and she wanted to know more about them before she did anything drastic, especially since they could be from one of the other timelines.

"I am Caser, and these are Shandy and Saria." the lion replied, gesturing to the cat when saying the former and the rabbit for the latter, even though all three of them were surprised to see her and her family standing before them, but before he or his companions could say anything else a larger crack appeared nearby, one that freaked them all out, "Oh gods no... She's coming!"

In that instant the other craft burst into another rift, opening the way between this timeline and another, though at first it didn't seem all too bad, as the figure that landed looked exactly like Twilight in her Demon Goddess form, but in the next moment she paused as the newcomer revealed herself. Her body wasn't like what Twilight's was, rather it was pink, just like Buu's was, while her clothing, for the most part, had remained intact, save for the Majin emblem that rested right on her belt, confirming the suspicions that were racing through her mind. In the next second she found that there was some difference between her and the beast, as her tail, while converted into the mass that made up Buu's body, was more like a dragon's, her wings were the same, and it looked like her legs and hooves had followed the same pattern. As the rift she had entered through closed the creature stood up and opened her eyes, revealing that, while they looked like Twilight's, the left eye was red, like Kid Buu's, while her right was violet, just like Twilight's, and her Ki was monstrous.

As the twisted creature smiled, freaking out the newcomers in the process, Twilight had a feeling that another fight was going to break out on this world and that this one would be far harder than anything she had encountered in the past, all while getting ready for what was coming up next.

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